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Internal water supply and sewerage of the car dealership (VK)

  • Added: 14.08.2014
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The project is developing internal water supply and sewerage of the car dealership. The volume of the car dealership is 14593.8 m3. Fire hazard category - D. Storey - 3-storey.

Project's Content

icon БалансАвтосалон.doc
icon ВК П3вар.dwg
icon ВК ПЗ.doc

Additional information



1. Introduction of pages

2. Source data pp

3. Water supply per page

4. Domestic sewage system

5. Storm sewage system

6. Sewerage production page

7. Required heads of lines

8. Adopted design decisions pp

9. KiP and automatics pp

10. Balance of water consumption and water disposal Appendix

11. Plumbing Plans and Diagrams Appendix

on 6 sheets

12. Equipment Specification Appendix

on 1 sheet


The internal water supply and sewerage section of this project has been implemented taking into account the following requirements:

SNiP 2.04.0185 * "Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings";

SNiP 2.08.0289 * "Public buildings and structures."

SNiP 31052003 * "Public administrative buildings."

SP 401022000 "Design and installation of pipelines of water supply and sewerage systems from polymer materials";

Source Data

2.1. Basis of design:

- design contract;

- technical assignment for design - Appendix No. 1 to the design contract;

- set of architectural and construction drawings;

Water supply

The project is developing internal water supply and sewerage of the car dealership. The volume of the car dealership is 14593.8 m3. Fire hazard category - D. Storey - 3-storey.

As per item 5 of Table 1 [1] fire extinguishing is 1 jet - 2.6 l/s.

Design Decisions Adopted

8.1. Cold water supply system

The source of cold water supply of the car dealership building is the internal network of farm-drinking water supply. A combined farm system was designed in the building. potable and fire-fighting water supply. Number of fire cranes 10 pcs. One Dn 50 mm input is designed. Water metering unit with counter 20 on the power supply line and counter 40 on the fire and backup line is installed at the input via the album CIRV 02A.00.00.00 sheets 20.21

In the building of the car dealership, the fire flow rate is 1 jet 2.6 l/s. Single fire cranes Du 50 mm with hoses 20 m long are accepted for installation. Fire cranes are installed in fire cabinets equipped with fire hoses and two fire extinguishers.

Watering cranes for watering coatings and green spaces are installed along the perimeter of the building.

Main pipelines and risers of domestic fire water supply are made of steel water and gas galvanized pipes according to GOST 3262-75, wiring according to the standard. assemblies are made of polymer pipes of import production with permanent joints. The circuit is dead end.

Pipelines are laid open along walls in thermal insulation from mineral wool cylinders coughed with aluminum.

8.2. Hot water supply system.

Hot water supply is carried out from an individual heat station. Closed circuit of hot water supply with forced circulation was applied.

Circulation is provided by supply line and risers.

Groups of hot water supply risers are combined into sectional units. Balancing valves are used to link circulation flow rates. Main pipelines and hot water pipeline risers are made of steel water-gas galvanized pipes according to GOST 3262-75, wiring according to san. assemblies are made of polymer pipes of import production with permanent joints. The circuit is dead end.

Pipelines are laid open along walls in thermal insulation from mineral wool cylinders coughed with aluminum.

8.3. Household sewage system.

Drain of the choke. domestic effluents are produced by gravity into the site's domestic sewerage network for three releases of 100 mm Du. The exhaust part of the sewer riser is brought over the roof to a height of at least 300 mm. Network of hoz. domestic sewage system is made of imported plastic sewage pipes. The releases are designed from low pressure sewage pipes - analogues of the Pragma pipe.

8.4. Production sewage system.

The production sewer is designed from imported plastic pipes. The issue is designed from low-pressure sewage pipes - the analogue of the Pragma pipe. For ventilation of the system, a riser is used, reaching a height of at least 500 mm above the level of the roof. Discharge of effluents from process loads is performed with jet rupture of at least 20 mm.

Instrumentation and Automation

The project provides for a number of measures to automate the operation of the water supply system in the following volume: each fire locker has a button to transmit a fire signal to the control panel in the security room and automatically open the gate valve with an electric drive on the fire reserve line.

Drawings content

icon ВК П3вар.dwg

ВК П3вар.dwg