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Drum extractor


Machine drawings general view and assembly units, description and pair of photos of this machine.

Project's Content

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icon ИНСТРУКЦИЯ Модуль5.doc
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Additional information




1.1 Purpose

1.2 Composition of the Module

1.3 Technical characteristics

1.4 Structure and operation of the Module


2.1 General Instructions

2.2 Instructions for safety measures

2. 3 Procedure for installation and start-up of the Module

2.4 Module Stop

2.5 Characteristic faults and methods of their elimination

2.6 Maintenance

2.7 Storage and Transportation Rules

3 Hardware and process diagram


Before starting works on Module No. 5 of "AKVAKontur" installation, it is necessary to study this Technical Description and Operating Manual.

Technical description and operating manual are intended for familiarization with the operating principle of Module No. 5, its start-up and operation rules, as well as description of characteristic faults and methods of their elimination.

During plant operation strictly observe the provisions and requirements of this instruction and Technical Description and Operating Manual of "AKVAKontur" plant control system.

1 technical description

1.1 Purpose

Module No. 5 of the AKVAKontur plant is designed to prepare the soil for cleaning from oil products.

1.2 Composition of the Module

The module consists of a receiver with a conveyor (1 unit), a drum extractor (1 unit), a pneumatic pump (1 unit), a collector for an emulsifier (1 unit) and a dosing pump (1 unit).

1.3 Technical characteristics

1.3.1Production, m3/h - 15;

1.3.2 Overall dimensions of LxBxH, mm - 6800х2500х2600

1.3.3 Module weight, kg - 4800

1.3.4 Technical characteristics of utilities

Compressed air pressure, MPa 0.5 - 0.8

Power supply voltage, V 380

Electric current frequency, Hz 50

1.3.5 Consumption of materials and utilities

Compressed air flow rate, nm3/h - 80

Power consumption, kW/h - 8.0

Demulsifier flow rate, mg/l - 150 - 250

1.3.6 Module No. 5 can move from object to object.

1.3.7 Equipment characteristics:

- receiver

• capacity, m3/h 15

• volume, m3 25

• temperature working, OS 5060

- belt conveyor

• conveyor length, mm 2500

• tape width, mm 500

• tape speed, m/s 0.8

• nominal RPM (drive drum)

• electric motor power, kW 0.75

- extractor

• capacity, m3/h

on incoming soil 1

on pumped suspension 5

• volume total, m3 17

• drum speed, rpm 18.5

• drum drive motor power, kW 5.5

- coarse filter

• capacity, m3/h 15

• filter drum speed, rpm 6.9

• trapping particle size, mm 5

• electric motor power, kW 0.75

- pneumatic pump

• capacity, m3/h 15

• head, m v. Art. 50

• compressed air pressure, MPa 7.0

- screw conveyor

• capacity, t/h 1.0

• screw diameter, mm 178

• screw pitch, mm 100

• conveyor length, mm 1440

• screw speed, rpm 12.5

• electric motor power, kW 0.75

- metering pump of PDR type

• performance, l/h 10

• head, m v. Art. 100

• electric motor power, kW 0.25

1.4 Structure and operation of the Module

Soil contaminated with oil products is loaded by dump truck into receiving device pos. E1 of Module No. 5. Raw material is irrigated with technical cooling water supplied by gravity. Receiving device is equipped with grid and belt conveyor pos. TP2 Large objects accumulated on the conveyor, washed with water, are dumped into the dump.

The raw material separated from large objects along the belt conveyor continues to enter the extractor pos. Ek3 with a perforated drum, which also receives circulating circulating water in the circuit. Extractor tank is equipped with screw conveyor pos. Tr4. Extraction mode of heavy viscous oil products is performed in extractor.

If bottom sediments are collected and pumped to the pneumatic piston pumps of Module No. 4, the initial mixture can be supplied directly to the extractor pos. Copy.

In order to reduce the viscosity of the oil product, as well as increase the effect of washing large particles and separating emulsions, into a drum ex-tractor pos. Ek3 from the consumption tank pos. Failure 5 by pump, pos. H6 is dosed with demulsifier solution.

Transported by screw conveyor pos. Tr4 washed large and small stones enter the mobile container. They are used to fill roads on the territory of the oil warehouse.

Water-oil pulp with soil is pumped from the drum extractor to Module No. 6 with special pneumatic piston pump pos. H7 for next cleaning from oil products. If the liquid level in the extractor is exceeded, the water is drained by gravity into the sewage system and sent for further cleaning to Module 8.

The hardware and process diagram of Module No. 5 is shown in the figure.

2 operating instructions

2.1 General Instructions

The process mode of the Module operation is periodically continuous. Therefore, in order to avoid equipment malfunctions, Module No. 5 cannot be left without periodic monitoring .

During equipment operation refer to Technical Description and Operating Manual of "AKVAKontur" plant control system.

2.2 Instructions for safety measures

2.2.1 Module No. 5 requires attention and compliance with safety regulations. Therefore, the maintenance of the Module equipment must be carried out by the personnel familiarized with this instruction, trained in operation safety instruction.

2.2.2 Keep in mind the following:

- installation, dismantling and operation of the Module using lifting mechanisms shall be carried out by workers who have a certificate for the right to work with lifting mechanisms;

- all rotating parts of the equipment shall be covered with casings or enclosures;

- before commissioning of the Module, it is necessary to check the quality of equipment grounding in accordance with the rules of electrical installations;

- working clothes of maintenance personnel must not have fluttering ends;

- repair works shall be carried out at shutdown equipment;

- perform all operations with instruments and wiring at de-energized main line and in presence of the person responsible for safety precautions;

- during operation of the Module, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of safety measures specified in the Technical Description and Operating Instructions of the receiving tank, extractor and pneumatic pump, as well as with the Operating Instructions of the AKVA-Loop plant control system.

2.3 Installation and start-up procedure of the Module

2.3.1 In the transport position, the installation equipment is placed in the container.

2.3.2 Module delivery completeness shall be checked in accordance with the shipment list.

2.3.3 The necessary equipment (jacks, winch, ladder, etc.) shall be supplied in the package to bring the unit into operating position.

2.3.4 After installation of the Module, the availability of the product communication connecting Modules No. 5 and No. 6 is checked and installation or operational readiness of the product communications with those Modules of the AKVAKontur installation that are involved in the technological diagram of the Technological Regulation is carried out. Then they are checked for readiness for operation in accordance with the scheme.

2.3.5 The module is connected to power, air and steam sources.

2.3.6 After checking the operational readiness of all instruments, the conveyor motors pos. Tr2 and extractor pos. Copy.

2.3.7 At the same time as the soil enters the receiving tank, gate valves on the steam supply pipeline to the receiving tank and on the water supply pipeline to the receiving tank and the extractor are switched on.

2.3.8 When a mixture of soil and water enters the extractor, the pump pos. H6 of giving of a deemulgator in an extractor from the collection of poses. Sb5.

2.3.9 As the extractor is filled with liquid phase with oil products and mechanical impurities, pneumatic pump pos. H7 and direct the obtained water-oil pulp to Module No. 6.

2.3.10 Turn on the motor of the screw conveyor pos. Tr4, shipping washed small objects and stones.

2.4 Module Stop

The Module is stopped in the following sequence:

- stop supply of soil contaminated with oil products to the Module;

- turn off the conveyor motors (pos. Tr2;

- stop steam and water supply;

- pump motor pos. H6 feeding the demulsifier to the extractor.

- extractor pos. PIECE;

- the conveyor motor pos. Tr4 and air supply of pneumatic pump are stopped.

2.5 Characteristic faults and methods of their elimination

Typical faults, their cause and elimination in conveyors, extractor, and pneumatic pump are given in Technical description and operating instructions for each equipment and in Technical description and operating instructions of "AKVAKontur" plant control system.

2.6 Maintenance

2.6.1 Maintenance procedures of conveyor, extractor and pneumatic pump are given in Technical description and operating instructions for this equipment.

2.6.2 Technical inspection of Module equipment shall be performed at least

2.7 Storage and Transportation Rules

The Module storage and transportation rules shall be implemented in accordance with the requirements set out in the Technical Specifications of the AQUAQontur Oil and Soil Treatment Plant.

Drawings content

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