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Intermediate Shaft Part Manufacturing Technology - Coursework Project

  • Added: 04.02.2021
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Course project. Technology of part manufacturing is intermediate shaft.

Project's Content

icon Комплект документов.cdw
icon Технология изготовления детали вал промежуточный.docx

Additional information

Job for the Course Project

Project theme: Manufacturing process of part "Intermediate shaft."

Project Input: Intermediate Shaft Part Drawing. Medium production conditions.

4. Contents of the explanatory note:

Analysis of input data for process design.

Describes the functional purpose of the part.

Assessment of compliance of part drawing requirements with ESKD norms and parameters.

Formulation of the main technological tasks.

Defines the primary and secondary design bases.

Define Production Type

Defines a part class and selects a prototype part. Process analysis of the prototype part.

Select a procurement type.

Design of process of part processing "Intermediate shaft"

Design of process route for processing individual surfaces.

Select process basis kits for the finishing stage.

Select process base kits for the black processing phase.

Design of process route of part processing as a whole.

Selection of technological equipment.

Calculates the cutting modes.

Rationing of process operations.

Preparation of the process documentation set.

The approximate volume of the explanatory note is 35 pages of typewritten text.

List of graphic material: (including required drawings and posters): Part drawing, workpiece drawing, part manufacturing process including: cover sheet, roadmap, operating maps, sketch maps, control map.

Process Design Input Analysis

Part Functional Assignment Description

A shaft is a part of a machine designed to transmit torque and perceive active forces from the parts and supports located on it.

The main purpose of the shaft is to transmit torque. Actuating surface of shaft is working stages with key slot on which gear wheel is based by means of key joint.

Defining Primary and Secondary Design Bases

Description of Basic and Auxiliary Design Bases

1. The main design bases - the common axis of the cylindrical surfaces ∅30????, 6 a double guide hidden base, deprives the part of 4 degrees of freedom; the end of the shaft berth is a support base, deprives the part of 1 degree of freedom .

2. Auxiliary design bases - the axis of symmetry of key slots is a support hidden base, deprives 1 degree of freedom.

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