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Diploma project - Development of the technological process of mechanical processing and repair of parts of the gearbox of the compressor KT 6 of the electric locomotive VL80

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Thesis project. Drawings, Explanatory Note

Project's Content

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Project Task




1 Recovery technology of units and parts during repair of AC electric locomotives 1.1 Purpose of KT-6El compressor reduction gear box

1.2 Analysis of initial data. Justification for recovery

1.3 Gearbox part wear analysis

1.4 Existing Recovery Methods

1.4.1 Vibration-medium surfacing

1.4.2Plasmennoapplication Plasma sputtering equipment

1.5 Machining of surfaces

1.6 Preparation of coatings by spraying

1.6.1 Mechanical treatment of coatings

1.6.2 Coating Requirements

1.7 Select Recovery Methods

1.8 Calculation of required coating thickness

1.9 Diagram of half-coupling recovery process

1.10 Selection of process equipment

1.10.1 Cleaning and washing of part

1.10.2 Part inspection

1.10.3 Rough turning before surfacing

1.10.4 Surfacing

1.10.5 Turning

1.10.6 Grinding

1.11 Material selection for part restoration and subsequent processing

1.12 Calculation of machining modes of surfaces

1.12.1 Calculation of parameters of coating modes

1.12.2 Calculation of machining parameters Turning Grinding

1.13 Repair of gears

1.14 Rationing and qualification of works

2 Overview of existing technical solutions and developments

2.1Technical requirements for the part

2.2Processing Material Analysis

2.3Speciality of part shape (requirements to workability of part shape)

2.4Parse part bases

2.5Analysis of basic (typical) process

2.6Technological equipment

2.7 Objectives and Objectives of Graduate Engineering

3 Process Design

3.1 Definition of production type

3.2 Selection and justification of procurement type

3.3 Justification of process bases selection

3.4 Individual Surface Treatment Plan

3.5 Calculation (purpose) of machining allowances

3.6 Design of workpiece processing process route

3.7 Process Operations Design

3.7.1 Determination of sequence of transitions

3.7.2 Selection of technological equipment

3.7.3 Selection of cutting modes and rationing of process operations

4 Design and selection of process equipment

4.1 Machine tool, service purpose

4.1.1 Calculation of clamping device

4.1.2 Calculation of fixture accuracy

4.1.3 Conductor calculation

4.2Technical check of the article

4.2.1 Procedure of article technical control

4.3 Calculation of control accessory accuracy

4.3.1 Determine the actuating dimensions of the gauges - clamps for measuring the size of the shaft diameter f60k

4.3.2 Determine the actuating dimensions of the gauges - clamps for measuring the size of the shaft diameter f72r

5 Life Safety

5.1Meteorological conditions and their rationing in production premises

5.2 Microclimate in production premises and the effect of its indicators on the body of workers

5.2.1 Control of microclimate parameters

5.3 Requirements to control organization and methods of microclimate measurement

5.4 Measures to normalize the air environment of industrial premises

5.5 Design of systems for protecting the body of workers from adverse industrial factors

5.6 Ventilation systems

5.7 Calculation of natural general ventilation

5.8 Calculation of artificial general ventilation

5.9 Calculation of local ventilation

5.10 Calculation of ventilation from welding station

6 Feasibility study of developed technological


6.1 Initial data for calculation

6.1.1 Initial Data Table

6.1.2 Calculation results

6.1.3 Costing of Part

6.1.4 Technical and economic indicators

7 Conclusion

List of sources used




Graduation qualification work (thesis project). MF VSGUTU, 2012. 120 p., 28 Fig., 10 Table, 37 sources, 4 appr., 12 L. Drawings f. A1.

In this diploma project, the task is to design TP, which allows to increase productivity and reduce the cost of manufacturing the part. It is advisable to reduce the cost and increase productivity due to the use of modern machines. This leads to an increase in the concentration of operations and transitions per unit of equipment and, therefore, allows to drastically reduce auxiliary time, reduce the required number of units of equipment, and improve the quality of production.

In the process part, the technological process of machining the part is developed, the calculation of allowances for machining, cutting modes and basic time for operations is carried out.

The design part shall design the control accessory and boring accessory with calculation of the dimension chain for assignment of economically justified tolerances of dimensions of the control accessory parts.

In the economic part, the shop cost of the part is calculated and the technical and economic indicators and efficiency indicators of the basic and design technological processes are compared.

The explanatory note contains all the necessary sections and parts, and the graphic material contains information sufficient for application in production conditions.


The production process of repair of machines is a set of actions of people and tools of production performed in a certain sequence and ensuring restoration of serviceability, serviceability and service life of the product. The production process includes a number of processes.

The process of overhaul of machines includes all elements of machine-building production (manufacture of parts, assembly, running-in, testing and painting) and additionally specific elements (acceptance of machines for repair, cleaning, disassembly, defect and configuration). The only source of savings in the overhaul of machines compared to their manufacture is the use of parts suitable for further operation and their restoration.

In the manufacture of parts, machine-building enterprises use blanks obtained by casting, forging, stamping, etc. The cost of materials and procurement work in the production of machines is about 75% of the cost of their manufacture. When restoring parts, worn parts are used as blanks. In this regard, the costs of casting, forging, stamping and partially for mechanical processing fall away. When restoring parts, the cost of materials and procurement work is virtually absent, since the role of blanks is performed by worn parts.

The wear of most parts of the transport and technological machines of the forest complex is measured in tens or hundredths of a millimeter, and their restoration is reduced to the application of a thin surface layer or final machining operations. The cost of restoring worn out parts usually does not exceed 50... 60% the cost of spare parts. The restoration of parts also contributes to the conservation of natural resources and the reduction of environmental pollution.

The formation and development of malfunctions in the machine is explained by the action of objectively existing laws. Failures of machines occur as a result of a constant or sudden decrease in the physical and mechanical properties of the material of the parts, their abrasion, deformation, cracking, corrosion, aging, redistribution of residual stresses and other causes of destruction of the parts. In most cases, there are changes in conjugations - violations of given gaps in movable connections or interference in fixed ones. Almost any malfunction is due to changes in the composition, structure or mechanical properties of the material, the structural dimensions of the parts and the state of their surfaces.

The occurrence of faults is due to structural, technological and operational factors.

Most machine parts are subjected to variable loads during operation. These parts experience four types of loading: one-way bending, one-way torsion, variable bending and variable bending with torsion (more than 70% of the parts are subjected to variable loads). About 75% of cylindrical surfaces have various stress concentrators: fillets, key slots, annular grooves, holes, flats and threads.

The different service life (life) of the parts is due to many reasons. The main ones are the following: a variety of parts functions in the machine; wide range of changes of loads acting on parts; presence of both active (moving) and passive (stationary) parts; variety of types of friction in conjugated; the use of parts from different materials in the coupling, caused by the need to reduce friction forces; Deviations in material properties accuracy and quality of processing of mating parts; operating conditions.

Failures of machine parts can be divided into three groups: wear, mechanical damage and chemical and thermal damage.

Wear of machine parts is determined by pressure, cyclic loads, lubrication mode and degree of its stability, speed of friction surfaces movement, temperature mode of parts operation, degree of environmental aggressiveness, quality of treatment and state of friction surfaces, etc.

Mechanical damage to parts includes cracks, holes, hairlines and padirs, dyeing, breakdowns and debris, bends, dents and twists.

Chemical and thermal damage of parts compared to other damage is less common and occurs, as a rule, as a result of complex interactions under difficult operating conditions of machines. Such damage includes: warping, corrosion, shells, formation of coke and scale, electroerosion destruction, etc.

There are also malfunctions associated with the reduction of certain operational properties of parts. For example, springs, springs, torsion shafts, piston rings owing to dynamic loads and thermal influence without visible external damages lose elasticity, breaking thereby normal operation of units, and often cause total loss of operability of cars.

Thus, knowing the pattern of increasing wear of the part or increasing the mating gap, it is easy to determine the limit and allowable wear of the parts or the mating gaps.

The relationship of faults makes it possible to reliably determine the natural combinations of faults on worn-out parts, group parts with a large number of different combinations of faults into a small number of routes and compose a technological process for joint elimination of a complex of defects.

Drawings content

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I - зскизы.cdw

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Деталь много.frw

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Полумуфта 080.cdw

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