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Heading - cyclone dust collector

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Exchange rate Cyclone Dust Collector drawing and calculations

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Additional information


Gas purification methods

Selection of cyclone dust collector

Process calculation of cyclone dust collector

Calculation of CP wall thickness

Calculation of cyclonic packing

Calculation of gas inlet and outlet connectors, liquid discharge

Calculation of dust collector hydraulic resistance

List of used literature

Annex 1 (Dust Collector Specification)

Gas purification methods

Cleaning of natural gas from mechanical impurities is carried out in several stages: in the bottomhole zone, at the field, on the linear part and at the main gas pipelines

and of course - on the GRS.

Bottom-hole zone of well is equipped with filters. Existing filter structures are steel pipes with sperm. Gravel filters better protect the well string from removal of sand, limestone and other impurities.

The second stage of gas purification is performed at the field in ground separators, the gas is cleaned from water and condensate, as well as from rock particles and dust.

The third stage of cleaning takes place at the compressor stations of the gas pipeline and involves the purification of gas from mechanical impurities (solid and liquid particles).

The fourth stage of gas purification is located at the GPC and is intended for final gas purification before use.

Industrial dust collectors are divided into two groups in accordance with the principles of gas purification - into dry and wet dust separation devices. Dry dust separation devices include gravity separators and cyclone dust collectors, the principle of which is the artificial deposition of dust under the action of gravity and as a result of reducing the gas flow rate. Wet dust separation devices include oil dust collectors, where gas cleaning is carried out by washing the gas with liquid. This type of dust collector, together with cyclone apparatuses, has found wide

applications in the gas industry. the advantage of vertical oil dust collectors is the high degree of gas purification (9798%), and the disadvantages are metal consumption, removal of washing liquid, high hydraulic resistance

(3550 k P a).

Structurally, a cyclone dust collector is a vertical cylindrical apparatus with built-in cyclones and consists of three process sections: gas distribution, which was supplied for cleaning, gas purification, liquid collection and mechanical impurities. The crude gas is supplied through a side inlet pipe to which five cyclones are welded, arranged star-like in a circle. Due to centrifugal force passes

separation, deposition of moisture and mechanical impurities discharged from the device automatically through the drain connector .

A type of cyclone apparatus is multi-cyclone dust collectors,

Note here that gas cleaning quality is improved by decreasing cyclone diameter. The swirling of the gas flow in them occurs due to special guide vanes fixed at an angle of 2530 °.

It significantly affects the quality of cleaning natural gases their moisture content. Therefore, the efficiency of cyclone dust collectors in conditions of increased moisture content, condensate is aggravated by the deposition of sticky mass (dust and condensate) in the flow sections of the apparatus. To date, a number of types of cyclone dust collectors are in operation


In the course of the performed work, the cyclone dust collector was technologically calculated and the following parameters were obtained:

dust collector grade - GP 692.01.000

CP wall thickness (bottom - 10 mm, housing - 6 mm)

cyclone element diameter - 0.35 m

diameter of gas inlet and outlet connector - 0.3 m

diameter of trapped liquid discharge connector - 25 mm

the diameter of the connector for removal of mechanical impurities is accepted - 108 mm

total hydraulic resistance of dust collector - 0.00052 MPa

Drawings content

icon Чертеж 1 циклон.cdw

Чертеж 1 циклон.cdw

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