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Manufacturing Process - AXIS

  • Added: 30.08.2014
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Coursework on: Design of axis manufacturing process, three drawing sheets and calculation explanatory note

Project's Content

icon Лист 1.cdw
icon Лист 2.bak
icon Лист 2.cdw
icon Лист 3.cdw
icon ПЗ.doc
icon Спецификация.spw

Additional information



Design Task


1. Single production

1.1. Procurement Selection

1.2. Process

1.3. Calculation of cutting modes

2. Small-scale production

2.1. Procurement Selection

2.2. Process

2.3. Distinctive features

3. Process Options

4. Calculation of piece time

4.1. Single production

4.2. Small-scale production

4.3. Comparison of unit time indicators for single and small-scale production

5. Workability of part design

6. Linear Dimension Analysis

7. Calculation of fixture

List of literature

Design Task

The objective of this course project is to develop the process of axle manufacturing for single and small-scale production. Two parts must be manufactured for single production; for small-scale - ten pieces.

The following are presented for the protection of the course project:

- part drawings, billets drawings for single and small-scale production, sketches of distinctive process operations for small-scale production (A1 sheet),

- sketches of process operations for single production (A1 sheet),

- drawing of accessory used in manufacturing the part (A1 sheet),

- calculation and explanatory note

Drawings content

icon Лист 1.cdw

Лист 1.cdw

icon Лист 2.cdw

Лист 2.cdw

icon Лист 3.cdw

Лист 3.cdw

icon Спецификация.spw
