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Machining Shop Design


Course Design-Machining Shop Design - "Bearing Cover" Detail Outline, Shop Layout, Explanatory Note

Project's Content

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Additional information



1.1 Service purpose and part design

1.2 Selection of production type


2.1 Basic Process Analysis

part fabrication

2.2 Development of processing process


3.1 Production Program

3.2 Calculation of workshop equipment quantity

3.3 Equipment loading schedule

3.4 Calculation of the number of employees

3.5 Calculation of workshop area

3.5.1 Calculation of shop area

3.5.2 Calculation of auxiliary area of the workshop

3.6 Selection of the type of structure and main dimensions of the workshop

3.7 Building elements of the building

3.8 Selection of lifting and transportation equipment

List of literature

3.5 Calculation of workshop area

The area of ​ ​ the mechanical workshop for its purpose is divided into:

- production;

- auxiliary;

- office premises.

The calculations take into account only the production and auxiliary areas.

3.5.1 Calculation of shop area

The production area of the workshop is determined on the basis of the developed layout of all equipment, workplaces, lifting and transportation devices, driveways, etc.

The indicator determining the feasibility of using the production area is the specific area per 1 machine -, m2.

Specific area per 1 machine is taken from the interval of 1620 m2.

Main production area, m2:


where is the quantity of equipment.


3.6 Selection of the type of structure and main dimensions of the workshop

The production part of the building is one-story made of prefabricated reinforced concrete with metal bindings of window openings, made of a frame with a grid of columns 12 × 18 meters.

The building is one-story, rectangular in shape, with a hollow frame. This scheme is typical and provides a cost-effective solution to a building with full unification of prefabricated elements.

Main building parameters of the building in plan:

- Column grid unified 12 × 18 meters. Windows around the perimeter of the building are provided for natural light lighting in the building.

- Column spacing along capital walls (grid size) t = 6 meters.

- Height of span in section H = 12.6 meters.

- Span height to crane-beam H1 = 7.2 meters.

With a column grid of 12 × 18 meters selected, the width of the building is A = 72 meters.

3.7 Building elements of the building

1. Standard type foundation made of glass-type reinforced concrete.

2. The frame of the building consists of reinforced concrete columns and trusses of a spherical type floor with a length of 18 meters.

3. Walls and partitions form vertical fences of the building. The production part of the building has walls from betonokafelny reinforced concrete, an accessory - a bricklaying. Inside the partitions are made of brick.

4. The floors of the production part of the building perceive the entire load of the installed equipment. The floors have a composition: in the driveways - a non-rigid base of sand, a layer of concrete, metal sheets, the main floor - sand, concrete, coating with marble crumbs.

5. Sliding building gate. The dimensions of the spans are set depending on the dimensions of the rolling stock and equipment. For non-rail vehicles we take 4 × 3 meters.

6. The roof consists of prefabricated floorings laid on farms. Concrete bracing is laid on reinforced concrete slabs, and a water-insulating carpet of ruberoid layers is laid on it.

3.8 Selection of lifting and transportation equipment

The following equipment is used in the workshop:

1. Bridge cranes with a carrying capacity of up to 20 tons - for transporting equipment.

2. Crane-beams of suspended type with a carrying capacity of up to 1 ton - for transportation of blanks, parts and other cargoes. In the workshop, crane beams are located in each span.

Drawings content

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