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Kindergarten kindergarten with 280 seats


Kindergarten kindergarten with 280 seats
- Description
- Compass Drawings

Project's Content

icon Архитектурно-строительная часть1.doc
icon Чертеж11.bak
icon Чертеж11.cdw
icon Экспликация.docx

Additional information

General characteristics of the designed building

Project Nursery garden for 280 places in Voronezh on site No. 10, section of well No. 10, dimensions of the building in axes 31.800X 60.00 ( m).

The height of the building is + 7,500. Degree of fire resistance 2, durability 2. The house has premises, the explication of which is given in the explanatory note of this project.

Site Plot Plan

Plot plan of the site is shown on sheet 1 of the project, scale 1:500. Section dimensions: 87.20 * 114.00 m. The explication of buildings, structures and sites placed on the master plan are summarized in a table and are presented on sheet 1 of the project.

Secondary driveways are designed for pedestrian and transport communications between buildings and the main street. Footpaths are made of asphalt concrete mixture, access roads for car traffic are made of asphalt

The percentage of landscaping is sufficient to protect against wind.

Construction is carried out on site No. 10, in accordance with the design assignment. To the designed building, engineering networks and communications are carried out from existing networks.

The absolute elevation of the clean floor is 132.30 m.

The width of the sidewalk is 1.2m.

The width of the main road is 6 m.

The relief of the site is calm with a decrease from the Southeast.

Space Planning Solution

The building is 2 storeys. On the ground floor are designed:, bedrooms, undress, group, kitchen with washing, billet, dispenser, poster, medical room,. On the second floor, the following are designed: reception room, group rooms, bedrooms - garden groups, group room, music and gymnastics room, methodological room. Floor height 3.3 m.

Voluminous - planning solutions of the apartment: a country house, floors are connected by an intra-apartment staircase.

Dimensions along the main axes 31.80x 60.00, building height - 6.700mm, external walls - 510mm, fire resistance degree - II

Building engineering equipment

Water supply (B1). Economically - drinking, from the street city network. The entry into the building is designed underground below the ground freezing level (1.5 m) ~ 1, 7 m, with a street inspection well at a distance of 5 m from the designed building. The network is routed by risers with a diameter of 15 mm, and the supply from the risers to the consumers (mixers s shower units, toilet packs, heating boilers), at a height of 1.2 m from the floor level. Hot water supply is carried out at the local level from the KChM-2 gas copt.

Sewerage system (K1). Waste centralized, in the street city network. Entry into the building is designed underground at a distance of 1.7m from the ground layout level, with a street observation well at a distance of 6 m from the designed building. The network is routed by risers with a diameter of 100 mm, and the supply with a diameter of 50 mm from the risers to the consumers (wash, wash basin, bath, toilet), at a height of 0.07 m below the floor level.

3 Heating - central water supply from external source with coolant temperature of 15070 0С. Heat removal is designed from pipes with a diameter of 50 mm and section type radiators (the number of which is determined by thermal calculation).

4. Gas supply. Centralized low pressure, in the form of natural

gas. Access to the building, by air, g) 0L & walls of the building

Entry into the building - through the walls to the control gas flow meter. Further

distribution is carried out to consumers (gas boiler, seams).

5. Ventilation. Natural-type plenum, through windows, doors, ventilation channels (270 x 140 mm) in the zone of several rooms (sanitary units, kitchen, fireplace) around a separate riser of ventilation channels and chimney.

6 Power supply. Centralized, from the network "Gorenergo" AC 220/380 V. The entry of power networks into the building is carried out underground (cable entry). Internal wiring is carried out hidden, wires in ebonite or glass tubes are placed in the grooves of the step (embedded in the solution), in the layer of plaster or behind the plinth. The whole system is protected by a machine in the form of traffic jams.

Plumbing systems for the project are located in the concentrated

7. Radio broadcasting network. The building is equipped with an internal distribution network from the city radio broadcasting network.

8. Television. To watch television programs in the building, a television network is equipped. Television antennas are installed on the roof.

Drawings content

icon Чертеж11.cdw


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