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Composition of the course project on VIV of a residential building


In this course work, water supply and drainage systems of a residential twelve-story building are considered. The internal water supply and sewerage networks were calculated and technical drawings were made. Plumbing fixtures are selected, to which diagrams of geometric dimensions are attached. Contains the appendix, which shows the graphic symbols and pipe grade according to GOST. The graphical part of the project contains a 3D model of the building facade, a master plan, plans of standard and basement floors, axonometric diagrams of water supply and drainage systems, high-altitude diagrams of the location of water supply and drainage networks, a longitudinal profile of the sewage network, structural units.

Project's Content

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Additional information



Introduction of ________________________________________________________

Regulatory references _____________________________________________

1. Design Input _____________________________

2. Types of plumbing fixtures __________________________________

3. Water supply system _________________________________________

3.1. Basic design of internal water supply systems _______

3.2. High-altitude arrangement of the water supply system ___________

3.3. Hydraulic calculation of the water supply system _________________

3.4. Calculation and determination of hydraulic resistance ____________

3.5. Determination of the required head in the building _______________________

4. Water disposal system __________________________________________

4.1. Water disposal system design ________________________

4.2. Hydraulic calculation of water removal system __________________

4.3. High-altitude layout of the drainage system - ___________

List of literature used ___________________________________

Applications _____________________________________________________


In this course work, water supply and drainage systems of a residential twelve-story building are considered.

Volume of explanatory note: 33 sheets of A4 format, including 10 figures, 3 tables, 4 annexes.

It presents:

- Basic design of internal water supply and drainage systems;

- Hydraulic calculation of the water supply system;

- Calculation and determination of hydraulic resistance;

- Determination of the required head in the building;

- Hydraulic calculation of the yard water disposal system;

- Types of plumbing fixtures used in coursework.

The graphic part contains two sheets of A1 format containing:

- Typical floor plan M1: 100;

- Basement plan M1: 100

- General plan M1: 500;

- Axonometric diagram of M1 water supply system: 100;

- Axonometric diagram of water disposal system M1: 100;

- High-altitude arrangement of water supply and drainage networks;

- Design of M1 water metering unit: 10;

- Longitudinal profile of the sewerage Mv1:100, Mg1:500;

- Structural units of water supply and sewerage wells M1: 20;

- The facade of the building.,


Every year, a person improves water supply and sanitation technologies. Water supply systems to consumers serve for uninterrupted, high-quality supply of water at any time and in the necessary quantities. Along with water supply also water disposal systems (sewerage) for reception, removal, utilization, processing of the fulfilled water and waste products of the person develop.

Modern systems provide water supply with significant losses, which reach 50 percent. This adversely affects the environment, while depleting natural water sources and contaminating them with waste water in excess quantities. High water consumption and losses lead to overloading of treatment facilities, as well as to a deterioration in water quality, which negatively affects the health of the population.

Professional maintenance and operation, as well as reconstruction of the water supply and drainage systems of the house, guarantees the reliability of the water supply and waste water removal systems, the durability of the building. The task of the designers is the expedient selection of engineering equipment and devices, the design of water supply and sanitation systems taking into account the requirements of regulatory documents for comfortable living of people.

In view of the rapid development of the scientific and technological process, the solution of engineering problems in water supply and sanitation becomes of great importance for specialists in all parts of the country. The management of water resources, the solution to the issue of their reproduction, is also one of the most significant problems .

That is why the design of water supply and sewerage systems is in demand and relevant always and everywhere.

Regulatory References

GOST R 1.52004 National Standards of the Russian Federation. Rules of construction, presentation, design and designation.

GOST 2.105 - 95 ESKD. General requirements for text documents.

GOST 2106 - 96 ESKD. Text documents.

GOST 2.109 73 ESKD. Basic drawing requirements.

GOST 2.30268 ESKD. Scale.

GOST 2.31668 ESKD. Drawing rules for inscriptions, specifications and tables.

GOST 694298. Cast iron sewage pipes and shaped parts to them. Specifications.

GOST 6942-98. Cast iron sewage pipes and shaped parts to them.

GOST R 7.052008 SIBID. Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules of compilation.

GOST 8.417 2002 GSI. Units of quantities.

GOST 18297 - 96 ESKD. Sanitary and technical cast iron enameled devices.

GOST 1829796. Sanitary and technical cast iron enameled devices. Specifications.

GOST 185992001. Pressure pipes made of polyethylene. Specifications.

GOST 19.40479 ESPD. Explanatory note. Content and design requirements.

GOST 21.101.97 SPDS. Basic requirements for design and detailed design documentation.

GOST 21.11095 SPDS. Rules for execution of specifications of equipment, products and materials.

GOST 21.20593 SPDS. Schematic designations of sanitary and technical systems.

GOST 21.50193 SPDS. Rules for execution of architectural and construction working drawings.

GOST 2328994. Sanitary and technical spillway valves. Specifications.

GOST 2580996. Mixers and water discharge valves. Types and basic dimensions.

GOST 3049396. Sanitary-ceramic products. Types and basic dimensions.

GOST 516132000. Pressure pipes from non-plasticized polyvinyl chloride. Specifications.

SNIP 2.04.01 85 * Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings.

SNIP 2.04.0385 Sewerage. External networks and structures.

SNiP 3.05.0485 *. External networks and structures of water supply and sewerage.

SP40-102-2000. Design and installation of pipelines of water supply and sewerage systems from polymer materials

SP 401082004. Design and installation of internal water supply and heating systems for buildings and copper pipes.

SP 411092005. Design and installation of internal water supply and heating systems of buildings using pipes made of "cross-linked" polyethylene.

TP 8998. Technical recommendations for the design and installation of internal sewerage systems of buildings from polypropylene pipes and shaped parts.

Design Input

It is required to perform calculation and technical drawings of internal water supply and sewerage for the 12-storey building.

The layout of the floors is of the same type, the basement is unexploited and is located under the entire perimeter of the building.

Number of sections - 1;

Degree of improvement - E;

Warranty head - 43.0 m;

Freezing depth - 0.7 m;

The relative floor elevation of the first floor is 1.2 m;

Depth of drainage collector laying - 2.3 m;

The diameter of the city water pipe is 200 mm;

The pipe diameter of the city drainage collector is 250 mm;

Floor height - 2.9 m;

Height of non-operated basement - 2.7 m;

The variant of the standard floor is 88;

Plot Plan - 9.

Water disposal system

4.1. Water Disposal System Design

Drainage ( sewage) system - a system of pipelines and devices that provides waste water removal from sanitary and technical devices and technological equipment, and, if necessary, local treatment facilities, as well as rain and meltwater to the sewage network of the corresponding purpose of a settlement or industrial enterprise.

The internal sewage system is designed to drain sewage from sanitary devices through the outlets, first to the courtyard sewage system, and then to the street.

The movement mode of the sewer network is gravity, self-cleaning, turbulent, pressure-free. The sewerage works with incomplete filling and is performed with the help of shaped and connecting parts. All connections are only smooth, the angle of 90 degrees is not recommended and is obtained by connecting either two taps at angles 45 + 45 or 30 + 60, or an oblique tee at 45 or 60 degrees and tapping at 45 or 60 degrees.

On the plan of the basement we show and mark the risers, schedule issues, number the wells of the palace network. The movement of waste water in the building shall correspond to the movement of waste water outside the building.

For all sanitary devices, 7 sewage risers are designed, which enter the yard sewage network through two outlets. Sanitary and technical devices are connected to risers by branch lines with a diameter of at least 4050 mm. When a wash, washbasin or bath is attached to the riser, the diameter of the network pipes is 50 mm, when a toilet is attached - 100 mm.

Drain pipes are laid on walls above the floor by 0.2 m. All horizontal and drainage pipelines are calculated based on the condition that they provide a gravity flow mode of effluents at a rate not less than the value of the self-cleaning speed of 0.7 m/s. The diameter of the drain riser shall be at least the largest diameter of the floor branches connected to this riser.

To control the drainage and cleaning of pipes at a height of 1 m from the floor on the first and last floors, we install revisions, as well as install cleaning in the basement on horizontal sections of the sewer network.

The domestic drainage system networks that discharge waste water to the external drainage network must be ventilated through risers. As a result, we combine the risers into ventilation shafts and lead to the ventilation channel on the roof of the house. The exhaust part of the riser rises above the roof plane by 1 m. The diameter of the exhaust part is equal to the diameter of the sewage riser.

The yard sewer network is designed from LPA type pipes (GOST 185992001) with a diameter of 160 mm. The minimum depth of sewage pipes shall be taken to be 0.3 m higher than the freezing depth, but not less than 0.7 m up to the top of the pipe in order to avoid forcing of soil by large-capacity (truck) vehicles and destruction of sewage pipes.

We accept depth of laying 0.7 m at freezing depth 0.7 m.

The courtyard network is laid parallel to the external walls of the building along the shortest path to the city collector. The distance from the exterior wall of the building to the pipeline axis is 3 m.

Inspection wells of non-drainage networks are installed at connection points, at points of change of direction, slopes and diameters of pipes.

At the points where the outlets are connected to the yard network, the inspection well KK11 and KK12, the rotary well KK, are designed. The outlets are connected to the yard network at an angle of 90 degrees in the direction of fluid movement.

In order to avoid exceeding the maximum allowable speed of waste water (4 m/s), we install a control differential well - KK, which is necessary due to the large difference in the depth of the yard sewage network and the city drainage collector. At the point of connection of the yard network to the city drainage network, a city well (GK1) is arranged.

Drawings content

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