Use of heat exchanger
- Added: 05.02.2017
- Size: 146 KB
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For the process of pasterizatsії the product, the shell-and-tube structure of the heat exchange apparatus is reversed. V_dm_nna funkts_onaln_st, is available a ts_na of a kozhukhotrubny teploobm_nnik, a rozrakhunok yaky in kompleks_ _z forms, gabaritny characteristics, zruchny for installation, і v_dnosno inconsistent konstrukts і є yu zumovil are wide yoga zastosuvannya in harchov_y promislovost_. Z mint p_dvishchennya efektivnost_ that _ntensif_kats і ї to process to a teploobm_n at sproektovany the device і, for a rakhunok p_dvishchennya znachennya koyef_ts і є to a nt teplov_ddach_ v_d teploobm_nno ї st_nka to a product і, yak a nasl_dok, p_dvishchennya znachennya koyef_ts і є to a nt of heat transfers і, priynyato to the konstruktiyena r_shennya on stvorennyu trikhodovy to Rukh to a product on a pipe scope, shcho nasl_dok yaky є _ntensif_kats_ya g_drodinam_chny to the mode to Rukh to a stream por_vnyano z one-pass konstrukts і є yu, to Alya at once with a tsy ma¾mo deyak_ vtrat rush_yno ї Sealy to process to a teploobm_n (the middle temperature head) at the transition of the vid protitechіynoї scheme to the rukh teplonosіїv to the winter strum of the pidvishchenny gidravlichny support to the apparatus. Vstanovlennyam of partitions at m_zhtrubny prostor_ takozh dosyaga¾tsya a deyaka _ntensif_kats_ya g_drodinam_chny to the mode to Rukh garyachy teplonos_ya, kr_m that nada¾tsya a p_dvishchena zhorstk_st that m_tsn_st konstrukts і ї a pipe bunch.
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