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Exchange rate for SWP "Organization of construction of 21-storey guest houses

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drawings, PP

Project's Content

icon Задание.docx
icon Складское хозяйство.xlsx
icon Мой календарик.dwg
icon Моя ПЗ.docx
icon Мой генпланчик.dwg
icon Задание.jpg
icon Ведомость обьемов 21,10.xlsx

Additional information



Milestones of the course project

1. Designing the organization of construction production

1.1. Determination of labour intensity of works

1.2. Selection of construction production organization method

1.3. Building a Network

1.4. Define Network Duration

1.5. Schedule work requirements

2.Project Construction Plot Plan

2.1. Select a crane, associate it, and define coverage areas

2.2. Calculation of areas of temporary buildings

2.3. Calculation of storage areas

2.4 Calculation of water and electricity demand

3. Formation of graphic part of the course project


Appendix 1. Characteristics of objects

Appendix 2. List of prefabricated elements

Appendix 3. Bill of Quantities for Residential and Public

to buildings

Appendix 4. Building Plan and Section

Appendix 5. Bill of Quantities

Appendix 6. Time camp calculation list

Annex 7. Inventory Calculation List


Based on the received source data for the object:

1) draw up a statement of labor costs and machine time;

2) to choose the method of organization of construction production at the facility;

3) build a network schedule for the construction of the facility;

4) draw up a master record of network work;

5) calculate the time parameters of the cellular graph;

6) adjust the network by time;

7) optimize the labor network;

8) develop a construction master plan, calculating the areas of administrative and household temporary buildings, warehouses for open and closed storage of materials, as well as water needs with the selection of the diameter of the temporary water supply and the need for electricity with the selection of a complete transformer substation.

The course design consists of a graphic part in the volume of at least one sheet A1 and a calculation and explanatory note on the format A4.

The calculation and explanatory note to the course project contains a task for the development of the course project, initial data, calculations made on the project with justification of the accepted methods of organizing construction production and a list of literature.

The project source data contains:

- characteristics of the construction facility (Appendix 1);

- list of prefabricated elements (Appendix 2);

- Bill of quantities for residential and public buildings (Appendix 3);

- building plan and section (Appendix 4).

Determination of labour intensity of works

Based on the object bill of quantities and time standards, a labor and machine time cost sheet (Att. 5)

When calculating a human day and a machine man, the duration of one shift is taken equal to 8 hours.

The summary of total labour intensity is shown at the end of the list.

After determining labor costs for civil works, the labor intensity of special construction works and equipment installation works is calculated.

Labor intensity of process equipment installation is 40% of the total labor intensity of civil works for industrial facilities, 12% for residential and civil buildings, labor costs for commissioning work are 12% of the labor intensity of equipment installation works.

Labor costs for internal sanitary works are accepted in the amount of 10% of the labor intensity of civil works, for electrical works - in the amount of 8%, for the improvement of the territory - 4%.

Labour intensity of works on commissioning of communications is 2% of labour intensity of civil works, and works performed in the preparatory period - 10%.

Labor costs for unrecorded construction works (cleaning of premises, preparation of the facility for delivery, etc., minor construction works) are accepted in the amount of 15% of the amount of labor intensity of civil works.

Selection of construction production organization method

The method of organization of construction production is selected on the basis of analysis of space-planning and structural solutions of the building (Appendix 4). In order to achieve the specified construction duration (Appendix 1), the maximum possible combination of work on the site should be provided. The fulfilment of this requirement can be achieved by applying an in-line method of organizing construction.

To implement the in-line method, the entire range of work at the site is grouped so that each set of work can be performed by a link or team of workers of a given professional composition. This takes into account the combination of professions. The labor intensity of each type of work performed by the link or team of the corresponding professional composition is determined by summing up the labor costs (or machine operator) for all works included in this complex of work.

The division of the object into grips (sections) is carried out by grouping the same type of parts of the building (in our case, several floors). The number of grips depends on the size of the entire work front on the site and is determined by grouping individual parts of the building. For 21 storey hotels a multiplicity of 4 captures is sufficient. Labor intensity of works is distributed in proportion to the volume of works on grips.

Building a Network

The construction of the network consists in establishing the technological sequence of construction work. During the in-line organization of construction, the works are located in a technological sequence with the connection of their beginning and end by grips. The execution of construction work on each capture is considered as an independent work of the network.

Installation of process equipment, commissioning, plumbing and electrical installation works, as well as commissioning of communications on the schedule are located in connection with the performance of civil works and are not divided into grips.

The preparation of the territory, landscaping and unaccounted for work are independent works of the network schedule and are also not divided into captures.

Once the process sequence has been established, a network schedule is created (Sheet 1). Network activities are encoded, and the number of the previous activity must be less than the number of the subsequent activity.

Construction Plot Plan Design

The object construction master plan is being developed for the stage of erection of the above-ground part of the building.

When designing the construction plan, it is necessary to determine:

- grade of installation crane, its working binding, parking lot and crane coverage area ;

- Areas of administrative and sanitary temporary buildings;

- areas of warehouses of open and closed storage of materials;

- demand for water and electric power;

- placement of temporary buildings, structures and communications on the construction site.

Calculation of storage areas

The storage area depends on the accepted work technology. Storage area sizes are determined on the basis of material and structural requirements and the duration of network work according to storage standards. The results of the calculation of open storage areas are entered in the table (att. 12)

The estimated storage period, taking into account the non-uniformity of arrival and consumption for each type of material, as well as the storage rate per 1 square meter of area, are accepted according to Annex 7. The calculated stock of materials and structures is determined by multiplying the daily demand by the calculated storage period, The calculated storage area is the product of the calculated stock by the storage norm. The accepted storage area, in addition to the estimated storage area of the required stock of materials, takes into account the area occupied by driveways, passages and auxiliary rooms during open storage of materials (Appendix 7).

The dimensions of warehouses in the plan are determined based on the dimensions of the stored materials and structures. The width of the warehouse is set depending on the parameters of the loading and unloading machines, the length depends on the size of the unloading front.


As a result of the use of methods of combining work and the flow method of organization of production, it was possible to reduce the construction period by 14.6%, to balance the construction process with the delivery schedule.

In addition, a construction plan was developed that indicates the bindings of a crane open to the building. Depicted on a scale of roads, projected and temporary electricity, water supply and sewerage, indicated installation, working and hazardous areas.

Drawings content

icon Мой календарик.dwg

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icon Мой генпланчик.dwg

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