Integrated Road Transport Enterprise Project

- Added: 08.07.2012
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Additional information
1. Purpose and structure of the designed enterprise
2. Enterprise Process Calculation
2.1 Calculation of production program for maintenance and repair of rolling stock
2.2 Determination of the number of production workers
2.3 Determining the number of auxiliary workers, drivers, engineers and employees
2.4 Calculation of maintenance posts, OM, diagnostics and maintenance of vehicles
2.5 Calculation of number of waiting places for maintenance, maintenance and storage of rolling stock
2.6 Calculation of areas of production premises
2.7 Calculation of storage areas
2.8 Calculation of areas of administrative-domestic and public premises
2.9 Calculation of rolling stock storage areas
3 Organization of maintenance process and TR of buses in ATP
4. Rationale, calculation and description of planning solutions
4.1 Automotive Plant Master Plan
4.2 Volumetric - planning solutions of ATP buildings
5. Project Feasibility Study
6. Process description in the developed department, equipment selection, area calculation, labor protection
7. Special task
List of literature used
The main task of road transport is the full, high-quality and timely satisfaction of the needs of the national economy and the population in transportation at the lowest possible material costs and labor resources.
The solution of this problem requires the predominant development of public road transport, increased cargo and passenger turnover, strengthening the material and technical base and concentration of vehicles at large motor transport enterprises, and improving the maintenance and repair of rolling stock.
The existing growth of road transport facilities determines the faster pace of development of road transport compared to its other modes. It should be borne in mind that of all modes of transport, road transport is the most labor-intensive and phonodomous, and the cost of the national economy for road transport exceeds the cost of all other modes of transport combined. Labor and material expenses for maintaining the rolling stock in a technically serviceable condition are significantly and several times higher than the cost of its manufacture. Thus, for the standard service life of a medium-capacity truck, the approximate structure of labor costs as a percentage of total costs is:
• maintenance and maintenance 31%;
• overhaul of cars and units 7%;
• car manufacturing -2%.
To a certain extent, high maintenance and maintenance costs are associated with the lack of a production and technical base of vehicles or a lag in its growth from the growth rate of the rolling stock fleet.
An analysis of the production and technical base of motor transport enterprises shows that its condition in many cases does not correspond to the normative level: the low level of provision of motor transport enterprises with production premises, the level of mechanization of maintenance and repair processes. The production and technical base of motor transport enterprises in its development lags behind the requirements determined by the change in the structure of the fleet of rolling stock. In addressing the issue of improving the production base and adapting it to the needs of dynamic vehicles, the improvement of the design of motor transport enterprises, including the construction of new ones, expansion, re-construction and technical re-equipment of existing motor transport enterprises, should occupy an important place. Therefore, the theme of this project is the development of a motor transport enterprise for 248 PAZ3205 buses with detailed development of the maintenance zone.
Computer functional
Unassembled diagnostics
Functional non-disassembly diagnostics of technical condition of power supply systems. It is implemented by measuring its performance and computer data processing. Modern versions of the system use a compact element base and automated computer processing of information. Based on built-in diagnostic models, all faults frequently encountered in the TPA are guaranteed to be recognized. According to indicators of TPA performance parameters, indirect diagnostics of electronic CS elements are possible.
Versions of such diagnostic devices were previously created at GOSNITI and other organizations. These include: systems based on vibration diagnostics (for example, "Harvest"), systems based on the recording of instantaneous fuel pressures at the inlet to the nozzle and the outlet from the TNVD (or from the nozzle). An example is the diagnostic complex created at MSTU named after N.E. Bauman, with the SAMAS interface. Abroad, similar diagnostic complexes are produced in small series. However, in such systems, the interpretation of information, the recognition of defects are complex, the results are insufficiently stable, reliable, and informative. Therefore, this type of diagnosis is still the least popular.
Functional diagnostics cannot be replaced by the self-diagnostics function built into the BC (para. 6.1), mainly because the self-diagnostics function, based on the analysis of electrical signals, controls the BC elements (sensors, actuators), and not the most important TPA units (TNHD, nozzles) themselves. Thus, these diagnostic tools are complementary, often implemented under different conditions and not competing.
Traditional diagnostic and control methods.
Element-by-element check of the components of BC and TAP is performed, as a rule, on disconnected units using various equipment and tools.
Specialized benches are used for complex inspection of LPT. For the measure, we give the Russian-made EDSTESTER model DD1 (KI15711M). This is a universal stand that allows you to adjust all grades of high-pressure fuel pumps (HPVs) of diesel engines of domestic and foreign production. DD1 stand is equipped with a set of brackets for maintenance of foreign-made TNVD. The EDStester is used to test and control the distribution type of diesel injection system with Electronic Diesel Control (EDS) manufactured by BOSCH. In this system, the distribution-type TNVD is controlled by an on-board computer, and not by a mechanical regulator, as in earlier systems. If the HPV is controlled on the test bench, the control functions are performed by the EDStester, which also measures the feedback signal from the HPV. The solenoid regulating the injection advance angle is also controlled by the EDStester. The EDStester is used to test the EDS HPLC, both equipped with a resistive sensor and an inductively coupled sensor. EDStester in its functions fully corresponds to the complex of devices EPS 865 and EPS 91 0 of BOSCH.
Full testing of the control unit is available only to a narrow circle of specialists and repair centers. Among the available methods for monitoring the functioning of the control unit is checking for the presence of zero ground potential and power supply voltage at the input to the unit. The maximum of simple measurements can be considered the measurement of control voltages supplied by the control unit to the actuators. It should only be borne in mind that the opening of these circuits or the simple disconnection of the load at the operating unit is contraindicated. In addition, the control signals may have a variable magnitude and a constant time voltage (enough analog or digital tester to measure them) or a pulse shape (cathodic oscilloscope is required). However, on the other hand, the failure of the control unit is the least likely cause of many other, simpler ones. It is much more fruitful and easier to look for more likely and prosaic malfunctions.
OG recirculation system is checked by disconnection of bypass pipelines, measurement of voltage on the electric drive of the valve, its own electrical resistance or supply of test voltage (12V), visual control of actuation.
Serviceability check of starting filament candles circuit is performed by voltage control on supply bus. Serviceability of candles is determined by touch, measurement of their resistance by ohmmeter (nominal resistance is about 1 Ohm, if the resistance is less than nominal - short circuit to the housing, if more - the candle "burned out"), presence of a spark during removal and dressing of the supply bus. Since candles, especially Japanese cars, require careful handling, it is sometimes more convenient to remove the nozzle next to the candle that causes doubt and try to see the candle in the cylinder through the nozzle cup. An alternative way is to pour 10 into the cylinder... 15 ml of engine oil, scroll the crankshaft with a starter (i.e. "spray" the candle with oil), and turn on the power of the candle. At that smoke of smoldering oil must be visible. Do not only overheat candles, drinking them for a time more than 15... 20 s (Japanese - 10... 12 s). The same applies to the new Bosch Duraterm candles, warming up to 1200 ° C in 1-2 s. More easy to handle candles with spirals from ferrocobalt (CoFe) in a capsule with heat-conducting ceramics from magnesium oxide (MgO). They warm up to 850 ° C in 4 s, but thanks to self-regulation they are not afraid of overheating. At the same time, they are more economical due to the heating of only the tip directly protruding into the combustion chamber.
Electric valves of LPT (disconnection of supply, adjustment of supply and CMF) can be checked visually by turning out of the housing, and electrical resistance can be monitored.
The coolant temperature sensor is monitored at the standard seat or in a test vessel with heated water by changing the resistance at several control temperatures (in modern sensors, the resistance decreases more often with temperature).
Crankshaft speed (position) sensors are inductive, but their serviceability is again monitored by active resistance (using direct current) - usually it is slightly less than 1 kOhm. The same applies to the nozzle needle lift sensor, but its normal resistance may be lower.
The filament candle control unit is essentially an electric power amplifier, so its serviceability is controlled by measuring the voltage at its input and output (must be present or absent at the same time).
The accelerator pedal sensor, depending on the pedal position, must have a resistance from 1 kOhm to several MOHm.
In addition to the above-described elementary checks of components of electronic BC using multimeters, oscilloscopes, etc., the use of so-called simulators is possible. These devices allow you to connect instead of a component and simulate its operation for the duration of the test.
When looking for faulty peripherals, it should not be forgotten that one of the most common failures, especially during winter operation on the "salty" streets of cities, is a violation of the conductivity of connectors. Do not neglect the simplest fuse check.
Troubleshooting of su and tpa elements by diesel performance indicators (functional diagnostics with expert assessment).
The undeniable advantage of this approach is its versatility, integrality of assessment, speed, non-requirement for special equipment, accessibility. The disadvantage of the method is the ambiguity of the diagnosis, the requirements for the qualification of a person .
To assist the operator to facilitate troubleshooting based on practice and analysis of work processes, the tables contain logical algorithms grouped by characteristic disruptions of the diesel engine. Table 7.3 for example shows the algorithm of element-by-element search of the failed unit in case of a characteristic malfunction: difficult starting of the heated engine (cold starting).
During the course design, according to the task, ATP for 250 MAZ103 buses was designed with detailed development of the fuel equipment repair department. In the course design process, we got acquainted with the purpose and structure of the designed enterprise, made a technological calculation of the enterprise, where we solved such problems as substantiation and adjustments of the initial data, calculation of the production program for maintenance and maintenance of cars, calculation of the number of workers, drivers, ITR, selection of the method of maintenance organization and calculation of maintenance, TR, D posts; calculated the areas of industrial, warehouse and administrative-household premises, the storage area of buses. We got acquainted with the organization of the technological process of maintenance and maintenance of cars, the composition of the current service, the general organization of the technological process, and the organization of administrative communication of technical service units. They made a technical and economic assessment of the enterprise.
We got acquainted with the organization of the technological process in the department for the repair of fuel equipment, picked up and rented the equipment. In a special task, methods and means of diagnosing diesel equipment were studied.
In the graphic part, we showed planning solutions: the master plan, the main production and maintenance zone, as well as graphs and tables in accordance with the theme of the special task.
In the process of course work, theoretical knowledge on the design of motor transport enterprises was applied and fixed in practice.

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