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Maintenance station

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Diploma Design Maintenance Station with Brake System Diagnostic Area

Project's Content

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Additional information


1. Introduction

2. Calculation of the maintenance station

3. Heating system calculation

4. Calculation of ventilation system

5. Calculation of water supply and sewerage

6. Calculation of lighting system

7. Technical and economic justification of STO

8. Technological part

9.Specific section. Parts

10. Protection of labor

12. Patents

13. Conclusion

14. List of used literature


Services are the most important sector of the world economy. In developed economies, services account for 6070% of GDP. The development of this sector largely indicates the level of development of the economy, predetermines the transfer of material and labor resources to this section of the economy.

Traditionally, in our country, the service sector, for all its importance, was financed on a residual basis. Such an approach is ineffective in the context of a transition to market relations .

The effective development of society requires a harmonious and balanced

development of both material production and services.

The service industry has its own specifics. In the context of the transition economy, services have grown; it was in this area that new economic relations began to form; small and medium-sized enterprises based on private initiative have emerged. Global standards of service delivery have been introduced. A transformation of the system of social values ​ ​ gradually took place: from < < stepdaughter > >, figuratively speaking, Cinderella, who performed all the black, low-attraction, but necessary work, the service sector began to turn into a normal and quite prestigious sphere of activity, attracting highly qualified specialists and managers. The activities of service enterprises began to be carried out in conditions of quite tangible competition, and, as you know, competition is the way to progress. The improvement of the service sector allows not only to meet the growing needs of the population for these services, but also, as a result of feedback, to contribute to the development of those sectors of material production that produce products that need maintenance and repair.

The Russian service sector has to overcome the legacy of the past mentality about unobtrusive Soviet service. To this she will be called upon by life itself, competition, the desire to survive in competition. A significant role can be played by the use of world experience, such as pre-and after-sales service, information service, financial credit service, etc. However, the greatest effect can be given by the wide introduction of methods and models of analysis and forecasting of the functioning of this sphere in the service sector.

Conceptual models and methods of analysis of enterprises operating in the service market are known. The most common conceptual model of the service enterprise is the R. Norman model. Western practice uses methods and models for forecasting the demand for services (Swedish Lotz model, General Motors method). The Boston Advisory Group matrix method is used to analyze the enterprise in the service market. Various methods of service market analysis (market segmentation and differentiation, analysis of competitive advantages and strategies) have been developed. The PIMS manufacturing control method is widely used.

The basis of the forecast of demand for car services using the recommended simulation model is two scenarios for the growth of the passenger car fleet: optimistic and moderate. The first of them involves: an increase in car production of 4.1% in the period until 2008;

the average annual import of foreign cars of 450 thousand units, with 60% of imported machines being new; this scenario is based on: a forecast of the development of the Russian automotive industry until 2010, an assessment of the potential capacity of the foreign car market in the conditions of increased duties on the import of used foreign cars; expert evaluation of improvement of technical equipment of car service enterprises and quality of repair and preventive services. The second scenario is based on lower growth rates of domestic car production (3.1% per year), the average annual import of foreign cars of 300 thousand units. The rationale for the moderate scenario is as follows:

the growth rate of the automotive industry may be unstable, since the economy has not yet entered a phase of sustainable growth;

the development of domestic engineering is associated with the creation of joint ventures and well-known world automobile concerns. These are large projects and it is projected to create several joint projects with Toyota, General Motors and other major world car manufacturers by the end of 2006;

the potential capacity of the foreign car market may not be realized due to insufficient solvent demand from the population; the result of a decrease in real cash incomes will most likely be a reorientation of the population towards the purchase of cheaper domestic cars.

When developing the forecast of demand for car service services for the period up to 2007, the trends revealed in the retrospective analysis of the growth of the fleet, its species and age structure, the dynamics of the volume of car service services are taken into account. At the same time, in an optimistic version, the concept of improving the quality of car service services in accordance with the trends identified during retrospective analysis was adopted. In a moderate scenario, it conditionally stabilizes at the level of 2003, taking into account inflation.

Forecast calculations of demand for car service services showed that with the growth of the fleet in the period of 20012007, approximately by 25%, the demand for car service services increases by 1.8 times according to the optimistic option (with an improvement in the quality of repairs) and by 2.3 times according to the moderate option (with stabilization of the quality of repairs). The increase in demand for car services is due to an increase in the number of vehicles, as well as an increase in the cost of car services (cost inflation). The optimistic version of the development of car service facilities associated with improving the quality of repairs is characterized by a relatively small increase in the annual cost of repairing one domestic car and a decrease in the annual cost of repairing one foreign car. This confirms the earlier thesis that there is a feedback between the quality of repairs and the growth of the car market. High-quality repairs are provided by large and medium STOs. It seems that the state could stimulate large and medium-sized enterprises of the car service with its tax policy (for example, a progressively decreasing tax rate ).

Market Participants

Institutions of government regulating the market

Regulation of the automobile market is carried out through duties on the import of used foreign cars into the territory of Russia, which are regularly reviewed by the government and submitted to the State Duma of the Russian Federation for consideration. In this matter, one cannot fail to note the active activity of lobbyists of the domestic auto industry.


The automotive market of Russia is open and all the largest world manufacturers are really present on it. The products of Russian automotive industry enterprises face four groups of competitors in all segments of the domestic market.

Auto Service Master Plan

Avtopost car service is a modern technical repair station, a promising technical center presented in my diploma project will presumably be located in the industrial district of Almetyevsk at the intersection of Basic and Industrialnaya streets, a side layout relative to the streets.

The total area of ​ ​ the built building amounted to 1516.66 m2 the area of ​ ​ the adjacent territory of the STO is 151.2 m2. The car service is located at the intersection of Shevchenko Street and Stroiteley Avenue .

The immediate proximity of large enterprises of the city located on these streets, as well as the immediate proximity of garage cooperatives, form a high flow of road transport. Which will ensure the presence of a large customer base, and together with the quality, efficiency of maintenance and maintenance work and warranty service, allow us to gain well-deserved trust from private customers and recognition from our partners.

And a convenient territorial location, directly at the intersection of two streets reduces advertising costs, limited by the presence of colorful signage on the building itself.

There is also a residential sector near the service, which will add the necessary flow of cars, especially since our service operates in two shifts, this will allow us to help the client at any time.

Process part.

Purpose of the braking system

The braking system is used to reduce the speed and quickly stop the car, as well as to keep it in place during parking.

The presence of reliable brakes allows you to increase the average speed of movement, and therefore the efficiency in the operation of the car.

The braking system of the car has high requirements. It should provide the ability to quickly reduce speed and completely stop the car in various driving conditions. In parking lots with a longitudinal slope of up to 16%, a fully loaded car must be reliably held by brakes against spontaneous movement.

The modern car is equipped with working, spare, parking and auxiliary braking systems.

The service braking system serves to reduce the speed of the car up to a complete stop, regardless of its speed, load and slope of the road.

The parking braking system serves to hold a fixed car on a horizontal section or slope of the road.

The spare braking system is designed to smoothly reduce the speed of the car before stopping, in cases of failure of a full or partial working system.

The auxiliary brake system is designed to maintain the constant speed of the car; when moving it on protracted slopes of mountain roads, in order to reduce the load on the working braking system during long-term braking.

Each braking system consists of brake mechanisms that provide braking of wheels or transmission shaft, and brake drive of actuating brake mechanism. The brake mechanism may be wheel, transmission, drum and disc.

Consider the braking system using the example of the domestic car GAZ3102. Service braking system - with drum mechanisms (280 mm, lining width 50 mm), drive - hydraulic, axially separate, amplifier - vacuum, rear brakes - with pressure regulator. Parking brake - on the rear wheels, drive - mechanical. The spare brake is one of the circuits of the service braking system.

Procedure for removal and installation of brake actuator master brake cylinder

Withdrawal. Disconnect flexible hoses from the main cylinder and close the holes of hoses and connectors on the cylinder to prevent leakage of braking fluid from the tank and ingress of dust, dirt and foreign objects into the cylinder.

Disconnect steel pipes from the main cylinder. Remove liquid to wheel cylinders of front and rear brakes, before that remove nuts of tubes.

Remove the cylinder. For that remove nuts that attach to vacuum amplifier.

Disassembly. Remove the locking screws and remove all parts in the following sequence:

1 - cylinder housing;

2 - lock washer;

3 - connector;

4 - sealing gasket;

5 - sealing washer;

6 - piston locking screw;

7 - return springs of pistons;

8 - cup;

9 - pressure spring of sealing ring;

10 - O-ring;

11 is a spacer ring.

Repair. Inspect all parts, check gaskets for integrity, check spring for stiffness. If necessary, replace unserviceable parts.

Installation. In reverse sequence, lubricate the cylinder inner cavity with brake fluid *.

Connect flexible hoses to the main cylinder.

Connect the steel pipes to the main cylinder, which discharge the liquid to the wheel cylinders of the front and rear brakes.

Install the cylinder by screwing the nuts that attach it to the vacuum amplifier.


The maintenance station was designed. After the calculations I give the following results:

Calculation is given for 18 work posts, of which: 2 electrical equipment posts, 10 maintenance and maintenance posts, 1 bus assembly post, 2 washing posts, 3 body work posts.

Storage area = 260 m ² together with the store. Plot areas = 743 m ². Administratively - household premises = 513 m ². The total area of ​ ​ the building = 1668 m ². Number of personnel = 31 people on the first shift, 31 people on the second shift. Administratively - the managing staff of 38 people.

It follows from the calculations for heating that 19 steel pipes with a length of 8 meters and a width of 100 mm will be needed for the production workshop. For administrative and household premises, 333 cast iron sections will be needed.

From the calculations for lighting it follows that the workshop needs 66 fluorescent lamps with a capacity of 40 W each, for administrative and household premises it needs 40 lamps with a capacity of 40 W.

Of the calculations for general exchange ventilation, 6 fans with a capacity of 8.7 kW each, with a capacity of 1560-3600 m ³/h are accounted for. To remove exhaust gases, you will need 6 electric motors with a capacity of 0.159 kW, with a capacity of 430-960 m ³/h.

Return on business in 3.11 years.

Drawings content

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