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Exchange rate project of RSK residential building

  • Added: 06.04.2021
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1. Contents 1.1 Job Item 1.2 Copying from the Master Plan of the City 1.3 Typological Diagram of the Residential House 2. Vvedeniye3. Plot Plan 3.1 Relief Organization Plot3.2 Site landscaping and landscaping 4. Structural solutions4.1 Space-planning solutions 4.1.1 Description and substantiation of the external and internal type of the capital construction facility, its spatial planning and functional organization.4.1.2 Substantiation of the accepted space-spatial and architectural-spatial solutions 4.1.3 Description and substantiation of the used compositional techniques in the design of facades 4.1.4 Description of solutions for finishing the main rooms, auxiliary, maintenance and technical designation.4.1.5 Description of architectural solutions providing natural lighting of premises with permanent stay of people. 4.1.6 Description of architectural and construction measures, providing protection of the room from noise, vibration and other influences.4.1.7 Description of solutions for decorative and artistic decoration of interiors. Engineering equipment6. Specifications: 6.1 Specification of prefabricated floor elements 6.2 Specification of door openings filling 6.3 Specification of window openings 6.4 Specification of jumpers 7. TEO8 Literature List

Project's Content

icon Отчёт по малоэтажному жилому дома, программа теремок.docx
icon КП_2_Миргородская.dwg

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Thermal engineering calculation of the enclosing structure was made: according to SNiP 23022003 "Thermal protection of buildings," SP 231012004 "Design of thermal protection of buildings," SNiP 230199 * "Construction climatology"

Determine the required thickness of the layer in the structure of the Outer Wall in the Residential building, school, hotel or dormitory located in the city of Rostov-on-Don (humidity zone - Dry).

Estimated outside air temperature in cold season, t _ ext = 22 ° С;

Design average internal air temperature of the building, t _ int = 20 ° С;

Average outside air temperature of the heating period, t _ ht = -0.6 ° С;

Heating period duration, z _ ht = 171 days;

Normal humidity mode of the room and operating conditions of enclosing structures - A.

Coefficient taking into account the dependence of the position of the outer surface of the enclosing structures with respect to the outer air, n = 1;

Heat transfer coefficient of the outer surface of the enclosing structure, α _ ext = 23 W/( m ²· ° С);

Heat transfer coefficient of the inner surface of the enclosing structure, α _ int = 8.7 W/( m ²· ° С);

Normalized temperature difference, Δt _ n = 4 ° С;

Normalized heat transfer resistance, R _ req = 2.633 m ²· ° C/W;

No. Name, density?, W/( m· ° С) t, mm

1 Cement sand mortar, 1800 kg/m ³ 0.76 20

2 Common clay on cement sand mortar (GOST 530), 1800 kg/m ³ 0.7 250

3 Polystyrene foam (GOST 15588), 40 kg/m ³ 0.041 0

4 Ceramic hollow with density of 1400 kg/m3 (gross) on cement sand mortar (GOST 530), 1600 kg/m ³ 0.58 120

5 Cement sand mortar, 1800 kg/m ³ 0.76 40

Thickness of the desired layer, t = 75 mm;

Total thickness of the structure, ∑t = 505 mm;

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