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Exchange rate project - gas supply to the city district

  • Added: 09.08.2014
  • Size: 263 KB
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Exchange rate project gas supply district of the city. Drawing + Note Structure of a note: Initial a dannyeopredeleniye of annual expenses a gazaopredeleniye of hour expenses a system gazavybor gazosnabzheniyagidravlichesky calculation of gas pipelines low davleniyagidravlichesky calculation of ring network of the gas pipeline of average pressure Selection of the equipment GRPGazooborudovaniy inhabited domaspisok used a literaturyprilozheniye the DWG Format.

Project's Content

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Source Data

1 Determination of annual gas expenditures

2 Determination of gas hourly flow rates

3 Selection of gas supply system

4 Hydraulic calculation of low pressure gas pipelines

5 Hydraulic calculation of the ring network of the medium-pressure gas pipeline

6 Selection of hydraulic fracturing equipment

7 Gas equipment of a residential building

List of literature used


Source Data

1. Scale 1:5000.

2. Climatic district - the city of Petrozavodsk.

3. The population density is 300 people/ha.

4. Coverage of gas supply - 100%; SG - 10%; SG and MV - 60%;

SG and MBTF - 30%.

5. Heating and ventilation, hot water supply - 70%.

6. Industrial consumption - 8000 m3/h.

7. Gas - natural; Qnr = 35000 kJ/m3.

8. The cost of G.R.P. is 3500∙K rubles.

9. Gas pressure after G.R.S. - 0.3 MPa.

10. G.R.P. outlet pressure - 3 kPa.

11. Nominal gas pressure upstream of instruments 2 kPa.

Drawings content

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