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Diploma project - repair of the road bridge


The diploma project for the overhaul of the bridge over the Lebeda River at km 190.671 of the M-6 Minsk - Grodno - gr. Republic of Poland (Bruzgi) highway with the detailed development of the foundation design and supports was carried out on the basis of the assignment of the Department of the State Technical Committee of the UO BrGTU.

Project's Content

icon Титульник ДИПЛОМ.doc
icon Список источников.doc
icon Содержание.doc
icon Речь.docx
icon Реферат.doc
icon Заключение.doc
icon Задание Хилькович.doc
icon Диплом.dwg
icon Диплом Сопряжение.dwg
icon Диплом Береговые опоры.dwg
icon Введение.doc
icon 1.doc
icon Штамп.doc
icon 2.doc
icon Штамп.doc
icon 3.doc
icon Штамп.doc
icon 4.doc
icon Штамп.doc
icon 5.docx
icon Таблица 5.3 и 5.4.docx
icon Штамп.doc
icon plot.log
icon Лабуди лабудай.xlsx
icon Карточка-определитель с продолжительностями в скобках.docx
icon Поясняк.doc
icon Рисунок 6.1 Схема организации движения.docx
icon Сетевик.bak
icon Сетевик.dwg
icon Стройгенплан.bak
icon Стройгенплан.dwg
icon Таблица 6.12 Ведомость нормативов затрат труда.docx
icon Таблица 6.14 Месячное задание бригаде.docx
icon Таблица 6.2 Ведомость затрат труда и рабочего времени.docx
icon Таблица 6.3 Карточка-определитель.docx
icon штамп.doc
icon 7 Технология строительного производства.docx
icon plot.log
icon Ватман ТСП.bak
icon Ватман ТСП.dwg
icon Для свай.xlsx
icon Контроль качества.docx
icon Чертеж1.bak
icon штамп.doc
icon 8 Сметно-финансовый расчет Хилькович.docx
icon Локальная смета на забивку свай.xlsx
icon Локальная смета на забивку свай.xlsx.docx
icon Локальный сметный расчет Хилькович.docx
icon Объектная смета на забивку свай.xlsx
icon Рамка большая.doc
icon ЛОК.СМЕТА.xlsx
icon ОБ.СМЕТА.xlsx
icon Сводный сметный расчет Хилькович.docx
icon Сводный сметный Хилькович.xls
icon 8 сметно-финансовый расчет АНДРЮША.docx
icon Ind 2014 02 (к 2006) Приложение 5 (1-12).xls
icon АНДРЮША.xmcd
icon Локальные сметы АНДРЮША.docx
icon Сводный сметный расчет Андрюша.docx
icon СВодный сметный расчет Андрюша.xls
icon штамп на таблицы.docx
icon штамп.doc
icon 9 Охрана труда.docx
icon штамп.doc
icon 10 Экология.docx
icon БАЭС-Экология.xls
icon Постановление Минприроды РБ №72.docx
icon Постановление СМ РБ №168.docx
icon Постановление СМ РБ №220.docx
icon Расчет ущерба рыбы малорита.xlsx
icon Расчет ущерба рыбы.xlsx
icon Расчет ущерба рыбы.xlsx
icon ТАБЛИЦЫ расчета.rtf
icon штамп.doc
icon Экология Андрей.docx

Additional information





1 General part

2 Description of existing conditions

General Information

Existing bridge

Characteristics of the river at the junction

Description of defects of bridge structural elements

Climatic conditions

Location and Terrain

3 Feasibility study

3.1 Technical and economic indicators

4 Design solutions

Justification of design solutions

Technical Regulations

4.3 Description of accepted structures

4.3.1 Shore supports

4.3.2 Intermediate supports

4.3.3 Span

4.3.4 Paving

4.3.5 Bridge interface with approaches

4.4 New Technical Solutions

5 Design and structural part

Description of the source data

Determination of loads acting on the shore mouth

5.2.1 Determination of span reference pressure

5.2.2 Determination of the reference pressure of the transition plate

5.2.3 Determination of load from the own weight of the head and cabinet wall

5.2.4 Determination of load from backfill side pressure on the head

5.2.5 Determination of forces from constant loads

5.2.6 Determination of forces from time loads on the span

5.2.7 Determination of forces from temporary loads on transition plate

5.2.8 Determination of longitudinal braking load

5.2.9 Consideration of various options for the combination of permanent and temporary loads

Determination of pile bearing capacity

Calculation of landfall as elastic support in linearly deformable medium

Check of bearing capacity on the foundation soil from piles as a conventional foundation of shallow laying

6 Organization of construction production

6.1 Description of culvert structure

6.2 Bill of Quantities

6.3 Selection of method of works execution

6.4 Labor and Machine Time Cost Sheet

6.5 Network Activity Master Record

6.6 Material, Product, Structural Requirements List

6.7 Summary of Material, Product, Structural Requirements

6.8 Summary of resource requirements (manpower, machinery and machinery)

6.9 Selection of items and calculation of requirements for inventory buildings

sanitary and administrative purposes

6.10 Warehouse Design

6.11 Temporary water supply

6.12 Temporary power supply

6.13 Technical and economic indicators

6.14 Planning of concrete workers team

6.15 Temporary organization of traffic

7 Technology of construction production

7.1 Scope of application

7.2 Regulatory References

7.3 Characteristics of the main materials and articles used

7.4 Definition of Scope of Work

7.5 Organization and procedure of works execution

7.6 Pile Dive Operating Card

7.7 Requirements for logistical resources

7.8 Quality control and acceptance of works

7.9 Safety, Health and Environment

7.10 Calculation and rationing of labor costs

7.11 Schedule

8 Cost estimates

8.1 General data

8.2 Pricing Determination Methodology

8.3 Explanations for Individual Items of the Consolidated Cost Estimate

8.4 Total estimated cost

9 Occupational safety

9.1 General Safety Provisions for Earthworks

9.2 Safety measures during excavator operation

9.3 Safety precautions during bulldozer operation

9.4 Soil compaction safety measures

9.5 Safety measures during loading and unloading operations

9.6 Safety measures when moving machines from object to object

9.7 Fire prevention measures

9.8 Electrical Safety Requirements

9.9 Site Working Conditions

9.10 Calculation of rope diameter

10 Protection of the population in emergency situations and protection of the environment

10.1 Design Solutions for Environmental Protection

10.2 Calculation of pollutant emissions into the air by road

10.3 Calculation of damage to fish stocks

10.4 Calculation of the level of contamination of surface runoff on the bridge and its campaigns


List of sources used


The location of the structure is Grodno region, Lidsky district, PK 1906 + 71 the M-6 Minsk highway - the border of the RP Bruzgi. Category II road is a trunk road. Bridge diagram 4x14.06. Dimension on width of the existing Bridge G7+2h1.0.

The purpose of the degree design :

Development of a project for the repair of a bridge crossing with widening the existing size of the bridge and increasing its carrying capacity using innovative technical solutions for the construction of foundations and bridge supports .

Relevance of selected topic:

A large number of bridges and overpasses are used on public roads in Belarus. Taking into account the ageing factor and the rapid growth of transport loads, the following is obtained in life: a reinforced concrete structure with a standard service life of 100 years after 4050 years is at best undergoing serious overhaul, at worst - being rebuilt.

In general, on local roads, about 45% of structures do not meet the requirements of the norms, on republican ones - about 41%, both in terms of load capacity and size, and some - in two at once. Do not forget that the closure of even the smallest bridge for repair, in addition to the immediate repair costs, entails either the construction of a bypass route or 4050 kilometer overruns of vehicles. And this is again a cost, and considerable. Therefore, for our republic with more than 20,000 rivers, the task of ensuring the reliability of the bridge park is of paramount importance.

The tasks of bridge construction at the modern stage of development and increase in the efficiency of public production are to reduce the duration of construction and the labor intensity of the construction, increase labor productivity and quality of structures.

One of the important directions in solving these problems is the search and implementation of new effective technical solutions. This project considers the possibility of using prismatic piles with longitudinal slots along the side surface, which increase the bearing capacity of the pile due to an increase in the area of ​ ​ the side surface.

List of issues to be developed in the diploma project:

- feasibility study;

- design solutions;

- design and structural part;

- organization of construction production;

- technology of construction production;

- Estimated financial calculations;

- Occupational safety;

- environmental protection.

The diploma project for the overhaul of the bridge over the Lebeda River at km 190.671 of the M-6 Minsk - Grodno - gr. Republic of Poland (Bruzgi) highway with the detailed development of the foundation design and supports was carried out on the basis of the assignment of the Department of the State Technical Committee of the UO BrGTU.

The initial data for the design are materials of engineering surveys of UCP "Brestdorproekt."

The type of existing artificial structure is a medium reinforced concrete beam bridge with split span structures 56.46 m long on wall supports.

The location of the structure is Grodno region, Lida district, PC 1906 + 71 the highway M-6 Minsk - Grodno - gr. Republic of Poland (Bruzgi). The highway on which the structure is located is a main road of the II technical category .

The design uses standard solutions for artificial structures, earthen cloth, road clothing, and elements of arrangement. The main regulatory documents for the design were TKP 453.03-232-2011 "Bridges and Pipes. Construction Design Standards, "TKP 453.03-19-2006" Highways. Design Standards. "

General Information

The existing bridge over the river. Lebeda is located on 190.671 km of the highway M-6 Minsk - Grodno - gr. Republic of Poland (Bruzgi), to the nearest settlement in the village of Gostilovtsy 0.5 km.

2.2 Existing bridge

The length of the bridge is 56.46 m. Kosina of the axes of the supports in relation to the axis of the bridge is 900. Middle reinforced concrete beam bridge with split span structures on supports-walls.

The construction scheme is 4x14.06 m. Gabarit - G 7.0 + 2x1.0 m. The category of the road is II .

The bridge was built in 1960. In 19861987 overhaul of the bridge with replacement of the driving bed, repair of deformation joints, fences, curbs, railings.

Lifting capacity - according to the project A11, NK-80, at the time of the survey - A-11, NK80.

The numbering system of parts and elements of the structure - supports of the bridge are numbered from No. 1 to No. 5 along the picket from Minsk to Grodno. Span structures are numbered from No. 1 to No. 4 in the same order. The span beams count from No. 1 to No. 6 on the upper side. Paving slabs are numbered from No. 1 to No. 5 within each span on the upper and lower sides.

1) Supports:

Intermediate supports - walls No. 2.4 on pile caps, support No. 3 - brake, on pile caps .

Onshore supports are single row piles.

2) Span

In the transverse direction, the reconstructed span consists of six diaphragm beams 14.06 m long. The pitch of the beams is 1.4 m.

3) Support parts

Beams of bridge span structures rest on metal tangential support parts.

4) Paving

The coverage of the roadway is asphalt concrete. The average thickness of the coating is 14 cm.

Paving blocks - prefabricated, according to the typical design of the 3.50312 series, ex.15. Pavement on sidewalks - asphalt concrete, 4 cm thick.

Railing - metal rack.

Barrier fence - metal 0.8 m high.

Drainage - from the roadway and sidewalks is carried out due to longitudinal and transverse slopes.

Deformation joints above supports No. 15 - closed type .

5) Interface of bridge with approaches, cones

Bridge interface with approaches is made without transition plates. Approach embankments to the bridge up to 5.5 m high, strengthening the slopes of the embankment - continuous lining.

Laying of cones slopes near supports No. 1.5 - 1: 1.5, reinforcement is made by prefabricated slabs with a section of 50x50 cm.

At support No. 4 on the side of the river, the slope was strengthened with reinforced concrete slabs of 1,0x1,0 m.

Reinforced concrete staircases are arranged on approaches: to support No. 1 on the upper side and to support No. 5 on the lower side.

Drainage devices - arranged on the lower and upper sides on the approaches to supports No. 1 and No. 5.

2.3 Characteristics of the river at the junction

1) Design high water level (LWV) for the project (H) - 129.53. The maximum depth at low water is 0.55 m (according to data as of 19.04.95).

2) Channel: characteristic in plan - channel is channeled; soils forming the channel - fine and dusty sands; erosion - no; channel condition - stable.

3) Floodplains: width of the right-bank - up to 800 m, left-bank - up to 800 m. State of floodplains: right-bank - meadow vegetation, left-bank - meadow vegetation .

4) Ice thickness and ice regime - ice thickness is 3040 cm, maximum - up to 0.75 m. Average dates: ice composition - December 25, ice drift - March 25.

5) Navigation - absent.

2.4 Description of defects of bridge structural elements

1) Interface of the bridge with hikes

Destruction of cones fortifications, defrosting of stairwell concrete, destruction of spillway trays, barrier fencing does not meet the requirements of STB and TAP, lack of design of bridge interface with walkways, slumping of the coating on approaches.

2) Bridge supports

The cabinet walls of the extreme supports deviated from the vertical by a distance of up to 20 cm, cracks and faults of the concrete of the cabinet walls, an insufficient protective layer of concrete with exposure of reinforcement of the support elements, exfoliation and leaching of concrete of the support structures.

3) Support parts

Metal tangential support parts are corroded and not painted.

4) Spans

Insufficient protective layer of beam ribs with reinforcement bare, destruction of beam ends, destruction of beam diaphragm joints, destruction of beam slab concrete with reinforcement bare, longitudinal cracks along beam ribs.

5) Pavement

Destruction of deformation joints, violation of the integrity of waterproofing, barrier and railing barriers in height do not meet the requirements of the TAP, destruction and dimensionality in asphalt concrete coating, destruction of paving blocks.

Scope of Application

Process plan for the performance of work on driving piles with a length of 15.0 m on a reinforced concrete bridge over the Lebeda River on the M-6 Minsk-border RP Bruzgi highway.

The Job Instruction is intended for application in order to provide construction with rational solutions for the organization and technology of construction production for piling, head cutting and bending of reinforcement frame rods during overhaul, which contribute to increased productivity and quality of work.

The Job Instruction provides for piling with a tubular diesel-hammer with a suspension copra based on a caterpillar excavator at its location at ground surface level.

The work is planned in the spring in one shift.

The scope of pile immersion works includes the following stages:

1. Movement of copra to pile;

2. Pulling the pile to the copra by bulldozer and slinging;

3. Lifting the hammer with the head to the upper position;

4. Installation and alignment of pile position;

5. Installation on a hammer pile with a head;

6. Hammer start;

7. Pile immersion;

8. Pile upset;

9. Removing the hammer with the headband.


The design decisions adopted in the diploma project comply with the requirements of the regulatory documentation and can be implemented within the design terms by the construction organization specializing in the performance of construction and installation works of this type.

The section "General Part" and "Description of existing conditions" described the current state of the object, natural climatic, engineering and geological conditions of construction, the basis for design.

The section "Feasibility Study" presents the justification of the adopted design decisions.

In the section "Design solutions" technical standards are given, accepted structures are described, working drawings have been developed. This section includes an individual task, the result of which is the use of a new pile structure - with longitudinal slots on the side surface.

The section "Design Design Part" contains the calculation of the pile landfall of the bridge.

The section "Construction Production Technology" has developed a Job Instruction for piling.

The section "Organization of construction production" contains the work execution project, construction master plan, work execution schedule in the form of network, resource movement schedules.

The Estimated Financial Calculations section provides a summary estimate of the cost of work. According to the results of the calculation, the total cost of work costs in prices as of March 1, 2014 amounted to 4,337,638,905 thousand rubles, including refundable amounts amounted to 38,785,505 thousand rubles.

In the section "Labor Protection," the diameter of the sling rope for loading and unloading the pile was calculated, as well as the main points of safe work performance in accordance with regulatory requirements.

In the section "Protection of the population in emergency situations and environmental protection," the environmental passport of the project was compiled and the requirements for nature protection were described, calculations were made on the emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere and water environment of the canal.


Diploma project for the overhaul of the bridge over the Lebeda River on the M-6 Minsk highway - the border of RP Bruzgi at km 190.671 with detailed development of the foundation design and supports: Explanatory note to the diploma project: 170 03 01/BrGTU; Hilkovich A.Yu.; D14; Department of GTK. - Brest, 2014 - p.; 28 dwg, 62 tbl, source.

Keywords: bridge, dimension, span, bridge, reinforcement plate, load capacity, design load, normative indicators, process map, consolidated estimate calculation, construction plan, schedule, environmental passport.

The explanatory note contains information on the natural and climatic conditions of the designed structure location, description of the existing conditions, feasibility study, design solutions, including description of new technical solutions, calculation of pile landfall, process map for piling, calculation of the cost of work in 2014 prices, environmental protection measures, bridge repair project, list of the main provisions on labor protection in construction. The graphic part is represented by ten sheets of A1 format.

1. The bridge under repair is located at the intersection of the M-6 Minsk-Grodno-border of the Republic of Poland with the Lebeda River, in the Lida district of the Grodno region. The M-6 highway is a highway with high traffic intensity, including heavy vehicles. That is why, for the unimpeded passage of transport without limiting speed and mass, the bridge was overhauled with symmetrical enlargement of size and increase in its carrying capacity.

The length of the bridge is 56.46 m. Four spans, 14.06 meters each.

2. The size of the existing G7 + 2x1.0 bridge. The width of the carriageway is 7 meters (2 lanes 3.5 meters wide each). There are no security lanes. The bridge is designed and capable of withstanding the load A11, NK80.

Onshore supports - pile single-row, with a pile section of 35x35 cm. Intermediate - support-walls on pile caps, channel support No. 3 - brake. Mating of fill with approaches is performed without transition plates .

3. After repair, the following bridge parameters are provided. The size of the bridge is expanded to G11 + 2x1.0 The width of the carriageway is 7 meters (2 lanes 3.5 meters wide each). Two security lanes, 2 meters wide.

4. The widening of the size of the bridge bed is carried out by installing additional beams of the span (one beam on each side of the axle). To install additional beams, bridge supports are widened, nozzles are lengthened. The bridge pays off on design loadings of A14, HK112. The load capacity of the bridge is achieved by strengthening the span with a monolithic reinforced concrete slab 1523 cm thick. The reinforced concrete reinforcement slab is arranged over the existing beams of the span, and on the sides it is monolithic with the shelves of the attachment beams.

Bridge bed consists of the following elements: leveling layer, waterproofing with the use of roll materials, protective layer of concrete of double-layer asphalt concrete coating. The roadway is made of two-layer hot fine-grained crushed stone dense asphalt concrete ShMBgI with a thickness of 7 cm. The upper layer is 3 cm thick, the lower layer is 4 cm.

Paving slabs are monolithic. For a covering of sidewalks sandy PGgI asphalt concrete is accepted. A metal barrier fence and a steel railing are installed on the bridge.

5. The design provides for disassembly of existing cabinet walls and openings on coastal supports with the installation of new cabinet walls, cheek walls and openings. Bridge shore supports are symmetrically widened by driving of two additional piles on each side from bridge axis. In the design, I used piles 15 m long, with a cross section of 35x35 cm, with longitudinal slots along the entire length of the pile. The depth of the slots is 5 cm. The slots in cross section are an isosceles trapezoid with a base of 15 cm along the face of the pile and a base of 10 cm along the bottom of the slot. The use of these piles increases the lateral surface area of the pile by 1819%, thereby increasing the friction on the lateral surface by the same 1819%, which in turn increases the bearing capacity of the hanging pile and ultimately saves on the amount of material.

In the design and structural part of the explanatory note, I performed calculations to collect permanent and temporary loads acting on the coastal mouth of the bridge, calculated the bearing capacity of the pile, calculated the coastal abutment as an elastic support in a linearly deformable environment, and checked the bearing capacity of the soil .

6. The intermediate supports are also symmetrically widened by driving two additional piles on each side. The surfaces of existing supports are cleaned by sandblasting, coated with repair composition by shotcreting and painted with water-dispersion paint. At supports 2 and 4, the strengthening with stone is restored.

7. For smooth entry to the bridge, the bridge interface with approaches is made using transition plates according to a typical design. Transition plates are laid with one end on the cabinet wall of the shore support, with the other - on crushed stone preparation. Transition plates are adopted of prefabricated monolithic structure, monolithic at the end.

8. In the section of construction production technology, a process plan for piling and a schedule are compiled. Calculations were made for the selection of pile-piercing equipment.

9. The construction organization section contains the work schedule in the form of a network. The organization of the construction site and the construction camp is also shown. The total duration of work was 165 days. Work is carried out in one shift. The maximum number of workers is 12 people, the average number of workers is 6 people.

The estimated cost of the work is about 4.5 billion rubles.

The project also addresses the issues of occupational safety and safety during the performance of various types of work. Calculations and requirements for nature protection are presented, an environmental passport of the facility has been compiled.

Drawings content

icon Диплом.dwg

icon Диплом Сопряжение.dwg

icon Диплом Береговые опоры.dwg

Диплом Береговые опоры.dwg

icon Сетевик.dwg


icon Стройгенплан.dwg

icon Ватман ТСП.dwg

Ватман ТСП.dwg
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