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Fire safety course project, high school.


Course project on the topic "Fire Safety" PP CONTENT Introduction CHAPTER 1. EVALUATION OF PAGE HAZARD OF BUILDING 1.1. Job for operation and generation of initial data 1.2. Fire hazard assessment of the building. 1.3. Fire and technical characteristics of the object CHAPTER 2. DEVELOPMENT OF EVACUATION PLAN 2.1. Characteristics of evacuation plan 2.2. Instruction on fire safety measures 17 Instruction on fire safety measures 2.3. Evacuation time calculation Conclusion Bibliographic list Appendix 1 Appendix 2 Drawings Evacuation plans Floor plans (1,2) Plot plan Sections 1,2

Project's Content

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Additional information





1.1. Job to work and generate initial data

1.2. Building Fire Hazard Assessment

1.3. Fire and technical characteristics of the facility


2.1. Characteristics of the evacuation plan

2.2. Instruction on fire safety measures

Instruction on fire safety measures

2.3. Calculation of evacuation time


Bibliographic list




Fire is one of the most dangerous and at the same time most likely to result from design effects, which can occur in almost any building both from elementary negligent or illiterate handling of fire, flammable substances or electrical equipment, and in various emergency situations.

The number of fires worldwide increases annually, and the number of people killed in fires in Russia exceeds 20 thousand per year. This creates the need to take a more responsible approach to the development of fire protection measures and ensuring the safety of people in case of fire.

When designing buildings and structures, one of the tasks is to create the most favorable conditions for human movement in case of possible emergency and ensure its safety.

The main feature of forced evacuation is that when a fire occurs, already in its very initial stage, a person is threatened as a result of the fact that the fire is accompanied by the release of heat, products of complete and incomplete combustion, toxic substances, collapse of structures, which in one way or another threatens the health or even life of a person. Therefore, when designing buildings, measures are taken so that the evacuation process can be completed at the required time.

Another feature is that the process of movement of people due to the danger that threatens them instinctively begins simultaneously in one direction towards the exits, with the known manifestation of physical efforts in part of the evacuees. This leads to the fact that passages are quickly filled by people at a certain density of human flows. With an increase in the density of flows, the speeds of movement decrease, which creates a well-defined rhythm and objectivity of the movement process. If, in normal traffic, the evacuation process is arbitrary (a person is free to move at any speed and in any direction), then with forced evacuation this becomes impossible.

An indicator of the effectiveness of the process of forced evacuation is the time during which people can leave individual premises and the building as a whole if necessary.

The safety of forced evacuation is achieved if the duration of evacuation of people from individual premises or buildings as a whole is less than the duration of the fire, after which dangerous effects arise.

Short-term evacuation process is achieved by design and planning and organizational solutions, which are regulated by the corresponding SNiPs

The purpose of the course work: to form the competencies necessary for the successful mastery of the disciplines of the professional cycle and subsequent professional activities related to the use and development of an evacuation plan (PE) for people from the building; studying the basics of computer graphics and preparing to work with modern graphic systems.

Tasks of work in accordance with design, organizational, management and research activities: development of organizational, management and operational-tactical documentation in divisions; organization and implementation of theoretical and practical training on types and forms of professional activity for actions in fire conditions and emergency

Structure of work: Coursework consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of literature, an appendix.


Job to work and generate initial data

Task. Draw the floor plan of the training building (in accordance with GOST 21.10197). Determine the fire resistance of the building, specify the floor. On the plan, place coordination axes and dimensions of the building (along the axes), width of stairs, corridors, dimensions of doorways (specify opening of doors - inside or outside). In addition, show the main and spare exits from the training building, as well as the directions of flows during evacuation in a fire. If there are metal grates on window openings, reflect this on the plan. In-room telephones, fire cranes, fire extinguishers and primary fire extinguishing equipment shall be shown using symbols. In the list of premises indicate their name, the number of people in them. If there is an external escape ladder, reflect them in the plan. On the 1st floor plan, show the disconnecting electrical devices (for the building as a whole). [1]

Develop an evacuation plan.

Apply or show the following elements on the evacuation plan in case of fire: building axes; direction of movement; stairs; elevators; evacuation exits, cluttered or closed design exits; fire crane; fire pump; primary fire extinguishing equipment (fire extinguisher, etc.); fire alarm or extinguishing systems; electric board (circuit breaker or circuit breaker); place of duty personnel; telephones; the location where the fire documentation is located. [4]

Fire hazard assessment of the building.

By functional fire hazard, buildings and structures are classified into 5 classes. Depending on how they are used and to what extent the safety of people in them, in the event of a fire under threat, taking into account their age, physical condition, sleep or wakefulness, the types of the main functional contingent and its amount.

F1 - buildings designed for permanent residence and temporary stay of people, including:

a) F1.1 - buildings of preschool educational institutions, specialized homes for the elderly and disabled (non-residential), hospitals, sleeping buildings of residential educational institutions and children's institutions;

b) F1.2 - hotels, dormitories, sleeping buildings of sanatoriums and rest houses of a general type, campsites, motels and boarding houses;

c) F1.3 - apartment buildings;

d) F1.4 - single apartment buildings, including blocked ones;

F2 - buildings of entertainment and cultural and educational institutions, including:

a) F2.1 - theaters, cinemas, concert halls, clubs, circuses, sports facilities with stands, libraries and other institutions with an estimated number of seats for visitors in closed rooms;

b) F2.2 - museums, exhibitions, dance halls and other similar institutions in closed rooms;

c) F2.3 - theaters, cinemas, concert halls, clubs, circuses, sports facilities with stands, libraries and other institutions with an estimated number of seats for visitors in the open air;

d) F2.4 - museums, exhibitions, dance halls and other similar institutions in the open air;

F3 - buildings of public service organizations, including:

a) F3.1 - buildings of catering and trade organizations;

b) F3.2 - stations; c) F3.4 - polyclinics and outpatient clinics;

d) F3.5 - premises for visitors to organizations of domestic and communal services with an uncomputed number of seats for visitors;

e) F3.6 - fitness centers and sports and training institutions with rooms without stands for spectators, living quarters, baths;

F4 - buildings of scientific and educational institutions, scientific and design organizations, management bodies of institutions, including:

a) F4.1 - buildings of general education institutions, educational institutions for additional education of children, educational institutions of primary professional and secondary vocational education;

b) F4.2 - buildings of educational institutions of higher professional education and additional professional education (advanced training) of specialists;

c) Buildings of governing bodies of institutions, design organizations, information and publishing organizations, scientific organizations, banks, offices, offices are F4.3;

d) F4.4 - fire station buildings.

F 5 production and storage buildings, structures and premises (premises of this class are characterized by the presence of a permanent contingent of workers, including 24 hours a day ):

F 5.1 - production buildings and structures, production and laboratory premises, workshops;

F 5.2 - storage buildings and structures, parking lots for cars without maintenance and repair, book depositories, archives, storage rooms;

F 5.3 - agricultural buildings. Production and storage buildings and premises for explosion and fire hazard, depending on the number and fire and explosion hazard properties of substances and materials in them, taking into account the peculiarities of technological processes of production facilities located in them, are divided into categories. [2]

Fire protection measures of the building in the area of ​ ​ internal planning are aimed at limiting the possible area of ​ ​ the fire, creating conditions for its elimination and ensuring the safe evacuation of people from the building.

Limitation of fire propagation inside the building is achieved by their separation by fire barriers horizontally and vertically into fire compartments.

Provision of conditions for successful fire extinguishing, and therefore causing minimal damage from it, is achieved by dividing fire compartments into sections or separate rooms by area, or by the number and fire hazard of substances stored in them, or by the volume of material assets concentrated in them and a number of other signs

We will determine the required fire resistance of the building. Since the building consists of 2 floors, with functional hazard class F4.3 and structural fire hazard class C3, in accordance with Table 6.9 of SP 2 13130. 2009 required fire resistance rating of building IV. Fire compartment area within one floor shall not exceed 800 m2 in case of absence of AUPT. [5]


In this course design, the functional fire hazard class, fire resistance degree, structural fire hazard class were defined, space planning solutions, escape routes and exits were checked, as well as engineering and technical calculations for determining the time of evacuation of people from the building.

Technical solutions are given to ensure fire safety of this facility.

During the course project, I got acquainted with the new regulatory documents that entered into force, and this is not of little importance, since after graduation and taking office it will be necessary to know these fire safety requirements and in cases of need to advise citizens

The implementation of the course project on fire safety in construction summarizes the training, in discipline and shows the degree of development of practical skills in the verification of design materials and the development of technical solutions for fire protection of buildings.

Drawings content

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plan ПЭ.dwg

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План 2 этажа.dwg

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Экспликация помещений 1 и 2 этажа.dwg