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Exchange rate project of a shopping center in the city of Ulyanovsk


Exchange rate project of the shopping center. Drawings: floor plans, elevations, roof plan, functional zoning and gene plan. Explanatory note with calculations

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I. Section

1. Landscape and climatic analysis of the territory

Laboratory Work No.

2. Architectural and compositional analysis of the building area

3. Impact of increasing factors of the construction site

Laboratory Work No.

Laboratory Work No.

II. Section

4. Preliminary calculation of the size of the territory and functional zones of the city

Laboratory Work No.

5. Calculation of the design balance of the territory


Bibliographic list


Fig.1 Topographic plan of the area

Fig. 2. Terrain Reference Plan

Fig. 4. Profile diagram of the area under investigation

Figure 5 Pattern of terrain analysis

Figure 6 Scheme of natural-territorial characteristics of the area

Figure 7 Diagram of planning limitations of terrain

Fig.8 Diagram of structural-spatial and visual analysis of the landscape

Fig.9 Proposed structural framework of the city plan

Figure 10 Option of locating a settlement in the built-up area No.

Figure 11 Option of locating a settlement in the built-up area No.

Figure 12 Option of locating a settlement in the built-up area No.


Currently, the construction of public buildings in megacities and small towns has been widely used. Public buildings are the main structural elements of the development of the citywide center and the centers of urban areas. Together with transport highways and a network of street and pedestrian routes, they create the planning structure of the city. Designed to meet the social needs of people, they reflect the level of social, cultural and technological development of the era in which they were created.

This course design covers the sections related to the design of public buildings. It includes architectural planning, spatial and structural solutions of the designed object. It is envisaged to use structural schemes, technical and economic indicators of the building, building materials, external and internal decorations corresponding to the practical purpose of this structure, technical and economic, territorial and climatic conditions.

In the process of work, natural conditions are considered, on the basis of which the plot plan of the site on which this building is located is developed. Drawings were completed: main, courtyard and side facades, plans for 5 floors, functional zoning and plot plan diagram. Also in this work, the issues of finishing the building and engineering equipment were resolved.


Summing up the implementation of this course project, I want to note that the designed facility ˗ the Shopping Center in Ulyanovsk, has been developed according to all the required norms and rules for the construction of public buildings. Based on the climatic conditions of the construction area, the most optimal option was identified and all calculations were made for all sections. The building belongs to 2 categories of capital and, when properly operated, will serve for about 50 years according to SP [2].

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