Gearbox Repair Bench Development - Drawings

- Added: 30.08.2014
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Additional information
1 Process Part
1.1 Analysis of the state of production and technical base of Ivavtotrans LLC
1.2 Technological design of the production and technical base
Ivavtotrans LLC
1.3 Construction Part
1.4 Development of Job Instruction (disassembly and assembly of Bogdan A092 bus checkpoint using stand)
2 Research Part
3 Design part
3.1 Analysis of vehicle transmission repair devices
3.2 Description of the design of the bench under development for the repair of the Bogdan A bus gearbox
3.3 Calculation of main units and bench elements
4 Organization and management of production
4.1 Analysis of Organization and Production Management Status in
Ivavtotrans LLC
4.2 Improving Organization and Management of Production
5 Occupational and environmental protection
5.1 Analysis of the state of labor protection and environmental protection in Ivavtotrans LLC
5.1.1 Plant Safety
5.1.2 Working conditions of workers
5.2 Improvement of labor and environmental protection in Ivavtotrans LLC
5.2.1 Measures to reduce injuries and improve protection
5.2.2 Territory, buildings and premises requirements
5.2.3 Safety precautions during operation at the box repair bench
5.2.4 Fire safety at the enterprise
5.2.5 Environmental Protection
6 Economic part
6.1 Assessment of economic efficiency of construction of Ivavtotrans LLC
6.2 Creation of break-even schedule
6.3 Cost effectiveness of booth for repair of Bogdan A bus transmissions
Bibliographic list
Graduation qualification work in the form of a diploma project contains a calculation and explanatory note with a volume of 141 pages and a graphic part on 12 sheets of A1 format.
The explanatory note includes 6 sections, 23 tables and 9 illustrations.
In the "Technological Part" section, the state of the production and technical base of Ivavtotrans LLC was analyzed, the technological design of the production and technical base was completed, the goals and objectives of the diploma project were formulated, the construction subsection contains measures to improve the production operation of the bus fleet.
In the section "Research Part," a study of timing observations of the disassembly and assembly processes of the Bogdan A092 bus gearbox was carried out.
In the section "Design Part," an analysis of devices for repairing car transmissions was carried out, the design of the bench under development for repairing the Bogdan A092 bus checkpoint was described, the main components and elements of the bench were calculated.
In the section "Organization and Management of Production," a study of the organization and management of production in Ivavtotrans LLC was conducted, measures were proposed to improve the organization and management of production.
In the section "Analysis of the state of labor protection and environmental protection in LLC Ivavtotrans," an analysis of the state of labor protection and environmental protection in LLC Ivavtotrans was carried out, measures were proposed
improving the state of labor protection and environmental protection.
In the section "Economic efficiency of the project," an assessment of the economic efficiency of the construction of Ivavtotrans LLC was carried out, on the basis of calculations a break-even schedule was built, the economic efficiency of the developed stand for repairing the Bogdan A092 bus checkpoint was evaluated.
The conclusion contains conclusions on each of the sections, general design results and proposals for their implementation in production conditions.
Currently, there is a significant increase in road traffic in Russia. This leads to a significant increase in the rate of development of road transport compared to other modes of transport.
Regular, safe and comfortable passenger transportation is extremely popular with the population of our country. By tariffs and convenience, they compete with rail and air travel.
The main task of road transport today is the qualitative and timely satisfaction of the needs of enterprises and the population in transportation at the minimum cost of material and labor resources. Developing and improving the safety and quality of transport services for users of transport services is a socio-economic process, each stage of which is associated with professional, commercial, social decisions and risks.
To meet transportation needs, it is necessary to develop passenger transport, strengthen the material and technical base, improve the quality of maintenance and ongoing repair of rolling stock.
The most important areas of improvement of maintenance and repair of rolling stock of motor vehicles are:
- application of advanced technological processes;
- Improvement of organization and management of production activities;
- Increasing the efficiency of the use of fixed assets and reducing the material and labour intensity of the industry;
- application of new, more advanced in the technological and construction part of the projects, taking into account the actual need for the types of work, as well as the possibility of their further phased development;
- Improving the quality of services and developing material and moral incentives.
The purpose of this diploma project is the project of the production and technical base of the motor transport enterprise LLC Ivavtotrans.
During the design, the following main tasks were solved:
- analysis of the state of production and technical base of Ivavtotrans LLC;
- the technological design of the production and technical base of Ivavtotrans LLC has been developed;
- analysis of the state of organization and management of production in Ivavtotrans LLC was carried out, measures were proposed to improve the organization and management of production;
- analysis of the state of labor protection and environmental protection in Ivavtotrans LLC was carried out, measures were proposed to improve the state of labor protection and environmental protection;
- Assessment of economic efficiency of construction of Ivavtotrans LLC.
The practical significance of the work lies in the possibility of using the design results of the production and technical base of the Ivavtotrans LLC enterprise and proposals for improving the organization and management of production.
Organization and management of production
4.1 Analysis of the state of organization and production management in Ivavtotrans LLC
One of the main tasks of the technical operation of cars is to determine the ways and methods of most effective management of the technical condition of the car fleet and its operability, therefore one of the most important functions of the specialist is management. The methods and means of management depend on the place of the specialist in the hierarchy of engineering and technical service.
For each ATP workshop or section, the assigned tasks must be defined in such a way as to ensure the technical serviceability of the specified (necessary for the transportation process) number and nomenclature of cars. Therefore, goal setting and its implementation should be considered within the framework of a programme-oriented approach.
Management is considered optimal when the assigned goals are achieved at a given time .
The main tasks of the engineering and technical service of Ivavtotrans LLC are:
- determination of the technical policy of the enterprise ensuring the required level of efficiency of the bus fleet, road safety, environmental friendliness, resource saving;
- development of objectives and regulatory and technical documentation that ensures implementation of the technical policy;
- planning, organization and management of maintenance, repair and storage of rolling stock, resource
and rapid adjustment of standards to take into account operating conditions;
- Establishment, improvement and rationalization of the production and technical base and implementation of measures to maintain it;
- organization of logistics and storage of spare parts, operational materials, process equipment;
- development of measures to save all types of resources, including labor and fuel and energy, as well as capital investments;
- analysis of technical condition of road transport rolling stock, industrial technical base, technological equipment;
- organization of internal accounting of maintenance and repair of rolling stock, technological and other equipment, elements of production and technical base;
- management of the age structure of the bus fleet, preparation of a plan for the supply and write-off of buses and technological equipment;
- development of skills, improvement of working conditions of personnel;
- monitoring of compliance with the rules of technical operation of road transport rolling stock on the line.
The personnel of the engineering and technical service of Ivavtotrans LLC consists of managers, specialists, and workers responsible for the transport activities of the enterprise.
The personnel of mass professions include:
- Drivers entitled to drive vehicles of categories B, C, D, E;
- repair workers, including car fitters (disassembling, adjustment work), locksmiths, accumulators, vulcanizers; gas and electric welders, painters, car fitters for fuel equipment, etc.
Depending on their qualifications, they are assigned the appropriate rank. In some cases, drivers are involved in maintenance.
The composition of the engineering and technical service is presented on Sheet 11.
The engineering and technical service of Ivavtotrans LLC has a production and technical base, resources, divisions that carry out:
- storage of buses;
- post work on maintenance and repair of buses;
- repair of faulty units and units in the shops and in the areas;
- maintenance, technical re-equipment and reconstruction of the production and technical base of the enterprise.
The structure of the engineering service provides for the division into functional groups to solve tasks.
In its day-to-day operations, the Engineering Service addresses:
- determination of the program of works on maintenance, diagnostics, repair;
- distribution of buses by production stations;
- replenishment and distribution of spare parts and materials to production posts;
- distribution of tasks between production posts, sites and repair workers.
Personnel training is carried out at special training and course plants of road transport, partially certification and training is carried out at the enterprise itself.
In order to obtain additional skills and knowledge in the enterprise, it is planned to study individual disciplines for the performance of a new type of activity. The company determines the direction of professional retraining, the employee is sent to a higher or secondary special educational institution. The conduct of the training is confirmed by the appropriate certificate or diploma of the state type .
The company also carries out advanced training and internship at enterprises and educational institutions.
When performing maintenance and repair at Ivavtotrans LLC, the aggregate-site method is used. The essence of this method lies in the fact that the maintenance and repair of the rolling stock of the enterprise is distributed among the production areas responsible for all maintenance and maintenance of one or more units (units, mechanisms and systems) on all buses. Responsibility for maintenance and repair of units, units and systems assigned to the site under this form of production organization becomes personal. This form of organization of labour is not related to the method and time of any type of maintenance or repair.
The results of operation of the production section are estimated by the average operating time in case of TR of the corresponding units and by bus downtime due to technical malfunction of the units and systems attached to the section. Work is distributed between sites based on the production program.
The production organization scheme at Ivavtotrans LLC is presented on the diagram (Sheet 11).
A significant disadvantage of this method of organizing production is the decentralization of production, which makes it difficult to quickly manage the operability of rolling stock.
4.2 Improving the organization and management of production at the enterprise
Based on the experience of operating enterprises, as well as advanced research, we can say that the most effective production management system today is the central production management system (PCO).
The centralized production management system at Ivavtotrans LLC shall be based on the following principles [3]:
- clear distribution of administrative and operational functions among management personnel and concentration of operational management functions in a single center or production management department;
- use of communication and computer equipment;
- centralized preparation of production (manning of the revolving fund of spare parts and materials, storage and regulation of stocks, delivery of units, units and parts to working posts, provision of workers with tools) with a special complex;
- execution of each type of technical impact by a specialized team or section (EO, TO1, TO-2, TR brigades, etc.).
Clear specialization of teams by types of impacts is carried out to increase the productivity of repair workers. Productivity is increased due to the application of progressive technological processes and mechanization, increased skills and specialization of performers to perform a limited range of technical operations assigned to them. At the same time, technological homogeneity of each section is ensured, prerequisites are created for effective operational control of production due to maneuvering by people, spare parts, technological equipment and tools, accounting and control of certain types of technical impacts are simplified
The structure of the centralized production management structure, which may correspond to the characteristics of Ivavtotrans LLC, is presented on Sheet 11.
The production control center is headed by the head, the main operational work on management is carried out by the production manager and his assistant is an operator technician. The number of employees of the production control center should be determined by the total amount of work performed.
Operational management of all maintenance and repair of the rolling stock of the enterprise should be carried out by the operational management department of the production control center. Personnel of the operational management department shall perform the following functions [26]:
- record the state of production, the executed program, the size of the incomplete production, the number of buses in the repair queue, the existing interference and deviations;
- perform operational monitoring of diagnostics, TO1, TO-2;
- carry out operational planning, regulation, accounting and control of the rolling stock repair, i.e. accept the requirements for repair, set the order of work, determine the planned time required to perform the work, ensure timely installation of buses at repair posts, issue tasks to direct executors, personnel of the production preparation complex for the delivery of necessary spare parts and materials to workplaces and periodically monitor the progress of work.
The main task of operational and production planning of maintenance and repair processes is to draw up a schedule for the arrival of cars to specialized posts of production zones from the general queue, and the task of operational and production management is to ensure the implementation of the operational and production plan and the fulfillment of the required number of requirements in accordance with target standards while minimizing labor and material resources.
The Information Processing and Analysis Division (DIS) shall perform all work related to the organization of information support of the personal computer management system. The main task of the information processing and analysis department is to systematize, process, analyze and store information about the activities of all units of the technical service. Also, the tasks of this department include keeping records of car mileage, movement of main units and planning technical impacts.
The Information Processing and Analysis Department shall perform the following functions [3]:
- Accept primary documents for processing, monitor the correctness and completeness of their completion, and prepare this information for further processing on electronic media;
- Process information using personal computers, i.e. perform information generation, sorting and systematization;
- To analyse the results of information processing and to transmit materials to management for taking concrete measures and developing special measures to improve the work of the engineering and technical service;
- keep records of the mileage chain in the bus track sheets, note cases of replacement of the main units (engine, gearbox, bridges, etc.) during repair and separately take into account their mileage, on the basis of actual mileage, plan the installation of buses for maintenance and diagnostics.
At the direction of the production control center, the production preparation complex (PP) should be provided with maintenance, maintenance and diagnostics complexes with spare parts and materials. The Production Control Center dispatcher should directly manage the Production Preparation Complex using communication tools.
Planning of car maintenance shall be carried out by the information processing and analysis department or by the engineer of the production and technical department for the actual escape, which is reflected in the front card of the car. Based on the data of the car face cards, the adjusted standard periodicity and the estimated daily maintenance program, the information processing and analysis department draws up a maintenance report in several copies, which is transmitted to the mechanic of the control and maintenance station and the maintenance site foreman before the start of the shift (together with a set of diagnostic card forms). During scheduled maintenance works, the foreman fills in the diagnostic map and, upon completion of works, makes a mark in the maintenance plan-report and signs in the diagnostic map [3].
If any faults of bus systems operation are detected during maintenance or diagnostics works, elimination of which is not provided for by maintenance technology and the approved list of related works, the foreman must write a repair sheet and be transferred to the department of operational management of the MCC.
The dispatcher of the operational management department must take measures to organize the technological preparation of the work, which are indicated in the repair sheet. The task to perform the necessary works is given to the specialized team of the TR complex. The entire set of completed and signed documents is sent by the TO foreman to OOAI at the end of the shift for further processing and analysis.
Fast and high-quality implementation of the system of centralized management of maintenance and repair in LLC Ivavtotrans is possible with simplification and improvement of document flow. The improvement of the document flow at the enterprise should be carried out due to the introduction of new information systems. To do this, you need to completely automate the process of searching, transferring, generating and storing secondary documents. It is required to maintain a minimum set of regulatory reference and primary documents to be entered into the computer.
The database is the basis of any information system. The database can be accessed by personnel through an application package or automated workstations (AWS).
The implementation of information systems in the enterprise should be carried out in a certain sequence. All work centers should be connected at the information level and "feed" each other with certain data.
At the first stage, workplaces providing the system with regulatory reference information should be started, at the second stage - current primary information, and at the third stage - generating output processes.
When implementing the integrated system of the Ivavtotrans LLC enterprise, several main stages can be distinguished:
- at the first stage it is necessary to implement "Tekhotdel" and "Personnel" AWS, since without information about rolling stock and personnel other subsystems will not work effectively.
- at the second stage it is necessary to implement subsystems of dispatcher operation, track documentation processing and fuel consumption accounting. As a result of the complex processing of track sheets, information will be formed on fuel consumption, driver development and bus mileage.
- at the third stage, it is possible to implement the jobs of accounting (payroll) and the planning department (formation of forms of analysis of the enterprise's work).
- at the fourth stage, after mileage accounting is established in the system, it is possible to implement the repair area AWS (TO-1 and TO2 planning, dispatching control of maintenance and repair, accounting of the work of the performers during maintenance and repair of buses), warehouse AWS.
Thus, the centralization of maintenance and repair carried out at Ivavtotrans LLC through the collection and automated processing of information on the state of production resources and the amount of work to be carried out, as well as the planning and control of the activities of production departments based on the analysis of information should significantly reduce the time spent by repair workers, management personnel and, ultimately, bus downtime in maintenance and repair.
During the analysis of the production and technical base of the Ivavtotrans LLC, inconsistencies in the production and technical composition and size of the bus fleet were revealed. In this regard, the objectives and objectives of the project were formulated, a technological calculation of a motor vehicle enterprise satisfying the composition and size of the company's bus fleet was carried out.
The production program for maintenance and maintenance was calculated, the number of diagnostic impacts was determined, the labor intensity of maintenance and maintenance was determined, and the technical and economic indicators of the enterprise were calculated. Based on calculations, it was established that the demand for areas is:
- area of the administrative and production building 4151.25 m2;
- landscaping area 3192 m2;
- land area Fuch. = 13920 m2.
In order to justify the main parameters of the bench under development for the repair of the Bogdan A092 bus checkpoint, timing observations were investigated. These studies are also necessary in determining the cost-effectiveness of design solutions.
An analysis of the most common models of stands for repairing checkpoints was carried out, their characteristics were given, the main advantages and disadvantages were considered. Calculation of bench units and elements is performed.
An analysis of the state of organization and production management at Ivavtotrans LLC was carried out. The results of the analysis showed that the level of the organization does not satisfy production. In this regard, measures were developed to improve the organization and management of production.
An analysis of the state of labor protection and environmental protection was carried out at Ivavtotrans LLC, measures were proposed to improve the state of labor protection and environmental protection.
The economic efficiency of the construction of Ivavtotrans LLC was assessed, and the main technical and economic indicators of the stand for repairing the checkpoint were determined. Break-even point equal to Tb = 3 posts is determined. The payback period of the enterprise was 5.5 years. This value is acceptable for ATP.
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