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Individual residential building in Ulyanovsk


The project "Individual residential building in Ulyanovsk" consists of the following sheets: Sheet 1: Basement plan at elevation -2.520 (M1: 200), Specification of window and door openings; Sheet 2: Floor Plan at Elevation 0.000 (M1: 200), Space Explication; Sheet 3: Floor Plan at Elevation 3.080 (M1: 200), Floor Schedule, Notes; Sheet 4: Floor Plan 1st Floor (Wooden Floor) (M1: 200), Wood Floor Product Specification, Notes; Sheet 5: Section 1-1 (M1: 100), Section 2-2 (M1: 100); Sheet 6: Roof Plan (M1: 200), Sling System Product Specification, Notes; Sheet 7: Nodes; Sheet 8: Plan of cast-in-situ slab by floor slab (ground floor), Slab reinforcement diagram, Slab section 1-1, Slab section 2-2, Slab element specification; Sheet 9: Facade A-E (M1: 200); Sheet 10: Elevation E-A (M1: 200); Sheet 11: Facade 1-5 (M1: 200), Facade 5-1 (M1: 200) The project includes an explanatory note with the number of pages - 17 with all the necessary calculations (heat engineering calculation, calculation of the rafter system, calculation of masonry volumes from the porotherm, lining calculation.

Project's Content

icon Individ._jiloi_dom.dwg
icon PoyasnZap (Arhitektura).docx

Additional information


List of drawings of the main set

General part

Architectural and planning solutions

Structural diagram of the building

Technical and economic indicators









External Wall Heat Engineering Calculation

Defining Stair Dimensions

Specification of precast reinforced concrete elements

Specification of Opening Infill Features

Specification of rafter system components

Residential Building Engineering Equipment

List of literature

General part

The project for the construction of an individual residential two-story residential building with a basement on the street. Michurina in Ulyanovsk was developed on the basis of a task for comprehensive design. The basis is an individual project.

Detailed drawings of the construction part of an individual two-storey residential building with a basement floor have been developed for construction in a climatic area with the following physical and geographical indicators:

design winter outside air temperature 190C;

standard wind flow rate 0.38 kPa;

standard weight of snow cover is 1.3 kPa.

The detailed design drawings are designed for the following conditions:

fire resistance rating of the building - III;

building liability class - II.

Geological structure: vegetation layer: 0.3m, soil thickness 2.53m, loam - 2.4m, coarse sand: 2.8m. Groundwater with respect to normal density concrete is weakly aggressive.

The building is equipped with: hot and cold water supply, sewage, heating, ventilation, gas pipeline, electric grid, low-current networks.

The construction decisions adopted in the project, the organization of production and labor correspond to the latest achievements of Russian science and technology and progressive specific indicators.

Architectural and planning solutions

Basement height: 2.570m

The height of the first floor is 2.970m.

Height of the second floor: 2.800m

The designed building is single-block, three-story, supported by transverse and longitudinal bearing walls and has the following overall dimensions in plan:

length 14.076 m

width 10.580 m.

The following are designed in the basement:

Boiler room (17.37m2), billiard room (41.6m2), relaxation room (25.7m2), dressing room (7.86m2), shower (4.03m2), sauna (6.77m2), sanitary unit (2.92m2), utility room (26.3m2), corridor (24.3m2);

The following are designed on the ground floor:

Tambour (4.57m2), entrance hall (22.9m2), living room (60.08m2), kitchen-dining room (34.06m2), guest (21.83m2), sanitary unit (3.96m2), dressing room (3.16m2), terrace (28.3m2)

The following are designed on the second floor:

Hall (31, 09m2), bedroom (17, 37m2), bedroom (22, 19m2), bathroom (3, 64m2), dressing room (4, 03m2), dressing room (5, 53m2), bedroom (35, 65m2), bedroom (19, 81m2), sanitary unit (3, 28m2), bathroom (2 m 4)

The composition and areas of the apartment premises have been decided in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.08.0189. All rooms in the apartments are isolated, with sanitary and technical hubs and storerooms, stairwell with natural lighting

3.2.1 Structural diagram of the building

Structural scheme: arceless with bearing longitudinal and transverse walls made of ceramic brick.

Spatial rigidity of the building is provided by conjugations of external walls with internal walls, with floor slabs resting on these walls and attached to them using reinforcement anchors. The seams between the floors are frozen with mortar, therefore, in the aggregate, the structure of the floor floor forms a rigid horizontal disk, which increases the spatial rigidity of the building.

The height of the building is 10.680 m. The height of the basement is 2.550 m.

Description of accepted structures

3.3.1. Bases

In the designed building, the foundation is made in the form of a cast-in-situ reinforced concrete slab 300 mm thick. The foundation foot elevation is located below the ground freezing depth elevation, which protects the building from horizontal and vertical movements and does not lead to excessive precipitation of the building and, accordingly, deformations of building elements. The brick walls of the basement floor at elevation -1.250m are supported by reinforced concrete external and internal walls, 1.75m high. To protect the structure from capillary moisture penetration, a horizontal waterproofing device of two layers of waterproofing on bitumen mastic is provided. Vertical waterproofing is made of hot bitumen mastic, coated in 2 times .

3.3.2. Walls

The external and internal walls, starting from the first floor, are made of ceramic brick. According to heat engineering calculation, external walls have thickness of 640mm, internal walls - 380mm, partitions - 120mm. The exterior walls have a 520/120 mm reference.

Internal walls are 380 mm thick. Central reference 180/180.

The basement walls are arranged as follows: starting from the foundation slab to the elevation - 1.250m, the building wall is accepted as reinforced concrete, 400mm thick, from the elevation -1.250mm to the basement ceiling - brick, ceramic walls, external walls thickness - 640, internal - 380mm. In the place where the brick wall rests on reinforced concrete walls, it is coated with waterproofing to prevent capillary moisture from penetrating into the brick walls. Outer surface of wall is coated in 2 layers with bitumen mastic.

3.3.4. Overlappings

Slabs are structural and enclosing structures of the building. They must meet the requirements of strength, durability, sound insulation and fire resistance.

According to the project, the floors are made of monolithic reinforced concrete slab with a thickness of 160mm from heavy concrete of grade B20 .

To ensure spatial rigidity of the building, embedded parts in panels and support structures are attached to the bases of the plate by welding.

Welded joints are cleaned from slag and ground with 100 grade solution.

3.3.5. Floors

Floors in the basement - ceramic tiles (boiler room, corridor, dressing room, shower room, sauna, sanitary unit, utility room) and parquet boards on the substrate (billiard room, recreation room) for cement sand mortar and bracing, respectively.

Floors of the first floor - ceramic tiles (tambour, entrance hall, living room, kitchen room, dressing room, sanitary unit); parquet boards on the substrate (guest, living room).

Floors of the second floor - parquet board on the substrate (hall, two bedrooms, sanitary unit, 2 dressing rooms, 2 bedrooms), ceramic tiles (sanitary unit, bathroom).

3.3.6. Ladders

According to the project, reinforced concrete monolithic stairs are accepted. Selection of stair elements is performed by calculation.

Prefabricated elements are interconnected by nails.

The length of the flight of stairs is 3430 mm, the width of the stairs is 1250 mm.

Marches have treads of 300 mm, risers of 150 mm.

3.3.7. Apertures

Wooden windows paired according to GOST 1121486. External doors - wooden as per GOST 2469881. Internal doors - wooden as per GOST 6629-88

All types are listed in the Window and Door Schedule table. Location, number and size are determined taking into account the number of people; view of the building. Doors consist of boxes representing frames fixed in doorways of walls, partitions and webs suspended on door boxes. According to the number of canvases, single-floor doors are designed. By position in the building: internal and external.

On sheet No. 1 of the architectural and structural part, the floor plans indicate the positions of the elements for filling the doorways. An opening infill feature specification has been compiled .

3.3.8. Roof

The roof is rafters with a drain. Roof covering - metal lining. Main roof features:

Layered rafters, the main elements of which are rafter legs made of sawn timber with wood humidity < 23%. Rafter elements touching the walls are antiseptic and insulated with 2 layers of toll.

Rafter legs rest on wall bars - mauerlat with a section of 100x100 mm. In the center of the rafters are supported by a system of braces with a section of 150x150 mm, which in turn rest on a bed of 150x150 mm laid on a supporting wall structure.

The rafter legs are tightened by a twist of wire, firmly fixed by a neck or a turned bracket in the wall or mauerlat, which provides a spatial roof structure.

Ventilation of the attic space is carried out by installing ventilation units on the roof.

The water drain is external with an outlet to the pavement.

3.3.10. Finishing

Exterior decoration - the walls are plastered with high-quality decorative plaster in mesh and painted with PVC compositions.

Interior trim:

ceilings - high-quality plaster and whitewash are provided in the basements; in vestibules, hallways, corridors, kitchens, living rooms and a bathroom - plaster finish.

walls - in basements the improved plaster is provided, in platforms, halls, corridors, halls, living rooms and bedrooms over the improved plaster wall-paper of different types, in bathrooms and kitchens - facing by a ceramic tile on a layer of the improved plaster is glued.

Residential engineering equipment:

- water supply - centralized, hot from water heater, with circulation in risers

Internal water supply systems include: entrances to the building, water metering unit, dilution network, risers, supply to water collecting devices, water collecting, mixing, shutoff and control valves.

The designed building has a basement, therefore, an inlet, a water metering unit and main pipelines are located in the basement.

Water supply - drinking water from the external network .

Heating systems - a set of technical elements designed to receive, transfer and transfer to all heated rooms the amount of heat necessary to maintain the temperature at a given level.

Design parameters of the coolant in the heating system of a residential building 10570 С. The heating system is single-tube, dead end flow with U-shaped risers. Laying of supply and return lines is provided in the basement, RSG radiators 2 are used as heating devices.

- Gas supply - liquefied gas pipeline from existing group unit. In kitchens, 2 and 4 gas stoves are installed.

- Ventilation - designed with natural motive, except for the kitchens of the 2nd 3rd floor, where the installation of fans is provided.

Air is drawn through channels of ventilation units.

- Sewerage - common to the city network with installation in apartments: baths, washbasin, washes and toilet.

- Power supply - via hidden wiring system, voltage in 220V network.

Drawings content

icon Individ._jiloi_dom.dwg
