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Furnace for heat treatment of materials in electric coal, graphite, construction and other industries, as well as for reactivation of spent carbon sorbents.

  • Added: 01.06.2015
  • Size: 25 KB
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invention relates to production of active coals. The furnace contains a housing inside which there is a cylindrical retort, heating elements in the form of gas burners, devices for loading and unloading, as well as branch pipes for introducing gaseous reagents, at the same time the axis of gas burners is shifted relative to the axis of the retort by a value of 0.9-1.2 of its radius, and the furnace chamber is equipped with a branch pipe for removing heating gases located at a distance of 0.23-0.30 of its length. The furnace allows increasing the inter-repair run of the furnace, reducing its heat loss and increasing the uniformity of quality indicators of the obtained products. 1 z. item. f-ly, 2 silt.

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