gas supply to the trade pavilion
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газоснабжения торгового павилиона.dwg
Additional information
1 Explanatory note
1.1 General data
1.2 External gas supply networks
1.3 Internal gas supply
1.4 Process Requirements for Polyethylene Gas Pipelines
1.5 Environmental protection measures
1.6 Basic Provisions for Buildings and Structures Operation
1.7 Fire safety of buildings and structures
2 Initial data:
Drawings and survey of adjacent area
3 Attached drawings and documents:
Seeker External gas supply networks
GOSN-1 General data
GSN-2 Excavation from the general plan (M1: 500). Junction of gas pipeline with heat network channel
GSN-3 Tie-in to operating gas pipeline (Node A)
GSN-4 Longitudinal profile of gas pipeline. Node B
GSN-5 Installation drawing for the introduction of medium pressure polyethylene gas line DN
GSN.C Equipment, products and materials specification
GSV Internal gas supply
GSV-1 General data
GSV-2 Gas Supply Plan (M1: 100). Gas supply diagram Unit 1. View A
GSV-3 Smoke removal and air supply system diagram (section 1-1)
GSV.C Equipment, products and materials specification
1.1 General data
The construction project was developed on the basis of the specification, TKP454.03-267-2012 "Gas distribution and gas consumption. Construction Design Standards, "TKP454.03-257-2012" Gas pipelines made of polyethylene pipes. Rules of design and installation, "Rules of industrial safety in the field of gas supply of the Republic of Belarus and in accordance with the current regulatory documents.
The technical solutions adopted in the working drawings comply with the requirements of environmental, sanitary, fire and other existing regulatory legal acts and ensure safe operation of the facility for life and health of people, subject to the measures provided for in the working drawings.
All engineering decisions made in this project do not affect the structural structures of the building and do not violate their carrying capacity.
1.2 External gas supply networks
Gas supply to the trade pavilion is provided from the existing medium-pressure gas pipeline 108mm, laid on the street. Black Sea.
The designed underground gas pipeline shall be laid from polyethylene pipes PE80 GAZ SDR1132x3.0 STB GOST R 50838, the above-ground medium pressure gas pipeline shall be made from steel electric welded pipes GOST 1070491.
The length of the designed underground gas pipeline is 32.0 m.
Ball welded valve with telescopic lead for carpet is provided on designed gas pipeline-inlet.
When laying in a trench, the polyethylene gas pipeline must be supported by a sand cushion with a height of at least 10 cm. The initial filling of the gas pipeline should be carried out manually with sand at least 25 cm above the upper generatrix of the pipe. To prevent mechanical damage to the polyethylene gas pipeline during earthworks at a distance of 0.6 m above the gas pipeline, it is necessary to lay a yellow polyethylene signal tape with a width of at least 0.2 m with the indelible inscription "GAZ."
The project provides for a case at the introduction of a polyethylene gas pipeline, developed by RPUP Gomeloblgaz.
After installation and testing of gas pipelines, before cleaning, cover with enamel as per GOST 1420269 PF-115 for 2 times as per GOST 646576 * for primer GF021 GOST 2512982 *.
Installation of gas pipelines and equipment shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the current "Rules for industrial safety in the field of gas supply of the Republic of Belarus," TKP454.03-257-2012 "Gas pipelines made of polyethylene pipes. Design and Installation Rules. "
1.3 Internal gas supply
The project provides gas supply to the trade pavilion.
To reduce the gas pressure, there is an ARD (FE) 10L gas pressure regulator installed on the wall of the trade pavilion in a metal cabinet. The project provides for the supply of a low-pressure gas pipeline to the Rinnai RB106 heating gas boiler with a closed combustion chamber installed in the minicell .
Design gas flow rate for Rinnai RB106 boiler: Qp.h. = 1.14 m ³/h.
To remove combustion products from the boiler and supply air to combustion, the design provides a coaxial chimney 100 (75).
Accounting of a consumption of gas is provided by the gas meter with the mechanical temperature compensator G6T located in the miniboiler house.
A vent 160 made of galvanized steel is provided in the minicell room.
The project provided installation in the room of the miniboiler house of ball valves, the gas FN1 1/22 filter, BH1 1/2H solenoid valve - 1 and control systems of gas contamination with automatic shutdown of supply of gas on input in the miniboiler house at gas contamination more than 10% of the lower concentration limit of inflammability.
Installation and installation of gas equipment shall be carried out taking into account the requirements of the passport.
To protect the internal gas pipeline, the project provides for its painting with a coating consisting of a primer GF021 according to GOST 2512982 * and two layers of paint according to GOST 1014489 *.
Install and test the external gas pipeline in accordance with TKP454.03-267-2012 "Gas distribution and gas consumption. Construction Design Standards, "TKP 451.03-85-2007" Internal Engineering Networks of Buildings and Structures. Rules of installation "and" Rules of industrial safety in the field of gas supply of the Republic of Belarus. "
1.4 Process requirements for gas pipelines
Welding of designed gas pipelines shall be performed using connecting parts with embedded heaters (electric couplings, tees, plugs, etc.). Operational control during the assembly and welding of gas pipelines should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of TKP454.03-267-2012 "Gas distribution and gas consumption. Construction Design Standards, "TKP454.03-257-2012" Gas pipelines made of polyethylene pipes. Design and Installation Rules. " For the connection of polyethylene pipes, connecting parts made of polyethylene made according to the specification RB 00203507.16 and specification RB 05550283.059 shall be used.
The welded gas pipeline should be laid on the leveled and cleaned base of the trench. The gas pipeline should be laid in the trench no earlier than 30 minutes after the welding of the last joint. Stacking shall be done using hemp bags, tarpaulins or other soft chalky devices. The gas pipeline should be laid with a "snake." It is not allowed to drop sections of the gas pipeline from the brow into the trench, as well as move them along the trench with fiber.
Filling of gas pipelines should be performed after equalization of the pipe temperature with the trench soil temperature, at air temperature not higher than +20˚S and not lower than minus 10˚S. Filling of gas pipelines to a height of not less than 250 mm shall be carried out by soil that does not contain solid inclusions. Laid soil must be carefully rammed. Soil filling and compaction is carried out manually, layer by layer, until the voids are completely eliminated on both sides of the gas pipeline. Do not ramp the soil directly above the gas pipeline. The final filling of the gas pipeline is carried out with soil from the dump using mechanisms.
Before testing for strength and tightness of gas pipelines completed by construction, purge to clean their internal cavity. Test the strength and tightness of gas pipelines according to TKP454.03-257-2012 "Gas pipelines made of polyethylene pipes. Design and Installation Rules. "
When the polyethylene gas pipeline leaves the ground, the project provides for a gas inlet developed by Gomeloblgaz RPUP.
The design provides a system for designating gas pipelines, which represents a set of underground and above-ground elements that provide the possibility of finding the route, the depth of its laying and damage to gas pipelines, as well as the identification of its characteristic points.
Construction of the designed gas pipelines shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements and recommendations of TKP454.03-267-2012 "Gas distribution and gas consumption. Construction Design Standards, "TKP454.03-257-2012" Gas pipelines made of polyethylene pipes. Design and Installation Rules. "
1.5 Environmental protection measures
The negative impact of gas pipelines on the environment can be primary and secondary.
The primary negative impact occurs during construction and installation works in the linear part and consists in pollution of the environment with construction waste, and during the operation of construction equipment - with fuel and lubricants. To a large extent, the reduction of these negative impacts depends on compliance with the rules of construction technology and culture.
The secondary negative impact on the environment occurs during the testing and operation of the gas pipeline, consists in contamination of the atmosphere and the soil and vegetable layer as a result of purging the gas pipeline and removing solid contaminants from it.
Gas pipeline test is performed by pneumatic method. Before testing the installed external gas pipelines for strength and density, they must be purged in order to clean the internal cavity of the gas pipeline from scale, moisture and clogging.
Since all blowing and testing operations of gas pipelines are carried out by pneumatic method, no additional environmental protection measures are provided.
The minimum negative impact of the gas pipeline on the environment is achieved:
1. Rational route selection;
2. Providing structural reliability of the gas pipeline.
1.6 Operating Philosophy
buildings and structures
Gas pipelines and gas equipment shall be operated in accordance with the procedure established by the Rules for Industrial Safety in the Field of Gas Supply of the Republic of Belarus.
1. Technical, economic and operational indicators:
1.1. Pressure at connection point - 200.0 dPa:
1.2. Length:
- underground gas pipeline - 58.0 m;
1.3. Diameter:
- underground gas pipeline - 32x3.0;
1.4 Design gas flow rate - 4.24 m3/h.
2. The effective service life of the gas pipeline is 50 years.
Gas pipelines in operation should be systematically monitored, subject to technical checks, current and major repairs. Assessment of the technical condition of underground and above-ground gas pipelines is carried out in accordance with sectoral technical regulatory legal acts agreed with Promatomnadzor.
Above-ground (external and internal) gas pipelines shall be painted in accordance with GOST 14202 "Pipelines of industrial enterprises. Marking, warning signs and marking boards. " The protective coating shall be continuous, without visible damage. Damages of protective coatings detected during operation shall be eliminated as soon as possible.
Installation of gas supply systems, installation of additional and re-installation of existing gas equipment is allowed to be carried out only in accordance with the established procedure with the permission of the gas management supervision bodies.
Operation of gas supply systems and gas equipment is not allowed in pre-emergency condition of buildings; absence of traction in exhaust ventilation and smoke channels; absence of reports on the state of exhaust ventilation and smoke channels; failures of pipelines, valves and gas equipment.
Along the route of underground gas pipelines within 2.0m on both sides, storage of materials, equipment, including for temporary storage, as well as planting of trees, shrubs within 1.5m on both sides of the gas pipeline is not allowed.
1.7 Fire safety of buildings and structures
Fire safety of buildings and structures is performed in accordance with TKP454.03-267-2012 "Gas distribution and gas consumption. Construction Design Codes. "
During the construction of gas pipelines, the project provides for the use of non-combustible materials, standard distances from the foundations of buildings and structures are observed.
The project provides for physical monitoring of gas pipeline joints according to SNiP 3.05.0288 "Gas supply."
газоснабжения торгового павилиона.dwg
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