ICE Disassembly Bench Design - Drawings
- Added: 30.08.2014
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Project's Content
2 ПУНКТ гот.doc
Анализ конструкций.CDW
5 Пункт экономика.doc
БЖ (лист мой).bak
БЖ (лист мой).cdw
Главная стойка.cdw
Регулируемая стойка.cdw
Спецификация монтажный.spw
Спецификация СБ 01.spw
Спецификация СБ02.spw
Стенд для разборки сборки ДВС.cdw
1 ТЭО 1.doc
Лист 1 ТЭО.cdw
Additional information
1 Feasibility study of thesis project topic
1.1 Brief description of OJSC Chelyabinsk Tormet
The Chelyabinsk Joint Stock Company was created on the basis of the Vtorchermet production association in 1999.
The main activities of the joint-stock company are:
- collection, purchase, processing, sale, import and export of scrap of ferrous and non-ferrous metals;
- production, sale, import and export of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy products.
In the process of operation, the enterprise significantly expanded the field of activity. Currently, the company carries out the following activities:
- production and sale of consumer goods, industrial and technical products;
- Scientific and technical activities;
- development of design documentation for construction, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of production;
- design, manufacture and repair of lifting facilities;
- steel production in electric furnaces;
- development of documentation on operation and repair of facilities;
- Construction of industrial and social facilities;
- Transport of passengers and goods;
- Agricultural activities.
The company includes 22 branches located in all districts of the Chelyabinsk region. The composition of OJSC Chelyabinsk Tormet includes:
- workshops of the main production (procurement and processing);
- auxiliary units (railway, motor transport, electric, power, mechanical repair, repair and construction shops);
- breaking shops;
- scrap processing shops.
Currently, Chelyabinsk is equipped with a powerful specialized scrap processing, lifting equipment and an extensive car tractor fleet. The number of employees at the enterprise, including branches, is about 1.5 thousand people.
Conclusions and proposals
After analyzing the production and economic activities of the enterprise for 20112013 years, it can be concluded that during the analyzed period the costs of maintaining the technical serviceability of the ICC of this enterprise increased significantly. This was due to rising prices for repair materials, increased wage costs, as well as the aging of rolling stock.
Currently, the quality level of repaired machines is at an insufficiently high level. As a result, the company needs to constantly monitor the quality of repairs and carry out measures to improve them.
The following reserves can be used to improve ICC performance:
- improving the organization of maintenance and repair of rolling stock, in order to reduce downtime in repair;
-use of diagnostic works.
The purpose of the diploma project is to increase the efficiency of car use and repair by developing a maintenance and repair workshop.
Objectives of the diploma project:
- calculate labor intensity of repair and maintenance works and required number of workers;
- distribute repair and maintenance works during the year for uniform loading of the workshop;
- develop optimal technological layout of the workshop;
- design development;
- calculate technical and economic indicators of developed technical solutions.
Анализ конструкций.CDW
БЖ (лист мой).cdw
Главная стойка.cdw
Регулируемая стойка.cdw
Спецификация монтажный.spw
Спецификация СБ 01.spw
Спецификация СБ02.spw
Стенд для разборки сборки ДВС.cdw
Лист 1 ТЭО.cdw
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