Exchange rate project Gas supply of the settlement
- Added: 09.08.2014
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Project's Content
Чертеж ГАЗ.dwg
пояснилка газ.docx
Additional information
1. Gas field characteristics and determination of design thermophysical properties of gas
2. Determination of the estimated number of inhabitants
3. Determination of consumption of gas for consumer needs
4. Schedule daily and annual gas consumption
5. Gas network routing and hydraulic calculation of low pressure gas pipelines
6. Hydraulic calculation of high pressure gas pipelines
7. Hydraulic calculation of internal house gas pipeline
8. Furnace calculation
In this course project, a gas supply system of the settlement is being developed. Construction district - Bryansk.
To supply gas to all consumers, a gas distribution network is being built on the territory of the city, gas control points (GRP) are being equipped, control points and other equipment necessary for the operation of gas pipelines are being built. On the territory of cities, gas pipelines are laid underground, and on the territory of industrial enterprises - above the ground on separate supports, overpasses, as well as on the walls and roofs of production buildings.
There are two levels of urban gas supply systems - upper and lower. Accordingly, the first level is composed of medium (high) pressure gas pipelines, the second level is composed of low pressure gas pipelines. Low-pressure gas pipelines are designed to supply gas to residential, public buildings and consumer services. Medium and high pressure gas pipelines supply gas to large industrial enterprises and urban low pressure distribution networks.
According to the task we have:
• population density 327 people/ha;
• Proportion of people living in apartments with centralized hot water supply = 0.28;
• Proportion of people living in apartments with hot water supply from gas water heaters = 0.33;
• Proportion of people living in apartments without hot water supply = 0.39;
• Proportion of people using bath services = 0.45;
• Percentage of people using dining facilities = 0.28;
• Number of beds per 1000 inhabitants in hospitals = 8 units;
• Proportion of people using mechanical laundry services = 0.45;
• production of bakery products per 1000 inhabitants 0.7 t/day;
• gas consumption for industrial enterprises of the settlement: PP No. 1 (builds. materials) - 8000 m3/day, PP No. 2 (soap) - 8300 m3/day, PP No. 3 (flour mill) - 10700 m3/day;
• gas pressure: after GVC - 0.7 MPa, at consumers - 0.35 MPa, before household gas devices - 1.93 kPa;
• residential building: floors - 7, confinement at the plate - 4, type of water heater - flowing.
Чертеж ГАЗ.dwg
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