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Kinematic diagrams of turning-screw cutters

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Course project. Drilldown. design of the tool adjustment.

Project's Content

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Additional information



General characteristics of the machine

Machining capabilities of the machine

How to install workpieces on a machine

How to Secure a Cutting Tool to a Machine

Measuring tool

Structural diagram of the designed machine

Calculation of processing modes

Electric motor selection

Kinematic calculation of the main motion drive

Select kinematic structure of the drive

To Create a Structural Grid

Plot Rotation Speeds

Determining Gear Gear Numbers

Calculation of drive elements

Preliminary Shaft Calculation

Calculation of gear modules

Sizing Gears

Calculation of V-belt transmission

Verification calculations

Refined Shaft Calculation

Selection of rolling bearings

Spline Connection Check

Test of key joint strength


List of literature used


The metal cutting machine and machine module are the basis for the construction of modern technological systems and industries, including flexible ones.

It is difficult to imagine more diverse machines in terms of size, design, technical characteristics and operating principles than metal cutting machines. When creating them, all the achievements of machine and instrument engineering, electrical and electronics, automation and computer science are used.

The constant search for new solutions to achieve precision, performance, reliability, economy and other consumer requirements leads to a frequent change in machine models, to the continuous emergence of competing designs. An advantage is gained by a company that provides higher technical characteristics and expands the technological capabilities of the machine and machine system, guarantees the preservation of the quality indicators of the machine throughout the entire period of operation and produces a new operable structure as soon as possible.

Therefore, the creators of new technology should use all the achievements of machine science, analyze trends in the development of machine tools, widely use automated calculation and design methods, To have a methodology for making the right decisions to achieve the desired objectives, use the experience gained, quickly apply reference materials and standards, find optimal ways to ensure the highest technical characteristics of the machine models created, and above all, of quality, reliability and performance at the lowest cost of time and rational use of funds.

In this course design, several machines of close sizes were analyzed and their technical characteristics are given. The main technical characteristics of the designed machine are calculated. According to the obtained data, the number and values ​ ​ of speeds are determined, the number of teeth is selected, a graph of rotation numbers is plotted, and a kinematic drive scheme is compiled. After all calculations, a kinematic diagram of the designed machine is compiled. On the drawing of the academic year project kinematic schemes of machines of model 16K20, 1A616 and the designed machine, and also schedules of numbers of turns of above-mentioned machines are represented

1. General characteristic of the machine.

1.1 Machining capabilities of the machine.

- turning of relatively small parts from various materials: longitudinal turning, groove cutting, billet cutting, trimming of ends, turning of conical surfaces, thinning of holes;

- drilling, drilling, coredrilling and deployment of axial openings;

- cutting of metric, inch, modular and pitching threads by the cutter;

- thread cutting by thrower, slip.

On the machine it is also possible to make processing of preparations by methods of superficial plastic deformation, such as rolling, a raskatyvaniye, etc.

Processing is carried out both with quick-cutting, hard-alloy tools and tools equipped with CTO and mineraloceramics.

The machine is used in individual and serial production.

The following cutting tool is used on the machine:

1. Cutters: through, bore, groove, cut, undercut, threaded, shaped, etc.;

2. Axial tool: drills, countersink, flat pattern, ticks, rams.

1.2 Methods of installation of workpieces on the machine.

Installation on centers. It is used for shafts, drums, cylinders, as well as for various blanks fixed on mandrels. If blank end face is clipped from the side of the rear head, a half-center is used. Blanks with hole are installed on centers of increased diameter with cut apex of cone (fungal centers). The use of the corrugated center makes it possible to fully treat the smooth shaft on the outer surface and trim both ends at the blank, since the treatment is carried out without a lead.

Small-diameter billets are mounted on opposite centers using conical chamfers on outer surface. Torque transfer during finishing of such blanks is possible without a lead.

Blanks with large diameter hole are installed on centers by means of plugs and crosses. Installation on plugs is performed with accuracy 0.03 - 0.1 mm, on welded crosses - with accuracy 0.2 mm.

Installation in the cartridge and in the rear center. It is used in the case of processing of blanks of large diameter and length, in the absence of a center hole on the side of the front head. Installation accuracy in self-centering cartridges 0.05 - 0.1 mm; when using a four-cam cartridge, the installation is carried out with adjustment of the position of the blank on the side of the cartridge by height and beating with an accuracy of 0.05 mm.

Installation in cartridge and on fixed lunette. It is used to process the hole and end of the workpiece, as well as the section of the workpiece located between the lunette and the cartridge.

Installation in centers using a mobile lunette. It is used in processing of non-rigid blanks.

Installation in cartridges. Used to process small workpieces. Installation in self-centering cartridges is carried out without reconciliation with accuracy of 0.1 mm; in split bushing or non-heated cams - 0.03 mm; in four-cap cartridges with adjustment by outer diameter and end face - with accuracy of 0.05 mm.

Installation on end or center mandrels. It is used to treat workpieces with a hole with high requirements for the location of bases and machined surfaces. The mandrels are smooth with a gap, conical, cam, ball, roller self-wedging, collet, with hydroplast, elastic elements of the corrugated type, with interference, etc.

Installation on a tablet. It is used for processing of blanks of complex shape (levers, body parts).

1.3 Methods of fixing the cutting tool on the machine.

Cutting tool is fixed with:

- when turning, slotting flutes, a piece, undercutting of faces, cutting of a carving a cutter - in the four-position reztsederzhatel;

- during treatment of axial holes:

a) when drilling, drilling, coredrilling, deployment, cutting of a carving the tap - in the back grandma;

b) at thinning: holes d < 70, l < 150, l/d < 5 - with a cutter fixed in the support; at d > 70, l > 150, l/d < 5 - a cutter fixed in a boring mandrel; at l/d > 5 additional support is installed in the spindle; with l/d > 10, bore heads with guide blocks are used.

1.4 Measuring tool.

Calipers are a universal measuring tool designed to measure external and internal diameters, lengths, thicknesses, depths, etc., allowing you to obtain a fractional fraction of a millimeter;

Micrometers. They are used to measure the external dimensions of blanks and threads with an accuracy of 0.01 mm;

Micrometric nutrometers (Shchichmas). They are used to measure the internal dimensions of billets with an accuracy of 0.01 mm;

Indicators. Designed to check the accuracy of lathe assemblies, install pre-machined parts, check beating, ovality, taper cylindrical surfaces;

Calibers - scale-free measuring tools used to limit deviations in size, shape and mutual arrangement of surfaces: caliber-holes, caliber-brackets, cone-caliber-plugs and calibrators, threaded calibers;

Templates: threaded, radius.


Course design is an important component of the educational process. During course design, students acquire experience in solving practical problems independently, study modern designs of technical devices and trends in their development, acquire skills in using computer equipment in solving problems. Work on the course project is a process that allows students to show their creative abilities, intuition and fantasy, since decision-making in projects is little connected with the use of materials and components.

During the course work, manuals on the course design of metal cutting machines of many technical universities in Russia were used, as well as materials issued by the publishing house of PSU named after S. Toraigyrov. The material described in them can be used in the implementation of individual and complex, purely educational and real projects. The manuals provide the basis for designing the main drives, feed drives, traction mechanisms, guides and other mechanisms and devices of modern machine tools and machine systems .

During the course design, a structural diagram of the designed machine was selected based on the analogue and prototype machine, processing modes were calculated on the designed machine, and an electric motor was selected. A kinematic calculation of the drive of the main movement of the designed machine was also made: the kinematic structure of the machine was chosen, a structural grid and a graph of rotation numbers were built and the number of gears was determined. Further, calculations of the drive elements and verification calculations were carried out.

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