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Composition of the project on gas supply of residential buildings

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Composition of the project: - Explanatory note. - Conventions. Specification. Technical characteristics of gas instruments. - Longitudinal profile of the gas pipeline.

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A powerful high-efficiency fuel and energy complex has been created in our country. The Russian Federation is the only major industrialized country that fully provides itself with fuel and energy from its own natural resources while exporting fuel and energy. As a priority of economic and political importance, it is planned to accelerate the development of the gas industry to meet the domestic needs of exports.

Natural gas, as a highly efficient energy carrier, is widely used. At present, in many sectors of public production, it has a direct impact on increasing industrial and agricultural output, increasing productivity and reducing fuel consumption.

Natural gas has become a powerful factor in technological progress and increasing the productivity of public labor. In 1991, 95% of steel and cast iron, more than 80% of cement, more than 95% of mineral fertilizers were produced using natural gas. A powerful raw material base of the gas production industry has been created. The main gas production center was Western Siberia, high gas production lines are provided by the industries of the Tyumen region.

The construction of powerful gas pipelines will continue, their capacity will increase, automation gas processing devices will be widely used.

The first information about combustible gases is found in ancient monuments. The ancient Greek historian Herodotus wrote about the "Eternal Lights" on Mount Chimera, located in Asia Minor. The stories of combustible gases were known in Azerbaijan, Iran, India. The abundance of combustible gases led to the emergence of fire resistance. In Russia, gas was originally used to illuminate cities, it was obtained from coal at gas plants. The first gas plant was built in St. Petersburg in 1882, coal for it was brought from abroad. In Moscow, a gas plant was built in 1885. Gas was called "Luminous."

At the beginning of the 20th century, after kerosene began to be used for lighting, gas began to be used for heating and cooking. In 1913, artificial gas production amounted to 17 million cubic meters.

In the pre-war period, huge work began on the reconstruction and development of the gas industry, the production of artificial gases: coke, blast furnace, generator gas was widely launched. Artificial gases were obtained from stone and brown coal, combustible shale. They played a decisive role in the industrialization of the country and, first of all, in the development of metallurgical and other important industrial bodies. Gas plants operating on coal and shale for the production of domestic gas were restored and put into operation. In 1923, the first gas gasoline plant was built in Baku.

In 1940, natural gas production amounted to more than 400 million cubic meters. The first gas pipeline was built in 19401941 from the Doshava fields to the city of Lviv. During the Great Patriotic War, the development of long-range gas transportation was laid. In 19411942, a gas pipeline with a length of 840 kilometers and a diameter of 325 millimeters was built from gas fields in the Buguruslan region to Kuibyshev, through which 0.5 billion cubic meters of natural gas were supplied to Moscow annually. A significant number of large gas pipelines were built. For the first time in world practice, the construction of gas pipelines from pipes with a large diameter began in our country: 1000, 1200, 1400 millimeters, the central system of main gas pipelines, the East Ukrainian, Western, Volga, Caucasian, Ural system of main gas pipelines were built. Public utilities are considered in our country as priority gasification facilities.

Significant work has been done on mass production of high-quality pipes, plates, automated water heaters, equipment for mechanization and automation of technological processes at gas distribution stations. In recent years, telemechanization of urban and gas farms has been carried out. The gas industry faces great challenges in the context of the transition of the national economy to a market economy.

1.1. Environmental protection.

Wide use of natural gas in the industry and агропромышленное™ asks not only about its rational and effective application, but also about improvement of the environment.

Data on the increasing pollution of the atmosphere of industrial centers and its harmful impact on human health convince that the protection of the air basin from pollution is one of the most important scientific and technical problems of our time.

The main substances emitted into the air pool during the combustion of gaseous fuel are products of complete combustion (carbon dioxide, nitrogen, water vapors), as well as carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxide. When raw hydrogen sulfide gases are burned, sulfurous and northern and sulfuric anhydrides, unburned hydrogen sulfide, enter the atmosphere. Of these, harmful substances are sulfur compounds, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, hydrocarbons.

An important advantage of natural gas is the purity of combustion products, which are practically free of harmful particles and sulfur compounds. The use of natural gas improves the air basin of cities and large industrial centers.

The structure of the fuel balance of the Russian Federation in recent years is characterized by an increase in the production and use of natural gas, has a positive impact on the state of the air basin, since an increase in the share of incinerated natural gas contributes to an increase in emissions into the atmosphere of incomplete combustion products, solid particles and sulfur compounds. At the same time, the study of ways to further reduce air pollution from combustion products revealed the additional advantages of natural gas. So the deep use of the heat of the combustion products of natural gas emitted from high-temperature plants allows to significantly increase the total thermal composition of the efficiency and thereby reduce the fuel consumption for heat generation. Reducing the flow rate of the combustion gas reduces the volume of the discharged combustion products of the air pool.

The combustion of natural gas can be arranged so that the content of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, carbon black in the combustion products emitted is small or completely absent. Such combustion products are used, for example, as acid feed

crops in greenhouse farms.

In addition, installations for the combustion of gaseous fuel can be used for the thermal decontamination of industrial gas emissions containing combustible components by using them instead of blast air entering the furnace.

When burning natural gas, along with the formation of a certain amount of incomplete combustion products, a high-temperature oxidation reaction of molecular nitrogen occurs, with the formation of nitrogen oxides. The amount of nitrogen oxides produced during gas combustion is comparable to their content in fuel oil combustion products, and the maximum formation of nitrogen oxides corresponds to the mode of most efficient fuel combustion.

Taking this into account, methods have been developed to reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides by suppressing emissions, suppressing their formation during the combustion of natural gas and by purifying combustion products from them.

1.1.1 Gas fuel efficiency.

From September 27 to October 2, 2006, the traditional regular annual conference on environmental issues was held in the Smena sanatorium of the Tuapse district of the Krasnodar Territory, organized by section of environmental protection of the NTO CPU of oil industry workers and gas workers of the academician I.M. Gubkin. in this region two large oil and gas objects - JSC RosneftTuapsinskiy Oil Refinery and JSC RosneftTuapsenefteprodukt Oil Company are located, where participants were given an opportunity to learn about progress in the field of environmental protection.

The conference was attended by heads and responsible employees of oil and gas enterprises, environmental services of a number of oil companies in Russia, research institutes, the Russian Academy of Sciences, universities, design organizations and commercial structures developing environmental equipment and facilities, as well as the development of pre-design and design documentation with an assessment of the impact of production facilities on the environment (more than 80 specialists in total). The conference was led and coordinated by the Head of the Environmental Protection Section Cand.Geol.-Miner.nauk E.Kh.Vekilov.

The conference discussed a wide range of issues: legal aspects of environmental protection, development of environmental equipment, ways to eliminate early and old oil pollution at oil and gas facilities, risks and reliability of emergency hazardous production, prevention of negative consequences for the marine environment during the development of hydrocarbon resources of the continental shelf of Russia, etc.

Conferees heard and discussed more than 30 reports and information messages and accepted recommendations which are distributed in all interested departments, the enterprises and the organizations. The recommendations noted the high quality of the NTO NG named after Akad. I.M. Gubkin conferences, stressed the practical value of all reports and communications ,

scientific and technical developments that can be implemented not only at oil and gas facilities, but also in other sectors of the national economy of Russia.

The success of Russian producers of environmental equipment and technologies, in particular the Ambulance Environmental Assistance company (Bryansk), was noted, which made it possible to sharply reduce hydrocarbon losses during their storage; companies involved in the disposal of oil-contaminated sludge; the success of environmental consulting companies.

Progress was made in the restoration of environmental monitoring on the continental shelf of Russia during the development of hydrocarbon resources of the seabed, which is currently being carried out by OAO LUKOIL and OAO NK Rosneft, as well as under the Sakhalin1 and Sakhalin-2 projects.

The conference participants highly appreciated the responsibility of OAO Rosneft in relation to the activities of the NTO NG NG. I.M. Gubkina, who sent a large group of specialist nature guards to the conference and assisted in organizing technical excursions to production facilities. It was recommended that oil and gas organizations operating within the territorial borders of Russia, regardless of the organizational and structural forms of existence and nationality, widely use:

Russian scientific and technical developments in the field of prevention, localization and elimination of consequences of oil and gas pollution both during production and during storage and transportation of hydrocarbon raw materials;

Systems for ensuring the environmental safety of emergency hazardous industries and determining the degree of risk during their design;

Potential of Russian consulting companies for development of pre-design and design documentation in development of hydrocarbon resources as on land. And on the continental shelf.

The proposals of PNSC InzhGeo LLC on the need to supplement the methodology for assessing the risk of accidents on main pipelines with criteria for the possibility of eliminating and localizing the consequences of accidents were supported. And to continue work on the creation and implementation in the coming years of the technology of cleaning oil barns using magnetic separators based on ferrimagnetic liquids to create waste-free technology at oil refineries and oil fields.

The recommendations request the SMGP to legalize a science-based methodology for assessing damage to fish resources from water and coastal activities.

Attention was drawn to the need to return to the previous practice of considering environmental protection issues not only in the exploration, production and processing of hydrocarbon raw materials. But also during its transportation.

1.1.2. Main directions of gas fuel efficiency improvement

The efficiency of using gas fuel largely depends on its correct choice. So, for high-temperature processes, it is advisable to use gas with a low ballast content and high heat efficiency. In this case, increased productivity of gas plants is ensured and, due to the reduction of the duration of the gas combustion process and the reduction of fuel losses to the environment, the specific fuel consumption per unit of output is reduced.

In many processes associated with the air drying process, an intermediate coolant, water vapor, is used. The production of steam requires additional heat sources, and meanwhile, gas combustion products can be successfully used for drying, then there is no need for special boiler plants and heaters for heating air with steam.

Another reserve for increasing the efficiency of using gas fuel is the combustion of gas in burners at high heat voltages, which allows you to receive a large amount of energy in a small volume.

Many processes take place at high exhaust gas temperatures. The efficiency of using the gas, in this case, is improved by using the heat of the exhaust gases to produce steam, heat water or air.

The most progressive method is the method of stepwise use of the heat of combustion products, based on a combination of low-temperature, medium-temperature and high-temperature plants. The heat of the exhaust gases discharged from the boilers and furnaces can be used to heat the dryers, and the heat of the condensation gas of the steam contained in the combustion products of the gas discharged from the boilers or dryers can be used to heat the water in the contact economizers. Thus, combustion products discharged from high temperature plants are used in low temperature processes for heating these plants.

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