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Optimization of operation of CCA EO zone for 10 working posts

  • Added: 02.12.2018
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Belarusian-Rossiyky of a universitetkafedr Technical operation avtomobileykursovy work on discipline "Bases of scientific research and innovative activity" On a subject: "Optimization of EO area of the city CCA for 10 working posts"Mogilev 2018 Content Introduction 41 Construction of conceptual model 51.1 Setting of modeling task 51.2 Analysis of modeling task 51.3 Initial information, characterizing the behavior of the system 81.4 Determination of parameters and variable models 101.5 Establishing the basic content of the model 121.6 Substantiation of modeling criteria and validation of the conceptual model 132 Traditimization of the model and system 152.1 Constructing a logical scheme for modeling the operation of the EO zone 152.2 Choosing computing tools for modeling 173 Regression analysis of the system 183.1 Developing a computational experiment plan 183.2 Conducting a computational experiment 193.3 Determining the coefficients of the regression equation and assessing their significance 203.4 Assessing the adequacy of the regression of the system and determining the optimal values. 244 Zone Process Optimization 28Content 34List of Literature 35

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icon Kursovoy_Antonenko (1).docx
icon Pervy_list_Antonenko (2).cdw
icon Titulnik_Antonenko (2).docx
icon Titulnik_na_papku_Antonenko (1).docx
icon Vtoroy_list_Antonenko (2).cdw

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1 Building a Conceptual Model

1.1 Setting of simulation task

1.2 Modeling Task Analysis

1.3 Initial information characterizing system behavior

1.4 Definition of parameters and variable models

1.5 Establishing the basic content of the model

1.6 Rationale for modelling criteria and validation of conceptual model

2 Incompatimization of the model and system

2.1 Construction of logic diagram for modeling of EO zone operation

2.2 Choosing Computing Tools for Modeling

3 Regression analysis of system operation

3.1 Development of computational experiment plan

3.2 Performing a computational experiment

3.3 Determining the coefficients of the regression equation and estimating their significance

3.4 Assessment of adequacy of regression equation and determination of op

optimal values of system parameters

4 Zone Process Optimization


List of literature


Modeling is the process of replacing a study object with some of its model and conducting studies on the model in order to obtain the necessary information about the object. A model is a physical or abstract image of a simulated object that is convenient for conducting research and allows you to adequately display the physical properties and characteristics of the object that are of interest to the researcher. The ease of conducting research can be determined by various factors: the ease and accessibility of obtaining information, reduced time and reduced material costs for research .

Modelling methods are used to varying degrees in all areas of human activity. This applies, including to the management of various systems, the main ones are decision-making processes based on the received information. The modeling process assumes the presence of a modeling object, a study model. Modeling reduces the time to evaluate the intended solutions, to draw up alternatives. The perspective of simulation modeling increases with the increase in the speed and RAM of computers, with the development of mathematical support, with the improvement of data banks and devices for modeling systems.

Any modeling process should assume the presence of a real object, researcher and model being created. In this course work, the object of modeling is the EO area of ​ ​ the city CCA for 10 working posts.


During the course work, modeling of the work of the EO zone of microlithrage cars of the city SLA for 10 working posts was carried out.

In the first section, a conceptual model was developed, namely, a modeling task was set, a task was analyzed, initial information about the system was selected, and parameters and variables of the system model were defined. The content of the model was also established, the modeling criteria were justified.

The second section shows the algorithm of the corresponding model.

In the third section, the input values of the model were encoded and a plan spectrum matrix was compiled. Simsim.exe was then simulated. The simulation results are presented in the same section. A regression model was also calculated and regression equations were compiled for two selected factors influencing the behavior of the system. The coefficients of the regression equations were also tested for significance. After that, the obtained models were checked for adequacy. Both models are adequate.

In the fourth section, the optimal number of EO posts was established using the simulation, at which the total costs are minimal. This number is 1 post. At the same time, the unit costs amounted to 5.8 cu.

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Pervy_list_Antonenko (2).cdw

icon Vtoroy_list_Antonenko (2).cdw

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