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Ditch climber - diploma project

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Diploma project-Specialized Motor Depot, design of a groove lift. Explanatory note, 11 graphic sheets

Project's Content

icon 1.Технико-экономическое обоснование проекта.doc
icon 2.Технологическая часть.doc
icon 3.Организационная часть.doc
icon 4.Охрана труда.doc
icon Схема очистных сооружений.cdw
icon 5.Конструкторская разработка.doc
icon 6.Экономическая часть.doc
icon Введение.doc
icon Заключение.doc
icon Литература.doc
icon Спецификация гайки.dwg
icon Спецификация оборудования.cdw
icon Спецификация опоры винта.dwg
icon Спецификация опоры механизма подъема.dwg
icon Спецификация подъемника канавного.dwg
icon Спецификация поперечины.dwg
icon содержание.doc
icon 2.план участка.bak
icon 2.план участка.cdw
icon 3.план производственного корпуса (реконструкция).cdw
icon 3.производственный корпус (реконструкция) старый.cdw
icon 4.Охрана труда-1.doc
icon 4.Охрана труда-2.doc
icon 5.технологическая карта.cdw
icon 6.канава.cdw
icon 6.подъемник канавный.cdw
icon 6.Экономическая часть (1).doc
icon 8.принципиальная схема подъемника канавного.cdw
icon план существующего производственного корпуса.bak
icon план существующего производственного корпуса.cdw
icon реконструкция.bak
icon 1.генеральная схема АТП.cdw
icon 10.деталировка.dwg
icon 11.технико-экономические показатели.CDW
icon 2.план производственного корпуса (существующий).cdw
icon 3.план производственного корпуса (реконструкция).cdw
icon 4.проектируемый окрасочный участок.cdw
icon 5.технологическая карта.dwg
icon 6.подъемник канавный.dwg
icon 6.подъемник канавный.frw
icon 7.опоры.dwg
icon 8.поперечина.dwg
icon 9.схема канавы.cdw

Additional information


Content of the diploma project


1. Project Feasibility Study

1.1. Purpose and brief description of road transport enterprise

1.2. Characteristics of buildings and structures

1.3. Structure of rolling stock fleet

2. Process Part

2.1. Source Data

2.2. Correction of rolling stock maintenance and repair periodicity standards

2.3. Calculation of production program for maintenance and repair of rolling stock

2.4. Calculation of annual scope of maintenance, diagnostics and repair

2.5. Calculation of the number of workers and their distribution by work objects

2.6. Calculation of number of maintenance, repair and diagnostics posts and lines

2.7. Define Production and Auxiliary Space

3. Organizational Part

3.1. System and methods of maintenance and repair of rolling stock, substantiation of selected method

3.2. Schedule of ATP operation

3.3. Functional diagram and organization of quality control

3.4. Procedure for performance of works on TO- zones

3.5. Structure and functions of production control

4. Project safety and environmental friendliness

Occupational safety

4.1.1. General provisions

4.1.2. The main tasks of the labor protection service in ATP

4.1.3. Causes of accidents and injuries in ATP

4.1.4. Occupational safety training

4.1.5. Hazardous and harmful production factors acting on ATP employees

4.1.6. Basic Requirements for Occupational Safety in the Organization of Specialized Works

4.1.7. Occupational safety measures in ATP

4.1.8. Organization of fire protection of the enterprise

Environmental protection

4.2.1. Documents on organization of environmental service of the enterprise

4.2.2. Environmental protection activities

4.2.3. Organization of environmental protection at the enterprise

5. Design Development

5.1. Device Description and Design Action

5.2. Drive Station Design

5.3. Measures to ensure safe operation of the designed device

6. Economic part

6.1. Source Data

6.2. Calculation of transportation program

6.3. Calculation of transportation cost

6.4. Depreciation of fixed assets

6.5. Define Capital Costs

6.6. Calculation of financing sources for capital reconstruction costs

6.7. Cost-effectiveness of design solutions





Road transport is the most mass mode of transport, especially efficient and convenient when transporting goods and passengers over relatively short distances. The efficient and efficient operation of road transport is ensured by the rational use of a multimillion-dollar fleet of rolling stock of trucks, cars, buses, trailers and semi-trailers.

The efficiency of using the vehicle fleet depends not only on high-quality production and timely repair, but also on the quality of maintenance.

The shortcomings of existing technological processes, the shortage of technological equipment lead to violations of technological discipline, low quality of work and, as a result, the premature appearance of malfunctions of rolling stock.

The results of the analysis of the state of PTB of the existing ATP make it possible to establish the reasons for its inefficient use and consequence, which they lead to, which to a certain extent characterizes the level of development of PTB and makes it possible to outline ways to improve it.

However, the existing restrictions do not allow at present to fully take advantage of the advantages of cooperation and centralization of the production of maintenance and TR rolling stock in improving PTB. This requires a certain time and appropriate conditions, since the PTB of enterprises cannot be immediately subject to fundamental changes. Therefore, in the near future, the reconstruction of the existing PTB is envisaged without a significant change in its structure, bringing the PTB to the normative provision of areas, posts, consolidation of ATP, partial cooperation, centralization and specialization of maintenance and maintenance work.

1. project feasibility study

1.1.The purpose and brief description of the road transport enterprise

The Yekaterinburg municipal unitary enterprise "Specialized Autobase," created in accordance with the decision of the Committee for the Management of City Property No. 393 of 14.04.94, was registered by order No. 72 of the 06.05.94 State Registration Office of Yekaterinburg. Certificate of state registration No. 034111 series 1EI under the main state number 1026602351049.

Location of the enterprise: Yekaterinburg, Posadskaya St., 3Post address of the enterprise: 620086, Yekaterinburg, 3 Posadskaya St.

The main activities of EMUP Spetsavtobaz are:

Removal of solid and liquid waste;

Maintenance and operation of public toilets, landfills of domestic and non-toxic industrial waste and snow;

Removal and incineration of hazardous medical waste;

Capture of street animals;

Maintenance and operation of cattle pit, biothermal pit;

Mechanized cleaning of the roadway of sidewalks and paved areas;

Removal of street snow, large-sized garbage;

Computer and information technology activities;

Transportation of large-sized and road-building equipment;

Preparation of sand - salt and other mixtures for ice control and its subsequent implementation;

Arrangement and operation of places for preparation and mechanized loading of sand - salt and other mixtures;

Maintenance, repair and refurbishment of cars, trucks, special vehicles, road construction equipment and machinery, as well as other types of maintenance services for vehicles;

Vehicle instrumentation;

Repair and construction works;

Production and repair of brushes for special machines and mechanisms;

Construction and operation of facilities for filling special vehicles with water from water supply and open water bodies;

Maintenance and operation of gas stations;

Maintenance and operation of car parks of cars, trucks, special vehicles, road construction machines and mechanisms;

Provision of freight and passenger transport services;

Organization and operation of garages, maintenance stations, car washes;

Purchase and sale of cars, motorcycles, number units, trailers for cars, spare parts, accessories, car tests, tools and equipment;

Supply and sales services;

Health center activity at the enterprise;

Catering services;

Management of buildings, structures, housing stock;

Wholesale and retail trade in motor fuel and lubricants.

1.2. characteristics of buildings and structures

1) Administrative and household building.

1story passage, utility rooms.

2nd floor - locker rooms and showers for drivers and locksmiths.

2 ETA, Accounting, Legal Office, T.S. Department, HR Department.

2) Wash.

3) Heavy equipment parking box.

Grader parking lots.

4) T.R. Zone

5) Unit-engine section.

Repair of engines and specialized equipment.


Fabrication and repair of copper parts.

7) Car garage.

8) Dining room.

9) Control room.

Issuance of travel lists and documents for cars, preparation of routes and schedules of drivers.

10) Metal warehouse.

11) Mechanical section.

Maintenance of serviceable condition and repair of specialized equipment.

12) Experimental site.

Tests of specialized equipment in different operating modes in order to increase the efficiency of useful work when using them.

13) T. O.-2.

14) Diagnostic post.

15) Hydraulics area.

Repair and maintenance of hydraulic presses.

16) Welding area

17) Central warehouse.

Storage of spare parts, building materials, paint products, etc.

18) Overhaul box.

19) Overhaul box.

20) Painting area.

21) Heat point.

22) Busbar section.

23) Construction group.

24) Bristle section.

25) OGE.

26) Parking of electrically heated vehicles.

27) Parking of electrically heated vehicles

28) Parking of electrically heated vehicles



31) Instrumental warehouse.

32) Oilfield.

33) Battery.

34) Negotiable warehouse.

Storage and delivery of repaired engines.

35) Forge.

3.1. system and methods of organization of rolling stock production and repair. justification of the selected method.

In the maintenance area, the method of mobile specialized posts was used, the teams, in turn, are specialized in the types of work.

Justification for the choice of the method of mobile special posts, based on the developments of NIIAT:

The main task of the scientific organization of labor (NOTH) is to achieve the maximum effect of labor at the minimum cost of human energy and material resources. The introduction of NOTES into production is recommended to begin primarily with an analysis of labor at the workplace in order to identify the causes of loss of working time, and to develop measures that increase productivity and improve the quality of work.

The research conducted by NIIAT on the technological processes of the first and second technical maintenance and maintenance of cars made it possible to establish that the use of stationary locksmiths to equip specialized workplaces in maintenance areas, especially for lubricating and cleaning operations, does not meet the elementary requirements of the scientific organization of labor. Due to its immobility and inability to perform specific maintenance work on cars, the use of locksmiths leads to excessive movements of repair workers and loss of working time, as well as does not contribute to an increase in the culture of production. So, observations have shown that the loss of working time even on the flow lines of maintenance of advanced motor transport enterprises, where the issues of rational organization of jobs are not sufficiently worked out and only stationary locksmiths are used, due to their inability to conveniently place the necessary tools, devices, normals and small parts near the serviced car, account for up to 20% of the shift time of workers. In the course of work, sanitary and hygienic working conditions are also not provided, since tools, car parts, washing containers and lubricating parts are usually placed on the floor in an inconvenient position for use.

In France, Germany, Italy and other countries, in order to increase the productivity of repair workers, as well as to increase the convenience in the process of maintenance and maintenance of cars, special trolleys equipped with a wide range of various tools have been widely used. Tools in sections of the trolley by types and sizes are located near the serviced car directly at the workplace. This allows the worker to save his movements and, therefore, time when performing various works during the maintenance and maintenance of cars. The disadvantage of such trolleys is that they are designed to perform only wide-ranging locksmith work, which does not meet the requirements of specialization of posts and workplaces when organizing maintenance of cars.

In order to significantly reduce the loss of working time during maintenance of NIIAT vehicles, during the development of rational car maintenance technology, specialized mobile positions of the model P506 mechanic repairer and model C201 lubricant tanker were created, equipped only with those devices that are necessary for the performance of these works at specialized posts and workplaces of the line maintenance lines. These stations are also equipped with a minimum supply of small parts, normals and materials necessary for the quality of work during the maintenance of cars.

Experience has shown that the use of mobile posts in a number of road transport enterprises has significantly reduced the loss of working hours, improved the quality of work, as well as improved working conditions of workers and improved the level of culture of car maintenance.

However, in the manufacture and configuration of these posts with the necessary tools and instruments, road transport enterprises experience great difficulties, and the quality of the production of posts does not meet modern requirements.

3.2. work schedule atp.

The annual mode of operation of production zones is selected taking into account the recommendations of the labor code and the mode of operation of rolling stock. The company adopted a 5-day working week, i.e. 253 working days per year with an 8-hour day. Rolling stock works 365 days a year in shift 1.5 of 11 hours.


In this diploma project, the state of the material and technical base for the maintenance and maintenance of cars of the EMUP Spetsavtobaz enterprise in Yekaterinburg was analyzed. The conclusion was made about the need to reconstruct ATP for cars of various brands.

In this work, a project for the reconstruction of ATP for trucks with a carrying capacity of up to 10 tons was developed.

In the structural part, the groove lift has been improved, which will increase productivity and reduce the labor intensity of maintenance and repair of cars.

Measures on labor safety and nature protection have been developed.

Capital expenses for ATP reconstruction according to calculations will amount to 60529.8 thousand. rub. The payback period for reconstruction is 0.8 years.

Drawings content

icon Схема очистных сооружений.cdw

Схема очистных сооружений.cdw

icon Спецификация гайки.dwg

Спецификация гайки.dwg

icon Спецификация оборудования.cdw

Спецификация оборудования.cdw

icon Спецификация опоры винта.dwg

Спецификация опоры винта.dwg

icon Спецификация опоры механизма подъема.dwg

Спецификация опоры механизма подъема.dwg

icon Спецификация подъемника канавного.dwg

Спецификация подъемника канавного.dwg

icon Спецификация поперечины.dwg

Спецификация поперечины.dwg

icon 2.план участка.cdw

2.план участка.cdw

icon 3.план производственного корпуса (реконструкция).cdw

3.план производственного корпуса (реконструкция).cdw

icon 3.производственный корпус (реконструкция) старый.cdw

3.производственный корпус (реконструкция) старый.cdw

icon 5.технологическая карта.cdw

5.технологическая карта.cdw

icon 6.канава.cdw


icon 6.подъемник канавный.cdw

6.подъемник канавный.cdw

icon 8.принципиальная схема подъемника канавного.cdw

8.принципиальная схема подъемника канавного.cdw

icon план существующего производственного корпуса.cdw

план существующего производственного корпуса.cdw

icon 1.генеральная схема АТП.cdw

1.генеральная схема АТП.cdw

icon 10.деталировка.dwg


icon 11.технико-экономические показатели.CDW

11.технико-экономические показатели.CDW

icon 2.план производственного корпуса (существующий).cdw

2.план производственного корпуса (существующий).cdw

icon 3.план производственного корпуса (реконструкция).cdw

3.план производственного корпуса (реконструкция).cdw

icon 4.проектируемый окрасочный участок.cdw

4.проектируемый окрасочный участок.cdw

icon 5.технологическая карта.dwg

5.технологическая карта.dwg

icon 6.подъемник канавный.dwg

6.подъемник канавный.dwg

icon 6.подъемник канавный.frw

6.подъемник канавный.frw

icon 7.опоры.dwg


icon 8.поперечина.dwg


icon 9.схема канавы.cdw

9.схема канавы.cdw
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