Electrification of the poultry farm
- Added: 20.05.2018
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He defended his diploma at VGAU in 2010, majoring in Electrification and Automation of Agriculture. It was made in the volume of 91 pages of the explanatory note and 8 sheets of the graphic part.
Project's Content
1 Введение.doc
1.1 Характеристика хозяйства.doc
1.2 Характеристика объекта проектирования.doc
1.3 Выбор оборудования.doc
1.4 Выбор мощности, типа, числа и места размещения трансформ.doc
1.5 Расчет сетей 0,4 кВ.doc
1.6 Расчет токов коротого замыкания.doc
1.7 Расчет и выбор силового оборудования.doc
1.8 Проектирование электрического освещения..doc
1.9 определение мощности на вводе.doc
2.1 Характеристика объекта проектирования.doc
2.2 Расчет тепловоздушного режима помещения.doc
2.3 Выбор и проектирование системы отопления и вентиляции.doc
2.4 Проектирование системы вентиляции ОВС.DOC
3.1. Основные требования безопасности при монтаже оборудован.doc
3.2 Основные требования безопасности при эксплуатации обору.doc
3.3 Расчетная и экспериментальная проверка эфективности зан.doc
3.4 Пожарная безопасность.doc
3.5 Безопасность жизнедеятельности в чрезвычайных экологичес.doc
4.1 Постановка задачи, исходные данные.doc
4.2 Планирование энергопотребления систем микроклимата и эне.doc
4.3 Технико-экономическая оценка вариантов теплоснабжения об.doc
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птичник ЛАВ освещение.frw
однолинейная схема.axd
однолинейная схема.dwg
однолинейная схема.frw
однолинейная схема.png
однолинейная схема.png - Ярлык.lnk
План электро обо.axd
План электро осв.axd
Additional information
1.1 Characteristics of the farm
1.2 Characteristics of the design object
1.3 Selection of process equipment
1.4 Selection of power, type, number and location of transformer substations
1.5 Calculation of 0.4 kV networks
1.6 Calculation of short-circuit currents
1.7 Calculation and selection of power equipment
1.8 Electrical lighting design
1.9 Determination of electrical load at room entry
2.1 Characteristics of the design object
2.2 Calculation of thermal-air mode of the room
2.3 Selection and design of heating and ventilation systems
2.4 Design of OBS ventilation system
3.1 Basic safety requirements for poultry farm installation
3.2 Basic safety requirements during operation of equipment at poultry farm
3.3 Design and Experimental Test of Zeroing Efficiency
3.4 Fire Safety
3.5 Life safety in environmental emergencies
4.1 Task setting, initial data
4.2 Power consumption planning of microclimate systems and energy consumption of the process
4.3 Technical and economic evaluation of heat supply options of the facility
The diploma project was completed in full: a calculation explanatory note on 130 pages, tables 26, figures 14, the graphic part - on 8 sheets of the A1 format.
Keywords: heating and ventilation system, heater, electrical equipment, electric receiver, electric lighting, electric load, overhead line, cable lines, transformer, electrical safety, economic efficiency.
The project presents the production characteristics of the Slonimskaya poultry farm. The choice of a heating and ventilation system for a poultry house for 4160 chickens, lighting equipment, 0.4 kV power lines were designed, and a high-voltage input was calculated. The project also considered life safety issues and calculated the cost-effectiveness of replacing electric calorifers with water calorifers.
Modern agriculture belongs to large consumers of fuel and energy resources.
Heat supply is included in the system of engineering equipment of rural settlements and production facilities. Improvement of social and living conditions in rural areas, increase of productivity in livestock and crop production, improvement of fodder harvesting and use, etc. are inextricably connected with the development of heat supply and more complete satisfaction of heat needs.
Fuel and energy are used for heating, ventilation and hot water supply of residential, public and industrial buildings, for drying grain, seeds and feed, for heat treatment of agricultural products.
Significant territorial separation of municipal and industrial facilities, large unevenness of thermal consumption, shortage of fuel and energy resources requires a feasibility study when choosing a source and a heat supply system. Due to the increase in fuel consumption, it is necessary to use unconventional (secondary and renewable) sources of heat.
Improving heat supply systems, rational use of fuel and energy resources, reducing fuel and energy consumption are the most important tasks of the engineering service of rural settlements and production facilities.
General part
1.1 Characteristics of the farm.
Poultry farm is an agricultural enterprise, the branch affiliation of the Belptitseprom RPO, and the governing body is the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus.
Slonim poultry farm is located 2 km from the city of Slonim, Grodno region in the village of Ryazanovschina. Slonim poultry farm was formed in 1962 on the basis of an inter-collective farm. During the formation of the poultry farm, mechanization was absent. All production processes of bird care: feeding, removal of litter and collection of eggs were carried out manually. The birds were kept on walking and in the central house.
The poultry farm has 21 hectares of land, including 18 hectares of agricultural land, the rest of the land is occupied under buildings and courtyards. The poultry farm includes: three poultry houses, an oviposklad, a grain warehouse, an office, and a store. From 1967 to 1972, poultry houses were built at the factory and installation of equipment for creating an artificial microclimate, adjusting the light mode and air exchange began.
The areas of work of the poultry farm are egg production and broiler cultivation. Production efficiency for 2001 was 117%.
On the territory of the poultry farm there is a 10/0.4 kV substation. Overhead power lines prevail on the territory of the poultry farm.
The electrical service includes: chief power engineer, engineering electrician, labor safety engineer, two IV-category electricians, VI-category electrician, two plumbers.
The poultry farm has introduced industrial methods of poultry farming, there is a network of its own branded stores and retail outlets.
As a source of heat supply, a central boiler house is adopted, located not far from the territory of the poultry farm. The coolant for heating needs is superheated water.
A telephone set is installed in the workshop for operative communication of the maintenance personnel with the management of the poultry farm and its various services. For radialization, a loudspeaker is installed in the workshop, connected to the poultry farm's radio broadcasting network.
1.2 Characteristics of the design object.
The poultry house is designed to contain 4160 chickens. The building of the poultry house consists of a room divided into sections and utility rooms .
The bird is contained on the bedding under artificial lighting with a light mode adjustable according to a given program. Feeding and drinking processes at the poultry farm are mechanized on the basis of sets of equipment ZBK-20V. Poultry feeding is carried out by dry feedstuffs delivered from BSK-10 hoppers by auger to dosing hoppers of RTSh-2 feedstuffs, from where feedstuffs are supplied to hoppers by cable-and-wire conveyor.
The drinking of the bird is carried out from cup autopiloces.
To transfer manure to vehicles, conveyors based on scraper TSN-3.0-B are installed in the poultry house. After changing the number of livestock, the contaminated bedding is removed by conveyors and the poultry house is cleaned and disinfected by the DUK-2 automotive plant.
The building is designed in a plan with dimensions of 72 × 24 m and has seven rooms: a bird room, a utility room, a litter reloading room, two ventilation chambers, a bathroom, and a corridor. The lighting in them is artificial. The height of the rooms near the outer walls is 3 m.
Poultry houses of this type are made of expanded concrete panels with reinforced concrete floors and backfilling from gravel. The floors are also made of concrete, the doors are wooden, the partitions are brick.
All structures and products are accepted according to valid series and GOST. All wooden structures and products are protected from rot, damage by wood-destroying insects and fire by double application on the surface of the preparation BBK3, which is a mixture of borax technical and boric acid.
After completion of the finishing work, the internal surfaces of the external walls and structures, the coatings of the poultry house premises were subjected to hydrophobic protection with silicon-organic compounds in accordance with the "Recommendations for hydrophobic protection of the internal surfaces of enclosing structures of agricultural buildings with high humidity of the internal air with silicon-organic compounds (GKIIIL)."
Carbon steel connectors are protected against corrosion by zinc coating. The thickness of zinc metal coatings is from 120 to 150 μm, and those applied by hot galvanizing - from 50 to 60 μm. Protection of metal structures and parts is performed by paint and paint anticorrosive materials of EL773 type.
Special part
2.1 Characteristics of the design object
The design object is a poultry house for 4160 broilers with a floor content of 72x24 m.
The structure of the building is made on a concrete foundation consisting of :
External walls - Ceramic concrete panels with a thickness of 300 mm, and lime-sand mortar with a layer of 20 mm.
Partitions - lime-sand mortar with a layer of 20 mm and ceramic hollow brick with a width of 120 mm;
Flooring - wavy asbestos cement slabs - 5 mm, backfilling from clay gravel - 180 mm, vapor insulation 1 layer of ruberoid - 3 mm, cement mortar of 100-5 mm grade, reinforced concrete slab PS-1 - 250 mm.
Floors - ceramic concrete lime layer - 30 mm, thermal insulation ceramic concrete layer - 80 mm, Underlying gravel layer - 120 mm.
External doors and gates - pine board - 50 mm, mineral wool mats - 15 mm.
Poultry house is located in the Slonim District of the Grodno Region. The heat carrier used is hot with parameters 95-70 ° С.
Economic part
4.1 Setting of the task, initial data.
The calculation of the economic part is made based on the comparison of two options:
1. Use of four calorifers of SPOC 25/0,5T type
for heating and ventilation of the stall room;
2. Application for heating and ventilation of TV18 fan
on the basis of steam-water heaters;
We accept the initial data for the calculation as follows (part three):
- The name of the object is a poultry house for 4160 chickens;
- Average weight of one animal 3 kg;
- Heatlosses through protections - 59762 kW or 1573 W / OS;
- Fan air capacity 10296 m3/h or
13899.6 kg/h
- Animal heat generation 105.96 W;
- Heat loss for evaporation 3.23 kW
- Design external temperature is 22 wasps;
- Temperature indoors 16 wasps;
- Type of fuel burned in the boiler house - gas;
- Length of heating line 60 m;
- Length of power transmission line 66 m;
- Heating system heating capacity 95.17 kW
In this diploma project, the equipment of the heating and ventilation system of the Slonimskaya poultry farm is calculated. The equipment required for the process was selected.
For heating 2 steam-and-water heaters of KVSBPUZ and 2 E 6,3 1001 fans with AIR90L6/8 electric motors of Rn =1.5kvt are chosen;
Navozoudaleniye: one Rn AIR100L4 electric motor =4kvt, four Rn AIR80V4 electric motors =1.5kvt and one AIR90L6 of Rn =0.37kvt.
Calculation of internal lighting and external electrical networks was made. A closed type transformer substation with transformers of TM type of 250 kVA each was selected.
Labour and environmental protection issues have been developed. The economic justification for the use of steam-water calorifers has been completed and the feasibility of the adopted version has been proved.
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