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Heat supply of the settlement - Heat water diagram


Heat supply of the settlement

Thermal Water Diagram

Wiring Diagram

Master Plan

Project's Content

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Job Sheet

Centralized heat supply system


Heat consumption


Determination of design thermal loads on O, V, GW systems by enlarged indicators


Determination of heat loads on heating, ventilation and hot water supply systems

Control of heat release


Regulation of heterogeneous heat load


Heating system load heat release control


Control of heat release by ventilation system load


Control of heat release by load of hot water supply system


Total coolant flow rate

District heating systems


Determination of coolant flow rate by sections of the main line


Hydraulic calculation


Diagrams of connection of thermal consumers of buildings to thermal networks


Connection of heating systems to heating networks


Connection of HW units of buildings to heat networks


Complex connection of heating units and HW

APPENDIX 1. Design Heat Loads

APPENDIX 3. Heating load heat release control

APPENDIX 4. Control of heat release by ventilation load

APPENDIX 5. Control of heat release by WAN load

APPENDIX 6. Total flow rate

APPENDIX 7. Coolant flow rate by main sections

APPENDIX 8. Hydraulic calculation




Utilities include water supply and sanitation, gas supply and heat supply systems. Without any of these systems, human life deteriorates markedly. To date, the reconstruction program, first of all, as well as the construction of engineering systems, has received considerable attention in Kazakhstan.

The city's heat supply system serves to meet the needs of the population in heating residential and industrial buildings of the city, as well as to provide hot water supply and normal operation of the ventilation system.

Heat consumption is not uniform throughout the year, since it depends on the climatic conditions of the region. In this regard, the issue of regulating heat release is raised. Regulation is classified into several characteristics. It is individual, local and central depending on the place and qualitative, quantitative according to the principle of regulation.

The heat supply systems themselves also come in several types. By type of coolant: water and steam; by the number of pipelines of heat networks: single-tube, double-tube, multi-tube; centralization: centralized and decentralized; according to the method of energy generation: separate and combined; according to the method of supplying water to heating and water supply: open and closed, etc.

Thermal networks of modern urban systems include: compensators, thermal pipelines that perceive temperature extensions, pumping stations, heat stations, and control equipment.

In this course project, a centralized open two-pipe water heat supply system is considered. This means that the coolant of this system is water supplied from the thermal power plant to the city through a supply pipeline, which is used both for the needs of the city heating system and the hot water supply system, returning through one return pipeline to the CHP.

Centralized heat supply system

A centralized heat supply system is such a heat supply system that provides thermal energy to many consumers from a single heat source.

Rational district heating systems are associated with the heating process. Heating is a centralized heat supply based on the combined production of electricity and heat of low (coolant temperature up to 150 degrees) and medium (coolant temperature from 150 to 350 degrees) potentials at thermal power plants. Heat and power plant (CHP) operation is required for heat and power generation. An alternative to the heating process is the separate generation of electrical and thermal energy. In this case, electric energy is generated at condensing electric stations (CES), and thermal energy in other structures, namely in boiler houses of various capacities.

A feature of the thermal scheme of the CHP is that a significant volume of spent steam of turbines is used in the heater to heat the coolant - water returning through the heat networks from the city to the CHP .

Principles of rational energy saving during heating.

Combined generation of electric and thermal energy.

Centralized heat supply system.

Limitation to the possibility of implementing district heat supply - a large concentration of heat consumers is required (this means buildings and structures for various purposes), that is, a city is required.

Advantages of district heating.

Improving the ecology of the atmospheric air of cities and settlements. This is due to the fact that instead of a large number of small individual heat sources that are located in the city, a large source is operated. This is a CHP or boiler house, which is being built outside the city on the cherished side in the direction of the prevailing winds.

Possibility of efficient use of low-grade organic fuel (t = 15000C).

The possibility of practical implementation of flue gas cleaning (among other things, it is economically profitable).

Heat consumption

Thermal consumption by cities, settlements is conditionally divided into two groups:

- group of seasonal heat consumption;

- group of year-round heat consumption.

The year-round heat load is determined by the hot water supply system of buildings for various purposes, technological devices of municipal and industrial enterprises. Factors determining the year-round heat load include: the way of life of the population, the mode of operation of enterprises, the specification of equipment for the consumption of hot water in residential and public buildings. The nature of the year-round heat load is determined by the unevenness of heat consumption for the hours of the day and approximately uniform heat loads for the months of the year.

The group of seasonal heat consumption determines the need for heat for heating, ventilation, air conditioning, buildings for various purposes, cities of the settlement. Factors characterizing this group of thermal consumption: ambient climate parameters, advantages of outdoor air temperature. The nature of the seasonal heat load for the hours of day is constant, and for months unstable.

When performing general district heating projects in the heat consumption section, the following tasks can be solved:

Identification of maximum heat load of heat supply facility.

Plot heat consumption by hour of day.

Development of a schedule of heat load or heat consumption by months of the year.

Determine the duration of various heat loads or their total value for the heating season or for the year.

Identification of optimal coolant parameters for heat supply system.

As a calculated thermal load of heat supply, the maximum total load for all types of heat consumption or the maximum load for a separate building engineering system is most often taken into account.

In cases where it is not possible to determine the calculated heat load as the sum of heat loads for the projects of heating, ventilation and hot water supply systems of individual buildings, it is convenient to calculate based on the enlarged heat load indicators. The main initial parameter for the implementation of such an engineering method of calculation is the population - real or promising.

The estimated thermal load of hot water supply in residential and public buildings is determined using the values ​ ​ of the hot water consumption rate per 1 person. per day, rates of hot water consumption per person in a public building, cold water temperature, heat capacity of water.

The calculation of the need for heat per year for the heating system is carried out using the average heat load for heating, the average outside air temperature, and the number of days of the heating season .

The calculation of the need for heat per year for the ventilation system is carried out using the average thermal load for ventilation in the heating season, the number of hours of operation of the ventilation system per day.

The calculation of the need for heat per year for a hot water supply system is carried out using the average heat load per water, the number of days of the heating season, the number of days of operation of the district heat supply system per year, taking into account the shutdown of the system for preventive repairs.

Drawings content

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