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Gas supply to the boiler house of the administrative and domestic building, 80kW

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Gas supply source:? existing aboveground low-pressure steel pipeline Du150 mm. The project provides for the laying of: underground low-pressure gas pipeline - facade gas pipeline - internal gas equipment of the boiler house.

Project's Content

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Additional information






3.1. Low pressure underground gas pipeline

3.2.Fasad gas pipeline




6.1. General part

6.2. Power supply

6.3. Power electrical equipment

6.4. Electric lighting

6.5. Grounding and lightning protection

6.6.Automatization and management

6.7. Gas content control

6.8.Safe technics. Elektrobezopasnost


7.1. Gas pipeline corrosion protection

7.2. Protection of the gas pipeline from the impact of soil heaviness












14.1. Operating Philosophy

14.2. Maintenance

14.3. Health and safety measures



1. common part

The working design was developed on the basis of: design tasks; SPECIFICATION NO.......................................................................................................................................................................................... The project was implemented in accordance with the requirements of PB 1252903 "Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems," SNiP 42012002 "Gas Distribution Systems," SP 421012003, SNiP 3.01.0185 *, SNiP 31012003, SP 411082004 and other regulatory documents.

This project provides for gas supply to the boiler house of the administrative building.

The gas supply source of the existing above-ground steel gas pipeline of the bottom pressure Du 150 mm.

Perform works, tests and acceptance of the facility for operation in accordance with the requirements of the "Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems." Commissioning and start-up of boilers shall be carried out by an organization licensed for commissioning of this equipment. The Customer shall conclude a contract for the further maintenance of the boilers with the relevant organization.

The call of representatives of the author's supervision for acceptance of the in kind breakdown of the axes of underground communications made by trenches, as well as completed underground communications before backfilling is mandatory.

3. external gas pipelines and structures on them

3.1 Low pressure underground gas pipeline

The low-pressure gas pipeline to is laid in a trench on the equal natural dense basis from polyethylene pipes PE80 GAZ11 63h5,8 in accordance with GOST 5083895 * and connecting elements from PND of the increased quality in accordance with GOST 5083895 * and according to TU 61935287 "Pipes from polyethylene of low pressure for gas pipelines", on depth of 1.6 m from the Earth's surface to pipe top .

When laying a gas pipeline, a base with a thickness of at least 10 cm should be provided from sand or fine soil that does not contain large inclusions and backfilling with the same soil to a height of at least 20 cm.

The underground gas pipeline is laid in a trench on an even natural base, to a depth of 1.6 m from the ground surface to the top of the pipe. When laying a gas pipeline, a base with a thickness of at least 10 cm should be provided from sand or fine soil that does not contain large inclusions and backfilling with the same soil to a height of at least 20 cm.

Install the case at the outlet of the gas pipeline from the ground.

For installation of the gas pipeline it is allowed to use pipes that have passed quality control. Flattened pipes having a diameter reduction of more than 5% of the nominal and pipes with undercuts and scratches with a depth of more than 0.7 mm are not allowed.

Connection of pipes to each other is performed by welding with heated tool end-to-end. Maximum displacement of pipe edges shall not exceed 10% of minimum thickness of welded pipe walls. Welding of pipes shall be performed at ambient air temperature from 15С to + 45С.

Store polyethylene pipes and braids welded from them on the route for no more than 15 days.

The gas pipeline in the trench for compensation of temperature extensions must be laid with a snake in the horizontal plane, the width of the trench must be at least Dn of the pipe plus 300 mm.

Sprinkle is produced in summer at the coldest time of day (early in the morning), in winter - at the warmest time of day.

In the transitions of polyethylene to steel sections (and vice versa) of pipes, permanent joints "polyethylene steel" are provided.

On the vertical section of the gas pipeline at the facade of the building at a height of 1.8 m, install a disconnecting device (valve Du32). Install connectors with plug before and after the gate valve.

Welded joints shall be checked by physical inspection methods in accordance with the requirements of PB 1252903 and SNiP 42012002.

To determine the location of the underground gas pipeline, place a sign on the building wall at characteristic points.

3.2 Facade Gas Pipeline

When designing the facade gas pipelines, water and gas pipes are used as per GOST 326275 *. Number of pipes indicating diameters and material is specified in GSN-S equipment specification.

The pipes shall be connected by welding. Turn using stamped taps GOST 173752001 * and bent ones.

The gas pipelines shall be fastened by means of hooks embedded in the walls in place with the possibility of inspection and repair of the gas pipeline and fittings installed on it.

After completion of construction, the gas pipeline shall be tested for tightness in accordance with the requirements of the "Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems."

After installation and test for protection against corrosion of the elevated gas pipeline the paint coating consisting of two layers of primer (XC010) and two paint layers, varnish or enamel (XB125) intended for external works is provided.

6. Electrical and Automation

6.1 General Part

The working design is developed on the basis of the design task, process drawings, technical documentation of the equipment and the existing power supply scheme of the boiler house in accordance with the current codes, rules and standards.

All necessary recommendations for electrical installation works are given in this note and in the attached drawings and in the specification.

6.2 Power supply

Power supply is provided by two mutually redundant lines. For Input, metering and distribution of electric power in the electrical board room, an introductory cabinet with BRU (ATS) is installed, and in the boiler room, a boiler board of the boiler room is installed.

6.3 Power Electrical Equipment

Electric power receivers are pump and burner motors. The starting equipment is installed in the shield of the control panel. Grades and section of power distribution lines are indicated on the calculation diagram.

Distribution power networks are laid by IWG cable in DSC cable trays, corrugated and steel pipes. Control of pumps motors manually and automatically from the automation panel.

6.4 Electrical lighting

The design provides for working and emergency lighting of the boiler room. To the room of the boiler house according to the joint venture 411042000 environmental conditions normal, but to start commissioning are provided the lamps in explosion-proof execution of VZG with management outside of the building which are at the same time lamps of emergency lighting.

Working lighting fixtures are accepted as LSP15 grade and are controlled inside. Switches are installed at the height of 1.5 m from the floor. Group networks of working lighting are made by 3x1.5mm2 IWG cable in cable channel, emergency lighting - by 3x1.5mm2 IWG cable on wall and ceiling in cable channel and in steel pipe.

6.5 Grounding and lightning protection

According to CO 15334.21.1222003 the boiler room belongs to category II by lightning protection device.

Metal parts of electrical equipment that are not energized, grounding - gaseous fuel pipelines, boilers, pump, chimney shall be covered. Internal grounding circuit of boiler house shall be made with steel strip 40x4. Grounding conductors are made vertical, rod-shaped from round steel f20 with length of 3 m connected by strip steel 40x4.

All connections of grounding conductors, current leads and lightning receptors are made by welding. Weld length shall be not less than double width of rectangular conductor and not less than 6 diameters of welded round conductors.

6.6 Automation and Management

Automatic control of the boilers provides their complete equipment. Safety and control automation allows operating the boiler room without the constant presence of maintenance personnel. Automatic control of the operation of boilers and auxiliary equipment is carried out by microprocessor devices installed in the boiler room board. The automatic operation mode of the boiler provides the control panel and performs the following main functions:

- boiler control on/off;

- control sequence;

- traction safety.

Control network is provided by wires with dual isolation of PVC grade and HVVG test cable.

The boiler safety automation provides the stop of fuel supply to the boiler at:

- burner flare extinguishing;

- increase of water temperature at boiler outlet;

- increase of water pressure at boiler outlet.

6.7 Gas Content Control

In the boiler room there is an ELEX 2021 information panel providing information on the emergency condition of the main boiler room equipment to the dispatcher console installed in the duty personnel room, where there should be city telephone communication. The light information about equipment accidents on the dispatcher console is duplicated by the sound signal.

Upon receipt of the alarm signal, the duty personnel shall notify the person responsible for the operation of the boiler house, who shall eliminate the fault and resume the operation of the boiler house.

A toxic and combustible gas detector CTG1 is installed in the boiler room to issue an alarm about exceeding the maximum permissible concentrations of gases in the boiler room. STG1 annunciator consists of monitoring and alarm unit (BCS) and unit of sensors (OBD) of combustible gases. Carbon monoxide sensor is built into BCS, flammable gas sensor is located in sensor unit (OBD). Communication between BCS of annunciator is performed via three-wire line. Temperature control on the boiler is performed by temperature controller TPM 138.P. Regulation of temperature on heating is carried out by the regulator of temperature TPM32.01 with sensors of temperature of the heat carrier DT SO1550M. B3.60 and the sensor of external temperature of DT SO1550M.V3.60 to the actuators of three-running valves giving the command.

For continuous automatic monitoring and notification of dangerous concentrations of natural gas in the kitchen, the automatic gas monitoring system SAKZ-MK-1 is installed, it serves to control the fuel supply shutoff valve.

7. protection of gas pipelines

7.1. Gas pipeline corrosion protection

After installation and testing for corrosion protection, paint the above-ground gas pipeline in yellow color according to GOST 14202 with enamel HV124 (GOST 1014489) for 2 times according to double primer FL03k (GOST 910981) with application of distinctive transverse rings of red color.

7.2. Protection of the gas pipeline from the impact of soil heaviness

In accordance with the order of the Glavgaz MKh of the RSFSR dated 6.07.71 No. 75, the following measures should be taken during the construction and operation of underground gas pipelines in heavy soils:

1. In order to reduce the effect of frost heaving forces, if necessary, measures should be provided: thorough compaction of backfilling soils; arrangement of surface water discharge due to planning of the territory along the route; replacing the soil with unpowered, etc.

2. Digging of the trench should be performed after completion of the works stipulated by the project, ensuring prevention of surface water runoff into the trench, both during construction and during operation.

3. Digging of trenches should be carried out taking into account the provision of full filling of the gas pipeline after the end of the shift. The waterproof screen, paving and backfilling of the trench shall be arranged taking into account the requirements of the project.

4. When digging trenches in minimal volumes, disturb soils of natural addition.

5. Carefully compact the soils when filling the trenches, preventing compaction by water watering.

6. Take measures to prevent surface, industrial and domestic water from entering the trench and the gas pipeline route.

7. Sow turf-forming grasses along the gas pipeline route.

8. Depth of foundations and structures shall be not less than standard freezing depth.

9. Anti-corrosion insulation of vertical sections of underground cases should be provided from polymer materials. When leaving the ground, fill the vertical sections of the gas pipeline with coarse sand within a radius of 0.5 meters to the entire depth and make pavements.

10. Before laying the pipes, tamper the bottom of the trench.

11. Filling and tossing of the pipe body of the gas pipeline should be carried out with non-freezing loose soil (medium and coarse sands and others), preventing it from falling into the trench of construction debris. The thickness of filling and knocking of the gas pipeline body should be taken at least 10 cm, filling - at least 20 cm.

12. Systematically check the condition of counterfeit devices in order to restore them in a timely manner.

13. An unscheduled bypass of the highway should be carried out at least 1 times a 7 days in the part of the settlement under construction and 1 times a 15 days in the autumn-winter period undeveloped with a sharp cooling.

In case of risk of watering, ensure stability of the pipeline position in the trench at design elevations by ballasting or fixing it.

8. quality control of welded joints of pipes

Butt joints of above-ground steel gas pipelines with a diameter of less than 50 mm are not subject to physical control.

Welded joints of steel pipes shall be inspected and subjected to mechanical, physical and ultrasonic tests in accordance with the requirement "Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Consumption Systems" and SP 42103.

Incoming quality control of pipes, parts and assemblies of gas pipelines, valves, insulation and other materials should be carried out by specialists of a certified laboratory in accordance with the established procedure.

Welded joints shall be visually and measurably inspected in order to detect external defects of all types, as well as deviations in geometric dimensions and mutual arrangement of elements.

Butt joints of underground low-pressure polyethylene gas pipelines are subject to physical control in the following volumes (but not less than one joint) of the total number of joints welded by each welder at the facility: 6% at pressure up to 0.005 MPa inclusive;

All butt joints (100%) of steel underground gas pipelines are subject to physical control, in the following cases: under the roadway of streets with capital types of coatings, in areas where the distance from the foundations of buildings is less than 2 m - pressure up to 0.005 MPa inclusive.

Welded joints of connecting parts of steel gas pipelines manufactured under conditions of central procurement workshops (CPS) of all pressures are subject to 100% control by radiographic method.

Test results of control joints shall be documented by the protocol.

Drawings content

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