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Machine-building technology of shaft manufacturing

  • Added: 30.08.2014
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Downloads: 4
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Course on the subject of manufacturing a shaft-type part, machining. assembly drawings, parts, workpieces, adjustment for 3 machines, machining process, specification, pp

Project's Content

icon ПЗ.doc
icon ТП.doc
icon Заготовка (штамповка) 2.cdw
icon Наладки.cdw
icon Приспособление.bak
icon Приспособление.CDW
icon Редуктор.cdw
icon Спецификация Д.spw
icon Чертеж вала .cdw

Additional information




1 General part

1.1 Justification of the form and type of production

1.2 Justification of initial procurement selection

1.3 Calculation of machining allowances

2 Process Part

2.1 Process route and selection of bases

2.2 Operational justification and description

part workpiece machining process

2.3 Calculation of cutting modes of main operations and

technical time rationing

2.4 Unit Dimension Analysis

3 Design part

3.1 Calculation of accessory

3.2 Calculation of component cutting forces

3.3 Calculation of clamping device and structural

drive parameters

3.4 Calculation of installation error

4 Conclusion

5 List of used literature


At the current stage of development, the main tasks considered by the engineering technology are such tasks as: the creation of fundamentally new technologies that allow you to repeatedly increase productivity; transition from the development of individual machines and technologies to the development and application of technological complexes; application of automatic process design system.

The topic of coursework is the design of the process of processing the output shaft. The purpose of the course work is to consolidate the knowledge gained during the study of the subject "Engineering Technology" and acquire skills in the development of the technological process of processing the part based on them .


During the course work, the technological process of processing the output shaft part was developed. On the basis of the knowledge obtained, the type of production, the structure and method of obtaining the workpiece, the technological processing route, the processing plan and the operating technology were developed and selected.

Drawings content

icon Заготовка (штамповка) 2.cdw

Заготовка (штамповка) 2.cdw

icon Наладки.cdw


icon Приспособление.CDW


icon Редуктор.cdw


icon Спецификация Д.spw

Спецификация Д.spw

icon Чертеж вала .cdw

Чертеж вала .cdw

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