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Low pressure gas pipeline to residential buildings per. Oktyabrsky from house No. 1 to house No. 25


Low pressure gas pipeline through the streets... Sections of FP, Seeker, COP

Project's Content

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Additional information


1 Volume Contents

2 List of main sets of working drawings

3 Attachments

4 Certificate of design documentation

5 General part

5.1 Basis of Design

5.2 Characteristics of the object

5.3 Data on approvals

5.4 Main Design Solutions

6 Gas supply

6.1 Gas Supply System

6.2 Gas pipelines and structures on them

6.3 Safety precautions

7 Construction structures

8 Gas supply system protection zone

9 Protection of the environment

10 Organization of Gas Management Service

11 Health and safety measures

12 Fire Safety Measures

13 Civil defence, emergency and protection activities

from terrorist acts

4. Certificate of design documentation.

4.1. Design documentation "Low pressure gas pipeline to residential buildings on the front. Oktyabrsky from house No. 1 to house No. 25; M. Gorky St. from house No. 3 to house No. 17; Youth street from house No. 17 to house No. 36; st. Shchetinkina from house number 24 to house number 40 in the village of Kolyvan NSO "

4.2. Low pressure distribution gas lines.

4.3. Customer:

Design assignment issued by the Kolyvan District Administration of the Kolyvan District of the Novosibirsk Region.

4.4.The project documentation was developed by Sibcomunenergo LLC, Novosibirsk.

4.5. The construction length of the low pressure distribution gas pipeline is 1323 m, including the following diameters:

D159x4.5 12 meters long;

D89x3.5 473 meters long;

D76x3.5 838 meters long.

4.6. The pressure of natural gas in the low pressure network is 150300 mm water.

4.7. Design gas flow Q = 236.6 m ³/h.

5.3. Data on approvals.

The main fundamental decisions on gas supply are agreed with all interested organizations.

The approved and agreed design documentation before the start of the construction of gas distribution and gas consumption systems, as well as the conclusion of the industrial safety examination, are submitted to the West Siberian Directorate of Rostekhnadzor. The construction of the gas distribution and gas consumption system shall be carried out according to the approved design. The construction quality shall be supervised by the author (under the contract with the design organization) and by the Customer.

7. Construction structures.

Construction structures: supports are made of steel structures and pipes.

Concrete works shall be carried out in accordance with SNiP 3.03.0187 "Earthworks, Foundations and Foundations," ensuring preservation of the natural structure of the foundation soils. Install supports simultaneously with concreting of foundations.

Welding of metal elements shall be performed according to GOST 528480 with electrodes E42 according to GOST 946775, weld height by the smallest thickness of welded elements. Paint all metal structures - two layers of primer GF021 as per GOST 2512982, - two layers of yellow enamel for external works PF115 as per GOST 646575.

Fabrication, installation and commissioning shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP Sh1875 "Metal structures. Rules of Works Execution and Acceptance "and SNiP Chapters 3.03.0187" Load-bearing and enclosing structures.

8.Guarding area of gas supply system.

In order to ensure the safety of the gas supply system, create normal conditions for its operation, prevent accidents and accidents, the organization of the protective zone of the designed gas pipeline is provided, developed on the basis of the "Rules for the protection of gas distribution networks" and Resolution No. 878 of November 20, 2000 on their approval, in accordance with the federal law "On gas supply in the Russian Federation." (No. 69FZ of 31.03.1999) Monitoring of compliance with these rules is entrusted to the gas pipeline operation service.

Gas distribution networks are classified as hazardous production facilities, due to the explosion and fire hazardous properties of natural gas.

According to Rules of protection of the gas distribution networks approved by the Russian Federation Government decree of 20.11.2000 for gas distribution networks the following security zones are established:

- along the routes of external gas pipelines - in the form of an area limited by conventional lines passing at a distance of 2 meters on each side of the gas pipeline. It is forbidden to build buildings and structures, to carry out earthworks and road works in the protection area without written notification to the organization owned by this gas pipeline. The following restrictions shall be imposed on land plots included in the protection zones of gas distribution networks in order to prevent their damage or violation of their normal operation conditions:

• arrange landfills and warehouses, pour solutions of acids, salts, alkalis and other chemically active substances;

• fencing and fencing protection areas, obstructing access of personnel of operating organizations to gas distribution networks, maintenance and repair of damage to gas distribution networks;

• Fire and place fire sources;

• Pounce, attach and tie foreign objects, stairs to supports and above-ground gas pipelines, fences and buildings of gas distribution networks;

• unauthorized connection to gas distribution networks.

9. Environmental protection

The damage to the environment caused by the implementation of the project is related to the construction and operation of the gas pipeline. During operation, the gas pipeline in normal condition does not have sources of pollutant emissions. One-time emissions are related to:

with leaks of gas pipelines and valves and equipment installed on them. Gas leaks into the soil or atmosphere are temporary;

- with gas pipeline blowing down to complete displacement of air during its commissioning;

- repair and preventive works related to disconnection of certain sections of the gas pipeline from the gas network;

- accidents in gas pipelines (mainly as a result of accidental damage by various machines and mechanisms and possible rupture of welds).

However, given the short-term emergency situation, the presence of automatic monitoring of the state of the gas pipeline, the presence of emergency services, etc., the situation will not entail any serious consequences.

Along the gas pipeline route, cutting down green spaces is not provided.

During the construction period, the object of influence will be land falling into the gas pipeline construction zone. It is planned to restore the violated improvement of the territory of the land plot.

During the construction of the facility, industrial waste is formed (cutting metal, pipes, during welding work - used electrodes).

Metal waste is collected in containers and transferred to Vtorchermet enterprises. The reed used is collected and disposed of at an enterprise renting equipment for construction. Construction debris is removed from the site to the landfill constantly during the construction and installation work.

It is forbidden to use faulty machines and mechanisms that pollute the ground when working with fuel and lubricants. Filling of fuel and lubricants mechanisms shall be performed centrally by construction mechanization control, which supplies equipment for works .

Protection of water and soils is not required due to the fact that pollution of water and soils by the addition and operation of gas pipelines does not occur, since construction equipment is refueled at city gas stations .

During the construction and operation of the gas pipeline, environmental pollution is reduced to a minimum.

10. Organization of the gas economy service.

Maintenance, maintenance of gas equipment, valves, gas pipelines of the facility shall be in accordance with the requirements of the "Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems" (PB1252903), the industry standard "Technical Operation of Gas Distribution Networks, Basic Provisions. Gas distribution networks and gas equipment of buildings "(OST15339.3-051-2003), instructions of gas equipment manufacturers. This type of work shall be carried out by organizing a special gas service or concluding an agreement with an organization having this service for constant technical supervision, repair of gas equipment, performance of gas hazardous works and readiness to take measures at any time to prevent or eliminate accidents during the operation of the gas supply system. The operation of the gasified facility should be carried out by the gas service, the personnel of which should be trained and certified in accordance with the established procedure, have the necessary material and technical base, operational documentation, personal protective equipment necessary for the repair work, a license of Rostekhnadzor of Russia for the operation of a dangerous production facility. The operation of the gas farm should be carried out in accordance with the "Regulation on Gas Service." The gas service is developing a "Plan for the localization and elimination of accidents," which reflects interactions with civil defense and emergency services. The section provides for the mandatory conclusion of the owner's agreement with the emergency rescue formation .

The operation of the gas facility should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 116 of 21.07.97 "On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities," Federal Law No. 69 of 31.03.99 "On gas supply in the Russian Federation" Art. 30-34.

12. Fire safety measures.

For the purposes of fire protection, the design provides for an above-ground installation of cranes to disconnect individual sections of the gas pipeline in the event of a gas leak. At the intersection of the designed gas pipeline with the power line, measures are provided to protect the gas pipeline, a distance of more than one meter. In places most dangerous for damage, the installation of tablets with an inscription is provided. "Flammable - Gas." The explanatory note of the project defines the conditions for the safe operation of the gas farm.

13. Measures for civil defence, emergency situations and protection against terrorist acts.

Elimination of local emergency situations (accidents) is carried out under the contract by forces and means of specialized emergency and rescue formation.

The "Accident Localization and Elimination Plan" is developed by the person responsible for the gas industry. The plan should include:

- procedure for notifying people of the danger,

- rescue and evacuation of people and equipment,

- specific actions in case of damage to various sections of gas pipelines, equipment, etc.

- distribution of duties in the gas service,

- A list of persons who should be immediately notified of the accident and how to notify them.

Design documentation was made in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 42012002, SNiP 11.0195, RD 15339409101, "Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems" PB 1252903. The technical solutions adopted in the working drawings comply with the requirements of the Federal Law "On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities" in the field of protection of the population and territories from emergency situations and ensure safe operation of the gas pipeline for life and health of people, subject to the measures provided for in the working drawings.

Prior to construction, the design documentation must be agreed with the operating organization of the gas industry in terms of checking its compliance with the issued specifications, approved by the customer, and the object must be registered with the Department of Technological and Environmental Supervision of Rostekhnadzor in the Novosibirsk Region.

The construction of hazardous production facilities should be carried out according to approved projects, subject to the organization of technical and author supervision.

Drawings content

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