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Hardening chamber M6-OLV for ice cream production in waffle cups


The technical description of the design of the hardening chamber M6-OLV is given in the final qualification work, technological, power and kinematic calculations, as well as structural calculations of the assembly unit are performed. Installation and repair documentation for the hardening chamber M6-OLV has been developed. The cost estimate for the repair work has been drawn up. The general view of the hardening M6-OLV camera is executed, the kinematic scheme, the scheme and the card of lubricant, the drawing of assembly unit are developed.

Project's Content

icon М6-ОЛВ — копия.cdw
icon М6-ОЛВ — копия.docx
icon Карта смазки.cdw
icon Кинематическая схема.cdw
icon Экспликация — копия.docx
icon Диплом.docx
icon Приводной вал.cdw
icon Приводной вал.doc

Additional information


The operation of any critical equipment is subject to high requirements, since modern production lines must ensure uninterrupted production. However, during operation, the equipment gradually loses its original properties - equipment wear and tear occurs. In addition, against the background of the production of new pieces of equipment, old cars are subjected to moral wear [1, 2].

Physical wear and tear is the material wear and tear of the means of work, the gradual loss of their consumer value and value in the process of their production consumption, due to the influence of the forces of nature, as well as extraordinary circumstances (fires, floods, etc.). Physical wear has a number of forms: mechanical wear, corrosion and fatigue of metals, deformation and destruction, etc. An important condition for reducing physical wear and tear is the timely repair of labor means. Of particular importance is the overhaul, as a result of which the worn-out parts of machines and other objects are replaced by new ones, which prevents an excessive increase in physical wear and tear. This kind of physical wear is called recoverable, unlike material wear, which is economically unprofitable to overcome with the help of major repairs.

In this work, the M6OLV quench chamber is considered, which has no analogues in the world. However, this machine is still subject to moral wear, since there are other equipment complexes of higher performance. But it is worth noting that far from all enterprises can afford new foreign lines in view of their high cost and the required space. Therefore, in order to eliminate the consequences of physical and moral wear and tear at ice cream enterprises, timely repair of equipment is carried out.

Repair is a set of measures to restore the operable or serviceable state of an object and/or restore its resource. One of the main measures to eliminate the consequences of equipment wear and tear, extend its service life, reduce the number of outages during operation, is the organization of a planned preventive repair system. Scheduled preventive repair is a set of works that include thorough inspection, inspection and testing of equipment, repair and replacement of individual units and parts, as a result of which the values ​ ​ of technical and economic indicators of the equipment become close to the design, which ensures long-term reliable and economical operation of the equipment. The main principle of PPM is to repair the equipment before the beginning of its intensive wear and tear and, accordingly, prevent accidents, and not eliminate its consequences (this does not exclude the need for emergency repairs if the accident still occurred). Repair according to the PPM system includes the current (T) and overhaul (K) types of repairs, as well as technical inspections (O).

The need for the current repair is revealed during inspection operations and during the operation of the machine. Its purpose is to ensure reliable operation of the equipment before the next repair (current or capital).

Overhaul is carried out to restore the initial qualities of the machine unsuitable for further operation with the specified parameters. He shall guarantee the service life of the machine during the specified overhaul period, provided that it is properly maintained, carried out the current types of repairs and operation in accordance with the approved instructions and operational characteristics. The equipment is put into overhaul if most of the main units need to be restored, and the technical condition of the machine deteriorates due to a decrease in the reliability of most of its units [15].

This work is devoted to the development of technical documentation for the installation, repair and maintenance of the M6OLV quench chamber, which are quite widely used in the production of ice cream in waffle cups, despite the presence of new more productive lines. This is because the M6OLV quench chamber has several advantages, such as low cost, low operating costs, ease of maintenance and operation.

Description of ice cream production process

Figure 1.1 shows the machine and hardware diagram of ice cream production in waffle cups and Eskimo [8].

Ice cream mixture is prepared in bath 1. First, condensed products and butter are added to the mixing bath, then dry components: sugar, milk powder, cocoa powder and egg products. Last of all, stabilizers are added. Some flavors, as well as flavors, are added immediately before frying to the container 7.

Prepared mixture is fed by pump 2 into filter 3 and through balancing barrel 4 into plate-type pasteurization cooling plant. With such heat treatment, all microorganisms that fall into the mixture with the components are destroyed, in addition, pasteurization contributes to a more complete dissolution of all its components.

Ice cream mixtures have a high viscosity. In this regard, stricter modes of heat treatment of mixtures have been established: long-term pasteurization - at 68 ° C with a hold of 30 minutes, short-term - at 75 ° C with a hold of 15 minutes and instant - at a temperature of 85 ° C with a hold of 1015 s.

Composition of pasteurization cooling plant includes homogenizer 4. The effect of homogenizing the ice cream mixture depends on the temperature and pressure of the treatment. The temperature should not be lower than 65 ° C, lower temperatures cause the formation of clusters of fat balls in the mixture. Therefore, the pasteurized mixture must be sent immediately to the homogenizer. Ice cream hardening time is 30... 45 min.

The homogenized pasteurized mixture (temperature 2... 6 ° C) enters the maturation and temporary storage vessel 7 and is pumped to the freezer 8. The presence of the maturation process depends on the hydrophilic properties of the stabilizer used.

In the course of milling of mix there is a transformation of free moisture into ice kristallik the size (50÷100) of micron, saturation of ice cream air which is distributed on all weight in the form of bubbles therefore the volume of mix increases in 1.5... 2 times.

Ice cream coming out of the freezer (minus 3... minus 5 ° C) must be packed quickly (pos. 10) and send for hardening to the device 11. Hardening is carried out in specialized chambers or quick-freezing devices.

In the quench chambers, air to a temperature of minus 22 ° C... minus 27 ° C is cooled by a coolant evaporating in the evaporator batteries.

One of the designs of the frosting apparatus is a rectangular steel well insulated chamber with an endless chain conveyor on which ice cream cradles are fixed. Inside the chamber there are evaporator batteries in which chladone is boiling and the air in the apparatus is cooled to a temperature of minus 26... minus 28 ° C. Special fans blow air through the batteries.

The eskimo ice cream is made on the eskimogenerator 13. The soft ice cream from the freezer 8 is supplied to the dispensers of the eskimogenerator 13, and from it to the packing machine 14, and then to the quenching chamber 15, and then to the ice cream storage chamber 16.

The allowable duration of ice cream storage is: 1.0... 1.5 mes. (dairy ice cream), 1.5... 2.0 mes. (creamy) and 2... 3 mes. (fillet). Storage time is reduced for ice cream with increased moisture content, finely packed and with filler.

Service regulations of the hardening M6OLV camera

Persons under 18 years of age who have undergone safety training, medical examination and special training are allowed to work on the M6OLV line.

Before operation of the line, make sure that the elements of the line are intact, that there are no foreign objects in and near the quenching chamber.

Before starting the line, make sure that the conveyor traction chains, sprockets and trays are completely dry.

Ammonia supply shall be carried out by a qualified refrigeration machine operator and only with the doors closed and the conveyor on (including the finished product removal conveyor).

During line operation, it is forbidden to stop the conveyor and open the doors (only maintenance personnel can open the doors for troubleshooting). In case of emergency it is forbidden to stop the conveyor for more than 20 minutes.

During the operation of the quench chamber, you should look at the temperature inside. It must be minus 30... 40 ° С. If the temperature rises, make sure that the fans are functional or call the chiller driver.

During operation, monitor the condition of the space next to the line. The floor must be kept clean and not slippery. The spilled mixture and other liquids shall be washed into the sewer. Also, during the operation of the line, it is not allowed to spill the mixture on trays or on traction chains. If such a case occurs, stop the conveyor and wash off or remove contaminants within 5 minutes, preventing water from entering the traction chains.

The regulated operation time before the hauling is 12 hours. To stop the supply of ammonia, call the chiller driver.

Drying is recommended with a heat gun purchased separately (in this case, fans may not be used for drying). Also, after removal from the cold, the remaining ammonia should be evacuated from the evaporator.

Start washing the line only when the temperature in the quench chamber is minus 5... 0 ° С. At the same time, it is necessary to avoid water ingress on the conveyor motor and other electrical equipment.

If careful washing is required, the conveyor can be disconnected from the drive and rolled out of the chamber.

Also, when working on the line, the general requirements of occupational safety and safety should be observed [14].

Design Part Design Technical Description and Operating Principle

The general view of the hardening M6OLV camera is presented in figure 3.1.

Eskimo production line M6OLV is designed to produce ice cream in waffle and other cups [8]. The only line in the world for the production of ice cream with raisins and chocolate crumbs. It is a cabinet 1 with a chain conveyor, metering and freezing devices.

proposed conveyor with intermittent motion of traction chains contains traction chains 2, drive sprockets 3 rigidly fixed on shaft, driven sprockets 4, extreme of which are connected by power transmission 5. On the traction chains 2 300 trays 24 are installed with the possibility of their overturning. Drive sprockets 3 are kinematically coupled by means of power gears 6 and 7 to cam mechanism consisting of cam 11 and pusher 8. Rod 9 is engaged in kinematic pairs with cam follower 8 and rocker 10, on which pair of sprockets 12 is installed with possibility of deflection of traction chains 1 relative to supporting sprockets 13 and 14. Between the drive sprockets 2 and the pair of support sprockets 15 is a pair of pressure sprockets 16. Guides 17 are installed in the section of conveyor between supporting sprockets 13 and 15 where intermittent movement of traction chains 1 takes place.

The conveyor operates as follows. Drive sprockets 2 and cam 11 are communicated by means of power gears 6 and 7 with continuous rotary motion from common drive. Rocker 10 with pair of deflecting sprockets 12 performs rocking motion. As the rocker 10 moves from its extreme position in the clockwise direction, the sprocket 12 gradually increases the deflection of the traction chains 1 relative to the support sprockets 13 and 14, and the deflection of the traction chains 1 by the pressure sprockets 16 relative to the drive sprockets 2 and the support sprockets 15 decreases. At the specified time movement of traction chains 1 is observed.

During the reverse stroke of the rocker 10, the amount of deflection of the traction chains 1 between the support sprockets 13 and 14 decreases and the traction chains, equal to the decrease in deflection, run into the driven sprockets 4 located after the sprockets 14, and the traction chains escaping from the drive sprockets 2 are compensated by the pressure sprockets 16. At this stage, an approximate stop of the traction chains 1 is observed between the supporting sprockets 13 and 15.

Cycle of motion and stop of traction chains 1 corresponds to one revolution of cam 11.

Selection of lubricants

Lubricants (oils and plastic lubricants) are designed to reduce friction losses, reduce wear, remove heat from the working zone, protect lubricated surfaces from corrosion and for preservation during long-term storage of equipment [10].

Oils are divided into structural, used directly for lubrication of machine units and parts, and process.

Structural oils, depending on the conditions of use, are divided into general-purpose industrial oils (universal); specialized - for a certain category of lubricants (turbine, motor, instrument, etc.); special - for one lubricant object operating under special conditions [10].

Lubricants are lubricants or mixtures thereof thickened with various organic or inorganic thickeners.

Plastic lubricants under low loads behave like solids, without spreading and holding on vertical surfaces and in leaking friction units.

When loads rise above a certain critical limit, the lubricants flow like oils, returning to their original state after the load is removed.

When selecting lubricant it is necessary to take into account the speed of relative movement of friction surfaces; load on friction surfaces; dimensions of the rubbing surface; environment (humidity, temperature, pollution, etc.). Liquid oils have better lubricating properties than grease, but when working on grease lubricants, seals are simplified, the life of the unit is increased without replacing grease, and the protection of the rubbing pair from external influences is improved. Therefore, when choosing a lubricant, it is necessary to find out whether the grease is not suitable for these operating conditions, and only if it is impossible to use it, it is necessary to use liquid oil.

In the hardening chamber M6OLV there are the following friction pairs requiring lubrication:

- motor rolling bearings;

- shaft rolling bearings;

- chain and gear gears;

- traction chains;

- pause mechanism;

- reduction gear box.

To lubricate the motor bearings, select Litol24; lubrication method - packing, periodicity - 1 times a year.

To lubricate the worm reduction gear, choose frost-resistant oil Mobil1 0W40, lubrication is carried out by dipping. At the same time, lubricate the bearings of the reduction gear box by packing Litol24 in them. All 1 times a year.

To lubricate chain and gear gears, use Litol24, which is applied to the surface of the chain and gears once every 3 months.

For lubrication of traction chains use frost-resistant oil Mobil1 0W40. Drip grease 1 once every 15 days.

Roll bearings and friction elements of the pause mechanism lubricate Litol24 by packing 1 once every 6 months.

Installation, maintenance and repair

4.1 Description of installation works

First, equipment is accepted from the manufacturer for production, equipment integrity check, configuration and depreservation. When getting acquainted with the technical, passport, the passport data of the machine, the correctness of its operation, installation, connection and safety rules, during installation and commissioning work and during operation are studied. Then the quench chamber is supplied to the installation place by means of a loader unit [8].

During mounting marking, the main mounting axes of the quench chamber are marked, along which the installation will be carried out, the main mounting axes are taken as the longitudinal axis of the conveyor and the axis of the drive shaft of the conveyor.

In the process of acceptance, the equipment is unpacked, leaving, if necessary, slides for ease of transportation to the place of installation, a package with documentation is removed from the box with the machine and the machine is visually inspected without disassembling it into assembly units and parts. At the same time, the actual availability of equipment, replaceable and spare parts, tools and devices is checked with the packing list attached to the operating manual of the machine. Besides, check existence in branch pipes of traffic jams, caps, counterflanges and also lack of visible defects (cracks, breakages, sinks etc.) [9, 11, 12].

In the absence of claims to the quality of the received equipment, it is transferred to installation according to the act:

1. First, the base of the quench chamber is installed. It should be strictly in level. After reconciliation, it should be fixed to the foundation.

2. Then internal structural elements are mounted: evaporator, fan frame and fans themselves.

3. Then side sandwichpanels are installed. All cavities of quench chamber are filled with heat-insulating material - foam plastic. As side panels are filled, galvanized sheathing sheets are bolted to them from the outside and inside, starting from the bottom. After installation of the quick-freezing device, all slots are sealed with mounting foam.

4. Motors are mounted on the fan frame.

5. Conveyor is installed. To do this, use the hinged support rails included in the construction of the chamber, as well as additional the same support rails supplied for mounting the conveyor. The conveyor is placed on the side of the rails by means of a forklift and then manually rolled into the chamber.

6. Packing machine is installed and fixed to quick-freezing machine.

7. Drive shaft of conveyor is connected with drive of packing machine.

8. At the final stage, the facade of the quick-freezing machine is sheathed with metal siding.

9. Connection of ammonia valves is performed according to the diagram in technical passport.

10. Test start of quench chamber is carried out without cold supply. 300 trays are hung on the conveyor, tests are continued for 8 hours.

4.2 Repair Cycle Structure

The planned preventive repair system is a set of measures to restore the operable state of an object or its resource. The PDP is a series of organizational and technical measures aimed at preventing premature wear of machines, accidents and ensuring constant maintenance of production facilities in working condition. The PDP system is preventive. Its main goal is to restore and return the machines to service at the lowest material cost [13].

The essence of the PPM system consists in periodic scheduled repairs, after a certain number of hours worked. The alternation and periodicity of repairs at the same time are determined by the structural and repair features of the machine or unit, their technical purpose and operating conditions. The PPM system provides for:

- establishment of a sequence of repeated inspections and repairs, as well as time intervals between them depending on the operating conditions of the equipment, its design and purpose;

- periodic technical inspection and various types of equipment repair after a certain number of hours of its operation - reduction of the cost of equipment repair works; - increase of equipment productivity or improvement of its operational characteristics by means of modernization during scheduled repair [16].

The SPR prevents progressive wear of the equipment, as a result of which the probability of accidental failure of the equipment is sharply reduced. Depending on the technical complexity, the repair work of both the main technological equipment and the auxiliary one provides for: overhaul, preventive inspections, routine repairs, overhaul.

Inter-repair service consists in day-to-day care and supervision of equipment. It is preventive.

Overhaul services include monitoring the condition and loading of equipment; compliance with the prescribed rules for its launch, operation and shutdown; inspection and regulation of mechanisms; monitoring the presence of lubrication; repair of minor damages .

Overhaul service is performed during interruptions in operation without disruption of production mode by the production shop personnel. Control over the implementation of inter-repair maintenance measures is entrusted to the heads of workshops, craftsmen and mechanics [15 ].

Preventive inspection (O) of the equipment is carried out at certain intervals set for each machine, unit, or line. Inspections are carried out according to the established schedule without disruption of the production process (during technical breaks, between shifts and after working hours). Stops are planned for continuously operating equipment.

Routine repair (T) is the minimum type of repair that ensures normal operation of the machine, unit or line until the next scheduled repair. It consists in troubleshooting by replacing or restoring individual components (quick-wearing parts), as well as in performing adjustment operations. Routine repairs are performed at the equipment installation site.

Overhaul (K) consists in complete disassembly and defecation of the machine, unit or line, replacement or repair of all worn-out units and parts, including basic ones. When it is carried out, the dimensions of tolerances and fits of the mated parts are brought to compliance with the specifications, as well as update the appearance of the equipment. During overhaul the equipment can be upgraded [16].

To facilitate the planning of repair work, rational use of funds and labor, the PPM system establishes certain periods of time through which inter-repair maintenance and repair of equipment should be carried out.

Repair cycle (RTC) - the period of equipment operation between two overhauls or between commissioning and the first overhaul.

Overhaul period is the period of equipment operation between two regular scheduled repairs.

Inter-inspection period (SW) - the period of equipment operation between two regular inspections or between inspection and the next scheduled repair.

The duration of repair cycles, inter-repair and inter-inspection periods of process equipment, provided for by the PPM system, is given in the special table.

According to the PDP system of the food industry equipment, the M6OLV quench chamber is characterized by the (VIII) discharge of the repair cycle.

Quench Chamber Maintenance

Maintenance is a set of works performed to maintain serviceability and operability of equipment during its operation in the period between two regular scheduled repairs [2].

Maintenance is carried out in order to:

1. Prevent accidental breakdowns and premature wear.

2. Determination of defects and wear and tear during equipment operation.

3. Definitions of the general technical condition of the equipment.

4. Repair of minor faults, adjustment.

5. Identification and clarification of the scope of work to be performed during the next scheduled repair .

Maintenance is complex, i.e. simultaneous maintenance of mechanical and electrical parts of equipment and automatic devices.

Depending on the purpose of the content of the scope of work and the periodicity of their execution, maintenance is divided into overhaul and planned preventive technical inspection (planned preventive maintenance) [9, 11, 12].

Inter-repair service is a daily work of a preventive nature and includes:

a) equipment care;

b) daily technical inspection.

During the daily technical inspection of the quench chamber, the maintenance personnel on duty performs the following types of work:

a) inspection of the machine to check its completeness, cleanliness and readiness for operation;

b) check of grounding conductors condition;

c) serviceability check of lubricating devices ;

d) checking the serviceability of barriers, locking devices, safety devices, locking devices, brakes, etc.;

e) elimination of minor equipment defects during the shift;

f) check of trays attachment to the circuit.

The planned preventive technical inspection consists in checking the state of the equipment, determining the degree of wear of quick-wearing parts, eliminating minor malfunctions and clarifying the scope of work to be performed during the next scheduled repair.

Preventive inspections are carried out according to the established schedule, without disrupting the production process: during technological breaks, between shifts and after working hours. It is desirable to combine the inspection schedule with the equipment washing schedule [9, 11, 12].

Preventive inspections are carried out by the repair staff of the production shop with the involvement of production workers serving the equipment. The results of preventive examinations are recorded in the shift acceptance log. The schedule of preventive technical inspections is developed by the chief mechanic of the enterprise and approved by the chief engineer. During the scheduled preventive inspection, the following types of work shall be performed:

1) cleaning, inspection of grounding, electric motor, frame, enclosing devices, inspection in order to find out the condition and degree of wear of the reduction gear box, couplings, pulleys, belts, sprockets, drive chains (all elements of the transmission mechanism);

2) serviceability check of protective guards, limit switches, starting, protective and blocking devices, safety devices;

3) check of tension of drive belts;

4) oil addition to reduction gear box;

5) check of lubrication devices condition;

6) establishment of service life of individual parts and mechanisms ;

7) entry in the register of preventive inspections of the equipment.

Responsibility for the quality of preventive inspections is assigned to the foreman and mechanic of the production workshop. For the organization of scheduled preventive inspections, a monthly schedule of technical inspections is drawn up, which is a table indicating the names of the equipment and the days of the month. According to the normative indicators of the overhaul cycle in the column of the corresponding dates of the scheduled technological technical inspection.

4.4 Repair works

4.4.1 Equipment handover for repair

For the quenching chamber, according to the structure of the repair cycle, the following types of repairs are provided:

- ongoing repair;

- overhaul.

Equipment is handed over for repair according to the approved schedule. Responsibility for preparation and delivery of equipment for repair is assigned to the head of the production shop [2]. In some cases, if it is determined that the equipment is in good condition at the time of its shutdown and does not require repairs provided for by the planning schedule, an act is drawn up in which the scheduled type of repair can be replaced with a smaller amount of work or a new repair period is established.

The postponement of the period of equipment delivery to major repairs can only be carried out in exceptional cases and only with the permission of the chief engineer.

4.4.2 Maintenance

The current repair is such a minimum type of repair that normal operation of the quench chamber is ensured until the next scheduled repair [9, 11, 12].

Ongoing repairs are carried out at the installation site of the equipment by the repair service of the production workshop.

This type of repair is performed by replacement or restoration of quick-wearing parts with minimum volume of disassembly and assembly works [12].

The volume of operation on maintenance of the equipment is defined by the made schedules and instructions depending on a type of the equipment according to rules of technical operation and standards of safety measures and labor protection .

The workshop mechanic or the person responsible for the equipment operation manages the repair and is responsible for the quality and timeliness of the repair works [18].

The Department of the Chief Mechanic periodically monitors the maintenance of equipment during the overhaul period. The maintenance content of the quench chamber includes the following main works :

1. All works provided for by scheduled preventive technical inspection.

2. Partial disassembly of the machine, replacement or repair of quickly worn parts, the wear of which has reached the established limit .

3. Cleaning of bearings and replacement of worn ones; revision and washing of reduction gear box .

4. Cleaning and replacement of lubricating devices; grease .

5. Check and repair of safety and blocking devices in accordance with safety standards.

6. Revision of the electric motor, its starting and protective equipment .

7. The quench chamber test is idle. After that, it is commissioned.

4.4.3 Overhaul

Overhaul is a type of scheduled repair, in which the equipment is completely disassembled, all units and parts are revised, all worn-out units and parts are replaced or repaired in order to restore the original parameters, the dimensions, tolerances and fits of the mating parts and units are adjusted in accordance with the specifications; assembly, adjustment, appearance update [9, 11, 12].

Overhaul can be performed:

a) by the forces of the repair and mechanical workshop;

b) repair personnel of the production shop;

c) other organizations under contracts.

Overhaul can be carried out both at the equipment installation site and outside the production shop (in repair and mechanical workshops or in the repair shop of the enterprise or repair organization) [9, 11, 12].

The scope of overhaul includes the following types of work:

1. Complete disassembly of the drive and tensioning station, removal of trays, chains, shafts and their supports, worn out guides.

2. Cleaning and washing of all parts.

3. Defecation of all parts, punch list.

4. Replace all worn parts and assemblies or restore them to the dimensions specified in the specifications and specifications.

5. Modernization of the machine in the planned volume.

6. Adjustment of dimensions of the quench chamber, if necessary - foundation or foundation.

7. Repair of electromechanical drive with replacement and repair of all worn-out units and parts, starting and protective devices.

8. Replacement of traction chains or defective links.

9. Check trays by template and edit them.

10. Assembly of individual units and the whole quench chamber.

11. Comprehensive inspection, adjustment of the tempering chamber conveyor after repair.

12. Quench chamber idling and load testing.

13. Commissioning of the quench chamber according to the act.

4.4.4 Acceptance of the machine from repair

Equipment acceptance after routine repair is carried out by the chief mechanic and the head (director) of production by external inspection, idling test and under load in production conditions. The results of equipment acceptance after routine repair are recorded in the shift log 18].

Equipment acceptance after overhaul is carried out in two receptions: preliminary and final. Preliminary acceptance provides for external inspection of the equipment or unit, run-in or adjustment. Final acceptance of the equipment is performed after elimination of all noticeable defects detected after preliminary acceptance, idling tests and under load in production conditions. Production personnel are responsible for normal maintenance of the equipment.

The certificate of equipment acceptance from the overhaul is drawn up and signed by the chief mechanic or the head of the repair and mechanical workshop.

The acceptance certificate shall assess the repair works and technical condition of the machine (well, satisfactorily). The certificate of equipment acceptance from the overhaul is approved by the chief engineer of the enterprise.

In the event that the equipment is not accepted after repair, the repair team, which allowed poor quality work, is obliged to eliminate the defects found during acceptance, without additional payment.

The production manager is forbidden to accept and put into operation equipment not accepted in accordance with the established procedure .

The repair works performed are recorded by the chief mechanic of the enterprise in the repair log. The repair log is the main document describing the equipment repair work carried out at the enterprise.

4.5.2 Cleaning and washing of parts of the assembly unit

Washing and degreasing of parts and assemblies is one of the most important technological repair operations. Quality of parts defects and repairs, labor productivity of repair workers, service life of repaired machine and general level of technical culture of repair enterprise depend on the quality of washing [9, 11, 12].

The quality and performance of washing is greatly influenced by the composition, concentration and temperature of detergent solutions; solution pressure and jet inclination angle relative to washed surface; distance from the nozzle to the washing surface and duration of action of the solution on the surface to be cleaned.

In recent years, new non-aggressive detergents with a content of surfactants synthesized from petroleum products have been developed and manufactured by industry.

Before washing, the car is completely disassembled, after which the frame and large body parts are thoroughly washed in a designated place. After disassembly, machine parts are washed in washing machines: lock nuts, bolts, rolling bearing housings, sprockets; and large details: shafts, pulleys, chains are immersed in baths with hot caustic solution for 30... 45 min. Heating the water to 40... 50 ° C makes the washing process more efficient. Oil shafts of chain transmission are washed with hot water. After treatment with the solution, the parts are rinsed with hot water in order to rinse the remaining alkaline solution on the surface and thereby prevent its harmful effect on the surface of the parts and hands of the worker. The parts in the washing machine are moved slowly and continuously by the conveyor. Vapors are removed through exhaust ventilation.

Gasoline, kerosene or ultrasonic treatment is used to degrease ball and roller bearings. Ultrasonic washing plants have bath filled with detergent solution, for which trichloroethylene, gasoline or alkaline solution is used. Ultrasound emitters are located in bath with detergent solution. Chemical action of detergent solution and ultrasonic wave results in destruction of fat film or deposit and removal of dirt and oil from part surface [18].

4.7 Restoration of parts of the assembly unit

4.7.1 Shaft Recovery

The bending of the shaft occurs, as a rule, due to overheating of the necks. This defect is eliminated by hot or cold pressing. Hot edit is most suitable for shafts that have previously undergone heat treatment. Both the entire part is heated (if the shaft is small) and its curved portions separately. At the same time, a small part can be heated on a blacksmith mountain. Local heating of the shaft can be carried out using a gas burner [11].

Deformed section is lined with sheets of wet asbestos, which is fixed by means of wire. The maximum deflection point of the shaft is left open for heating. The part is heated to calving having a dark brown color (500550 ° C), and then the bending is eliminated under the press. After the shaft is completely shaken, it is again checked for deflection, in order to repeat the heating and straightening procedure under the press, if necessary.

Cold edits under the press can cause the part to deform back or disrupt its shape. So that the shaft does not return to its deformed shape after cold straightening, it is heated to 450 ° C, held for one hour, and then gradually cooled.

4.7.2 Recovery of sprocket and gear

When the hub is heavily worn, the sprocket is wound up. The hub is first stretched, after which the bushing is prepared, which is installed on a hot fit and additionally fixed. Then slot for key [11] is cut in bushing.

Wear of sprocket teeth is restored by build-up. Sprocket for beginning is fixed in clutches, after which metal is heated and welded by means of electric welding. The rim is completely floated. When the build-up process is complete, new teeth are cut.


In this work the project of development of documentation on maintenance and repair of the hardening M6OLV camera is executed. During maintenance documentation development, maintenance activities are listed. A technical inspection schedule has been developed based on inter-inspection period data.

When developing documentation for repair work of the equipment actions necessary for effective and reliable operation of the hardening M6OLV camera are listed. A capital repair scheme and a schedule of current and major repairs were developed based on data on the overhaul period and overhaul cycle. Installation instructions are given.

In the design part, the design of the drive of the quench chamber is calculated, in particular: speed, angular speed, torque of each drive shaft and the power that the electric motor can provide; dimensions of parts of assembly unit "Drive shaft," tolerances for manufacturing of repaired parts.

The electrical portion shows a circuit for connecting the conveyor motor through a frequency converter.

Safety measures are presented to ensure and carry out safe works during installation and maintenance.

The cost-effectiveness of repair work is also calculated.

In a graphic part works are performed general views, assembly are uniform, cards of assembly of assembly unit, assembly, the kinematic scheme and the card of lubricant.

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19. IceGroup. Access mode: http://www.icegroup.pl/ru (case date 28.05.2020).

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