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Gas supply to the production base


Project of gas supply of steam generator Mexico (Turkey) and boiler house for heating needs of ABC in the territory of production base. GoSN, GSV, Explanatory

Project's Content

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Additional information


1. Design Input

2. Main Design Solutions

3. Brief description of the construction area

4. Gas supply

Requirements for the gas pipeline to be designed

External gas pipeline



Internal gas pipeline

Gas Pipeline Blowdown and Testing

Measures to protect the gas pipeline

Safety measures

Inspection of welded joints

Mechanical tests

Environmental protection

5. Literature

6. Application

2. Main Design Solutions

Main objective of the working project "Gas supply of LLP production base

Eurostroy is the provision of natural gas to the modular steam generator plant of Mexico (Turkey) with a capacity of 1000 kg/h for the technological needs of the production workshop for the production of concrete structures and the provision of natural gas to the existing boiler room for heating needs

administrative building and warehouses.

3. Brief description of the area.

Climatic construction area - IV. Subarea-D as per SNiP 2.04012001.

- Weight of snow coating - 50 kgf/m2.

- Absolute maximum air temperature - + 470С

- Standard wind speed head - 48kgf/m2.

- Absolute minimum air temperature of the hottest and coldest

months - + 280С and 190С.

- Average long-term rainfall - 140 mm

- Average wind speed - 5.1sec.

- The percentage of stiff days is - 12%.

- Soils are highly corrosive to steel.

4. Gas supply

4.1 Requirements for the designed gas pipeline.

The gas pipeline was designed in accordance with the requirements of MSN 4.0301.2003, Safety Rules for Gas Facilities and SNiP RK 4.02082001 "Boiler Plants."

Construction organization and requirements to construction organizations in accordance with SNiP RK1.03062002 and p.2.2 of the Gas Safety Regulations.

Welding, insulation and other construction and installation works during the construction of gas supply systems shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of MSN 4.03012003.

During the construction process observe the requirements for occupational safety and safety in accordance with SNiP RK 1.03052001.

Construction control and commissioning shall be carried out in accordance with SNiP RK 1.03062002, taking into account the requirement of Chapter 10 of MSN 4.03012003 and Item 2.2 of the Gas Safety Regulations.

4.2. Process Diagram

The project provides for the construction of the following facilities :

- Connection unit to the above-ground medium pressure pipeline Dn108mm. On site of existing SS2 with replacement of Du50mm gas pipeline section

- Installation of GRPSH1, GRPSH-04-2U1 in the wall of the shop building with fencing.

- External medium-pressure gas pipeline in the above-ground version.

- External low-pressure gas pipeline in above ground and underground design.

- Internal low-pressure gas pipeline with steam generator plant burner and boiler room.

4.3 External medium pressure gas pipeline.

The designed external gas pipeline is laid in the above-ground version.

Gas source - existing above-ground medium pressure gas pipeline Ø108mm in the site of the existing SRU2.The project provides for replacement of the Dn57mm pipeline section with a Du100 tee device at the tie-in point of the Dn57mm gas pipeline.

Disconnecting valves with Du50mm insulating flanges are installed at the connection point.

The medium above-ground gas pipeline is made of Dn57x3.3mm pipes, according to GOST 1070491 from steel Vs3sp. and laid along the wall of the workshop building at an elevation of 2.2 m. attachment of gas pipeline by means of brackets, spacing between fasteners is not more than 4.5m.

The length of the medium pressure gas pipeline is 101.0 m .

The working pressure of the transported medium is 0.3MPa.

4.6.5 Steam generator internal gas pipeline.

The internal gas supply of the modular steam generator plant is made of Du25, Du20mm pipes according to GOST 326275 from steel Vs3sp. Gas consumption is provided for one horizontal KKBS steam generator from Mexico with a gas flow rate of 79 m3/h .

Blowdown plug Dn 20 is installed for gas pipeline blowdown. The blowdown plug shall be brought out above the roof by 1 m.

The gas pipeline inside the premises is laid open. Shut-off valves and pressure gauge are installed in front of the gas instrument.

When walls of container are crossed, gas pipeline consists of steel case.

Natural lighting, ventilation and the possibility of ventilation are adopted in the premises for the installation of gas devices .

Minimum light distances between gas pipelines and indoor utilities:

- open wiring of insulated wires or electric cable 25cm.

- hidden wiring or laid in pipe 5cm. (from edge or furrow)

- water supply, sewerage and other pipelines - are accepted on site, at the same time it should be provided with the possibility of installation, safe operation and repair of gas pipelines and pipelines.

4.6. 6 Boiler house internal gas pipeline.

Internal gas supply of the boiler house is made of Du57mm pipes according to GOST 1070491 and, Du32, Du25, Du20mm according to GOST 326275 made of steel Vsv3sp. Consumption of gas is provided for 2 heating coppers of "SATURN" KVa58LZh/Gn (1 reserve) with a consumption of gas of 6.3 m3/hour. The maximum gas consumption is 12.6m3/h.

Gas meter BKG10T, Qmin/Qmax = 0.116.0m3/h is installed in the boiler room to account for gas flow rate .

Blowdown plug Dn 20 is installed for gas pipeline blowdown. The blowdown plug shall be brought out above the roof by 1 m.

The gas pipeline inside the premises is laid open. Shut-off valves are installed in front of gas devices.

At the intersection of walls and ceilings, the gas pipeline consists of cases .

Natural lighting, ventilation and the possibility of ventilation are adopted in the premises for the installation of gas devices .

Minimum distances in the light. See, between gas pipelines and indoor utilities:

- open wiring of insulated wires or electric cable 25cm.

- hidden wiring or laid in pipe 5cm. (from edge or furrow)

- water supply, sewerage and other pipelines - are accepted on site, at the same time it should be provided with the possibility of installation, safe operation and repair of gas pipelines and pipelines.

According to MSN 4.03012003, in the premises of buildings of all assignments (except residential apartments), where gas-using equipment is installed, which operates in automatic mode without the constant presence of maintenance personnel, it is necessary to equip gas content control systems with automatic shutdown of gas supply and output of a gas content signal. The SAKZM detector adopted in the design shall be installed in the place of the most likely gas accumulation, on the wall in the vertical position at a distance from the edge of the gas device of at least 1 m.

4.9 Measures on anti-corrosion protection of the gas pipeline.

Metal elements are painted with PF15 enamel paint (GOST646576 *) on the ground from GF021 lacquer (GOST2512982 *) in accordance with SNiP2.03.1185.

Cases when laying an underground gas pipeline - "Very reinforced" insulation with the voice of GOST 9.60289 *.

4.11 Inspection of welded joints.

Mechanical tests of butt welded joints of pipelines are carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 699699 *. Quality control of anticorrosive coatings for steel thickness, adhesion and continuity - as per GOST 9.60289 *

4.12 Mechanical tests.

Test (tolerance) and welded joints of steel gas pipelines not subject to physical control shall be subjected to mechanical tests.

Joints of steel gas pipelines shall be tested for static tension and for bending or flattening as per GOST 699666 *. If the test results are not satisfactory at least at one joint, all joints welded by this welder during the calendar month at this site by gas welding shall be removed and joints welded by arc welding shall be checked by radiographic inspection. The results of mechanical tests of the weld joint are considered unsatisfactory if:

average arithmetic value of the ultimate strength during tensile test of the lower ultimate strength of the main pipe metal established by GOST (TU);

tensile joint strength test is less than permissible standard clearance between pressing surfaces of press, when the first crack occurs on weld joint during joint flattening test is more than 5S, where S is pipe wall thickness.

4.13 Environmental protection.

This project provides for the construction and installation of the gas pipeline.

At the same time, the following set of works is provided:

- Welding of pipelines.

- Coating (painting)

Measures to control the quality of construction and installation works, laid down in the project, in accordance with the current regulatory documentation, minimizes the probability of accidents due to hidden defects.

5. Architectural and construction solutions

5.1 General data

The construction part of the project provides for the construction of fencing from mesh panels of the GRPP site, supports and gas pipeline attachments.

The construction part of the project is performed in compliance with the existing norms and rules, complies with the norms and rules of explosion fire safety of the Republic of Kazakhstan and ensures safe operation of the designed facilities.

5.2 GRPP site

The fence plan is 7.0x2.5m. The guard is made of mesh panels, 1.7m high. Foundations for supports are accepted from cast-in-situ concrete of steel B15. Under the foundations, bitumen-crushed stone preparation is carried out with a thickness of 50 mm.

5.3. Gas pipeline supports and fasteners

Supports for the header inside the boiler room are designed from metal structures. Support struts are made of Dn89mm pipes as per GOST 1070489.

The foundations for the posts are made of cast-in-situ concrete. B7.5.

Brackets for attachment of gas pipelines along the walls are made of metal structures.

5.4. Special protective measures

Corrosion protection of construction structures is provided in accordance with SNiP 2.03.1185 "Protection of construction structures against corrosion"

Anticorrosive measures for underground parts of buildings are carried out by: performing them from concrete of increased grades in terms of waterproof and sulphate resistance of cement, painting with hot bitumen in 2 times on a primer of 40% bitumen solution in kerosene.

Metal structures and equipment are protected against corrosion:

- external - by painting with oil paint on the primer.

- underground - by applying insulation of a very reinforced type.

Drawings content

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