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Exchange rate heating project of the house in St. Petersburg

  • Added: 09.08.2014
  • Size: 1 MB
  • Downloads: 1
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A course project for heating a three-story residential building in St. Petersburg. This work presents calculations: radiators, selection and calculation of heat conductors, determination of sections of ventilation holes, thermal loads of rooms, etc.

Project's Content

icon Копия Подбор радиаторов.xls
icon Копия Расчёт теплопроводов.xls
icon Копия ТГВ.doc
icon Определение сечений вентиляционных отверстий.xls
icon отопление и вентеляция жилого здания.dwg
icon Подбор радиаторов.xls
icon Расчёт.xls
icon Табл.1.xls
icon Табл.2.xls
icon Тепловы нагрузки помещений.xls

Additional information


Design Input

1. Heat engineering calculation of enclosing structures

2. Definition of heating system heat loads

3. Heating System Design

4. Thermal Assembly Design

5. Hydraulic calculation of heating system with connection of circulation rings

6. Selection of heating devices

7. Calculation of standard air exchanges of premises

8. Aerodynamic calculation of natural circulation system

List of literature used

Drawings content

icon отопление и вентеляция жилого здания.dwg

отопление и вентеляция жилого здания.dwg

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