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Low pressure distribution gas line. Gasification of the village of Alekseevka, Tula region

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Sections: Explanatory Note, Draft Diversion Lane, Process & Design Solutions, PIC Drawings executed in AvtoCAD 10, Word Text

Project's Content

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icon Общие данные ПОС.doc
icon СГП Алексеевка, газопровод.dwg
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icon План трассы_Профиль.dwg
icon План трассы_Профиль.dwl
icon План трассы_Профиль.dwl2
icon Спец. смета1.doc
icon РАЗДЕЛ 1 Записка.doc
icon Раздел 2 ППО.docx
icon раздел 3. ТКР.doc
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Additional information


1 04.03 12 - PZRazdel 1. Explanatory Note

2 04.03.12-PPORazdel 2. Project of the right-of-way

3 04.03.12 -TKRRazdel 3. Technological and structural solutions of linear object. Artificial structures

4 04.03.12-POSRDEL 5. Construction Organization Project

5 04.03.12-OOSRazdet 7. Actions for environmental protection

6 04.03.12-PB Section 8 Fire Safety Measures

7 04.03.12-SM Section 9. Construction Cost Estimate

General Instructions

The present project is executed for the purpose of the organization of construction of the G1 low-pressure gas pipeline, R0.003 by MPa from polyethylene pipes D =110mm, D =63mm for gasification of houses in Alekseyevka, TeploOgarevskiy district, Tula region.

The following materials were used in the development of the project:

1:500 gas pipeline route plan;

technical report on geotechnical surveys.

The project is developed in accordance with:

Federal Law of December 30, 2009 N 384FZ "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures,"

Federal Law of November 23, 2009 N 261FZ "On Energy Saving and on Improving Energy Efficiency and on Amending Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation"

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 29, 2010 N 870 "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Networks";

SP 62.13330.2010 "Gas distribution systems";

SP 42.13330.2011 "Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements ";

SP 48.13330.2011 "Organization of construction production";

SP 421012003 "General provisions for the design and construction of gas distribution systems made of metal and polyethylene pipes";

SNiP 3.02.0187 "Earthworks, foundations and foundations."

This section of the design documentation is developed in accordance with the design assignment, technical regulations, applicable norms, rules and standards, including the requirements of industrial, fire safety standards, environmental and hygienic standards in force in the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as technical specifications and requirements issued by state supervision (control) bodies and interested organizations. The design documentation ensures safe operation of the facility and safe use of the adjacent areas, provided that the measures stipulated by the project are complied with.

Section 1 "Explanatory Note"

1.1 Basis for development of design documentation

This design documentation for the construction of a low-pressure gas pipeline for gasification of the village of Alekseevka, Teploogarevsky District, Tula Region, is based on:

- decisions of the customer (administration of the Naryshkinskoye municipality of the Teploogarevsky district of the Tula region).

1.2 Initial data and conditions for preparation

design documentation for a linear facility.

Design documentation for the facility "Gasification of the village of Alekseevka Teploogarevsky district of the Tula region. Low Pressure Gas Pipeline "is prepared on the basis of the following documents:

- Client's design tasks;

- an act on the selection of a land plot for the construction of gas pipelines at the facility: Gazification of the village of Alekseevka, the location of the plot: Tula region, Teploogarevsky district, the village of Alekseevka. dated December 5, 2011;

- Decisions of the Administration on the preliminary coordination of the place of placement, approval of the act on the selection and layout of the land plot on the cadastral plan of the relevant territory No. 622 dated 27.12.2011;

- district gas supply schemes;

- results of engineering and geological surveys performed by TulaGeoSurvey LLC in 2011;

- letters of OJSC Tulaoblgaz dated 12.12.2011 No. 0326SP/8469 "On the technical possibility of natural gas supply ";

- specifications for connection to the gas distribution network of the natural gas distribution pipeline No. 12 dated 27.01.2012. Tulaoblgaz OJSC branch - Efremovmezhraigaz trust ;

- specifications GU "Tulauprador" of 24.11.2011 No. 2990;

- special technical conditions of coordination of the Tula branch of Rostelecom OJSC dated 26.01.2012 No. 3204/05.

1.3 List of used regulatory documentation

The project is developed in accordance with:

- Federal Law of December 30, 2009 N 384FZ "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures";

- Federal Law of November 23, 2009 No. 261FZ "On Energy Saving and on Improving Energy Efficiency and on Amending Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation";

- Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 29, 2010 N 870 "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Networks";

- SP 62.13330.2010 "Gas distribution systems";

- PB 1252903 "Safety rules for gas distribution and gas consumption systems."

1.4 Information on climatic, geographical and engineering-geological characteristics of the area in the territory of which

construction of a linear facility.

Characteristics of natural and climatic conditions.

Administratively, the site of work is located in the village of Alekseevka, Teploogarevsky district of the Tula region. The construction area belongs to II In the climatic area according to SNiP 230199.

The climate of the Teploy Ogarevsky district is temperate, with moderately cold winters and moderately warm summers.

The average annual temperature is +5˚S (standard deviation 11˚S),

the average temperature of January 10˚S, July +20˚S .

The duration of the period with positive temperatures is 220225 days.

The construction area belongs to the zone of sufficient humidification. The amount of precipitation for the year varies from 470 to 575 mm. In the frost-free period, 70% of precipitation falls (maximum in July).

Normative depth of soil freezing is 1.4 m.

Geomorphological and engineering-geological characteristics

construction area

Geomorphologically, the section of the gas pipeline route is confined to the watershed.

Absolute elevations of the day surface within the route vary from 184.36 to 211.58 m.abs., the elevation difference is 27.22 m.

Cover loams, mainly of semi-solid consistency, underlain at a depth of 2.83.0 m (186.37188.59 m.abs) by water-glacial loams, take part in the geological structure of the site to a explored depth of 6.0 meters.

Deposits are everywhere covered by the soil-plant layer, with a thickness of 0.50 to 0.80 m.

Based on the analysis of field and laboratory materials, the following engineering and geological elements (EGE) are identified:

EGE No. 3 - brown loam (PrIIIII), from solid to semi-solid consistency, predominantly semi-solid, dusty, with herbs of humus and iron, areas - with the inclusion of wood, crushed stone limestone, flint up to 2%.

According to the degree of frost hazard, loam varies from faintly pubescent to medium pubescent and belongs to medium pubescent soils.

EGE No. 4 - loam (flgIIdn) rusty, grayish-brown, brownish, gray, mainly semi-solid consistency, with stains of iron, dusty, less often sandy, with the inclusion of wood, crushed stone limestone, flint up to 5%.

According to the degree of frost hazard, loam varies from medium to strong loam and belongs to strong loam soils.

The natural base of the designed gas pipeline to the depth of laying will be IGE3 cover loams, mainly of semi-solid consistency.

To protect the base soils from possible changes in their properties during the construction and operation of the gas pipeline, it is recommended not to allow additional soaking and freezing of the base soils.

Groundwater during the survey period December 2011 to the explored depth of 6.0 m was not met.

During periods of hydrogeological maxima, groundwater of the "headwaters" type should be expected to appear at a depth of 1,501.70 meters above the heavy differences of IGE3 loam along the entire route.

Based on the results of the chemical analysis of the aggressiveness of the medium in relation to concrete and reinforced concrete - the soils are not aggressive, in terms of low acid.

According to the biocorrosive aggressiveness of soils, IGE3 cover loams of the natural base of the designed gas pipeline are not aggressive.

According to the difficulties of soil development according to GESN 200101 t. 11, issue 4 (2007) belong to 2 categories.

The construction area according to the complexity of engineering and geological conditions belongs to category II (SP 1110597 Appendix B).

From modern engineering and geological processes on the site it is necessary to note the following:

- seasonal freezing of soils, the normative depth of which, according to SNiP 2.02.0183, for clay soils is 1.4m;

- frosty heaving of soils. According to the degree of frost hazard, IGE3 loams belong to medium-swept soils, IGE4 loams belong to strong-swept soils.


The natural base of the structures can be all soils, except for soils lying above the seasonal freezing zone.

The normative depth of seasonal freezing of clay soils is 1.4 m,

According to the degree of frost hazard, IGE3 loams belong to medium-permafrost soils, EGE loams 4 belong to strong loam soils.

Depth of gas pipeline (l) laying is accepted as not less than 0.9 of standard depth of ground freezing.

l ≥ 0.9 h1.4 = 1.3 m

l = 1.3m to the top of the pipe.

1.5 Line Object Route Options

on the territory of the construction area,

justification of the selected route option.

The route of the designed gas pipeline is laid from the designed SPRP3 located on the designed high-pressure gas pipeline.

The route of the gas pipeline route is accepted according to:

- the act on the selection of a land plot for the construction of gas pipelines at the facility: "Gasification of the village of Alekseevka," the location of the plot: Tula region, Teploogarevsky district, the village of Alekseevka. dated December 5, 2011;

- The selected version is justified by minimum crossing and approach from existing underground and above-ground communications, buildings and structures.

1.6 Information on a linear capital construction facility.

The designed low-pressure gas pipeline originates from the designed ShRP3, located on the designed high-pressure gas pipeline in the territory of the village of Alekseevka, the low-pressure gas pipeline will run through the streets of the village of Alekseevka.

The designed gas pipeline is designed to meet the needs of residents of the village of Alekseevka in natural gas for household and household needs.


Construction length * - Length of the gas pipeline taking into account lowers (vertical sections); 2% reserve for polyethylene pipes for snake laying .

1.8. About parcels,

withdrawn for temporary and permanent use

The land for the construction of a low-pressure gas pipeline is under the jurisdiction of the Administration of the Teploogarevsky district of the Tula region.

The land area provided for the location of the gas pipeline is allocated from the land of the settlement for short-term use during the construction of the pipeline and is the territory along the designed route necessary for the performance of a complex of preparatory, earthworks and construction and installation works, limited by conditional lines drawn parallel to the axes of the pipeline.

The use of land over laid gas pipelines for its intended purpose should be carried out by land users of these plots with the protection of gas pipelines.

The width and length of the discharge strip is determined depending on the purpose and category of land along the gas pipeline route, the material and diameter of the pipes, the methods of their connection and laying, the physical and mechanical properties of the soils and the depth of the pipeline, the method and scheme of backfilling of the installed pipeline based on the initial data.

Land plots necessary for the location of infrastructure objects and structures (SHR and shutoff valves) taking into account the protection zone on the designed gas pipeline are allocated from the composition of settlement lands to indefinite (permanent) use to the balance holder of the linear object, the amount of these lands is 100.0 m2

For temporary use, land is allocated for the construction of a gas pipeline, sites and temporary roads along the gas pipeline route for a construction period with a total area of ​ ​ 0.92 hectares. The need for land resources for the construction and operation of the designed gas pipeline is determined on the basis of the land diversion standards SN 45273 "Land diversion standards for main pipelines," taking into account the adopted design decisions for the construction of gas pipelines and the arrangement of mechanisms for the construction of the gas pipeline.

1.9 Information on the category of land on which the object is located

capital construction

The affected lands are represented by the lands of the settlement of the village of Alekseevka of the Naryshkinskoye district of the Teploogarevsky district, intended for the development and development of the settlement. The construction of a gas pipeline on this site is justified by the Act on the selection of a land plot for the construction of gas pipelines at the facility: "Gasification of the village of Alekseevka," the location of the site: Tula region, Teploogarevsky district, the village of Alekseevka. dated December 5, 2011 and the Decree of the Administration on the preliminary coordination of the place of placement, approval of the act on the selection and layout of the land plot on the cadastral plan of the corresponding territory No. 622 dated December 27, 2011;

1.10 Basic design solutions ensuring the reliability of the linear facility, the sequence of its construction, the planned stages

construction and planned commissioning dates.

1.10.1 Principal design solutions providing

reliability of linear object

The designed object is a low-pressure gas pipeline for gasification of the village of Alekseevka, Teploogarevsky district, Tula region.

According to the specifications for connection to the gas distribution network of the natural gas distribution pipeline No. 12 dated 27.01.2012 branch of OJSC Tulaoblgaz "- the trust of Efremovmezhraigaz, gas supply to the village of Ozerki, the village of Alekseevka, the village of Lidinka, Teploogarevsky district, Tula region can be carried out from the existing distribution underground high-pressure steel gas pipeline R≤0,6 MPa (Rf. = 0.22 MPa), ¼ 159 mm, laid on N. p. Northern .

This project has been implemented in the scope of the low-pressure gas pipeline from the connection to the designed gas distribution point SRP3 to the gas pipeline inputs to residential buildings.

Low pressure distribution gas line R≤ 0.003 MPa.

The designed low-pressure gas pipeline P = 0.002 MPa is laid along the territory of the village of Alekseevka. The gas pipeline is laid underground and above ground.

The outlet of the gas pipeline from ShRP3 and lowering to the ground is designed by a basement gas inlet from polyethylene pipes Ø110 as per t.s. 8353.03 of Promgaz OJSC.

At distance of 3.0 m from the output of the gas pipeline from ShRP3 the disconnecting device - a ball valve polyethylene DN of 110 mm in underground execution is installed. Installation diagram is given in Section 3 of this design documentation (i.e. 8353.10 of OJSC Promgaz).

The designed underground low-pressure gas pipeline is laid from pipes PE80 GAZ 110x6.3 SDR 17.6 executed in accordance with GOST P 5083895 .

The transition of the gas pipeline through the PK 0 + 10.5 - PK 0 + 23.0 inside the village highway and the V highway of the technical category PK 7 + 27.3 - PK 7 + 52.3 was made by the method of inclined-directional drilling (NNB) in the case of PE 80 GAZ 160x14.6 SDR11 pipes with installation of control tubes of ¼ 32mm. Installation diagram is given in Section 3 of this design documentation (i.e. 8353.15 of Promgaz OJSC)

The depth of gas pipeline laying is determined in accordance with SP 62.13330.2010 "Gas distribution systems" and is accepted 1.3 m to the top of the pipe.

Low pressure gas pipelines-inlets R≤ 0.003 MPa.

The scope of this project includes detailed documentation for 45 gas pipelines-inlets to 30 major residential buildings.

The designed gas pipelines inputs of low pressure to houses are designed from polyethylene pipes PE80 GAZ 63x5.8 SDR 11 in accordance with GOST P 5083895.

Connection to the gas distribution pipeline of gas pipelines-inlets is provided by reduction tees.

The depth of gas pipeline laying is determined in accordance with SP 62.13330.2010 "Gas distribution systems" and is accepted at least 1.0 m.

Exits from the earth are designed by socle gas input from steel pipes φ57мм on t. page 8353.04 of JSC Promgaz.

On steel above-ground gas pipelines laid on the external walls of residential buildings, it is provided for the installation of isolating connections DN 25mm IS25 and disconnecting devices - cranes of ball gas GSh25 DN 25mm.

The gas pipeline routing was agreed in accordance with the procedure established by law with the landowners and interested technical services of the district.

The design diagram of the gas distribution network and the design of the gas pipeline provides safe and reliable operation of the gas pipeline within the normative service life, gas transportation with the specified parameters in terms of pressure and flow rate, makes it possible to quickly disconnect gas consumers.

Above-ground sections of the steel gas pipeline for protection against atmospheric corrosion are covered with two layers of GF019 primer and two layers of PF115 enamel.

The underground gas pipeline on the sections from the non-removable connection "Polyethylene Steel" to the outlets of the gas pipeline from the ground near residential buildings is laid out of steel electric welded straight-joint pipes according to GOST 1070491 coated in factory conditions with polymer insulation of a very reinforced type according to GOST 9.6022005. In the remaining areas, the underground gas pipeline is laid out of polyethylene pipes according to GOST R 5083895 *, which have passed physical and mechanical tests in accordance with SP 62.13330.2010 in the amount of 2% of each batch, having a quality certificate of the manufacturer's plant.

Connections of polyethylene pipes to each other and to polyethylene connecting parts are made using connecting parts with embedded heaters (ZN) and butt welding.

Connections of polyethylene gas pipeline with steel pipe shall be made by non-detachable reinforced type.

To prevent damage to polyethylene gas pipelines during operation when laying the gas pipeline along the entire route, it is necessary to put a yellow polyethylene signal tape with an indelible inscription "GAZ" 0.2 m wide by 0.2 m from the top of the sprinkled gas pipeline. When laying the gas pipeline by the method of inclined-directional drilling, the laying of the signal tape is not required.

At the sections of gas pipeline intersections with underground communications, the signal tape is laid twice along the gas pipeline at a distance of at least 0.2m between each other and 0.2 m to both sides of the crossed structure.

Transition of the designed underground gas pipeline above and under communications (water supply, communication cable) shall be carried out with observance of vertical distance (in light) between them.

Work on the construction of a gas pipeline at intersections with engineering communications should be carried out only on the basis of written permits of organizations operating these communications in the presence of representatives of organizations. The trench shall be developed directly in the crossing area and at a distance of 2.0m in each direction from the crossing by hand without the use of percussion tools.

Prior to the commencement of work, it is necessary to specify the location of underground utilities with the help of drilling and tracing.

The polyethylene gas pipeline shall be welded at ambient temperature not higher than + 40 ° С and not lower than 15 ° С.

The construction of the gas pipeline can be started with the complete provision of pipes and connecting parts.

Polyethylene pipes can be stored on the route for no more than 15 days.

When laying pipes in a trench, provide a device under the gas pipeline of the base with a thickness of 10 cm from unpowered soft soil that do not contain large (not more than 2 cm) inclusions and fill with the same soil to a height of 20 cm (see longitudinal profile of the gas pipeline).

Sprinkle is produced in summer at the coldest time of day, and in winter at the warmest time of day.

For the designation of the gas pipeline route, the project provides for the installation of identification columns according to the normal of the NPP 1.00 SS and identification marks according to the normal of the NPP 2.00 SS series 5.90525.05 efft. 1. Columns and signs shall be installed at the angles of turn, at the points of branches of the gas pipeline and at a distance of not more than 200 m from each other in straight sections of the gas pipeline. The columns shall be installed on the right side of the gas pipeline along the gas flow at a distance of 1.0 m from the gas pipeline axis. Identification marks shall be installed on the walls of buildings, structures and identification columns. The identification marks shall bear the following information;

- specifying the distance to the gas pipeline;

- indication of gas pressure parameters;

- indication of gas pipeline depth and telephone number of emergency dispatch service.

Within a radius of 50.00 m from the underground gas pipeline, sealing of utility inputs is carried out according to the GVIS album "Sealing of utility inputs to the basement," developed by the Kostromagrazhdanproekt PI.

In a radius of 15.0 m from the underground gas pipeline, holes of ∅16 mm are drilled in the hatches of utility wells, offset from the center of the hatch by 20 mm.

Turns of linear part of gas pipeline in horizontal and vertical planes from 900 to 1350 are performed by cast polyethylene branches of factory manufacture, over 1350 - by elastic bending with radius of not less than 25 external diameters of pipe.

Sites within a radius of 0.5 m from gas risers and drops to the depth of the trench are covered with sand. The sites shall be 0.3 m higher than the surrounding area with a slope for water diversion.

In connection with the laying of an underground gas pipeline in medium-permeable soils, the depth of the gas pipeline should be provided below the depth of freezing of soils (1.3 m to the top of the pipe).

According to SP 62.13330.2010, the gas pipeline is subjected to physical inspection of welded joints. Welded joints on the gas pipeline shall be equal to the main pipe material.

After cleaning the internal cavity of the gas pipeline by blowing with air, tightness tests are carried out with internal air pressure, in accordance with the requirements of SP 62.13330.2010 and SP 421012002. Tests are carried out after installation of valves, equipment, instrumentation.

NOTE: See Section 3 for details of the process and design of the designed low pressure gas pipeline. of this project documentation.

1.10.2 Line facility construction sequence to be planned

construction stages and planned dates for their commissioning.

The planned works on the gas pipeline construction should be performed by the flow-parallel method of construction organization using the principles of continuity and consistency in the work execution. Works are performed in stage I. Expected Commissioning Date - Q4 2012

Works that are not connected to each other must be performed in parallel and independently of each other.

Construction and installation works are carried out by contract with the involvement of forces and funds of specialized organizations.

The construction of the gas pipeline is carried out in the conditions of sparse rural development.

Distances from the low-pressure gas pipeline to existing buildings and structures correspond to SP 42.13330.2011 "Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements. "

NOTE: Due to the absence of buildings, structures and structures on the designed object, which are part of the linear object infrastructure (design boundary - connection to the designed SRP) and the absence of measures for demolition (dismantling) of the linear object, SECTION 4 and SECTION 6 were not developed by this design documentation.

This section of the design documentation is developed in accordance with the design assignment, technical regulations, applicable norms, rules and standards, including the requirements of industrial, fire safety standards, environmental and hygienic standards in force in the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as technical specifications and requirements issued by state supervision (control) bodies and interested organizations. The design documentation ensures safe operation of the facility and safe use of the adjacent areas, provided that the measures stipulated by the project are complied with.

Section 2. "Right-of-Way Design"

2.1 Characteristics of linear object route.

Characteristics of the construction section of the gas pipeline route.

Administratively, the site of work is located in the village of Alekseevka, Teploogarevsky district of the Tula region. The construction area belongs to II In the climatic area according to SNiP 230199.

The climate of the Teploy Ogarevsky district is temperate, with moderately cold winters and moderately warm summers.

The average annual temperature is +5˚S (standard deviation 11˚S),

the average temperature of January 10˚S, July +20˚S .

The duration of the period with positive temperatures is 220225 days.

The construction area belongs to the zone of sufficient humidification. The amount of precipitation for the year varies from 470 to 575 mm. In the frost-free period, 70% of precipitation falls (maximum in July).

Geomorphologically, the section of the gas pipeline route is confined to the watershed.

Absolute elevations of the day surface within the route vary from 184.36 to 211.58 m.abs., the elevation difference is 27.22 m.

Cover loams, mainly of semi-solid consistency, underlain at a depth of 2.83.0 m (186.37188.59 m.abs) by water-glacial loams, take part in the geological structure of the site to a explored depth of 6.0 meters.

Deposits are everywhere covered by the soil-plant layer, with a thickness of 0.50 to 0.80 m.

Based on the analysis of field and laboratory materials, the following engineering and geological elements (EGE) are identified:

EGE No. 3 - brown loam (PrIIIII), from solid to semi-solid consistency, predominantly semi-solid, dusty, with herbs of humus and iron, areas - with the inclusion of wood, crushed stone limestone, flint up to 2%.

According to the degree of frost hazard, loam varies from faintly pubescent to medium pubescent and belongs to medium pubescent soils.

EGE No. 4 - loam (flgIIdn) rusty, grayish-brown, brownish, gray, mainly semi-solid consistency, with stains of iron, dusty, less often sandy, with the inclusion of wood, crushed stone limestone, flint up to 5%.

According to the degree of frost hazard, loam varies from medium to strong loam and belongs to strong loam soils.

The natural base of the designed gas pipeline to the depth of laying will be IGE3 cover loams, mainly of semi-solid consistency.

To protect the base soils from possible changes in their properties during the construction and operation of the gas pipeline, it is recommended not to allow additional soaking and freezing of the base soils.

Groundwater during the survey period December 2011 to the explored depth of 6.0 m was not met.

During periods of hydrogeological maxima, groundwater of the "headwaters" type should be expected to appear at a depth of 1,501.70 meters above the heavy differences of IGE3 loam along the entire route.

Based on the results of the chemical analysis of the aggressiveness of the medium in relation to concrete and reinforced concrete - the soils are not aggressive, in terms of low acid.

According to the biocorrosive aggressiveness of soils, IGE3 cover loams of the natural base of the designed gas pipeline are not aggressive.

According to the difficulties of soil development according to GESN 200101 t. 11, issue 4 (2007) belong to 2 categories.

The construction area according to the complexity of engineering and geological conditions belongs to category II (SP 1110597 Appendix B).

From modern engineering and geological processes on the site it is necessary to note the following:

- seasonal freezing of soils, the normative depth of which, according to SNiP 2.02.0183, for clay soils is 1.4m;

- frosty heaving of soils. According to the degree of frost hazard, IGE3 loams belong to medium-swept soils, IGE4 loams belong to strong-swept soils.


The natural base of the structures can be all soils, except for soils lying above the seasonal freezing zone.

The normative depth of seasonal freezing of clay soils is 1.4 m,

According to the degree of frost hazard, IGE3 loams belong to medium-permafrost soils, EGE loams 4 belong to strong loam soils.

Depth of gas pipeline (l) laying is accepted as not less than 0.9 of standard depth of ground freezing.

l ≥ 0.9 h1.4 = 1.3 m

l = 1.3m to the top of the pipe.

2.2 Calculation of the land allotment strip,

provided to place a linear object.

2.2.1 Right of way parameters for location of linear objects

The land for the construction of the gas pipeline is under the jurisdiction of the Administration of the Teploogarevsky district of the Tula region.

The construction strip of the linear part of the gas pipeline is a linearly extended construction site, within which the entire pipeline construction complex is carried out by mobile mechanized production units - columns, crews, links, including:

The main - construction, construction and special construction works.

Auxiliary - loading, transportation and unloading of pipes, insulation, welding and other materials, equipment, machines, mechanisms, structures, products, parts, etc., ensuring uninterrupted production of CIW;

Maintenance - quality and safety control of the construction and construction plant production, ensuring the implementation of environmental measures in the performance of basic and auxiliary construction processes, maintenance and repair of machines, mechanisms, social and household services for builders, protection of material assets.

The land plot provided for the location of the gas pipeline is allocated from the land of the settlement for short-term use during the construction of the pipeline and is the territory along the designed route necessary for the performance of a complex of preparatory, earthworks and construction and installation works, limited by conditional lines carried out parallel to the axes of the pipeline.

The use of land over laid gas pipelines for their intended purpose should be carried out by the land users of these plots to ensure the safety of gas pipelines.

The width and length of the drainage strip is determined depending on the purpose and category of land along the gas pipeline route, the material and diameter of the pipes, the methods of their connection and laying, the physical and mechanical properties of the soils and the depth of the pipeline, the method and scheme of backfilling of the installed pipeline based on the initial data (see Table No. 2.1)

List of source data

The land plot necessary for the placement of infrastructure objects and structures (SHRP, shutoff valves, control tubes) on the designed gas pipeline is allocated from the composition of the land of the settlement to the indefinite (permanent) use of the balance holder of the linear object. For temporary use, land is allocated for the construction of a gas pipeline, sites and temporary roads along the gas pipeline route for the period of construction. The need for land resources for the construction and operation of the designed gas pipeline is determined on the basis of the land diversion standards SN 45273 "Land diversion standards for main pipelines," taking into account the adopted design decisions for the construction of gas pipelines and the arrangement of mechanisms for the construction of the gas pipeline.

2.2.2 Calculation of the land area diversion lane

The affected lands are represented by the lands of the settlement of the village of Alekseevka of the Naryshkinskoye district of the Teploogarevsky district, intended for the development and development of the settlement.

The movement of construction equipment and mechanisms is accepted along existing roads and in the diversion lane.

The construction of the gas pipeline is carried out within the process strip.

2.3 List of crossed natural barriers and artificial structures

The designed section of the gas pipeline crosses existing communication cables, water supply, roads.

The vertical distance in the light at the intersection of gas pipelines with communication cables is at least 0.5 m, at the intersection with the water pipeline - at least 0.2 m. The polyethylene gas pipeline at the intersection consists of a case of polyethylene pipe GOST R 5083895 with a length of at least 4.0 m (two meters to the sides of the intersection).

Crossing the gas pipeline of the highway "Auto access to n.p. Hilkovo" the V technical category to execute by NNB method in a protective case from pipes PE 80 GAZ 160x14.6 SDR 11 L=25.0 of the item of m with installation of a control tube 32mm (t. page 8353.15 of JSC Promgaz) from personal computer 7+27.3 to personal computer 7+52.3.

The transition of the gas pipeline through the inner-village highway shall be performed by the NNB method in a protective case made of PE 80 GAZ 160x14.6 SDR 11 L = 12.5 p.m. pipes with installation of the control tube ∅32mm (i.e. 8353.15 of Promgaz OJSC) from PC 0 + 10.5 to PC 0 + 23.0.

Seal the ends of cases with polymeric materials with polyurethane foam or bitumen .

Carry the ends of the cases at a distance of at least 5 meters from the sole of the embankment beyond the boundaries of the earth bed, and in the presence of a drainage ditch of at least 3 meters from the outer edge of the ditch.

The depth of the gas pipeline is at least 1.5 meters from the surface of the earth.

The road crossing shall be marked with identification plates in accordance with Annex 15 to SP 421012003.

According to the special specifications of Rostelecom OJSC it is necessary:

- Ensure the safety of existing cable communication lines of the Tula branch of Rostelecom OJSC, familiarizing contractors with the specification for earthworks and conclude a technical supervision agreement with the Tula branch of Rostelecom OJSC;

- Determine the exact location of cable communication lines on the ground together with the representative of TCET and LTC of Teploe. The representative is called 3 working days before the start of earthworks.

- Lay the gas pipeline route parallel to the existing communication line at a distance of at least 2 meters plus the gas pipeline protection zone (withdrawal strip).

- At the point of intersection of the gas pipeline route with the existing cable communication lines, perform the following conditions:

Earthworks in the security zone of communication cables (4 meters, 2 meters from the axis of the communication cable) should be carried out only in the presence of a representative of the Tula branch using shovels, without sharp blows. Use of percussion tools (crowns, bricks, wedges and pneumatic tools) is prohibited.

The construction of the gas pipeline, including the digging of the trenches for the gas pipeline, is allowed to be carried out only after the construction of the protective casing from a metal pipe (see Figure 1 of the Special Technical Conditions of Rostelecom OJSC) or a metal channel.

In order to prevent damage during operation of the polyethylene gas pipeline during earthworks, it is provided to lay a signal tape warning about the passage of the polyethylene gas pipeline in this section, which is laid along the gas pipeline route from polyethylene pipes. Signal tape shall be not less than 0.2 m wide with indelible inscription "Flammable! Gas "at a distance of less than 0.2m from the top of the sprinkled gas pipeline.

At the intersections of the polyethylene gas pipeline with underground communications, the tape should be laid along the gas pipeline twice for a distance of at least 0.2 m between each other and 2.0 m on both sides of the crossed structure.

All work on the construction of a gas pipeline at the intersection with engineering communications should be carried out only on the basis of written permits of organizations operating these communications, under the direct supervision of representatives of organizations.

Prior to commencement of work, it is necessary to specify the location of all underground utilities using the tracer and drilling.

Excavation at points of intersection with underground communications should be performed manually at a distance of 2.0m before and after crossing without the use of impact mechanisms.

Intersections of the designed gas pipeline with engineering communications are given

2.4. Alignment Relief Solutions

and territory engineering training

The relief of the site is semi-canopy. Absolute elevations of the day surface within the route vary from 184.36 to 211.58 m.abs., the elevation difference is 27.22 m.

The layout of the route includes clearing the route from green spaces, garbage and snow, and is carried out so that after excavation of soil during the digging of the trench there remains a planned strip for placing welding equipment on it, passing vehicles and moving construction machines. The width of the planned strip should be at least 1.5 m.

Temporary roads for the passage of construction and transport vehicles should be arranged single-lane with the necessary widening at the places of turns, turns and junctions. It is advisable to arrange trips at a line of sight, but no more than 600 m later.

Excavation consists in digging trenches for gas pipeline pipes. The dimensions and profiles of the trench are set by the design depending on the diameter of the gas pipeline pipes, the characteristics of soils, hydrogeological, temperature and other conditions.

The width of the trench is accepted taking into account the requirements of regulatory documents and should be at least D + 300 mm.

The depth of the gas pipeline laying in medium-permeable soils is provided at least 1.3 m to the top of the pipe.

Trenches for pipeline are opened from trapezoidal profile. In cases where the trench requires the work of people (places where equipment is located to perform crossings under roads, connecting individual sections of the gas pipeline, etc.), local widening of the trench (pits) is arranged, if necessary giving their walls an inclined profile (slopes are accepted according to SNII480 and SNII4280 depending on the depth of laying).

The development of trenches for the polyethylene gas pipeline should be carried out mechanically using rotary or single-bucket excavators, depending on the nature of the soil. Soil release is carried out in one direction, while it is desirable that the filled soil is located on the side of the trench from where the influx of rain and meltwater is possible.

The design provides for laying a pipe on a sand base with a thickness of at least 10 cm, and backfilling with sand to a height of at least 20 cm above the upper generatrix of the gas pipeline.

Fill the pipeline to design elevations after its strength and tightness test. Filling of gas pipeline is performed with soil from dump, which is bulldozed onto layer of dump by bulldozer. Preliminary soil around pipeline is compacted layer-by-layer by ramming.

Special attention during ramming shall be paid to installation of tee branches. In these places, it is recommended to compact the soil with soaking to prevent shrinkage of the soil and deformation of the pipes.

Building codes provide for mandatory land reclamation. Therefore, after filling the gas pipeline, it is compacted with multiple passes of caterpillar tractors. Previously removed fertile layer is laid on compacted soil and leveled.

Solutions for vertical layout of the site under SGD provide:

- maximum approximation to the existing relief;

- the least amount of earthworks;

- minimum soil movement within the developed areas.

Surface drainage is provided for relief.

2.5 Information on radii and angles of rotation, length of straight and curvilinear sections, longitudinal and transverse slopes

The polyethylene underground low-pressure gas pipeline is accepted from pipes PE 80 GAZ 63x5,8 SDR11; PE 80 GAZ 110x6.3 SDR17.6 in accordance with GOST P5083895.

The rotation angles of route 13501700 of the polyethylene gas pipeline are made by elastic bending of the pipe with a radius of at least 25 outer diameters of the pipe, the rotation angles of 9001350 are made with the help of cast branches made of polyethylene from the factory .

Along the route of the underground gas pipeline, identification marks are provided to determine the location of the pipe, using snaps to buildings, stone fences. Signs are installed at the points of turn of the route and every 200.0 m in rectilinear sections. Identification marks shall be placed on the right side of the gas at a distance of 1.0 m from the gas pipeline. The identification marks indicate the distance from the gas pipeline, the depth of its laying and the telephone of the emergency dispatch service.

The gas pipeline is laid with a slope of at least 2% 0.

Information about radii and angles of rotation, length of straight and curved sections, longitudinal and transverse slopes is presented in the graphic part of the project.

2.6 Substantiation of the need to place the facility and its infrastructure on agricultural lands, forest, water resources,

lands of specially protected natural areas

The affected lands are represented by the lands of the settlement - the village of Alekseevka of the Naryshkinskoye district of the Teploogarevsky district, intended for the development and development of the settlement. No justification required.

Section 3 "Technological and structural solutions of linear object. structures


3.1 Characteristics of the construction site.

Administratively, the site of work is located in the village of Alekseevka, Teploogarevsky district of the Tula region. The construction area belongs to II In the climatic area according to SNiP 230199.

The climate of the Teploy Ogarevsky district is temperate, with moderately cold winters and moderately warm summers.

The average annual temperature is +5˚S (standard deviation 11˚S),

the average temperature of January 10˚S, July +20˚S .

The duration of the period with positive temperatures is 220225 days.

The construction area belongs to the zone of sufficient humidification. The amount of precipitation for the year varies from 470 to 575 mm. In the frost-free period, 70% of precipitation falls (maximum in July).

Geomorphologically, the section of the gas pipeline route is confined to the watershed.

Absolute elevations of the day surface within the route vary from 184.36 to 211.58 m.abs., the elevation difference is 27.22 m.

Cover loams, mainly of semi-solid consistency, underlain at a depth of 2.83.0 m (186.37188.59 m.abs) by water-glacial loams, take part in the geological structure of the site to a explored depth of 6.0 meters.

Deposits are everywhere covered by the soil-plant layer, with a thickness of 0.50 to 0.80 m.

Based on the analysis of field and laboratory materials, the following engineering and geological elements (EGE) are identified:

EGE No. 3 - brown loam (PrIIIII), from solid to semi-solid consistency, predominantly semi-solid, dusty, with herbs of humus and iron, areas - with the inclusion of wood, crushed stone limestone, flint up to 2%.

According to the degree of frost hazard, loam varies from faintly pubescent to medium pubescent and belongs to medium pubescent soils.

EGE No. 4 - loam (flgIIdn) rusty, grayish-brown, brownish, gray, mainly semi-solid consistency, with stains of iron, dusty, less often sandy, with the inclusion of wood, crushed stone limestone, flint up to 5%.

According to the degree of frost hazard, loam varies from medium to strong loam and belongs to strong loam soils.

The natural base of the designed gas pipeline to the depth of laying will be IGE3 cover loams, mainly of semi-solid consistency.

To protect the base soils from possible changes in their properties during the construction and operation of the gas pipeline, it is recommended not to allow additional soaking and freezing of the base soils.

From modern engineering and geological processes on the site it is necessary to note the following:

- seasonal freezing of soils, the normative depth of which, according to SNiP 2.02.0183, for clay soils is 1.4m;

- frosty heaving of soils. According to the degree of frost hazard, IGE3 loams belong to medium-swept soils, IGE4 loams belong to strong-swept soils.

Strength and deformation characteristics of the soil at the base of the linear object

The deformation and strength characteristics of soils are determined by laboratory tests and are presented in the Technical Report on Engineering and Geological Surveys.

Groundwater level, their chemical composition, aggressiveness to materials of products and structures of the underground part of the linear object

Groundwater during the survey period December 2011 to the explored depth of 6.0 m was not met.

During periods of hydrogeological maxima, groundwater of the "headwaters" type should be expected to appear at a depth of 1,501.70 meters above the heavy differences of IGE3 loam along the entire route.

Based on the results of the chemical analysis of the aggressiveness of the medium in relation to concrete and reinforced concrete - the soils are not aggressive, in terms of low acid.

According to the biocorrosive aggressiveness of soils, IGE3 cover loams of the natural base of the designed gas pipeline are not aggressive.

According to the difficulties of soil development according to GESN 200101 t. 11, issue 4 (2007) belong to 2 categories.

The construction area according to the complexity of engineering and geological conditions belongs to category II (SP 1110597 Appendix B).

3.2 Hydraulic calculation of low pressure gas pipeline.

The calculation of low-pressure gas pipelines was carried out in accordance with the master development plan for gasification of 38 capital residential buildings located in the villages of Alekseevka, Teplo - Ogarevsky district, Tula region with the development of a gas supply scheme for the entire village (38 railway with a total gas flow of 120.7 m3/h).

The calculation is based on:

the customer's design tasks;

Technical Specifications for Connection of Distribution Gas Pipeline No. 12 dated January 27, 2012 issued by the branch of OJSC Tulaoblgaz Trust Efremovmezhraigaz.

The following materials were used in the calculation:

Master development plan in M 1:1000.

The calculation was made using the Hydroulic Calculator software (developed by OJSC Giproniigaz).

The calculation was made in accordance with the requirements of PB 1252303 "Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems" and SP 62.13330.2010 "Gas Distribution Systems."

The total gas flow rate will be 120.7 m3/h, taking into account the concurrency factor.

Determination of maximum estimated expenses

In accordance with the master development plan, the maximum estimated hour gas consumption is determined for 38 residential buildings located in the villages of Alekseevka, Teplo - Ogarevsky district of the Tula region .

Gasification of these houses is provided by natural gas with parameters Qp = 7990 kcal/hour and density 0.73 kg/nm3.

Natural gas in homes is used for household needs.

Estimated gas hourly flow rates are defined as per SP 62.13330.2010 and SNiP 42012002 .

19 individual residential buildings are gasified (average area 150m2)

and 19 two-apartment buildings (average apartment area 100m2).

3.3 Characteristics of the construction facility

Linear object category

The designed object is a low-pressure gas pipeline for gasification of the village of Alekseevka, Teploogarevsky district, Tula region.

According to the specifications for connection to the gas distribution network of the natural gas distribution pipeline No. 12 dated 27.01.2012 branch of OJSC Tulaoblgaz "- the trust of Efremovmezhraigaz, gas supply to the village of Ozerki, the village of Alekseevka, the village of Lidinka, Teploogarevsky district, Tula region can be carried out from the existing distribution underground high-pressure steel gas pipeline R≤0,6 MPa (Rf. = 0.22 MPa), ¼ 159 mm, laid on N. p. Northern .

This project has been implemented in the scope of the low-pressure gas pipeline from the connection to the designed gas distribution point SRP3 to the gas pipeline inputs to residential buildings.

The designed low-pressure gas pipeline P = 0.002 MPa is laid along the territory of the village of Alekseevka. The gas pipeline is laid underground and above ground.

The designed underground low-pressure gas pipeline is laid from pipes PE80 GAZ 110x6.3 SDR 17.6 executed in accordance with GOST P 5083895.

The scope of this project includes detailed documentation for 45 gas pipelines-inlets to 30 major residential buildings.

The designed gas pipelines inputs of low pressure to houses are designed from polyethylene pipes PE80 GAZ 63x5.8 SDR 11 in accordance with GOST P 5083895.

Connection to the gas distribution pipeline of gas pipelines-inlets is provided by reduction tees.

The designed gas pipeline with a pressure of up to 0.005 MPa belongs to the low-pressure gas pipeline of category IV.

3.4 Substantiation of technical solutions for gas pipeline construction

The designed object is a low-pressure gas pipeline for gasification of the village of Alekseevka, Teploogarevsky district, Tula region.

Low pressure distribution gas pipeline P = 0.002 MPa.

The designed low-pressure gas pipeline P = 0.002 MPa is laid along the territory of the village of Alekseevka. The gas pipeline is laid underground and above ground.

The outlet of the gas pipeline from ShRP3 and lowering to the ground is designed by a basement gas inlet from polyethylene pipes Ø110 as per t.s. 8353.03 of Promgaz OJSC.

At distance of 3.0 m from the output of the gas pipeline from ShRP3 the disconnecting device - a ball valve polyethylene DN of 110 mm in underground execution is installed. Installation diagram is given in Section 3 of this design documentation (i.e. 8353.10 of OJSC Promgaz).

The designed underground low-pressure gas pipeline is laid from pipes PE80 GAZ 110x6.3 SDR 17.6 executed in accordance with GOST P 5083895 .

The transition of the gas pipeline through the PK 0 + 10.5 - PK 0 + 23.0 inside the village highway and the V highway of the technical category PK 7 + 27.3 - PK 7 + 52.3 was made by the method of inclined-directional drilling (NNB) in the case of PE 80 GAZ 160x14.6 SDR11 pipes with installation of control tubes of ¼ 32mm. Installation diagram is given in Section 3 of this design documentation (i.e. 8353.15 of Promgaz OJSC)

The depth of gas pipeline laying is determined in accordance with SP 62.13330.2010 "Gas distribution systems" and is accepted 1.3 m to the top of the pipe.

Low pressure gas pipelines-inlets P = 0.002 MPa.

The scope of this project includes detailed documentation for 45 gas pipelines-inlets to 30 major residential buildings.

The designed gas pipelines inputs of low pressure to houses are designed from polyethylene pipes PE80 GAZ 63x5.8 SDR 11 in accordance with GOST P 5083895.

Connection to the gas distribution pipeline of gas pipelines-inlets is provided by reduction tees.

The depth of gas pipeline laying is determined in accordance with SP 62.13330.2010 "Gas distribution systems" and is accepted at least 1.0 m.

Exits from the earth are designed by socle gas input from steel pipes φ57мм on t. page 8353.04 of JSC Promgaz.

On steel above-ground gas pipelines laid on the external walls of residential buildings, it is provided for the installation of isolating connections DN 25mm IS25 and disconnecting devices - cranes of ball gas GSh25 DN 25mm.

3.5 Process and structural solutions of linear object

The diameter of the designed gas pipeline ensures the passage of the required amount of gas at permissible pressure drops.

The design diagram of the gas distribution network and the design of the gas pipeline provides safe and reliable operation of the gas pipeline within the normative service life, gas transportation with the specified parameters by pressure and flow rate, and makes it possible to quickly disconnect gas consumers.

The gas equipment and materials used in the project are certified for compliance with safety requirements and have permission from the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia for use. Replacement of the equipment and materials by the equipment and materials with similar technical characteristics in coordination with the design organization is possible.

Connections of polyethylene pipes to each other and to polyethylene connecting parts are made using connecting parts with embedded heaters (ZN) and butt welding.

Polyethylene underground gas pipeline of low pressure G1 is received from pipes

PE80 GAZ of 110х6.3 SDR17.6, PE80 63х5,8 SDR11 in accordance with GOST P5083895 with durability safety factor not less than 2.6.

Steel sections of the gas pipeline at the points of the SGR piping are accepted from steel electric welded straight-joint pipes made of calm steel according to GOST 1070580 * (Group B) "Technical Specifications" and GOST 1070491 "Grade ."

Above-ground gas pipeline is protected against atmospheric corrosion by coating with oil paint for external work on two layers of primer in accordance with the requirements

SNiP 2.03.1185.

In order to be able to cut off the gas supply during repair works and emergency situations, the design in accordance with SP 62.13330.2010 and SP 421012003 provides for the installation of disconnecting devices in the underground version .

The following are accepted as disconnecting devices:

at the outlet from SGR after lowering into the ground - polyethylene crane Du 110mm in underground design production of OJSC "Tyazhpromarmatura" (tightness class A as per GOST 954493) Ru = 1.6MPa.

on gas pipelines-inlets - ball cranes GSH25 Du 25mm.

Disconnecting device in underground version is installed in the fence of SGR.

Crossing the gas pipeline of the highway "Auto access to n.p. Hilkovo" the V technical category to execute by NNB method in a protective case from pipes PE 80 GAZ 160x14.6 SDR 11 L=25.0 of the item of m with installation of a control tube 32mm (t. page 8353.15 of JSC Promgaz) from personal computer 7+27.3 to personal computer 7+52.3.

The transition of the gas pipeline through the inner-village highway shall be performed by the NNB method in a protective case made of PE 80 GAZ 160x14.6 SDR 11 L = 12.5 p.m. pipes with installation of the control tube ∅32mm (i.e. 8353.15 of Promgaz OJSC) from PC 0 + 10.5 to PC 0 + 23.0.

Seal the ends of cases with polymeric materials with polyurethane foam or bitumen .

Carry the ends of the cases at a distance of at least 5 meters from the sole of the embankment beyond the boundaries of the earth bed, and in the presence of a drainage ditch of at least 3 meters from the outer edge of the ditch.

The depth of the gas pipeline is at least 1.5 meters from the surface of the earth.

The road crossing shall be marked with identification plates in accordance with Annex 15 to SP 421012003.

General requirements for low pressure gas pipeline

Trench width shall be not less than outer diameter with + 300 mm insulation.

The design provides for the entire route at the base of the trench to be filled with sand soil with a thickness of at least 10 cm. Fill the pipe with the same soil to a height of 20 cm, and then with developed soil with compaction to the natural density of the soil.

When laying gas pipelines in a trench, perform measures aimed at reducing stress in pipes from temperature changes during operation:

- at the temperature of pipes (ambient air) above plus 10 ° С, the gas pipeline is laid with a free bend ("snake") with backfilling - in the coldest time of day;

- at ambient air temperature below plus 10 ° С, it is possible to lay the gas pipeline rectilinear, including in narrow trenches, and fill the gas pipeline in this case at the warmest time of day.

In order to prevent damage during operation of the polyethylene gas pipeline during earthworks, it is provided to lay a signal tape warning about the passage of the polyethylene gas pipeline in this section, which is laid along the gas pipeline route from polyethylene pipes. The signal tape must be at least 0.2m wide with the indelible inscription "Flammable! Gas "at a distance of less than 0.2m from the top of the sprinkled gas pipeline. At the intersections of the polyethylene gas pipeline with underground communications, the tape should be laid along the gas pipeline twice for a distance of at least 0.2m between each other and 2m on both sides of the crossed structure.

To find the gas pipeline route, an insulated copper wire with a section of 4 mm2 with double isolation of GDP 1x4 is laid along the gas pipeline with the output of control points every 200 m and at boundary points.

The project provides for the binding of the gas pipeline and characteristic points on stationary structures.

For the designation of the gas pipeline route, the project provides for the installation of identification steel columns according to the normal NPP 1.00 SS and identification marks according to the normal NPP 2.00 SS 5.90525.05 series 1 at the angles of turn, at the points of the gas pipeline branches and at a distance of not more than 200 m from each other in direct sections of the gas pipeline. The columns shall be installed on the right side of the gas pipeline along the gas flow at a distance of 1.0 m from the gas pipeline axis. Identification marks shall be installed on the walls of buildings, structures and identification columns. The identification marks shall bear the following information;

- specifying the distance to the gas pipeline;

- indication of gas pressure parameters;

- indication of the depth of the gas pipeline and the telephone number of the emergency dispatch service.

Identification marks are established by the construction organization during the construction of the gas pipeline.

In the future, installation, repair or restoration of gas pipeline identification marks is carried out by the operating organization. The installation of signs is issued together with the owners, owners or users of land plots along which the gas pipeline route passes.

Any work in the protection area of the gas distribution network should be carried out with strict compliance with the requirements for the safety of the opened network.

Installation, laying and testing of the gas pipeline, earthworks and foundation works during construction of the underground gas pipeline shall be carried out in accordance with the design and requirements of the current norms and regulations.

Concealed works inspection certificates shall be drawn up for the following works:

For above-ground gas pipeline :

leak test;

preparation of gas pipeline surface for painting .

For underground gas pipeline :

leak test;

testing of welding joints;

laying of gas pipeline;

preparation of the trench;

backfilling of pit or trench;

dragging the case;

sealing of gas pipeline inlets and outlets in case installation.

According to the special specifications of Rostelecom OJSC it is necessary:

- Ensure the safety of existing cable communication lines of the Tula branch of Rostelecom OJSC, familiarizing contractors with the specification for earthworks and conclude a technical supervision agreement with the Tula branch of Rostelecom OJSC;

- Determine the exact location of cable communication lines on the ground together with the representative of TCET and LTC of Teploye. The representative is called 3 working days before the start of earthworks.

- Lay the gas pipeline route parallel to the existing communication line at a distance of at least 2 meters plus the gas pipeline protection zone (withdrawal strip).

- At the point of intersection of the gas pipeline route with the existing cable communication lines, perform the following conditions:

Earthworks in the security zone of communication cables (4 meters, 2 meters from the axis of the communication cable) should be carried out only in the presence of a representative of the Tula branch using shovels, without sharp blows. Use of percussion tools (crowns, bricks, wedges and pneumatic tools) is prohibited.

The construction of the gas pipeline, including the digging of the trenches for the gas pipeline, is allowed to be carried out only after the construction of the protective casing from a metal pipe (see Figure 1 of the Special Technical Conditions of Rostelecom OJSC) or a metal channel.

All work on the construction of a gas pipeline at the intersection with engineering communications (for the above-ground gas pipeline - installation of supports) should be carried out only on the basis of written permits of organizations operating these communications, under the direct supervision of representatives of organizations.

Prior to commencement of work, it is necessary to specify the location of all underground utilities using the tracer and drilling.

The trench shall be developed directly in the crossing area manually without the use of percussion tools and at a distance of 2.0m on both sides of the crossing.

In the gasified area within a radius of 50.00 m from the underground gas pipeline, sealing of utility lines is carried out.

In a radius of 15.0 m from the underground gas pipeline, holes of ∅16 mm are drilled in the hatches of utility wells, offset from the center of the hatch by 20 mm.

Based on the results of the work, representatives of the construction organization and the owner of the building should draw up an act on the sealing of engineering utilities, which is included in the construction documentation.

On the finished construction of the gas pipeline the construction organization has to make as a part of executive documentation the construction passport of an object according to requirements of the joint venture 421012003 .

3.8 Installation, laying and backfilling of underground gas pipeline

Installation and testing of the gas pipeline shall be carried out by a specialized installation organization in accordance with SP 62.13330.2010 "Gas distribution systems" and

PB 1252903 "Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems."

Before starting the construction of the gas pipeline, it is necessary to clarify the compliance of these engineering surveys (topography, geology) with the project.

If they are found to be non-conforming, further performance of gas pipeline construction works should be agreed with the design organization.

During installation of the gas pipeline, measures should be taken to prevent clogging of the pipe cavity, sections, and lashes.

Polyethylene pipes shall be stored under conditions ensuring their safety from damage. It is not allowed to use flattened pipes for the construction of gas pipelines, having a diameter reduction of more than 5% of the nominal, pipes with cuts and scratches with a depth of more than 0.7 mm.

The rotation angles 13501700 of the polyethylene gas pipeline are made by elastically bending the pipe with a radius of at least 25d of the pipe, the rotation angles 9001350 are made using cast branches of factory manufacture.

Put the polyethylene gas pipeline in the trench to compensate for temperature extensions with a "snake" in the horizontal plane. Sprinkle is produced in summer at the coldest time of day, in winter at the warmest time of day.

Perform works on gas pipeline laying at ambient air temperature not lower than 150С and not higher than + 400С.

Lay the gas pipeline, lowering the trenches of the raft from the berm. The gas pipeline shall be laid after completion of welding and cooling of the joint, as well as dismantling of welding equipment (positioners). After laying the gas pipeline in the trench, the following shall be checked:

- design depth, slope and abutment of the gas pipeline to the trench bottom throughout its length;

- state of gas pipeline protective coating;

- actual distances between the gas pipeline and the walls of the trench, the structures crossed by it and their correspondence to the design distances.

When welding shaped parts, assemblies, fittings and other devices into the gas pipeline, it is necessary to ensure the alignment of the welded elements with the gas pipeline. Skews in horizontal and vertical planes are not allowed.

The holes between the case and the gas pipeline must be sealed with an elastic moisture-resistant material.

The underground gas pipeline is laid in a trench, the depth of which is accepted as per

SP is 421012003 and reflected in working drawings. It is recommended to carry out gas pipeline laying in dry season to avoid soaking of soils in open trench, backfilling should be performed by layer-by-layer compaction to natural soil density. By the time the gas pipeline is laid, the bottom of the trench should be cleaned of branches, tree roots, stones, construction debris and leveled in accordance with the project. Protect the trench from mechanical damage and ingress of surface water.

Fill the gas pipeline at ambient temperatures close to its operating temperature.

During filling of the gas pipeline it is necessary to provide:

- preservation of insulation;

- tight adjoining to the trench bottom;

- design position of the gas pipeline.

Quality control of gas pipeline welded joints

Assembly, welding and quality control of welded joints of the gas pipeline is carried out according to SP 62.13330.2010 "Gas Distribution Systems" and PB 1252903 "Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems" 2003.

Connections of polyethylene pipes to each other and to polyethylene connecting parts are made using connecting parts with embedded heaters (ZN) and butt welding. Connections of polyethylene pipes with steel pipes are made by permanent connections of "polyethylene steel."

Welding operations can be carried out at ambient temperature from 15 ° С to + 40 ° С.

The welding site is protected from atmospheric precipitation, wind, dust and sand, and in summer and from intense solar radiation. During welding, the free end of the pipe or ply is closed to prevent through-holes inside the welded pipes.

Joints of welded sections of steel gas pipelines of Table 15 and polyethylene pipelines in accordance with Table 16 shall be controlled by physical methods.

SP 62.13330.2010.

Polyethylene gas pipeline welded with the help of connecting parts with embedded heaters (ZN) in accordance with item 8.21. SP 42103 is not subject to ultrasonic inspection.

Welded connection of pipes in gas pipelines in terms of their physical and mechanical properties and tightness shall correspond to the main material of welded pipes. Types, features and dimensions of welded joints shall comply with applicable standards. Butt and corner joints shall be used for steel underground gas pipelines.

Seams shall not have cracks, burns, non-brewed craters, as well as impermissible in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents displacement of edges, non-roving, inclusions, pores, misalignment of pipes and other defects that reduce mechanical properties of welded joints.

Mechanical tests are subject to: test (tolerance) joints made during qualification tests of welders and verification of welding technology of joints of steel and polyethylene gas pipelines.

Joints of steel gas pipelines shall be tested for static tension and for bending or flattening as per GOST 699666 *. Mechanical properties of joints of steel pipes with nominal diameter over 50 mm are determined by tensile and bending tests (cut uniformly along the perimeter of each selected joint) of samples with removed reinforcement in accordance with GOST 699666 *.

Welded joints of areas completed by welding are subjected to physical control: radiographic method according to GOST 7212 and ultrasonic method according to GOST 14782.

Ultrasonic method of control of welded joints of gas pipeline is used provided that at least 10% of joints are selectively checked by radiographic method.

If unsatisfactory radiographic results are obtained at least at one joint, the inspection volume should be increased to 50% of the total number of joints. In case of repeated detection of joint defects, all joints welded by the welder at the facility during the calendar month and checked by ultrasonic method shall be subjected to radiographic inspection.

In case of unsatisfactory results of ultrasonic inspection of butt joints of steel and polyethylene pipelines, it is necessary to check the doubled number of joints in areas that by the time of fault detection were not accepted according to the results of this type of inspection. If at least one of the joints to be checked is not of satisfactory quality during re-inspection, all joints welded by this welder at the site shall be checked by ultrasonic inspection.

Cleaning of gas pipeline internal cavity.

1. Before the leak test, clean the internal space of the gas pipeline by blowing air from a high-performance compressor plant of TKA 80/05 type or from the receiver. Blowing is carried out by a high-speed flow (1520 m/s) of air under pressure equal to the working one. Purge duration shall be not less than 10 min.

2. When cleaning the gas pipeline cavity or its section, it is necessary to remove water, snow, soil and foreign objects accidentally falling into the pipes during construction, as well as a surface loose layer of rust and scale.

3. The diameter of the flow pipe and the full-flow crane on it shall be at least 0.3 of the diameter of the blown section. Blowdown shall be performed prior to the start of blowdown branch pipe outlet of the stream of uncontaminated dry air.

4. Clean the gas pipeline cavity from pipes of measuring length in two stages:

in a first step, clean the tubes (sections) before welding into the plies manually by means of a rod;

at the second stage purge the completed gas pipeline.

5. After cleaning, install plugs on welded sections of the gas pipeline.

Gas Pipeline Test

Gas pipelines completed by construction are tested for air tightness. Tests shall be carried out by the construction and installation organization in the presence of a representative of the operational organization. Test results shall be recorded in the construction certificate.

Before the leak test, the gas lines should be cleaned with air.

The gas pipeline shall be tested after installation in a trench and sprinkling above the upper generatrix of the pipe by at least 0.2 meters or after full backfilling of the trench. Welded joints of steel gas pipelines shall be insulated.

Gas pipelines shall be held under test pressure for the time required to equalize the air temperature in the gas pipeline with the ground temperature prior to the start of the leak test.

Gas pipeline leak testing is carried out by supplying compressed air to gas pipeline and creating test pressure in gas pipeline.

Test of underground polyethylene gas pipeline with pressure above 0.3 MPa to 0.6 MPa - test pressure 0.75 MPa, test duration 24 hour.

Underground polyethylene gas pipeline pressure test up to 0,005 MPa - test pressure 0.3 MPa, test duration 24 hour.

Above-ground sections of a steel gas pipeline up to 10 m long on underground gas pipelines are tested according to the standards of underground gas pipelines.

Outside air temperature during testing of polyethylene gas pipelines shall not be lower than minus 150С.

The test results shall be considered positive if the pipeline pressure does not change during the test period.

When completing the gas pipeline tests, the pressure should be reduced to atmospheric pressure, the valves should be installed and the gas pipeline should be kept under working pressure for 10 minutes. The tightness of the split connections should be checked with a soap emulsion.

Defects found during tests of gas pipelines should be eliminated only after the pressure in the gas pipeline is reduced to atmospheric.

Once the defects found as a result of the gas pipeline leak test have been eliminated, this test shall be repeated.

Joints of steel sections of gas pipelines welded after tests shall be checked by physical inspection methods in accordance with the requirements of PB1252903 and SP 62.13330.2010 t. 14.

Acceptance and operation of gas distribution systems

Organizations carrying out the construction, installation and repair of gas pipelines are obliged to provide control over the performance of work at all stages by managers and specialists of construction and installation organizations and laboratory personnel in accordance with the established procedure.

Monitoring includes checking:

- quality of materials (steel and polyethylene pipes, insulation coatings, welding, including materials for flaw detection);

-bases for gas pipeline;

- organization and implementation of operational control (visual and measuring) of welded joints;

- organization and quality control of welded joints by destructive and non-destructive (radiographic, ultrasound) methods, as well as quality control of insulation coatings.

For acceptance of the gas distribution system completed by construction, the customer shall create an acceptance commission. The acceptance committee includes representatives of the customer (chairman of the commission), design and operating organizations. Representatives of the bodies of Rostekhnadzor of Russia are included in the acceptance commission when accepting objects controlled by these bodies.

The General Contractor shall submit the following documentation in one copy to the Acceptance Commission for the completed construction of the gas distribution system facility:

- set of working drawings (as-built geodetic documentation as per GOST R51872) for construction of the object presented for acceptance with inscriptions made by persons responsible for construction and installation works, on compliance of works performed in kind with these drawings or changes made to them by the design organization;

- certificates of manufacturers (their copies, extracts from them, certified by the person responsible for the construction of the facility) for pipes, shaped parts, welding and insulation materials;

- technical passports of manufacturers (procurement workshops) or their copies for equipment, units, connectors, insulation coatings, insulating flanges, fittings with a diameter of more than 100mm, as well as other documents certifying the quality of equipment (products);

- manufacturer's instructions on operation of gas equipment and instruments;

- external gas pipeline construction passports;

- report of inspection of gas pipeline welded joints by radiographic method;

- mechanical test reports of welded joints of steel and polyethylene gas pipeline;

- ultrasonic inspection report of gas pipeline welded joints and quality inspection report of joints made by contact welding and soldering;

- act of breakdown and transfer of route (site) for underground gas pipeline;

- work log (for underground gas pipelines with a length of more than 200 m);

- acts of acceptance of hidden and special works performed in accordance with the contract for SGP.

The Acceptance Committee shall check compliance of the installed gas distribution system with the design and the submitted as-built documentation, with the requirements of these building codes and regulations

Acceptance by the customer of the gas distribution system completed by the construction of the facility shall be executed by an act. This certificate confirms the creation of the facility and its compliance with the project and the mandatory requirements of regulatory documents. It is final for a separately erected gas distribution system facility.

Acceptance by the customer of the gas distribution system facility completed by construction may be carried out in accordance with the requirements of territorial construction standards (TSN) for acceptance approved in the established manner.

For registration of gas distribution systems (network) and gas distribution systems (objects), the owner shall represent:

- act of acceptance into operation of gas distribution network and gas consumption facilities;

- license for the right to operate the gas distribution network and gas consumption facilities.

The operation of the gas facilities and networks adopted for the balance is carried out taking into account the requirements of the "Safety Rules for Gas Facilities."

3.9 Gas Pipeline Protection Area

According to paragraph 7 of the "Rules for the protection of gas distribution networks," approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 20, 2000 No. 878, the protection zone is established:

- along the routes of external gas pipelines - in the form of an area limited by conventional lines passing at a distance of 2 meters on each side of the gas pipeline;

- along the routes of underground gas pipelines made of polyethylene pipes when using a copper wire to indicate a gas pipeline route - in the form of an area limited by conventional lines passing at a distance of 3 meters from the gas pipeline on the side of the wire and 2 meters - on the opposite side;

- around separate gas control points - in the form of an area bounded by a closed line, drawn at a distance of 10 meters from the borders of these objects.

3.10 List of energy saving measures

In the project of gasification of residential buildings in the village of Alekseevka, Teploogarevsky district, Tula region, the following energy conservation measures were implemented:

application of high-efficiency technologies - introduction of polyethylene pipes;

apartment heating system;

submersible metering of network gas.

Polyethylene technologies are used in the country's gas industry for the construction and repair of worn-out gas pipelines.

The advantages of polyethylene are undeniable :

corrosion resistance (does not require an expensive electrochemical protection system);

high chemical resistance;


low hydraulic resistance

high reliability in mechanical overloads due to polyethylene properties such as viscosity and elasticity at the same time;

Environmental cleanliness and hygiene;

polyethylene pipes are 2-4 times lighter than steel pipes, which greatly facilitates their transportation and installation;

butt welding of polyethylene pipes is fully automated, cheap, simple and does not require additional consumables;

stacking methods may vary depending on rural or urban localities. This makes it possible to ensure a faster laying, allows using the most modern methods of earthworks.

The apartment heating system is a system with piping within one apartment, which ensures the maintenance of a given air temperature in the premises of this apartment.

An analysis of a number of projects shows that apartment heating systems have a number of advantages over central systems:

provide greater hydraulic stability of the residential building heating system;

increase the level of comfort in apartments due to the provision of air temperature in each room at the request of the consumer;

provide for the possibility of heat accounting in each apartment and reduction of heat consumption during the heating period by 10-15% with automatic or manual control of heat flows;

satisfy the customer's design requirements (the possibility of choosing the type of heating device, pipes, pipe laying scheme in the apartment);

provides for the possibility of replacement of pipelines, shutoff valves and heating devices in separate apartments during redevelopment or in emergency situations without violation of the mode of operation of heating systems in other apartments, the possibility of commissioning and hydrostatic tests in a separate apartment.

The absence of apartment and house accounting of gas leads to uncontrolled overspending of this resource by individual consumers.

The system gas metering system is implemented using BKG4T diaphragm gas meters.

The counter is built according to a classic, well-established, reliable scheme. A distinctive feature of the counter is the presence in the design of a special slide distributor of the gate type. Small spools, thin partitions of the gas distributor make it possible to obtain high measurement accuracy and provide low sensitivity of the meter to contamination of the measured medium. Movable diaphragms made of high-quality synthetic material are installed in the counter, which allows maintaining the diaphragms in shape and integrity. The counter is equipped with a device that prevents the reverse movement of the counting mechanism.

In the design of the meter, the most modern and high-quality materials and coatings are used, allowing to ensure a very low pressure loss, low noise during operation, minimal wear of movable parts, high corrosion resistance of metal parts.

It is the original design of slide valves and damper type distributors, high-quality diaphragms that maintain their shape during the entire period of operation, parts and counter assemblies made with a high degree of accuracy, that allow for stable operation of the device itself, low pressure loss and its high sensitivity.

The counter does not require maintenance, is reliable and designed for a long service life.

For remote transmission of information, a low-frequency pulse sensor (reed board) of the INZ61 type can be connected to the counter, triggered by a magnetic insert built into the lower bit of the counting mechanism.

To correct the effect of gas temperature on the readings of the reference device, a device with bimetallic temperature compensation is introduced into the counter design. Bimetallic compensation at gas temperatures other than normal temperature according to GOST 293963, changes the volume of measuring chambers and thereby brings the volume of gas consumed to standard conditions.

3.11 Emergency (emergency) prevention measures

In accordance with the "List of indicators for assigning organizations and facilities to civil defense categories for the fuel and energy complex," approved by the Minister of Fuel and Energy, the specified object has no category for civil defense and emergency situations.

Explosive and chemically hazardous substances and materials are not used in the construction of gas pipelines. Accidents with personnel and population damage as a result of their impact are not expected.

During the works the following damaging factors are possible:

- radiation effects on personnel in connection with radiographic inspection of welded joints of the pipeline;

- damage by flying objects during gas pipeline tests,

- accidents during the operation of the gas pipeline are associated with violations of the integrity of the pipeline for various reasons, continuous and salvo emissions of gas into the environment, including the ignition of the gas jet.

The damaging effect of accidents is manifested as a result of thermal radiation from a burning flare.

Due to the lack of permanent personnel and population, this situation has a very low risk, both due to the low frequency of accidents and the lack of targets.

Distances to dwellings far exceed the areas of action of damaging factors of predicted accidents. For the resident population, accidents on the gas pipeline are not dangerous.

Performance of electric welding works will be ensured in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 12032001, as well as the "Sanitary Rules for Welding, Welding and Cutting of Metals." At the same time:

- measures must be taken against damage of insulation and contact with water, oil, steel ropes of welding current supply to electric holders;

- reliable fences shall be installed for energized elements in electric welders and current sources.

To ensure safety at the construction site, the following measures are envisaged:

- issuance of necessary personal protective equipment to builders;

- compliance with requirements for collective protection of workers (fencing, lighting, protective and safety devices, etc.);

- arrangement of fences on all open and moving parts of mechanisms and machines preventing the possibility of injury of people and ingress of foreign objects;

- protection of electric motors and starting equipment of machines against ingress of water and solution;

- exclusion of possibility of mechanisms starting by unauthorized persons during non-working hours.

The organization of construction sites, work areas and workplaces should ensure the safety of workers at all stages of construction and installation work.

On construction sites it is necessary to identify hazardous areas that meet the requirements of GOST 2340778, within the limits of which hazardous production factors are constantly operating or potentially acting.

The following are the areas of permanently operating hazardous production factors:

- places of movement of machines and equipment or their parts and working bodies;

- places over which the movement of goods takes place.

Electrical safety at the construction site shall be ensured in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.1.01378.

The speed of vehicles on the sites and near the places of work shall not exceed 10 km/h on straight sections and 5 km/h on turns.

Measures to ensure radiation safety during radiographic inspection of welded joints are performed in accordance with the following documents:

- Basic sanitary regulations for handling radioactive substances and other sources of ionizing radiation (OSP73/80);

- Safety Rules for Transportation of Radioactive Substances (PBTPB73);

- Radiation safety standards (NRB96);

- Organizational and methodical documents VNIISIA (RD 10201189).

The following shall be performed prior to the start of the pipeline test:

- A protection area has been defined;

- preliminary instruction on technical and fire safety of all workers and ITR engaged in the works;

- familiarization with the test instruction has been carried out;

- people, construction machines, machinery and other equipment are taken out of the security zone;

- preliminary instruction on technical and fire safety of all workers and ITR engaged in the works;

- familiarization with the test instruction has been carried out;

- filling and pressing unit with binding is installed;

- pressure gauges are installed outside the protection area;

- self-recording pressure recording devices are installed;

- duty observation posts and emergency brigades are placed;

- A reliable communication system has been established.

Before the test, the pipeline cavity shall be cleaned of scale and grat, as well as of soil, water and various objects accidentally caught during construction inside the pipeline.

As a result of the analysis, it was found that the degree of risk in the gas pipeline is permissible. Nevertheless, during the commissioning of the gas pipeline, special measures are required to monitor and ensure safety as a dangerous production facility:

- the facility shall be included in the automated gas leak monitoring system;

- additions should be made to the gas pipeline production control programs with the control inspection, inspection and inspection plan;

- the facility to be commissioned shall be included in the emergency gas leak elimination plan, registered by the gas rescue services.

The specified measures are performed by the operating organization.

The main component of natural gas is methane. Methane is not a poisonous substance, but has suffocating properties. Permissible content of methane in the air of the working zone up to 1% (volume). If there is more than 25% methane in the air, the first signs of poisoning appear (increased pulse, increased breathing volume, disordered coordination). Natural gas has the ability to form an explosive mixture. Air explosion limits 515% (by volume). The explosion requires three simultaneous factors: closed volume, explosive concentration and source of fire.

Theoretically, an explosion is possible only when laying an underground gas pipeline, but its probability is very small. The project provides for the above-ground laying of the gas pipeline.

Gas may be ignited in the event of ruptures of gas pipelines caused by damage or natural disasters.

Fire hazardous works related to maintenance of gas pipelines include:

- connection of the newly built gas pipeline to the existing gas pipeline;

- commissioning of the gas pipeline after repair;

- maintenance and repair of gas pipelines and valves;

- all types of repairs related to the execution of fire (welding) works on the existing gas pipelines.

All types of works are performed in accordance with PB 1252903 "Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems"

The primary measure to prevent and localize an accident on the gas pipeline is: disconnection of the emergency section of the gas pipeline by closing crane units. Emergency situations on the gas pipeline are eliminated by gas services.

3.12 Measures ensuring compliance with labor protection requirements during operation of the line facility

To ensure reliable and trouble-free operation of external gas distribution networks, the following measures are provided:

- compliance with building standards for gaps between designed gas pipelines and adjacent communications;

- sealing of inputs and outputs of all underground utilities (water supply, sewerage, electrical and telephone cable lines) passing through underground parts of the external walls of houses by means of careful sealing;

During the operation of the gas pipeline, the operating organization is obliged to:

- monitor compliance with safety requirements in the gas pipeline security zone;

- comply with the provisions of regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as regulatory technical documents in the field of industrial safety;

- to have a license to operate a hazardous production facility;

- to allow persons who meet the relevant qualification requirements and do not have medical contraindications to the specified work to work at a hazardous production facility;

- provide training and certification of employees in the field of industrial safety;

- have normative legal acts and regulatory and technical documents at the main production facility, which establish the rules for conducting work at the main production facility;

- organize and carry out production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements;

- ensure the availability and functioning of the necessary instruments and systems for monitoring production processes in accordance with the established requirements;

- To ensure the examination of industrial safety of structures, as well as to carry out diagnostics, tests, examination of structures and technical devices used at a hazardous production facility, within the established time frame and according to the prescribed order of the federal executive body specially authorized in the field of industrial safety, or its territorial body;

- ensure compliance with industrial safety requirements for storage of hazardous substances;

- Develop a declaration of industrial safety;

- conclude a risk insurance contract for liability for causing harm during operation of a hazardous production facility;

- Comply with the orders and instructions of the federal executive body specially authorized in the field of industrial safety, its territorial bodies and officials issued by them in accordance with their powers;

- suspend the operation of a hazardous production facility on its own or at the request of a federal executive body specially authorized in the field of industrial safety, its territorial bodies and officials in the event of an accident or incident at a dangerous production facility, as well as in the event of the discovery of newly discovered circumstances affecting industrial safety;

- implement measures to localize and eliminate the consequences of accidents at the main production facility, assist state authorities in investigating the causes of accidents;

- take part in the technical investigation of the causes of the accident at the hazardous production facility, take measures to eliminate these causes and prevent such accidents;

- Timely inform the federal executive body specially authorized in the field of industrial safety, its territorial bodies, as well as other state authorities and the population about an accident at a hazardous production facility;

Take measures to protect the life and health of workers in the event of an accident at a hazardous production facility;

- keep records of accidents and incidents at hazardous production facility.

Section 5

"Construction Organization Project"

5.1. Main technical and economic indicators.


Construction length * - Length of the gas pipeline taking into account lowers (vertical sections); 2% reserve for polyethylene pipes for snake laying.

5.2. Characteristics of construction conditions and organizational and preparatory measures.

The diameter of the designed gas pipeline ensures the passage of the required amount of gas at permissible pressure drops.

The design diagram of the gas distribution network and the design of the gas pipeline provides safe and reliable operation of the gas pipeline within the normative service life, gas transportation with the specified parameters by pressure and flow rate, and makes it possible to quickly disconnect gas consumers.

The gas equipment and materials used in the project are certified for compliance with safety requirements and have permission from the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia for use. Replacement of the equipment and materials by the equipment and materials with similar technical characteristics in coordination with the design organization is possible.

Connections of polyethylene pipes to each other and to polyethylene connecting parts are made using connecting parts with embedded heaters (ZN) and butt welding.

Polyethylene underground gas pipeline of low pressure G1 is received from pipes

PE80 GAZ of 110х6.3 SDR17.6, PE80 63х5,8 SDR11 in accordance with GOST P5083895 with durability safety factor not less than 2.6.

The steel sections of the gas pipeline in the points of connection of SHRP3 are accepted from steel electric welded straight-joint pipes made of calm steel according to GOST 1070580 * (Group B) "Technical Specifications" and GOST 1070491 "Grade ."

Above-ground gas pipeline is protected against atmospheric corrosion by coating with oil paint for external work on two layers of primer in accordance with the requirements

SNiP 2.03.1185.

In order to be able to cut off the gas supply during repair works and emergency situations, the design in accordance with SP 62.13330.2010 and SP 421012003 provides for the installation of a disconnecting device in the underground version .

General requirements for low pressure gas pipeline

Trench width shall be not less than outer diameter with + 300 mm insulation.

The design provides for the entire route at the base of the trench to be filled with sand soil with a thickness of at least 10 cm. Fill the pipe with the same soil to a height of 20 cm, and then with developed soil with compaction to the natural density of the soil.

When laying gas pipelines in a trench, perform measures aimed at reducing stress in pipes from temperature changes during operation:

- at the temperature of pipes (ambient air) above plus 10 ° С, the gas pipeline is laid with a free bend ("snake") with backfilling - in the coldest time of day;

- at ambient air temperature below plus 10 ° С, it is possible to lay the gas pipeline rectilinear, including in narrow trenches, and fill the gas pipeline in this case at the warmest time of day.

In order to prevent damage during operation of the polyethylene gas pipeline during earthworks, it is provided to lay a signal tape warning about the passage of the polyethylene gas pipeline in this section, which is laid along the gas pipeline route from polyethylene pipes. The signal tape must be at least 0.2m wide with the indelible inscription "Flammable! Gas "at a distance of less than 0.2m from the top of the sprinkled gas pipeline. At the intersections of the polyethylene gas pipeline with underground communications, the tape should be laid along the gas pipeline twice for a distance of at least 0.2m between each other and 2m on both sides of the crossed structure.

To find the gas pipeline route, an insulated copper wire with a section of 4 mm2 with double isolation of GDP 1x4 is laid along the gas pipeline with the output of control points every 200 m and at boundary points.

The project provides for the binding of the gas pipeline and characteristic points on stationary structures.

For the designation of the gas pipeline route, the project provides for the installation of identification steel columns according to the normal NPP 1.00 SS and identification marks according to the normal NPP 2.00 SS 5.90525.05 series 1 at the angles of turn, at the points of the gas pipeline branches and at a distance of not more than 200 m from each other in direct sections of the gas pipeline. The columns shall be installed on the right side of the gas pipeline along the gas flow at a distance of 1.0 m from the gas pipeline axis. Identification marks shall be installed on the walls of buildings, structures and identification columns. The identification marks shall bear the following information;

- specifying the distance to the gas pipeline;

- indication of gas pressure parameters;

- indication of the depth of the gas pipeline and the telephone number of the emergency dispatch service.

Identification marks are established by the construction organization during the construction of the gas pipeline.

In the future, installation, repair or restoration of gas pipeline identification marks is carried out by the operating organization. The installation of signs is issued together with the owners, owners or users of land plots along which the gas pipeline route passes.

According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 20, 00 No. 878, the following protection zones were installed for gas distribution networks:

a) along the routes of external gas pipelines - in the form of an area limited by conventional lines passing at a distance of 2.0m on each side from the axis of the gas pipeline;

b) around separate gas control points - in the form of territory bounded by a closed line, drawn at a distance of 10.0m from the borders of these objects.

Any work in the protection area of the gas distribution network should be carried out with strict compliance with the requirements for the safety of the opened network.

Excavation by excavator or other excavating machines is permitted not closer than 2 m from the side wall and not closer than 1 m above the top of the underground communication. The remaining soil is refined by pneumatic vacuum installations or manually without the use of impacts (scrap, brick, shovel, mechanized tool) and with the adoption of measures that exclude damage to communications during opening.

When existing underground communications and other structures not indicated in the design documentation are discovered during the construction process, earthworks are suspended, representatives of organizations operating these structures are called to the place of work, at the same time these places are fenced and measures are taken to protect the discovered underground structures from damage.

Installation, laying and testing of the gas pipeline, earthworks and foundation works during construction of the underground gas pipeline shall be carried out in accordance with the design and requirements of the current norms and regulations.

Before starting excavation work, to avoid damage to above-ground and underground communications and structures, call representatives of interested organizations of the city.

On the finished construction of the gas pipeline the construction organization has to make as a part of executive documentation the construction passport of an object according to requirements of the joint venture 421012003 .

Prior to the development of the construction organization project, inspect the construction area.

When drawing up the construction organization project for the construction project of the distribution gas pipeline, continuous production of construction and installation works by contract was adopted with the involvement of a construction organization with a license to perform construction work, equipped with the necessary equipment, equipment and qualified construction personnel as the general contractor.

Managers and specialists engaged in the construction, installation and operation of hazardous production facilities of gas distribution systems, maintenance of technical supervision over the construction, installation, adjustment and testing of equipment (technical devices) shall be certified (verification of knowledge of the requirements of industrial safety, these Rules and other regulatory legal acts and regulatory technical documents assigned to the competence of the certificated) to the extent corresponding to official duties and established competence.

The procedure for conducting certification should comply with the "Regulation on the procedure for training and certification of employees of organizations engaged in activities in the field of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities controlled by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia," approved by the Decree of Rostekhnadzor of Russia dated 30.04.2002 No. 21 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia 31.05.2002 reg. № 348910.

Integrated mechanization of construction and installation works with the use of mechanisms in 2 shifts and with the involvement of means of small mechanization, ensuring the performance of works in the optimal time, has been adopted.

Line entity alignment characteristics.

Administratively, the site of work is located in the village of Alekseevka, Teploogarevsky district of the Tula region. The construction area belongs to II In the climatic area according to SNiP 230199.

The climate of the Teploy Ogarevsky district is temperate, with moderately cold winters and moderately warm summers.

Geomorphologically, the section of the gas pipeline route is confined to the watershed.

Absolute elevations of the day surface within the route vary from 184.36 to 211.58 m.abs., the elevation difference is 27.22 m.

Cover loams, mainly of semi-solid consistency, underlain at a depth of 2.83.0 m (186.37188.59 m.abs) by water-glacial loams, take part in the geological structure of the site to a explored depth of 6.0 meters.

Deposits are everywhere covered by the soil-plant layer, with a thickness of 0.50 to 0.80 m.

Based on the analysis of field and laboratory materials, the following engineering and geological elements (EGE) are identified:

EGE No. 3 - brown loam (PrIIIII), from solid to semi-solid consistency, predominantly semi-solid, dusty, with herbs of humus and iron, areas - with the inclusion of wood, crushed stone limestone, flint up to 2%.

According to the degree of frost hazard, loam varies from faintly pubescent to medium pubescent and belongs to medium pubescent soils.

EGE No. 4 - loam (flgIIdn) rusty, grayish-brown, brownish, gray, mainly semi-solid consistency, with stains of iron, dusty, less often sandy, with the inclusion of wood, crushed stone limestone, flint up to 5%.

According to the degree of frost hazard, loam varies from medium to strong loam and belongs to strong loam soils.

The natural base of the designed gas pipeline to the depth of laying will be IGE3 cover loams, mainly of semi-solid consistency.

To protect the base soils from possible changes in their properties during the construction and operation of the gas pipeline, it is recommended not to allow additional soaking and freezing of the base soils.

Groundwater during the survey period December 2011 to the explored depth of 6.0 m was not met.

During periods of hydrogeological maxima, groundwater of the "headwaters" type should be expected to appear at a depth of 1,501.70 meters above the heavy differences of IGE3 loam along the entire route.

Based on the results of the chemical analysis of the aggressiveness of the medium in relation to concrete and reinforced concrete - the soils are not aggressive, in terms of low acid.

According to the biocorrosive aggressiveness of soils, IGE3 cover loams of the natural base of the designed gas pipeline are not aggressive.

According to the difficulties of soil development according to GESN 200101 t. 11, issue 4 (2007) belong to 2 categories.

The construction area according to the complexity of engineering and geological conditions belongs to category II (SP 1110597 Appendix B).

From modern engineering and geological processes on the site it is necessary to note the following:

- seasonal freezing of soils, the normative depth of which, according to SNiP 2.02.0183, for clay soils is 1.4m;

- frosty heaving of soils. According to the degree of frost hazard, IGE3 loams belong to medium-swept soils, IGE4 loams belong to strong-swept soils.

5.3. Right-of-way settings for placing linear objects.

The land for the construction of a low-pressure gas pipeline is under the jurisdiction of the Administration of the Teploogarevsky district of the Tula region.

The construction strip of the linear part of the gas pipeline is a linearly extended construction site, within which the entire pipeline construction complex is carried out by mobile mechanized production units - columns, crews, links, including:

The main - construction, construction and special construction works.

Auxiliary - loading, transportation and unloading of pipes, insulation, welding and other materials, equipment, machines, mechanisms, structures, products, parts, etc., ensuring uninterrupted production of CIW;

Maintenance - quality and safety control of the construction and construction plant production, ensuring the implementation of environmental measures in the performance of basic and auxiliary construction processes, maintenance and repair of machines, mechanisms, social and household services for builders, protection of material assets.

The land plot provided for the location of the gas pipeline is allocated from the land of the settlement for short-term use during the construction of the pipeline and is the territory along the designed route necessary for the performance of a complex of preparatory, earthworks and construction and installation works, limited by conditional lines carried out parallel to the axes of the pipeline.

The use of land over laid gas pipelines for its intended purpose should be carried out by land users of these plots while ensuring the safety of gas pipelines.

5.4 Description of the construction site.

The planned work on the construction of the gas pipeline is simple, but at the same time it is necessary to use a flow-parallel method of organizing construction using the principles of continuity and consistency in the performance of work.

Works that are not connected to each other must be performed in parallel and independently of each other.

Construction and installation works are carried out by contract with the involvement of forces and funds of specialized organizations.

Contracting organizations for the construction of the distribution gas pipeline are determined based on the results of the tender, in which local construction and installation organizations participate.

The construction of the gas pipeline is carried out in the conditions of sparse rural development.

The offsets of the gas pipeline from existing buildings and structures comply with SP 42.13330.2011 "Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements. "

For the purpose of execution of SPb dated 15.05.2003 No. 111200 "On Approval of the Rules for the Management of Construction Waste St. Petersburg" provides for the installation of a site with containers for construction waste. Construction waste is removed from the construction site in a special vehicle under a separate contract of the contractor with a specialized organization.

On the construction site there is a place for placing a set of primary fire extinguishing equipment - sand, shovels, crimps, axes, fire extinguishers (fire shield).

During the works, hazardous areas shall be marked with a warning fence in accordance with GOST 2340778.

The boundaries of hazardous areas in the places of work and movement of construction mechanisms shall be set at least 5 m, the boundaries of hazardous areas shall be marked on the ground by installation of a signal fence with a height of at least 0.8 m, plates with the inscription "HAZARDOUS AREA" shall be attached to the cables of the signal fence.

The construction site, work areas and workplaces, passageways and driveways to them in the dark shall be illuminated in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.1046. Lighting of closed rooms shall correspond to SNiP 2305. The illumination shall be uniform, without the blinding effect of the lighting fixtures on the workers. Work in unlit places is not allowed.

5.5 Justification of estimated duration of works

The duration of construction of the distribution gas pipeline is determined in accordance with the organizational and technological scheme adopted during the development of the section "Organization of Construction" and SNiP 1.04.0385 * "Standards for the duration of construction and backlog in the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures. Part II Section 2 Utilities, "p. 180 p. 42 and" Manuals for determining the duration of construction of enterprises, buildings and construction "(to SNiP 1 04/04/85)

The distribution gas network of polyethylene pipes with a diameter of up to 200 mm in one line with a length of 2.46 km (construction length of the gas pipeline) is calculated using the interpolation method :

1,51,0312,461+1,0≈1,37 mes

The duration of construction of closed passages (NSA), installation of shutoff valves and arrangement of basement gas inlets is accepted according to the local estimate of 2.0 months.

The duration of the gas pipeline construction will be:

1.37 + 2.0 = 3.37 mes.

Transfer to ownership 1 month.

The total duration of the gas pipeline construction will be:

3.37 + 1.0 ⋲4,4 months, including the preparatory period.

5.6 Organizational and technical diagrams of construction

Organizational and preparatory works

Prior to construction, the following activities are carried out:

- approval and examination of the project;

- conclusion of contract, financing of works;

- determination of power supply sources;

- formation and withdrawal in kind of construction areas.

Preparatory work:

creation of a geodetic basis;

clearing of the construction site area;

installation of the necessary fences of the construction site (security, protective and signal);

lighting of construction sites and sections;

arrangement of temporary domestic premises;

arrangement of temporary on-site roads;

arrangement of temporary off-site (bypass) roads;

arrangement of platforms for storage of materials.

Main works:

cutting and storage of the soil layer used for land reclamation in specially designated places;

production of the necessary vertical layout of the construction site;

tearing off the working trench;

natural base arrangement;

installation of a case or laying of a gas pipeline;

backfilling of the trench;

return of the vegetal layer of soil;

dismantling of temporary structures.

5.7 Preparatory works

5.7.1 Creation of geodetic basis

Site breakdown is carried out by a specialized organization together with the general contracting organization on the basis of design documentation.

Piping routing shall be split in accordance with the following requirements:

leveling of permanent benchmarks should be performed with accuracy not less than 4-th digit;

Benchmarks associated with leveled walks shall be installed along the route;

layout axes and rotation angles of the route should be fixed and tied to permanent objects on the ground;

Pipeline route crossings by existing underground structures shall be marked on the ground surface with special signs.

5.7.2 Lighting of construction sites and sections

Typical stationary and mobile inventory lighting installations are used for electrical lighting of construction sites and sections by the project.

Mobile inventory lighting units shall be located on the construction site in the work areas, in the area of transport routes, etc.

Construction machines shall be equipped with outdoor lighting units.

Electrical lighting of construction sites and sections is divided into working and security.

Working lighting shall be provided for all construction sites and areas where work is carried out at night and twilight, and shall be carried out by general lighting installations (uniform or localized) and combined (local is added to the general).

General uniform lighting shall be used if the rated illumination value does not exceed 2 lux. In other cases, in addition to the general uniform, general localized lighting or local lighting shall be provided.

Areas of construction sites and works

Lowest illumination, luk

The plane in which the illumination is normalized

The level of the surface on which the illumination is normalized

1. Roads at the construction site



At roadway level

2. Arrangement of trenches for communications, etc.



At trench bottom level

3. Arrangement of sandy underlying layers



At floor level in work area

Floodlights with filament lamps of PZS35 type are used to illuminate the sites.

A part of the lighting fixtures of the working lighting shall be allocated for security lighting. Security lighting shall ensure horizontal illumination of 0.5 lx at ground level or vertical at the fence plane at the boundaries of construction sites or work areas.

5.7.3 Construction site fencing

To ensure the safety of people, two fences must be installed around the trenches: protective and signal. A protective fence is installed to prevent a person from falling into a pit or trench.

As fences, the inventory fences ZschNzh Op GOST 12.4.05989 of any type available from the construction and installation organization are used.

At the entrance to the site it is necessary to install an information board with:

the name of the object under construction, the developer and the contractor;

the telephone number and the name of the person for whom the work order was issued, the representative of Gosstroynadzor;

dates of start and end of works;

object schema.

5.7.4 Arrangement of temporary on-site roads

For the transportation of materials and equipment, the placement of cranes and other mechanisms and machines, the project provides for the installation of temporary on-site roads and sites. The type of roads is dirt profiled. The machines shall be operated taking into account the requirements of GOST 12.3.03384.

5.7.5 Arrangement of material storage platforms.

If necessary, the project provides for the arrangement of material storage sites.

5.7.6 Need for temporary buildings and structures.

The area of premises for sanitary, sanitary and cultural services of workers at the construction site is adopted in accordance with SNiP 12032002 "Labor Safety in Construction," PB 1038200 "Rules on the Construction and Safe Operation of Lifting Cranes" and SP 27674 "Instructions for the Design of Domestic Premises of Construction and Installation Organizations."

The calculation of the total number of workers for the construction of the gas pipeline is carried out taking into account the data of the combined estimate calculation and the "Calculation standards for the preparation of construction organization projects (part 1 of Table 46) is adopted as follows:

The total number of employees is 18 people.

The calculation of the required areas is made based on the number of relevant categories of workers.

Office of linear ITR; domestic premises for heating workers; wardrobes; showers; washables; clothes dryers; a first-aid post and a personal hygiene room for women are located in the construction camp, workers are provided with food in the dining room located near the construction site.

All sanitary and sanitary facilities are provided with water, electricity and heat.

Open storage areas are used for storage and temporary storage of building materials and structures.

Open material storage sites provide storage of standard stock of materials for uninterrupted operation.

Mobile wagons are used to store tools, rest workers and to carry out work. All trailers move along the route through 200 m as they are laid and are placed on a free area. The Contractor shall agree on the location of the trailers and open warehouses with the representatives of the local administration.

5.8 Main works

Cutting and storage of vegetal soil layer

Cutting and storage of the vegetal layer of soil. For land reclamation, the vegetation layer from the developed areas is cut, stored 0.5 from the edge of the trench.


Earthworks shall be performed in accordance with SNiP 3.02.0187 "Earthworks, Foundations and Foundations." Clearance of the land diversion strip for laying of networks shall be performed manually, trenches shall be dug partially by EO2621 excavator on the basis of MTZ82.1 tractor, and in constrained conditions, at crossing of utilities and in cases specified by the project - manually. The dimensions of the trenches are determined by the design depending on the length and diameter of the laid gas pipeline in accordance with section 10 of SP 421012003 and are shown in the drawings of the seeker brand. PIC.

List of works for which the act for hidden works should be drawn up:

laying of gas pipeline;

preparation of the trench;

backfilling of pit or trench;

dragging the case;

sealing of gas pipeline inlets and outlets in case installation.

Fabrication of cases

Cases are welded from PE80 SDR-11 pipes ∅160kh14,6mm butt welders with high degree of automation. The quality of the work shall be constantly monitored during pipe welding. After welding it is necessary to check the correct connections and make sure that there is no skew.

Performance of works on construction of closed passages.

The transition of the gas pipeline through the PK 0 + 10.5 - PK 0 + 23.0 village highway inside is planned to be carried out using the inclined-directional drilling (NSA) method using the "VermeerNavigatorD36x50" controlled drilling system. With the help of the installation, the case of PE 80 GAZ 160x14.6 SDR 11 pipes is pulled with the installation of the control tube ∅32mm (i.e. 8353.16 of OJSC Promgaz). Then a gas pipeline from pipes PE80 GAZ∅110kh6,3 SDR17.6 is pulled into the case. The length of the laid case at the intersection of the highway will be 12.5 m.

Transition of the gas pipeline through the highway of the V technical category (access to n. Khilkovo) PC 7 + 27.3 - PC 7 + 52.3 is planned to be performed using the inclined-directional drilling (NSA) method using the controlled drilling system "VermeerNavigatorD36x50." By means of installation the case from pipes PE 80 GAZ 160x14.6 SDR 11 with installation of a control tube 32mm is stretched (t. page 8353.15 of JSC Promgaz). Then a gas pipeline from pipes PE80 GAZ∅110kh6,3 SDR17.6 is pulled into the case. The length of the laid case at the intersection of the highway will be 25.0 m.

Trenchless laying by method of inclined-directional drilling provides for several stages of technological execution:

Directed pilot drilling of the well with diameter of 200mm.

For the establishment of a drill rod at the sites, working pits of 3.0x2.0m are provided. The soil spent during pilot drilling is exported to specially designated places, previously agreed with the district administration.

Formation (expansion) of the pilot well to the required diameter:

1.5Df = 1.5 x 160mm ~ 240mm (crossing a/roads) using a special expander and forced supply of drilling suspension (mixture) to the borehole.

Preparation of drilling suspension (mixture) is carried out in a special unit included in the drilling system set. The use of drilling suspension, made depending on geological and hydrogeological conditions, made of bentonite, polymers and other additives, makes it possible to solve the issue of stabilizing the walls of the well, as well as equalizing hydrostatic pressure for the duration of work.

Removal of spent drilling suspension is carried out to specially designated places, previously agreed with the district administration.

3. Trenchless laying of case (gas pipeline) by NNB method (sequential pulling of case in formed well).

Pulling of the case is carried out in the drilling suspension, which reduces the resistance of the case during pulling and eliminates the possibility of mechanical damage. The case is pulled from the point where the rod leaves the ground to the point where the rod enters the ground .

During the entire duration of drilling operations, the position of the drill bit is monitored according to the developed drilling profile. Control is carried out using the "Digitrak" location system, which provides location accuracy of 1% from depth and depth up to 15 m.

4. Forming the ends of the cases.

Perform process pits designed to form the ends of cases and strengthen their walls and bottom.

Cutting off the working sections of cases from the bottom of the pit to the exit from the ground.

5. Preparation for pulling of working pipe D = 110 mm:

- laying of pipes by pipe laying on lining-beds;

- welding of pipes;

- quality control of welds;

- insulation of welded joints;

- lining of pipelines;

- arrangement of metal legs and fasteners on the working pipe;

- strength and tightness test of the working pipe (pressure testing).

6. Pulling of working pipe D = 110 mm .

7. Sealing the ends of the cases.

After laying the working pipe, seal the ends of the cases with a seal made of dielectric waterproof material (polymeric foam, polyurethane foam, bitumen, ground puckle or strand).

Seal design shall ensure soil and ground water penetration resistance, as well as free movement of gas pipelines in cases against pressure and temperature changes without damage to integrity.

8. Control tube device at the end of the case.

To take samples from the case, control tubes from steel pipes dy32 are provided, which are mounted at the highest ends of the cases and are removed under the carpets.

Arrangement of pits.

Along the perimeter of the pits, install posts of wooden bars of ∅180 mm with a pitch of 0.81m in the axes. Plug the struts into the ground by 2 m. Cover the pit perimeter with 50 mm thick boards along the struts.

Pit flooring shall be made of wooden lags with a cross section of 160x160 mm with a continuous skin of boards with a thickness of 40 mm.

The bottom elevation of the pit is determined depending on the design depth of the pipeline and is accepted 0.4 m below the bottom of the laid case.

Along the perimeter of the pits for receiving spent drilling suspension (6.0x2.0x3.0), install posts of wooden bars of ∅180 mm with pitch in axes of 0.8 -1 m. Dig the posts into the ground by 1.5 m. Cover the pit perimeter with 50 mm thick boards along the posts.

When developing soil in the pit, the latter should be developed with the device of slopes (slope of slopes for loams 1: 0.5 at Nc. < = 3 m). After strengthening the walls of the pits, fill the slopes with soil.

5.9 Peculiarities of construction machinery operation near power transmission lines

According to SNiP III480 and GOST 12.1.01378, installation and operation of construction cranes at a distance closer to 30 m from the extreme wire of a power transmission line or an air electric network with a voltage of more than 36 V can be carried out only according to the permit, if there is written permission of the organization-owner of the line.

The work permit for construction and installation works in the security area of the existing overhead power transmission line shall be signed by the chief engineer of the enterprise or organization producing the work and the person responsible for the safe operation of the electric farm in the organization. The work permit is issued to the crane driver before the start of work. The procedure for issuing work permits and instructing workers is determined by the order of the organization.

Construction and installation work near the power lines is carried out under the direct supervision of the person responsible for the safe performance of cargo transportation by cranes. The voltage in the overhead power transmission line is cut off prior to commencement of operations. If there is a reasonable impossibility to relieve the voltage from the line, the construction cranes are allowed to operate provided that the following requirements are met:

distance from crane parts to vertical plane passing through the nearest wire of the energized overhead power transmission line must be not less than that specified in Table 5.3

It is allowed to operate directly under power transmission lines under voltage of 110 kV and more, if the distance from the elements of the crane or movable load to the nearest wire is not less than that specified in Table 5.3;

the crane driver shall have a qualified safety team not lower than II;

cranes except caterpillar cranes shall be grounded by means of portable grounding.

In the driver's track sheet, a stamp is put on the prohibition of unauthorized installation of the crane near the power line without a permit.

5.10 Labor protection during work

Pipe laying by horizontal drilling shall be performed in strict compliance with SNIII480, SNiP 12032001 and SNiP 12042002, Rules for construction and safe operation of lifting cranes, Labor Protection Instructions approved by the General Director of the construction and installation organization.

The construction site shall be protected with a protective fence of 1.6 m high panels.

On the construction site, install sanitary facilities in which to have drinking water, first aid kits and first aid equipment. Ground the domestic premises according to PTE and PTB and Instructions No. TG1.1-07/1303 dated 7.03.84.

When performing construction and installation works, be guided by the list of high-risk works for which a work permit must be issued:

construction and installation works near roads and water barriers;

for excavation and installation works in pits with a depth of more than 2.0 m.

All persons on site must wear protective helmets as per GOST 12.4.08784.

Check the reliability of pits attachment every day before the master or foreman starts work.

To lower the workers into the pits, install stairs.

Disassemble the attachment in the presence of the works manufacturer.

During operation, install the crane on a horizontal site using inventory linings for all remote supports.

Prior to performance of works, it is necessary to establish the procedure for exchange of conditional signals between the person supervising the installation and the crane driver. All signals are given by one person (the foreman, the foreman, the slinger), except a signal "Stop" which can be given by any worker who noticed danger.

Electric welding works shall be performed in accordance with Chapter 6 of SNiP III 4-80, GOST 12.3.00386 *, GOST 12.1.01378, "Sanitary Rules for Welding, Surfacing and Cutting of Metals," approved by the USSR Ministry of Health.

During drilling, reverse expansion, rubber boots and mounting dielectric gloves must be worn.

Before drilling, it is necessary to perform drilling to identify existing underground communications in the area of which the drilling route passes in the presence of representatives of operating organizations.

It is always necessary to remember that underground communications undetected during drilling can be affected by reverse expansion.

Grounding and anchor anchors shall be installed prior to drilling. Grounding anchors are installed prior to installation of anchor anchors.

In case of electric shock:

do not move from mats;

when drilling, pull one rod back (never disconnect the rods).

at reverse expansion - press by one rod (never disconnect the rods).

If you are on the ground:

do not move from where you are standing;

do not touch drilling units, truck or other vehicle;

urgently contact the organization responsible for supplying power to shut it down.

During the entire period of work on the construction of crossings, supervision should be carried out by organizations on the balance sheet or in charge of the road being crossed.

5.11 Need for construction machines and machinery

Ustanovkannb "VermeerNavigatorD36x50"

The required number and model of construction machines and mechanisms are determined by the construction organization depending on the accepted terms of construction and material base.

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