Gasification of the Primorsky Territory region

- Added: 09.08.2014
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Additional information
1.1 General information about the construction area
1.1.1 Relief
1.1.2 Climatic conditions
1.1.3 Communication Paths
1.1.4 Development prospects
2.1 Design of gas supply of district I
2.1.1 Definition of gas consumers
2.1.2. Determination of annual gas consumption
2.1.3 Determination of gas hourly flow rates
2.1.4 Hydraulic calculation of low pressure gas distribution network of area I
2.2. District II Gas Supply Design
2.2.1. Definition of gas consumers
2.2.2 Determination of annual gas consumption
2.2.3 Determination of gas hourly flow rates
2.2.4 Hydraulic calculation of low pressure gas distribution network of area II
2.3 Design of gas supply of district III
2.3.1 Definition of gas consumers
2.3.2 Determination of annual gas consumption
2.3.4 Hydraulic calculation of low pressure gas distribution network of area III
2.4 Design of district boiler house conversion to gaseous fuel
2.4.1 Boiler Room Information
2.4.2 Design Solutions
2.4.3 Hydraulic calculation of boiler piping
2.5 Hydraulic calculation of internal gas pipeline of three-storey three-section house (111-25-4 s/1.2)
2.6 Hydraulic calculation of medium pressure gas pipelines
2.7 Design of gas control stations
2.7.1 Selection of pressure regulator
2.7.2 Filter selection
2.7.3 Determination of pressure losses in cranes, local resistances and SZK of control line
2.7.4 Selection of safety relief valve - UCS
2.8 Gas Distribution Station Design
2.8.1 Cleaning of gas at GPC
2.8.2 Determination of gas temperature at GPU outlet
2.8.3 Selection of pressure regulator on MV
3.1 Procedure of gas pipeline commissioning
3.2 Gas distribution station
3.3 Gas distribution point
3.4 Medium and low pressure network
3.4 Crossing artificial obstacles
3.5 Internal gas supply devices
3.5.1 Gas supply of residential buildings
3.5.2 Gas supply to public buildings
3.5.3 Gas supply to production plants and boilers
3.6 Corrosion protection
4.1 Designation of the georadar
4.2 Principle of operation
4.3 Composition of the georadar
4.3.1 Antenna unit
4.3.2 Control unit
4.3.3 Optical converter
4.3.4 Power Supplies
4.3.5 Displacement sensor
4.4 Specification and parameters of antenna units
4.5 Working with Geo-Radar (Laptop as Control Device)
4.5.1 Actuation of the georadar
4.5.2 Setting of probing and profile recording parameters
4.6 Recommendations for working with geohazard
4.7 Conclusions from personal experience of work with georador
5.1 Occupational Safety
5.2 Analysis of hazardous and harmful factors
5.3 Safety requirements during works
5.3.1 Safety requirements before commencement of works
5.3.2 Safety requirements during installation works
5.3.3 Safety requirements in emergency situations
5.4 Safety precautions during works
5.4.1 Safety precautions during loading and unloading operations
5.4.2 Safety precautions during earthworks
5.4.3 Safety precautions during installation and testing of gas pipelines
5.5 Calculation of lightning protection of gas distribution point
5.6 Fire protection during operation of gas facilities
5.7 Environmental protection measures
6.1 Economics of construction production
6.2 Main types of works when laying above-ground gas pipelines
6.3 Technical and economic indicators
6.4 Output
A highly efficient fuel and energy complex has been created in our country. The Russian Federation is the only major industrialized country that fully provides itself with fuel and energy from its own natural resources while exporting fuel and electricity.
Currently, natural gas is widely used as an energy resource in many parts of public production, which has become a significant factor in technological progress - increasing the output of industrial and agricultural products, increasing productivity and public labor and reducing specific fuel costs.
A powerful raw material base of the gas production industry has been created. The main center of gas production was Western Siberia, the high frontiers of gas production are to a certain extent provided by the fisheries of the Tyumen region. The construction of gas pipelines continues, their throughput increases, automated gas pumping units are widely used. The field of application of natural gas in industry, agriculture and everyday life will expand significantly.
The gas industry is one of the most dynamic, booming sectors of the national economy. The share of gas in the total production of fuel and energy resources in the last century remained stable at 38%, and by the beginning of the new millennium increased to 45-50%.
One of the leading sub-sectors of the gas industry is gas pipeline transport. The increase in the length of main gas pipelines, their branching, which determines the coverage of gas consumption in a large territory of Russia, a significant number of interconnected facilities included in the gas transportation system, suggests that the Unified Gas Supply System (ESG) is successfully operating in Russia.
Currently, about 1,100 cities, 1,800 working villages and about 100,000 rural settlements receive network and liquefied gas in the Russian Federation.
The total length of high-pressure gas pipelines operating in Russia increased 1.9 times compared to 1975 as a whole, and 3.1 times in the countryside.
Public utilities are considered in our country as priority gasification facilities.
Significant work has been done on the serial production of high-quality plates, automated water heaters, heating devices, special equipment for the effective use of gas in agriculture, equipment for mechanization and automation of technological processes at gas dispensers. In recent years, telemechanization of urban gas farms has been taking place.
Currently, gas has become the main type of fuel in everyday life, utilities and industry. By 1990, about 85% of the housing stock was gasified in Russia.
In large quantities, natural gas is used in heat power, which accounts for 55% of natural gas consumed in the country, including 26% in power plants, 15% in heating boilers and 14% in industrial boilers. [1, 7]
In September 2007, by order of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation, the "Program for the creation of a unified gas production, transportation and gas supply system in Eastern Siberia and the Far East, taking into account possible gas exports to the markets of China and other Asia-Pacific countries" (Eastern Gas Program) was approved. Gazprom has been appointed by the Government of the Russian Federation as the coordinator for the implementation of this program.
The Eastern Gas Program, among other things, provides for the priority creation and development of the Sakhalin-Khabarovsk-Vladivostok gas transmission system, which will be combined with the gas pipeline from the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). At the same time, over a significant length, the route will run in a single corridor with the ESPO oil pipeline system.
The Board of Directors of Gazprom in April 2006 decided to create and develop the Sakhalin-Khabarovsk-Vladivostok gas transmission system. The system will provide gas to most consumers of the Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories, the Jewish Autonomous Okrug and the Sakhalin Region. The source for gas supply of these subjects of the Far Eastern Federal District for the medium term will be the Sakhalin-1 project gas. [2]
Gas supply systems are a complex complex of structures. The choice of the gas supply system of the city is influenced by a number of factors. This, first of all: the size of the gasified territory, the features of its layout, population density, the number and nature of gas consumers. Presence of natural and artificial obstacles for laying gas pipelines (rivers, dams, ravines, railway tracks, underground structures, etc.). When designing a gas supply system, a number of options are developed and their technical and economic comparison is made. As a final option, the most economical is taken, compared to others. The adopted version of the system should include the construction and commissioning of a gas supply system in parts.
The gas supply system shall ensure uninterrupted gas supply to consumers, be safe in operation, simple and convenient to maintain, shall provide for the possibility of disconnecting its individual elements or sections of gas pipelines for repair or emergency work. [3]
Facilities, equipment and units in the gas supply system should be of the same type. The main element of urban gas supply systems are gas networks. According to the number of pressure levels used in gas networks, gas supply systems are divided into:
1) two-stage, consisting of low and medium or high (up to 0.6 MPa) pressure networks;
2) three-stage, including low, medium and high (up to 0.6 MPa) pressure gas pipelines;
3) multistage, in which gas is supplied through gas pipelines of low, medium and high (up to 0.6 and up to 1.2 MPa) pressure. [3]
The city gas supply system consists of gas supply sources, a gas distribution network and internal equipment.
Sources are main gas pipelines and branches from them, underground gas storage stations and liquefied gas distribution stations.
The gas distribution network is a system of gas pipelines and equipment serving for transport and distribution of gas inside the city (settlement, industrial facility).
The internal gas equipment of residential buildings, utilities and industrial enterprises includes internal and industrial gas pipelines, as well as gas devices and gas combustion plants. [4, 11]
Gas supply systems of cities and towns differ in the principles laid down in the distribution networks, the nature of the city network power supply, the type of equipment and structures used in networks, communication and telemechanization systems.
As part of the Eastern program, gasification of the Kirovsky district of Primorsky Krai is carried out. The area will be gasified on the basis of natural gas, the source of which will be the Sakhalin-Khabarovsk-Vladivostok gas pipeline, as well as on the basis of liquefied gas using and expanding the gas infrastructure located in the area. Liquefied gas will be supplied to small villages with a population of less than 600 people, as well as settlements remote from the main gas supply line to the district center of Kirovsky village. Gas supply with liquefied gas will be carried out on the basis of group tank units, individual and group cylinder units. The number of tanks in the group is determined based on the daily and hour demand of the gasified object. It should be noted that in the village of Kirovsky there is already a gas distribution network based on group tank plants. The gas distribution network shall include the order of commissioning. The first stage of construction is the natural gas supply to the village of Kirovsky. In my thesis project, I decided to elaborate on this aspect.
1 common part
1.1 General information about the construction area
Kirovsky district is a district of Primorsky Krai, the administrative center is the urban-type settlement Kirovsky.
The population of the district is about 23,900 inhabitants, the population of the village. Kirovsky - 9,500 people.
Kirovsky district is located in the central part of Primorye. The river flows through the territory of the district. Ussuri, flowing into the Amur. About 40 km of its length falls on the territory of the Kirov region. Ussuri in the Kirovsky district is navigable throughout its length.
The total length of the border of the Kirov municipal district is approximately 437.8 km, of which 44.4 km is part of the border between the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China.
The village of Kirovsky is located in the upper river. Ussuri, in the central part of its valley. In an easterly direction at a distance of 2 km from the weather station Kirovsky flows r. Ussuri from south-southeast to north-northwest. The floodplain of the river is cut by channels and elders, has a large number of small lakes. The Ussuri River during floods floods large areas of meadows and fields, especially on the right bank. [5]
1.1.1 Relief
The terrain is weak, the hills are located in the northwestern side at a distance of 2.5 km and have a height of 4050 m, in the north - 12 km, in the east - 810 km high 800 m. In the western side, the area is hilly, passing into the Prikhankay plain.
Seismicity of the region 6 points (card B OSR97) or 7 points (card C OSR97). [6]
1.1.2 Climatic conditions
The temperature regime of the area under consideration is mainly due to the nature of the circulation of the atmosphere and the terrain. Monsoon circulation creates lower temperatures in winter and summer than at the same latitudes in the west. In winter, cold continental air masses dominate here, and cool ocean masses dominate in summer. At the same time, the monsoon climate has a "mitigating" effect, although due to the fact that the village is located in the center of the region, the climate is more continental. The total annual rainfall is 600900 mm, most of them fall in the summer. Winter is too cold for such relatively low latitudes, especially in areas open to the free access of cold continental air. The average January temperature is minus 20.7 ° C (table P.1.1). The absolute minimum is minus 45 ° C.
Winter is long, with low air temperatures, lasts 4-5 months. The weather in winter is mostly clear, sunny, windless or faint. According to the normative value of the wind load, the village of Kirovsky belongs to the III district, the value of the normative wind load is 84-118 kgf/m2. The average number of days with blizzards ranges from 5 to 25 days per winter. The snow cover capacity is 20-40 cm. According to the normative value of the snow load, the village of Kirovsky belongs to the II district. [7]
Spring in the Kirovsky district is cold and lasts 2-3 months. A typical spring month is April. The average temperature of April is 3-7 ° C. Snow cover with significant radiation comes off quickly, evaporating and almost without forming meltwater. Frosts can be until the first half of May.
Summer in the area is warm, even hot, but raw. Hot days and warm nights are set in the Kirovsky district in July. From the second half of May, rains begin: either small frosty or stormy.
Autumn in the Kirovsky district is warm, dry, clear and quiet. The air temperature drops slowly. This time of year is usually called the "golden Far Eastern autumn." At the end of October, there is a sharp cooling. [5]
By the amount of precipitation (500900 mm per year), the village of Kirovsky belongs to the zone of sufficient humidification. The annual rainfall here exceeds evaporation. However, depending on the air temperature in the spring - summer period, evaporation in places can exceed the amount of precipitation. The moisture regime of the territory is characterized by pronounced seasonality. In winter, the transfer of moisture from the warmer ocean to the mainland is minimal. Therefore, winter is characterized by low cloud cover and the lowest amount of precipitation per year. In summer and autumn, precipitation falls about 70% of the annual amount, in winter - 10%. The largest number of cloudy days occurs in the summer. During the year, up to 20% of precipitation falls in solid form. The number of days with snow cover averages 85140 days.
By the amount of solar heat, the Kirovsky district occupies one of the first places in the Primorsky Territory. During the year, solar heat (110115) kcal/cm2 is supplied to the territory of the district. The largest influx of solar heat occurs in winter (8085% of the theoretically calculated amount), because at this time the largest number of days with cloudless skies is noted. In summer, significant overcast reduces the flow of direct radiant energy, and, conversely, increases the proportion of scattered (which at this time is 40-50% of the total radiation).
1.1.3 Communication Paths
In the north-west of the village, the Kirovsky district crosses the Trans-Siberian Railway. There are 2 stations within the district: Belaya Rechka and Shmakovka. The first is of exclusively local importance. Shmakovka station belongs to medium stations, passenger traffic and cargo flows pass through it. It is also a receiver of oil products for Avdeevskaya oil depot LLC RN-Vostoknefteprodukt
The federal highway M60 Khabarovsk-Vladivostok passes through the territory of the village of Kirovsky. It is the most important transport artery of the Kirovsky district, with the help of which communication is carried out between half of the settlements of the district. Route M60 from an entrance to the area to the regional center of the item. Kirovski goes in the direction on the northeast, does turn on the North next and keeps the direction to an exit from the territory of the area.
Heat supply is carried out by local boiler houses, which use coal and fuel oil in the form of fuel. Information about boiler houses and consumers is reflected in Table P.1.2.
Fuel is supplied by rail and road.
Power supply of the Kirovsky district is carried out from the Partisan state district power station.
Water supply is carried out mainly by taking water from the Ussuri River, as well as using wells.
1.1.4 Development prospects
The presence of aquifer mineral basins on the territory of the Kirov district contributes to the creation of health zones in the area for sanatorium and resort services for the population. The main cold carbon dioxide sources are confined to the regional part of the Khankai massif. Of particular importance, both for the Primorsky Territory and for the entire Far Eastern region of Russia, is the Shmakovskoye mineral water deposit. In the area there are deposits of peat mud - "Khankaysky," "Kirov," but a purposeful study of their balneological properties has not been carried out. In the Kirovsky district, the largest sanatorium-resort complex "Shmakovsky Resort," which has a well-developed infrastructure, is located on mineral springs in Primorye.
The recreational development of this territory has good prospects, both in the near and distant future. The unique natural and recreational complex of the Kirov region is a combination of natural and cultural resources with a fairly well-developed infrastructure (institutions of resort recreation), combined into a territorial and recreational system that has no analogues in the Primorsky Territory and performs the tasks of organizing recreation, restoring health and working capacity of the population. On the basis of the existing sanatorium and resort infrastructure of the Kirovsky district, a large international recreational tourist complex can be created, which performs the functions of both medical and recreational recreation and sports and educational tourism. Moreover, foreign tourists (Japan, China, USA) show significant interest both in the possibilities of sanatorium and resort treatment at this resort, and in the unique natural and cultural-historical territories of the Prikhankai plain. Shmakov recreational tourist complex can become the main base for tourists visiting Lake Hanka, from where they can travel along any Khankai routes and return to the base for comfortable rest and entertainment. [5]

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