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Use of exhaust gases of PNPZ shops in heat supply scheme with boilers of KU-100-B type for steam generation


Heat supply using KU-100-B recovery boiler. To obtain steam with the necessary parameters. Process diagram, automation, general view of the unit, scrubber, heat exchanger

Project's Content

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1 Process Part

1.1 Description of the process diagram of heat use

flue gases and boiler room equipment

1.2 Recovery Boiler

1.2.1 Installation of boiler heating surfaces

1.2.2 Boiler drum. Its internal device

1.3 Auxiliary equipment

1.3.1 Feed and circulation pumps

1.3.2 Traction unit

1.3.3 Heat exchangers

2 Feed and boiler water treatment

2.1 Sodium - Cation

2.2 Phosphating

2.3 Alkalinity

3 Thermal calculation

3.1 Thermal calculation of tubular furnace

3.2 Heat test calculation of recovery boiler

4 Aerodynamic calculation

4.1 Calculation of steam efficiency of recovery boiler

4.2 Calculation of the first evaporation heating surface

4.3 Calculation of superheater

4.4 Calculation of the second and third evaporation surfaces

as a table

4.5 Calculation of water economizer

5 Automation

5.1 Basic solutions for KU-100-B boiler automation

5.1.1 Thermal control

5.1.2 Automatic regulation

5.1.3 Safety Automation and Ignition

5.2 Calculation of narrowing device for recovery boiler

KU-100-B in the form of table

6 Occupational safety

6.1 Extract from the Law "On Labor of the Republic of Kazakhstan"

6.2 Registration and registration of accidents

6.3 Lighting

6.4 Platforms and stairs

6.5 Boiler emergency shutdown

6.6 Requirements for valves, instrumentation

instruments and safety instruments

6.6.1 Safety valves

6.6.2 Water level indicators

6.6.3 Pressure gauges

6.6.4 Valves

6.6.5 Safety devices

7 Environmental protection

7.1 Protection of the environment from harmful emissions during boiler operation

7.2 Calculation of carbon monoxide emissions

7.3 Sero cleaning

8 Economics

8.1 Problem and essence of technical solution

8.2 Capital Expenditure

8.3 Operating Costs

8.3 Payback Period


List of sources used



This diploma project has developed a heat supply scheme using a recovery boiler of type KU100B. To produce steam with the necessary parameters, the physical heat of the flue gases of the tubular furnaces is used.

The process part contains the complete technical characteristics of the recovery boiler and auxiliary equipment. Necessary calculations have been made for selection and installation of auxiliary equipment. The process diagram of flue gas heat use is described.

Also, the design includes thermal calculation of the tubular furnace, calibration thermal calculation of the recovery boiler and aerodynamic calculation of heating surfaces of the recovery boiler.

The main solutions for boiler automation have been developed. A diagram of start-up, thermal control of the boiler, alarm and emergency termination of fuel supply to the boiler has been developed. Calculation of narrowing device for boiler is performed.

In the section of environmental protection, emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere during the combustion of gas and fuel oil were calculated. It has been shown that harmful substances during dispersion do not exceed MPC.

Optimum working conditions for operation of boiler room equipment have been developed.

An economic calculation has been developed that proves the profitability of the boiler installation, and shows that the payback period of the developments made in the project does not exceed 0.04 years.

Drawings content