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Heating Energy Metering Unit


Heat energy metering unit at the GVA in the ambulance building, TM, ATM, DBE

Project's Content

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Additional information

1. General part

1.1. Working project "Thermal Energy Metering Unit in the Emergency Medical Station Building," developed on the basis of technical specifications No. xxx of xx.03.10 issued by MUP

1.2. The working design was carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 41012003 "Heat networks" and "Rules for accounting of thermal energy and coolant."

2. Thermomechanical solutions

2.1. This project provides a heating heat energy metering unit in the emergency medical station building.

2.2. The flow converters are hot water meters with impulse output VSTN40 installed on supply and return pipelines.

2.3. Magnetic filters are installed in front of the counter on the supply pipeline and after the counter on the return pipeline. Filter cleaning is performed periodically at least 1 time every 6 months.

2.4. Before commissioning of thermal energy metering unit, heat insulation of pipelines in the commissioning unit room shall be performed. Before insulation, clean the pipelines from rust and dirt and apply an anti-corrosion oil-bitumen coating twice over the soil layer GF021.

2.5. Based on the performed hydraulic calculations, the additional pressure loss due to the installation of the thermal energy metering unit will not exceed 0.22 kgf/cm ².

3.Automatization of thermal energy metering unit

3.1. The design provides for installation of heat quantity calculator VKT7.01, which provides:

3.1.1. Measuring up to four flow rates and up to three water temperatures.

3.1.2. Use of BST and BST type flow transducers.

3.1.3. Monitoring of water temperature values in pipelines.

3.1.4. Calibration and verification using a computer.

3.2 A set of platinum technical difference thermometers is used to measure the temperature difference between supply and return pipelines.

3.3 Visual monitoring of temperatures is performed by mercury thermometers, pressure in pipelines - by pressure gauges showing MP4U type.

3.4 The computer is fixed on the wall next to the metering unit, sensors are mounted on pipelines.

3.5 Instruments of the metering unit shall be checked and protected against unauthorized interference in their operation, which violates reliable accounting of thermal energy, mass (volume) and recording of coolant parameters.

3.6. The estimated maximum relative error of measuring the amount of thermal energy at the thermal energy metering unit is 2.14%, which meets the requirements of the "Rules for Accounting of Thermal Energy and Coolant."

3.7. Information on the introduction of applied devices into the State Register of the SI of the Russian Federation:

3.7.1. BKT7.01 calculator, No. 2001700.

3.7.2. Counters of BCTH40 hot water, No. 1732498.

3.7.3. Set of thermal transducers KTSPN, No. 17925-98.

3.8. The heat meter was made by the organization ZAO Teplokom and meets the requirements of regulatory documents of the State Energy Supervision Committee of the Ministry of Energy of Russia, expert opinion No. 166TS.

Drawings content

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