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Exchange Rate Project - Gas Supply of Feodosia District

  • Added: 09.08.2014
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Contents of the explanatory note: 1. Select source data. 2. Calculation of gas consumption. 2.1. Determine the population of the city district. 3. Determination of annual gas expenditures by consumer categories.

Project's Content

icon Курсовой проект Газоснабжение района города Феодосия.dwg
icon Курсовой проект Газоснабжение района города Феодосия.docx

Additional information


1. Select Source Data

2. Calculation of gas consumption

2.1. Determine the population of the city district

3. Determination of annual gas expenditures by consumer categories

3.1. Annual gas consumption by the city district for residential buildings

3.1.1 Consumption of gas for cooking at home

3.1.2 Gas flow rate for hot water preparation by flow water heaters in boiler houses

3.1.3 Gas flow rate for hot water preparation in district boiler houses or TEC

3.2. Annual gas consumption by non-production enterprises

3.3 Annual gas consumption by public utilities

3.3.1 Laundry washing - mechanized laundry, including drying and ironing of laundry

3.3.2 Disinfection of linen and clothing

3.3.3 Non-mechanized laundry with drying cabinets

3.3.4 Gas flow to baths

3.4 Annual gas consumption by catering companies

3.4.1 Gas consumption for cooking in public canteens:

3.5 Annual gas consumption by health care institutions

3.5.1 Hospitals, maternity hospitals, clinics

3.6 Annual gas consumption by bakery and confectionery enterprises

3.7 Annual gas consumption for heating and ventilation of residential and public buildings

3.7.1 Gas consumption per year for heating and ventilation of residential and public buildings

3.7.2 Gas consumption for ventilation of public buildings is determined

3.7.3 Annual gas consumption for industrial enterprises

3.8 Annual gas consumption by motor vehicles

4. Determination of estimated gas hourly flow rates

4.1 Determination of estimated hourly consumption of gas for residential buildings and unaccounted for consumers, as well as for communal needs

4.2 Determination of estimated hourly gas consumption for heating and ventilation of residential and public buildings

4.2.1 Determination of monthly gas heating and ventilation costs

4.2.2 Daily heating gas flow rate

4.2.3 Daily gas flow rate for ventilation

4.2.4 Estimated hourly gas consumption for centralized heating of residential and public buildings

4.2.5 Design hourly gas flow rate for ventilation from the accepted number of ventilation operation during the day

4.3 Hourly consumption for technology, heating, ventilation of industrial enterprises

4.4 Determination of vehicle gas hourly flow rate

5. Determination of specific gas flow rate

5.1 Determine the number of concentrated consumers

6. Determination of optimal radius of load of radius, load and number of gas-controlled valves

7. Design Solutions

8. Calculation of medium pressure distribution gas pipelines

9. Calculation of low pressure multi-channel gas distribution lines

10. Hydraulic Calculation of Low Pressure Multi-Quarter Networks

11. Literature

Drawings content

icon Курсовой проект Газоснабжение района города Феодосия.dwg

Курсовой проект Газоснабжение района города Феодосия.dwg

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