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Glue Preparation and Gasoline Spill Room for Glue Plant Building - Automatic Fire Extinguishing Unit

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Automatic Powder Fire Extinguishing System of the Glued Tire Plant (Explosive Zone). Drawing List of the Graphic Part of the Project: 1 - General Data2 - External Connection Diagram (Start) 3 - External Connection Diagram (Finish) 4 - Automatic Fire Alarm Equipment Layout (Start) .5 - Automatic Fire Alarm Equipment Module Layout Layout. Explanatory note - 27 sheets.

Project's Content

icon ПЗ АПТ клеевая с расчетами по ГОСТ 12.1.004.doc
icon АПТ клеевая.dwg

Additional information

1. Design Input

The basis for the design was:

a) assignment for design of fire extinguishing plant;

b) process and architectural and construction drawings;

c) technical documentation for automatic fire extinguishing system equipment.

2. Characteristics of protected premises

The automatic fire extinguishing plant shall be protected by the glue preparation and gasoline spill rooms of the glue plant building.

The area of ​ ​ the glue preparation room is 136.5 m2, the gasoline spill room is 45.9 m2. Category of premises according to explosion and fire hazard according to SP 12.13130.2009 - "A," according to PUE - BIa. The distance from the floor to the highest point of the premises is 6.5 m. The distance to the bottom of the trusses is 5.25 m. The slabs are ribbed. The roof is double-pitched. In the gasoline spill room there is a rack at an altitude of 2.45 m. Fire class "B." The fire warning system for people is adopted by type 2.

The room of a fire post is organized in the person on duty at a checkpoint of the enterprise where the computer with the installed software of an automated workplace Orion, room space more than 15 sq.m is placed, emergency lighting, heating with air temperature +1825os is organized, the room is equipped with telephone communication.

3. Purpose and composition of automatic installation

Fire fighting.

In accordance with the requirements of the design task and SP 5.13130.2009, the premises for glue preparation and gasoline spill are equipped with an automatic powder fire extinguishing unit.

The automatic fire extinguishing unit is designed to detect and extinguish a fire in the premises for glue preparation and gasoline spilling, to generate fire and malfunction signals at the Orion AWS at the passing enterprise, where round-the-clock personnel duty is organized, as well as to notify people in the premises in case of fire.

The unit includes:

- Fire detectors thermal linear PHSC155EPC - for fire detection in the premises of glue preparation and gasoline spill;

- Manual fire detectors IPRI, IP535-07e - for fire notification and remote start-up of the plant;

- Magneto-contact explosion-proof sensors IO10226/B "Ajax" to block the installation start-up at open doors;

- Modules of powder fire extinguishing explosion-proof WFP (RW) -8-I-GE-UKhL cat.3.1 "Buran8 explosion-proof" - for fire extinguishing and containment in the premises for glue preparation and gasoline spilling. Calculation of the automatic powder fire extinguishing unit is given below;

- Fire control and receiving devices "S2000ASPT" - for reception of signals about fire detectors operation, fire extinguishing plant start-up control, as well as transmission of signals about APT system status to the duty room;

- Modules the interface firefighters with a type of explosion protection "An intrinsically safe electrical circuit" "MIP2Eh" - for the organization of intrinsically safe chains of loops for connection of thermal linear announcers of PHSC155EPC, for delivery of signals "Fire" and "Malfunction" in loops of S2000ASPT devices;

- Safety and fire control devices with explosion protection type "Intrinsically safe electrical circuit" UPKOP 13511 - for organization of intrinsically safe loops circuits for connection of magnetic contact sensors IO10226/B "Ajax," for output of signals "Violation" and "Malfunction" to loops of devices "C2000-ASPT"

- Test and start-up units "S2000-KPB" - for increase of start-up directions, after-start of warning system, disconnection of supply and exhaust ventilation (except for overpressure in tambours), closing of fire retardant valves in case of fire;

- The C2000M control panel - for combination of all above-mentioned devices in a uniform system and control and management of its work and also for reservation of an automated workplace Orion (the second way of reservation according to the passport of the C2000M remote controller is recommended);

- The redundant power supply "RIP12 Isp.05" - for power supply of devices of a system, warning system power supply at the fire and starting devices of modules of powder fire extinguishing in the Fire mode;

- Light annunciators "LUX" NBO12V01, explosion-proof light annunciators "Ekran-S" with inscriptions "Powder! Don't come in!, "" Powder! Leave!, "Light annunciators" LUX "NBO24V01" Automation is off, "sound explosion-proof annunciators" VSαe, "sound annunciators" Mayak12ZM "- to alert people about fire and plant operation;

- Single-channel relay amplifiers "UKVK/03" for disconnection of plenum ventilation (except for overpressure in tambours) and closing of fire-retarding valves in case of fire ;

- Connecting wires and cables, installation products.

Justification for selection of plant type

Automatic fire extinguishing.

According to SP 5.13130.2009, the premises for glue preparation and gasoline spill are subject to AUPT protection.

The APTA selection algorithm includes the following main steps:

- selection and preparation of initial data;

- selection of fire extinguishing agent, fire extinguishing method and AUPT type;

- substantiation of the main parameters of AUPT.

4.1. General provisions.

4.1.1.The selection of the type of automatic fire extinguishing installation for the premises for glue preparation and gasoline spill is made in accordance with the provisions of SP 5.13130.2009, GOST 12.3.046, GOST 12.1.004, as well as "Fire automation equipment. Scope. You-boron type: Recommendations "VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia (2004).

4.1.2.Automatic fire-fighting installations shall comply with the requirements of regulatory documents applicable in this area.

4.1.3. Selection of AUPT type is made on the basis of data on physicochemical and fire-extinguishing properties of the intended fire extinguishing substances for use, structural and volume-planning features of the protected building, premises located in it, properties of material assets, equipment, substances and materials.

4.1.4.In accordance with the requirements of item 7 of GOST 12.3.046, automatic fire extinguishing units must be activated for a time less than the time of the initial stage of fire (critical time of free fire development ).

4.1.5.This section provides the rationale for choosing an automatic powder fire extinguishing unit. Since an open opening is provided between the premises for the preparation of adhesives and the bottling of gasoline, the total area of ​ ​ 2 rooms is used in the calculations when justifying the choice of the AUPT type.

12. Installation of wiring.

Loops of the automatic fire alarm and the line of RS485 interface in the protected rooms are laid by fire-resistant KSREVngFRLS2h0.5 cable in metal hoses of R3-Ts-H. Lines of start-up of MPP are laid by KSREVngFRLS2h0.8 cable (section lived 0.5 mm2) in tight metal hoses of R3TsH, lines of power supply of devices are laid by KSREVngFRLS2h0.8 cables .

Lines of the warning system are laid by KSREVngFRLS2h0.8 cable (section lived 0.5 mm2) in R3TsH metal hoses.

Since KSREVngFRLS cable is fire resistant, the above methods of laying fire extinguishing and warning systems lines in case of fire comply with fire resistance requirements according to SP 3.13130.2009, SP 5.13130.2009, SP 6.13130.2009.

Fire alarm loops in protected rooms shall be laid separately from all power cables, lighting cables and wires. In case of parallel open laying, the distance between wires and cables of fire alarm loops and connecting lines with power and lighting wires must be at least 0.5 m. It is allowed to reduce the distance to 0.25 m to single lighting wires and control cables.

13. Equipment placement.

Installation and installation of automatic fire detectors and powder fire extinguishing modules shall be carried out in accordance with the design, requirements of SP 5.13130.2009, manufacturer's instructions, as well as taking into account building structures and lighting fixtures.

Thermal linear fire detectors are fixed on ropes at a distance of 100 mm from the ceiling, as well as in direct contact with the fire load (glues), manual fire detectors for transmitting a fire notice are installed at a height of 1.5 m from the indoor floor at the exits from the building.

Powder fire extinguishing modules are installed on brackets on walls and ceiling.

Fire extinguishing control devices "S2000M," "S2000ASPT," redundant power supply source "RIP12 isp.05" are installed in the room of the masters, test and launch units "S2000-KPB" (SC1... SC3, SC6), MIP2Ex devices, UPKOP 13511 which are also installed in the metal room in the machine. S2000KPB blocks (SC4, SC5) are mounted in a metal case of Shch-2 (ShchMP1) with degree of protection of IP54 which is established on the site of water lubricants. Placement of instruments shall prevent their accidental fall or movement along the installation surface, in which the connected wires and cables may be damaged .

Light annunciators with the inscription "Powder! Go away! "Are installed above the doors inside the protected rooms. Light annunciators with the inscription "Powder! Do not enter! "and" Automation is off "are installed above the doors outside the protected rooms. Sound annunciators shall be installed at a height of not less than 2.3 m from the floor level, but the distance from the ceiling to the annunciator shall be not less than 150 mm. Install IO10226/B "Ajax" magnetic contact security detectors at a distance of not more than 200 mm from the edges of door sheets.

14. Safety measures during operation of modules

Powder fire extinguishing.

Personnel working in the areas of glue preparation and gasoline spillage shall be instructed about hazardous factors for humans that occur when powder is supplied from fire extinguishing modules, as well as periodically undergo training according to item 16 of PPB 012003.

For safe operation of the module, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with its device and operating principle.

Persons who are responsible for it, who have studied the operating instructions, certified and admitted to work by order of the enterprise administration are allowed to work with the module.

Do not connect the module to any power sources until it is installed on the aircraft.

During operation, the module should be protected from impacts and falls, in case of accidental fall from a height of more than 3 m to any base, the module should be destroyed.

Do not use module with damaged housing.

It is forbidden to perform welding or other fire work near the module at a distance of less than 2 m.

Cable connection to the module is performed at de-energized starting line. Before the module is connected to the control devices, the start line of the module itself must be closed.

The module housing must be reliably grounded.

It is forbidden to perform any type of work with the module connected to the active but not de-energized electrical line of the system start-up.

It is forbidden to operate in case of through damages of the housing and membrane.

Check the module starting circuit with current not more than 20 mA.

It is forbidden to carry out any fire tests of the module without a representative of the manufacturer.

Explosion protection:

2ExsdIIBT4X) Powder fire extinguishing module explosion-proof PV (RW) -8-I-GE-UKhL cat.3.1 has explosion-proof design with special type of explosion protection as per GOST 22782.377, type of explosion protection "explosion-proof shell" as per GOST R 51330.199 (IEC 60079198) and explosion protection level "098, increased explosion reliability," 51313030

b) Explosion protection of the module is achieved due to:

- placing the current-carrying circuits of the electric activator in an explosion-proof shell with slotted explosion protection of the interface of its parts and assemblies capable of withstanding the explosion pressure and preventing the explosion transfer to the explosive environment, which is confirmed by the results of tests, interfacing of de-tales on the drawings are indicated by the word "EXPLOSION" with indication of permissible explosion protection parameters: maximum width and minimum length of slots, roughness of surfaces forming explosion-proof joints according to the requirements of GOST R 51330.199 (IEC 60079198);

- limitation of heating of external parts of the module at its actuation to temperature not more than 1350С;

- cable seals in cable inlet with a special rubber ring as per GOST R 51330.199 (IEC 60079198);

- use of structural materials safe against friction sparking, friction and impact;

- protection against self-screwing of all parts providing explosion protection of modules by fitting threaded connections on the epoxy mixture, as well as protection against self-screwing of the grounding clamp using a spring washer;

- sealing with epoxy mixture of cable channel of electric asset-torus circuit;

- decrease of ignition capacity of gas generator (GoE) as a source of possible explosion initiation due to reduction of gas temperature;

- ensuring the required mechanical strength of the module;

- presence of warning inscription on the module housing "Open, disconnect from the network!";

- protection against corrosion by grease of all surfaces marked with the word "EXPLOSION";

- presence of external grounding clamp to provide electrostatic discharge drain:

- cable laying in an explosive area in accordance with the requirements of chapter 7.3 of PUE;

When cleaning fire extinguishing powder in case of unauthorized (accidental) or standard actuation of the module, it is necessary to comply with the safety requirements specified in the regulatory and technical documentation for fire extinguishing powder. Disposal of fire-extinguishing powder wastes is carried out in accordance with the instructions "Disposal and regeneration of fire-extinguishing powders" M. VNIPO, 1988, 25s.

Drawings content

icon АПТ клеевая.dwg