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Extractor Part Manufacturing Procedure


Drawings for exchange rate and note

Project's Content

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Additional information


1. General Section

1.1. Introduction

1.2. Description of part design and its service purpose

1.3. Part Drawing Process Inspection and Part Processability Analysis

1.4. Part material, mechanical parameters, chemical composition and machinability

2. Process Section

2.1. Selection and justification of production type, its characteristics

2.2. Plant Process Analysis

2.3. Selection of procurement type and method, business case for procurement selection. Billet Calculation

2.4. Justification and preparation of routing process with indication of equipment and accessories

2.5. Determination of operational allowances and interoperative dimensions on one surface analytically, on the rest - tabular

2.6. Selection and justification of technological bases

2.7. Equipment selection and short description

2.8. Selecting Cutting, Auxiliary, and Measuring Tools for Process Operations

2.9. Calculation of cutting modes and technical time norm for one operation analytically, for the rest assign table

3. Design Part

3.1. Design and calculation of the fixture. Description of his work. Calculation of clamping forces. Basing Accuracy Calculation, Strength Check Calculation

3.2. Design and calculation of measuring device or gauge

4. List of used literature


The production efficiency, its technical progress, quality of products in many respects depend on the advancing development of production of the new equipment, machines, machines and devices, on every possible introduction of methods of the technical and economic analysis providing the solution of technical questions and cost efficiency of technological and design developments.

The importance of raising all these issues in the training of qualified personnel of production specialists who have fully mastered the engineering methods of designing production processes is obvious. In this regard, in the educational process of higher educational institutions, a significant place is given to independent works carried out by senior students, such as course design in mechanical engineering technology.

Course design consolidates, deepens and generalizes the values ​ ​ obtained by students during lecture and practical classes on "Engineering Technology." In the course design process, the student performs a comprehensive task in the course "Engineering Technology," preparing for the more difficult task - graduate design. Along with this, course design should teach the student to use reference literature, GOST, tables, nomograms, norms and prices, skillfully, combining reference data with theoretical knowledge obtained during the course study.

In course design, special attention is paid to the student's independent creativity in order to develop his initiative in solving technical and organizational problems, as well as a detailed and creative analysis of existing technological processes. The main task is that when working on a course project, proposals are made to improve the existing technology, equipment, organization and economy of production, significantly ahead of the modern production process for the manufacture of the part for which the task is given. Therefore, in order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to study the progressive directions of the development of technological methods and tools and, based on the analysis and comparison of qualitative and quantitative indicators, to give their proposals.

In course design, considerable attention is paid to the economic justification of procurement methods, selection of process options, etc., so that, in the end, the project proposes the optimal option.

Description of part design and its service purpose

Part name and drawing number - extractor, drawing No. 1.

The purpose of the part is to remove the firing sleeves.

The assembly unit that includes the extractor part is a part of the Kord single machine gun design.

Part Analysis.

Part Design Analysis:

The part is a four-stage gear in the form of a five-pointed star with a slight difference in the diameters of the steps. In the center of the gear there is a through hole with a diameter of 5 mm and a mounting hole with a diameter of 5.6 mm. Through hole has ledge for key slot.

The main type of part machining is cutting machining. The main operations of the technological process: turning of the surfaces of rotation (trimming of the ends; drilling, unfolding and spreading of holes; turning diameters, etc.) and milling the contours of a part.

The part belongs to the gear class.

Part sizing analysis:

Overall dimensions of the part: diameter - 20 mm, thickness - 6 mm.

Equipment selection considerations - for turning it is possible to use equipment that allows machining of parts above the caliper at least 10 mm and with a distance between centers of at least 6 mm.

Output: small part.

Part Mass Analysis:

Part weight 0.0086 kg (8.6 grams).

Conclusion: The mass of the part does not require the use of any special lifting means for the installation and removal of the workpiece from the machine. This should be taken into account in technical standardization, selection of containers, interoperative and inter-commercial transport.

Part heat treatment:

Hardness of a covering of HRCe 43,5...51,5. Hardness is tested on a sample witness.

Conclusion: Thermal treatment operation shall be provided in process sequence development. Pay attention to the mechanical properties of the material before and after heat treatment.

External Surface Analysis:

The highest accuracy class from the specified accuracy classes of dimensions of external surfaces is the fourth.

The outer surfaces require multiple treatments, which culminate in electrochemical treatment and heat treatment of the part.

Internal Surface Analysis:

The internal surfaces of a part include holes at the center of the part diameter. The part has two holes one through with diameter of 5 mm, the second mounting hole with diameter of 5.6 mm. Through hole has ledge for key slot.

The accuracy class of internal surfaces is the third.

Output: Drill, boring and other operations shall be provided for machining the internal surfaces of the part.

Surface Roughness Analysis:

Part has roughness of internal surfaces Rc 1.6, external surfaces Rc 3.2.

Conclusion: these surface roughness are achieved by methods of finishing and finishing the part.

Analyze complex part surfaces:

The part has complex surfaces.

Output: Provide operations to perform these surfaces.

Output from part analysis.

Based on the results of the analysis, we see that the part has a rational shape with surfaces that are easily accessible for processing.

Also, the part has sufficient rigidity and hardness to allow the use of high-performance cutting modes.

Based on the analysis of the part, it is rational to choose the method of obtaining the workpiece - rolled stock.

Also, from the analysis of the part, we see that the mass of the part is not large and does not require the use of any special lifting means for installing and removing the workpiece from the machine.

Drawings content

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Режущий инструмент.cdw

icon Спецификация на зажимное приспособление.SPW

Спецификация на зажимное приспособление.SPW