Water supply and drainage of the settlement - exchange rate

- Added: 01.07.2014
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Additional information
1. Raw data -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2. Number of inhabitants in the locality ---------------------------------------------------------
3. Selection of pump operation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4. Determination of water tower volumes -------------------------------------
5. Water Tower Calculation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6. Capacity Definition of PCB -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7. Determination of required pump head -----------------------------------------
8. Selection of pumps -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9. Selection of motors -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10. Determination of pump axis elevation -------------------------------------------------------------
11. Selection of auxiliary equipment -----------------------------------------
12. Piping Pump Equipment Layout
and reinforcement -----------------------------------------------------------------------
13. Height of buildings of pump station building -------------------------------------------
14. Power supply of pump station ---------------------------------------------------------
15. Layout of auxiliary rooms ---------------------------------------
16. Bibliographic list -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1. Source Data
Perform the course design of the pump station of the II-th lifting of the system of domestic drinking and fire-fighting water supply of the settlement according to the following data:
1. The number of inhabitants is calculated.
2. The daily capacity of the pump station is 50,000 m3/day.
3. Water consumption schedule K = 1.3
4. Storey of the development of the settlement on the justification of the student.
5. The distance from the pumping station to the settlement is 4600 m.
6. The length of the suction water ducts is 50 m.
7. Length of pressure water ducts - according to the scheme.
8. The elevation of the earth's surface at the RChV is 0.00m.
9. The elevation of the ground surface at the pumping station is 0.00m.
10. The elevation of the earth's surface at the water station is 45.0 m.
11. The ground elevation at the fire point is 44.0 m.
12. The elevation of the design water level in the RChV is calculated.
13. Groundwater level elevation - 3.0m.
14. Ground freezing depth is 2.5 m.
15. The height of the water tower is calculated.
16. Number of pressure water pipelines - by SNiP.
17. Number of estimated fires - by SNiP.
18. Water flow rate per one fire - by SNiP.
19. Water consumption for own needs - 3.2%.
20. The cost of electricity is -----.
21. Voltage of supplied electric power -----.
22. The water tower is at the end of the network.
Selection of auxiliary equipment
To ensure normal operating conditions of the main equipment and structures of the pump station of the second lift, it is necessary to arrange various auxiliary systems, the composition and characteristics of which are determined by the type and process diagram of the main equipment installation. These include the pump filling system, drainage systems and lifting and transportation equipment.
1. Pump filling system. Pump equipment of the III lifting station is installed under the water level bay of the RCF receiving tank. The pumps are poured with water before their start-up by opening the gate valve on the suction line and the valve for air discharge at the upper point of the pump housing.
2. Drainage systems. To pump filtration water from the building of the pump station, which is leaked through the walls and bottom of the underground part of the building, construction seams and gland devices of the pump, drain pump units are used. For this purpose we accept submersible monoblock sewage pumps which are lowered into the pit.
To collect filtration water, usually at the end of the building, under the installation site, special drainage pits (wells) with a volume equal to the volume of 10-15-minute water pumping by drainage pumps are arranged. Water is supplied to the well by drain trays with a slope of the bottom equal to the slope of the floor towards the trays - i = (0.002 - 0.005).
Pumps are selected by catalog. We accept NAM "GNOM" 5025
GNOM - portable, vertical, submersible, drainage, monoblock, single-stage, centrifugal electric pump with built-in electric engine.
Designed for pumping out of basements, wells, trenches, pits, fresh clean or contaminated water with a density of up to 1100 kg/m3, with a solids content of suspended particles up to 10% by weight, size up to 5 mm, temperature up to + 35 С, and with an index "T" up to + 60 С.
Technical characteristics of NAM "GNOM":
Supply - 50 m3/h
Head - 25 m.v.
The sizes - 350х400х690
Weight - 100 kg.
Du1 – 100
Capacity - 7.5x3000
3. Plumbing system. Pumping stations of water supply systems are equipped with a domestic drinking water supply system. Water is supplied, as a rule, one input from the city water supply network.
4. Process control equipment. To ensure normal operation of the structures and main equipment of the pump stations, the installation of instrumentation is provided. The composition of instruments, their types, places of installation are determined depending on the main equipment of the station, the nature of its operation and the adopted control system (automatic, dispatching, local). The number of instruments shall be minimum but sufficient to control, monitor and eliminate accidents as quickly as possible. 5. Lifting - transport mechanisms. For installation and dismantling of equipment, a crane is installed in the equipment room - an electric support beam.
Technical characteristics of crane - beams:
Lifting capacity - 3.2t;
crane span - 22.5 m;
hook lifting height 6-36 m;
crane control - from the floor, radio control:
current and AC voltage - 380 V; 50 Hz.
Weight of lifted load is taken on the basis of maximum weight of equipment or fittings in assembled form.
6. Fire fighting equipment. In the pump station building, foam fire extinguishers are installed at the rate of three fire extinguishers per electric motor with a capacity of more than 100 kV.
Piping andValves Pump Equipment Layout
The total quantity of pump equipment installed in the station is determined by the sum of working and standby pumps and fire pump. The number of standby pumps is taken depending on the reliability class of the station and the number of operating units. 2 standby pumps shall be installed to the accepted number of working pumps.
Pump units are installed on foundations with mounting plate made on site from channels. Channel height makes 0.5-0.6 of pump suction branch pipe diameter. The dimensions of the foundation in the plan are taken to be 0.1 - 0.15 m more than the width and length of the mounting plate (3500 × 2000 mm).
Suction and in-station connections are installed from steel pipelines with welded flanges for connection with shaped parts and fittings. Pipelines are laid open above the floor with the arrangement of bridges to provide passages to the units and gate valves. Pipelines and valves are located on supports. Slash transitions are applied to horizontal runs when you move from one diameter to another.
Pressure line of each pump is equipped with shut-off valves and check valve. Check valve is installed between pump and gate valve. Shut-off valves are equipped with a mechanized control drive.
In the rooms of the engine room, prefabricated headers are arranged on suction and pressure pipelines and laid along the wall of the engine room. The diameter of the suction manifold is determined based on a flow pass condition of 0.7 Qns. Diameter of pressure manifold is taken equal to diameter of pressure pipeline. Valves are installed on headers and pipelines for switching of water supply, as well as for disconnection in case of Pump repair.
Location of pump units and pipeline equipment in the pump station building is performed taking into account reliability of equipment operation, convenience and safety of its maintenance. The equipment layout is made on the basis of the minimum length of in-station communications and taking into account the volume of possible expansion of the station in the future.
Arrangement of equipment in the plan of the engine room should be carried out taking into account the minimum permissible distances between units, fittings and construction structures, which are: between units with low-voltage motors -1 m, with high-voltage 1.5 m; between units and walls - 1 m, between units and distribution board - 2 m, between fixed projecting parts - 0.7 m. Distance of pipes to the unit foundation - 0.5 m, from flange connections to the wall - 0.3- 0.5 m. Dimensions of pump units are selected as per Table 5. Dimensions of pipeline equipment are given in Table 1 - 4, Annex 7. Calculation of HC engine room dimensions is performed in the drawing (Fig. 5)
Vacuum and drain pumps are installed against the wall.
The pump station has a rectangular shape, the length and width of which we take a multiple of the construction step -6 m.
Height of pump station building buildings
The underground part of the NS building is made of prefabricated reinforced concrete with a construction pitch of 0.6 m in height. The base of the building and the floor of the machine hall are a layer of preparation from gravel or crushed stone 0.10 m thick, on top of which there is a layer of concrete of grade 60 with a thickness of 0.20 m and a layer of asphalt of 3 cm, 5 mm wire mesh with a pitch of 20 cm. The outer surface of the walls of the underground part is covered with bitumen waterproofing 0.5 m above the level of pound water.
In order to reduce the size of the pump station building, the deepening of the engine room is taken equal to 2.4 m. This allows placing part of the equipment under the installation platform and balconies .
The upper structure of the HC is a conventional industrial building, which may have a frame or arceless structure depending on the weight of the mounting equipment and the volume of the HC supply. When the weight of the heaviest part is up to 5000 kg, a arceless structure is used. The building is made of brick, with a wall thickness of 1.52 bricks. Longitudinal paths of crane-beams are suspended from floor beams.
The roof of the building is formed by reinforced concrete slabs 300 mm thick, resting on floor beams. The roof is insulated by a layer of slag. The roll coating is laid on a cement crust 2-3 cm thick on top of the slag layer.
Height of the above-ground part taking into account dimensions of lifting and transportation equipment.
HBEPXH.CTP. ≥ (h1 + h2) + h3 + h4 + h5 + ho6op + 0.1 = 1.165+1.1+2+0.5 + 1.8+0.1 = 6.7+0.5 = 7.2 m.
where: h1 is the height of the crane monorail - beams taking into account the design of its attachment to the floor, or the height of the crane above the head of the crane rail m.;
h2 - minimum height from the hook to the bottom of the monorail or from the hook to the rail head, m.;
h3 - height of cargo slinging, m;
h4 - cargo height, m;
h5 - the minimum distance from the cargo to the floor or installed equipment, or from the platform of the rolling stock to the cargo, is taken equal to 0.5 m;
hOBOR.- equipment height, m;
0.1 is the minimum height distance from the floor bottom to the top of the beam or crane truck.
The height of the upper structure is determined taking into account the construction height pitch of 0.6 m.
Auxiliary Space Layout
Auxiliary rooms shall be provided in the NS building for arrangement of electrical facilities, control and repair works. The premises are located in the aboveground part of the building.
The installation site is used for repair of pumps and motors. Its dimensions shall ensure a passage not less than 0.7 m wide around the dismantled unit or vehicle installed on it. The length of the site is taken as a wound to the width of the HC building. Mounting platform is arranged in end part of machine hall. In this part of the building, a crow is arranged with the dimensions necessary for the entry of the equipment delivery transport.
The dimensions of the transformer chambers are accepted taking into account the minimum permissible distances in front of the doors - 0.8 m, to the wall - 0.6 m, to the ceiling - 1 m.
The room of high-voltage switchgears is directly adjacent to the chambers of power transformers. High-voltage control switchgear cabinets are installed close to the wall in one or two rows. Distance from cabinets to walls must be not less than 1.5 m, and height of RP rooms is more by 1 m of cabinet chambers height. Supply cables are placed under cabinets. Dimensions of the RP chambers room are determined based on the number of cabinets accepted according to the single-line power supply scheme and their sizes.
Separate exits to the outside are provided from transformer rooms and electric distribution devices of pump stations.
The control room is located so that it adjoins the machine room and there is a glazed window for visual observation of the operation of machines. The control seam consists of a set of free-standing panels, located conveniently for viewing, U-shaped or semicircular. Behind the seam there are passages with a width of at least 1 m, in front of the seam there is a free platform with a width of at least 1.8 m. The number of control boards and their dimensions are given in paragraph 13. According to these race data, the size of the control room is read.
The NS building provides for the placement of premises: a workshop with an area of 20-24 m; pantry with an area of 6-9 m, the room of the staff on duty and the repair team with an area of 1620 m2, a bathroom (toilet and sink).
Based on the results of room sizing calculation, drawings of the pump station plan and its two sections shown in Figure 8 are made.