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Gearbox shaft manufacturing technology

  • Added: 27.05.2016
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The course design for the production of the reduction gear shaft includes a general drawing of the reduction gear, accessory, dimensional analysis, TP for the shaft, specifications.

Project's Content

icon Заготовка.cdw
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icon Поковка.cdw
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icon Спецификация.cdw
icon Матвеев курсач.docx
icon Министерство образования и науки Республики Татарстан.docx
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icon РП3М.00.00.000.spw

Additional information


Content of the course project


1. Source Data

2. General provisions

2.1. Service purpose and technical characteristics of the planetary gear box

2.2. Choice of method to achieve required accuracy of planetary gear box assembly

2.3. Program of planetary gear box extension. Production type

3. Production processes of input shaft

3.1. Analysis or development of input shaft specifications

3.2. Development of input shaft design for processability

3.3. Selection of workpieces and method of their manufacture

3.4. Selecting Workpiece Surface Treatments

3.5. Selection of technological bases and development of route technology

3.6. Development of technological operations

3.6.1. Calculation of tolerances and cross dimensions

3.6.2. Calculation of cutting modes and technical rationing

3.6.3. Select Part Quality Control Methods and Tools

3.6.4. Dimensional analysis of technological processes in machine building during shaft fabrication

3.7. Development of process documentation: text process documents, sketches, etc.

3.8. Calculation and design of special process equipment (accessories)

3.8.1. Selection and calculation of special machine tool

3.8.2. Calculation of fixture clamping force

3.8.3. Calculation of fixture for accuracy


List of literature



Human society constantly feels the need for new types of products, or for reducing labor costs in the production of basic products. In general, these requirements can only be met through new processes and new machines required for their implementation. Therefore, the incentive to create a new machine is always a new technological process, the possibility of which depends on the level of scientific and technological development of human society.

The intensive development of the scientific foundations of technology, the transition to a model representation of individual technological processes will significantly accelerate the development of production technologies due to deeper research, more complete forecasting of the results. In the near future, the accelerated development of technological sciences and, in this regard, the development of new technological processes (TP), new methods for designing products and structures, the emergence of new promising machines, technologies and forms of organization of production should be expected.

However, this does not limit the possibilities of informatization of technology. Other direction of its use is transfer of the most part of the functional tasks solved at design and realization of technological processes, not to hardware, technical means, and information program or to software and hardware. In particular, the theory of process control based on intelligent, adaptive control systems, self-learning production, etc. will be greatly developed, i.e., based on the use of information models representing our knowledge.

The purpose of the course project is to design the technology of shaft manufacturing, modeling the processing process, as well as reduce the labor intensity of technological preparation of production by using modern computer-aided design systems such as COMPASS 3D and SPRUT-Technologiya products (SprutCam and SPRUTTP).

Initial data for the development of the course project

The initial information for the development of the course project can be divided into three types: basic, reference and leadership.

The basic information is contained in the design job. It includes: annual production program, detailed drawings of parts and products, technical specifications for manufacturing.

Guidance and reference information is selected and studied during pre-diploma practice. It includes materials of pre-diploma practice, standards of all levels for technological processes and methods of their management, equipment and equipment; catalogs; nomenclature manuals on means of technological equipment, technological standards for selection and calculation of cutting modes, allowances, etc.

1) Assembly drawing of the article - planetary reduction gear;

2) Part drawing - shaft;

3) Product specification;

4) Annual volume of product production - 1000 pcs;

5) Product production duration - 3 years.

Drawings content

icon Заготовка.cdw


icon Общий чертеж.cdw

Общий чертеж.cdw

icon Размерный анализ.cdw

Размерный анализ.cdw

icon Приспособление.cdw


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icon Поковка.cdw


icon Приспособление.cdw


icon Размерный анализ.cdw

Размерный анализ.cdw

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