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Hotel with 30 seats

  • Added: 11.08.2012
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Additional information



1. Master Plan

1.1 Justification of placement on the construction site

1.2 Entrances and approaches to the building

1.3 Landscaping and landscaping

1.4 Conventions

2. Space Planning Solution

2.1 Purpose of building, peculiarities of functional process, main groups of rooms

2.2 Justification of mutual location of main groups and rooms, functional diagram

2.3 Main room normal

2.4 Volume and planning parameters

3. Constructive solution

3.1 Description of the structural diagram of the building

3.2 Description of structural structures, foundations, walls, floors, roof

3.3 Description of windows, floor, partitions, roof

3.4 Heat Engineering Wall and Coating Calculation

4. Architectural and compositional solution

5. Building engineering equipment


Appendix A. Bibliographic list


Hotels are designed for short-term accommodation, which determined the need for significant development in them of food systems, consumer and cultural services for guests. Such a large volume of premises established the intermediate position of hotels between residential and public buildings in the general classification of buildings. This, in turn, makes hotels one of the most complex designed objects, requiring a combination of different architectural forms for residential buildings (improved decoration of premises, cozy environment) and public ones (high ceilings, a specialized group of rooms for leisure, recreation, etc.).

All these qualities are possessed by this project. The capacity of the building is 30 seats. There are one-, two-, four-seater rooms.

General data on the construction site.

Geological conditions - calm relief, no groundwater, unpowered soils.

All thermal calculations were made in accordance with the following conditions:

1. Freezing depth for this area is 1.8m [1].

2. The air temperature of the coldest five-day period is 33 ° С [1].

3. The duration of the period with an average daily air temperature of -5.4 ° С is 231 days [1].

4. Design internal air temperature is 18 ° С [2].

5. Design humidity in the interior is 55% [2].

By functional purpose, the hotel belongs to a public building. Small-story (2 floors), made of small-sized elements (brick), hand masonry.

Building class - II

Degree of fire resistance - II

Durability Class - II

Capital Class - II

The building is equipped with the following sanitary and technical systems: central heating, supply ventilation, cold and hot water supply, sewage, electricity supply, low-current devices.

Master Plan.

1.1 Justification of location on the area of the designed building.

The plot plan of the hotel site is drawn up in accordance with the current norms and rules for the design of public buildings.

The building is designed in the system of comprehensive service of the population in accordance with the planning of the development of this city, as well as taking into account the creation of convenient transport communication with the city center and districts.

This building is located in a residential area of ​ ​ the city; according to the norms, it requires the allocation of an independent section of the corresponding area. The size of the land plot of the hotel is accepted according to [4] 0.6 ha.

In the adjacent territory, a parking lot for 20 cars, a residential building, small architectural forms: benches, urns are designed.

The facade of the building is oriented to the northwest. The designed building is located at a distance of 14 m from the red building line deep into the site.

1.2 Entrances and approaches to the building.

Since the hotel is intended for guests to relax, it should be protected from unnecessary noise from the main line and other noisy structures, so the hotel is located 14 m from the main avenue. There are two entrances to the building. Approaches to the building are carried out through the central entrance, located on the side of the main facade, as well as from the interior.

The hotel building is entered by:

1. through the front entrance and lobby in the central part of the building, for guests and guests;

2. through a side emergency exit, where entry is made only for hotel employees.

1.3 Landscaping and improvement of the site.

Landscaping is provided on the adjacent land plot of the hotel, free of buildings and asphalting. The minimum landscaping area is designed according to [13] at least 50% of the total land area. For landscaping, deciduous trees are used, as well as planting lawn grass. Landscaping works are provided according to [5] for IIB climatic area. Along the road of the 1st entrance there is an ordinary planting of deciduous trees.

Around the building, along its perimeter, there is a pavement (according to [4]), which fits tightly to the base of the building and has a slope of i = 0.03 (or 3%).


deciduous tree;




Constructive solution.

3.1 Structural system of the building.

The structural system of the building is determined taking into account the functional and technological processes occurring inside the building. A curtain system has been selected for this building. The structural diagram of the building is mixed with transverse and longitudinal bearing walls.

3.2 Description of main bearing structures.

3.2.1. Bases

-Surface structure transmitting the load from the building to the ground. Soils directly accepting loads from foundations are called bases. The base of the designed building is determined by engineering-geological and hydrogeological studies of the soils of the construction site. Based on these studies, data on the geological structure of soils were obtained. Soil freezing depth at the construction site (Kirov) - 1,8 m

Foundations are designed as piles.

Pile Specification





Weight units, kg



GOST 19804-91

Pile of can of C52.30


3.2.2. Walls.

The walls are laid out of ordinary (full) brick on cement sand mortar. Six-row masonry is used. The average thickness of horizontal seams is 12 mm. Modular brick full-body (the mass of one brick does not exceed 4.3kg) brand M100, dimensions 250x120x65 mm. Silicate brick is manufactured using autoclave technology.

The outer walls have a uniform structure and have a thickness of 2.5 bricks. Thickness of external walls 610 mm; internal - 380 mm. The outer walls are plastered on both sides by 20 mm.

The basement is made of well-burnt ordinary clay brick.

To cover window openings, reinforced concrete slab and slab reinforced bridges made of M200 concrete are designed:

1. 2PB29-4

2. 5PB30-37

To cover the opening in the inner walls, reinforced concrete straps are designed as slab and slab reinforced:

1. 5PB25-37

2. 5PB30-37

All jumpers are made according to GOST 94884; series 1.038.11, issue 1

Architectural and compositional solution.

In terms of volume composition, the building belongs to the frontal type.

The process plan defines characteristic characteristics associated with the architectural appearance of buildings. To harmonize architectural forms, such means as symmetry, scale were used - the elements of the building are harmoniously combined with the dimensions of a person. Architectural scale is a means of forming a composition and the artistic quality of the form.

The tectonics of the architectural composition is determined by the structural diagram of the building. Maintaining proportionate relationships between individual elements increases the architectural expressiveness of the building. The tectonics of brick systems is based on the identification of large divisions in the volume of the building, which, in unity with the elements of the wall, serves as an artistic means of composition.

The color solution is of great importance. This building uses a tonal combination without bright color accents. A properly selected color has a favorable effect on a person.

The building is built in the style of classicism (clear symmetry, rectangular shapes). Rhythm is used - alternating windows and spacers. The facade of the building is plastered.

Color solution made in cold tones

symmetry; emphasizes the unity and subordination of forms in an architectural com position.

rhythm.; the simplest rhythm is used - a meter; metric constructions are developed horizontally, alternating the same and single-character architectural forms (windows, protons).

nuance; ratio of central part to lateral parts.

scale; is expressed in comparison of the size of elements (doors, windows) with the size of a person;

color. neutralizes and highlights elevation elements.

Texture: peculiar quality of material. Expressed by drawing wall elements - its corrugated surface.

Engineering equipment of the building.

5.1. Heating.

Heating of club is projected water with parameters of heat carrier 9570 wasps with artificial circulation. Main pipelines pass above the suspended ceiling of the first floor. From them they lead risers to the sun. hubs in rooms and other consumers. Horizontal single-tube heating system with closing sections. The source of heat supply is the CHP of Kirov.

5.2. Water supply.

The source of cold and hot water supply is the city water supply network. Water supply - household drinking water. Household sewage is diverted to the city sewage network.

5.3. Drainage.

Drainage to the central city sewerage network.

5.4 Ventilation.

Ventilation of rooms ensures air cleanliness and necessary parameters of air-shower medium and microclimate in terms of temperature and humidity by removing excess moisture and heat from the rooms. The building provides for natural organized ventilation, carried out by supplying and removing air through special ventilation channels, or by opening windows and windows.



During the construction of the hotel, it is recommended to observe the points stated in the SniP,

especially in terms of the master plan. The hotel must be enclosed in rows of trees. The construction site can be replaced with another with similar climatic parameters.

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