Main Production Shop for Body Panel Stamping
- Added: 12.10.2014
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1) Facade
2) Plan
3) General Plan
4) Longitudinal section
5) cross section
6) wall cut
7) roofing and covering plan
8) wiring diagram
9) 6 nodes
TEP, Explanatory Note
Project's Content
архитектура промздание окончательный_recover000.dwg
Пояснительная записка.doc
Additional information
1. Initial data
2. Introduction
3. Description of the Master Plan
4. Volume and planning solutions
5. Design Solutions
6. Heat Engineering Calculation
7. Finishing works
8. Engineering equipment
9. Technical and economic indicators
10. List of used literature
Source Data
Shop Name: Main Production Shop
Barnaul Construction Area
Span dimensions: 24/24
Building length: 96 m.
Colon pitch: 6 m.
Workshop height: 12.6 m.
Crane lifting capacity: 5t, 25 t
Room humidity mode: normal
Ground freezing depth - 2.2 m
Outside air design temperature: text = -39 ° C
Heating period duration: zht = 221 days.
Average ambient temperature: tht = 7.7 ° C
Humidity zone - dry
Operating conditions A
Snow load area - IV
Wind load area -IV
Process - Body Panel Stamping
Degree of fire resistance - II
Degree of explosion - D
Crane operation mode - 2 K
In the construction of industrial enterprises, special attention is paid to design. When designing industrial buildings, it is necessary to take into account that according to the technological process and the associated internal regime, the nature and impact of external loads, as well as other operational features, they are in specific, and as a rule, in less favorable conditions than civilian buildings.
Production buildings of industrial enterprises are classified according to their specific characteristics, which provide for the purpose and belonging of these buildings to a particular industry (which is determined by the technological process), storey, number of spans, degree of fire resistance and durability, the nature of development, the manner of arrangement of internal supports, the drainage system and the type of internal transport.
The most important task of industrial architecture is the organization of the production environment in which the technological process proceeds.
The organization of construction production should be improved and the responsibility of design and construction organizations for the scientific and technical level of construction products should be increased.
The huge scale of construction and reconstruction of production enterprises requires the rapid development and improvement of construction equipment, the creation of progressive types of production buildings (including from light load-bearing and enclosing structures), an increase in the production of construction materials, a decrease in cost, a reduction in construction time, increased labor productivity, an improvement in the quality of construction and its further industrialization. The faster economical production buildings are put into operation, the greater the amount of construction can be at the same monetary cost.
Enterprise Master Plan Description
The site of the industrial enterprise should be divided into 4 zones:
1. pre-factory;
2. production main;
3. auxiliary
4. warehouse
Special attention is paid to the organization of entrances and entrances to the plant. At each entrance there is a checkpoint.
The main production area includes workshops separated by
the nature of production processes in individual groups:
The width of the roads is 3-4 m.
The master plan includes:
The following buildings are taken to the pre-plant zone:
Aisle building
Administrative and household building
Educational building
Dining room
Medical unit
Parking for employees both external and internal.
The following buildings are included in the production main zone:
Main Production Shop
Procurement shop
Painting shop
The following buildings are included in the auxiliary zone:
Mechanical workshop
Boiler house
The following buildings are taken to the transport and storage area:
Finished goods warehouse
Raw Material Warehouse
Improvement of the territory: enterprises create favorable conditions for work and rest of workers. The site has all types of green spaces (lawns, shrubs and high-trunk trees). There are also 3 fountains in recreation areas and benches with urns.
Technical and economic indicators of the general plan:
Building area - 21203 m2
Area - 58068 m2
Landscaping area - 5508 m2
Hard coating area - 31357 m2
Building density - 0.36
Greening coefficient - 0.1
Territory utilization rate - 1
3. Space-planning solution of the production building.
The variety of modern industries and, therefore, technological processes, in turn, determines the variety of space-planning and structural solutions of industrial buildings.
Starting with the design, first of all, it is necessary to study the production process for which the building is intended to be located, and then identify the requirements that it defines and which space planning and design solutions must meet.
However, depending on the type of production, that is, the characteristics of techno-
logical process, these requirements may be different. In some
in cases, security requirements may be decisive
air conditioning and air composition
(for example, for precision production), in other requirements. related to the provision of enhanced aeration (hot shops); in some cases, the dimensions of the products determine the required space (aircraft assembly workshops or shipbuilding ellings ).
In this course design, a building is set with a length of 96 m. In width, it is divided into 2 spans of 24 m.
Select column grid:
The building for the presence of lifting and transportation equipment is crane.
The step of columns is determined by the loading capacity of cranes and height of the building.
The pitch of the extreme columns is 6 m.
Farm lanterns:
Dimensions of lamps by trusses in this course design 36x12 m
The need for the installation of lights should be justified taking into account technological and sanitary requirements, as well as the natural and climatic conditions of the construction area.
The design of the lights is frame. Canopy frame consists of row of transverse frames resting on upper belts of trusses or beams of covering, and system of longitudinal connections. Frames of lights are made steel and fixed to bearing elements of coating by means of welding .
Canopy guard consists of cover, side and end walls. Coverings of lamps solve to similarly main covering of the building. The side walls of light and combined lights consist of three parts in height: the lower blind side, the middle glazed strip and the cornice. Glazed part consists of lampposts arranged in one or two tiers.
Water discharge from lights is designed as external. External drainage is arranged with canopy width up to 12 m with vertical glazing and up to 6 m. If the drainage is external, then in the appropriate places it is necessary to protect the building coating from damage by gravel backfilling flowing from the canopy with water by mastic or special concrete slabs.
Activities to ensure access for persons with disabilities
In accordance with SNiP35012001, the following measures are envisaged in the project for persons with disabilities and other persons with disabilities:
unhindered and convenient access of low-mobility visitors to the area of the designed building;
the building provides access (entrance) from the ground surface, adapted for low mobility visitors, for which there are ramps with a rated slope of not more than 8% and a width of not less than 1.0 m. Handrails at the ramp are located at a height of 0.7 m and 0.9 m, the handrail is continuous throughout the height. Along the ramp and wing there is a border with a height of 0.05 m to prevent slipping of the leg, cane, crutch or stroller;
door and open openings in walls have a width in purity of not less than 900 mm;
Doorways do not have thresholds and height differences, except for entrance doors with a threshold of not more than 25 mm;
the width of communication passages is not less than 1.5 m.
Structural solution of production building
Structural diagrams of industrial buildings
According to the structural scheme, industrial buildings are divided into three main groups:
with incomplete skeleton.
In this course project, an industrial building according to a full-frame structural scheme. Unlike civil buildings, industrial buildings are designed in the vast majority of cases on the basis of a full-frame structural scheme with non-bearing (curtain) or self-bearing panel walls.
In buildings with a load-bearing frame, the functions of individual parts and structures are clearly differentiated: all structural elements that are part of the building are divided into load-bearing and enclosing by the nature of static work.
Structural structures consist of vertical (or almost vertical) structural elements, columns or struts - and horizontal (or almost horizontal) structural elements - beams or girders.
It is this special 1group of elements, the only purpose of which is to perceive and transfer external loads to the base, that is the skeleton.
Frame bearing structures of single-storey industrial buildings consist of transverse frames and longitudinal connections between them.
Crosswise frames are most often formed from columns jammed in foundations, hinged to beams or trusses of the coating, which act as girders of frames.
The role of longitudinal links of the frame is performed by crane beams, special connecting structures, as well as slabs or flooring, rigidly connected to the upper belt of trusses or beams.
The frame perceives all permanent and temporary loads, and is also subjected to a complex of non-force impacts. Non-power impacts on structures caused by technological features of the air environment, in the form of heat shocks, high moisture content, the presence of impurities of chemicals, aerosols, etc. acquire a special character in industrial buildings. Therefore, for the framework, the most durable and durable materials are usually used - reinforced concrete (prefabricated or monolithic) and metal.
Reinforced concrete frame in the prefabricated version is used for most single-storey buildings of span and cell space-planning structure at the most common space-planning parameters and loads. The use of reinforced concrete structures under these conditions ensures a reduction in steel consumption by 50 60% compared to the steel frame.
Under various combinations of these conditions, along with a frame of steel structures, a mixed frame with reinforced concrete columns and steel trusses is also used, or vice versa.
Enclosing structures are designed solely to limit certain functional volumes, design facades, provide heat and sound insulation - these are wall, window panels, coating design, doors, gates. From a constructor's point of view, they are a load for the first group of structural members.
The significance of such designs is difficult to overestimate.
In construction, steel and reinforced concrete serve as similar materials. Their properties make it possible to concentrate huge internal forces in a small part of the total volume of the building, namely in the volume of the structure, and in an extremely small area, which is the cross-sectional area of the columns.
In this course project:
1. The general character of the building is one-story, crane.
2. Building layout - 96 * 48m plan; span 24/24m. At the ends of the building there are frames with a pitch of 6 meters for attaching external wall panels.
3. In longitudinal spans, the pitch of the columns is 6 m.
The frame is reinforced concrete .
Reference columns to layout axes:
at the ends of the building and to the transverse axis, the column reference is 500 mm;
in longitudinal spans "non-zero" binding to longitudinal axes - 250 mm.
The columns are selected by the height of the building, the lifting capacity of bridge electric cranes and the pitch of the columns.
The section of the load-bearing columns is selected depending on the crane equipment and the height of the building.
Reinforced concrete columns are accepted in all spans.
Columns are rigidly embedded in foundations .
Column pitch 6m. Dimensions 1000 × 500m, 1400x500 mm. All columns are intended for use when the top of the foundation is -0.15
Scaffolding columns are designed to perceive wind load and weight, wall filling. Transverse dimensions 250 × 250mm .
Wall panels three-layer 6-meter.
Reinforced concrete ribbed slabs 6 m long and 3 m wide.
7 . Engineering equipment
Water supply is carried out by connecting to a centralized city water supply system.
The building belongs to the II fire resistance group and is equipped with an economic-industrial-fire water supply, hot water supply, economic-industrial sewage.
The sewerage system shall comply with the requirements of the existing building codes for sewerage, external networks and structures, internal water supply and sewerage of buildings. Elbow mixers are provided for washing baths.
Utilities are represented by centralized sewerage networks.
The internal sewerage system of industrial and household wastewater is separate with independent releases.
The level of output of production effluents is equipped above the level of output of household fecal effluents.
Drain ladders are provided in production shops and washers.
At the end sections of the sewer horizontal branches, "breathing" risers are arranged to eliminate the suction effect during salvo discharges of waste water from the equipment.
Production equipment and washing baths are connected to the sewer network with an air break of at least 20 mm from the top of the intake funnel. All internal sewage drain receivers are equipped with hydraulic gates (siphons).
Heating from the own boiler house on the territory of the enterprise
Technical and economic indicators
Building area - Pz = 4752 sq.m
Working area - Pr = 4145 m2
Usable area - Pp = 4678 m2
Construction volume of the ground part of the building 78170.4 m3
• Plane coefficient Yu = 0.88
Volume coefficient Kg = 18.85
8. List of used literature
A. Shereshevsky "Construction of industrial buildings and structures."
L.F. Shubin "Industrial Buildings" vol. 5
R. I. Trepenenkov "Album of drawings of structures and details of industrial buildings"
S.N. Fedyakova. Methodological guidelines for the course project "Architecture of industrial buildings"
архитектура промздание окончательный_recover000.dwg
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