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Diploma in Transport Management

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Course project-Ways to increase the efficiency of transportation of bulk cargo at elevator points. Explanatory note, drawings

Project's Content

icon 10камаз 54112.cdw
icon 10ковшовый конвейер(ВО).cdw
icon 10маз.cdw
icon 10П21.cdw
icon 10схема управления.cdw
icon 10экономика.cdw
icon ПЗ.docx

Additional information



1 General information about elevator points

2 Analysis of elevator station operation

3 Improving the operation of the elevator station

4 Mathematical modeling

5 Technical and economic part

6 Occupational Safety and Industrial Ecology


List of sources used


Modern production is based on the division of labor. This makes it necessary to transport bulk goods, semi-finished products or finished products from the place of production or production to the places of consumption. Transport requires transport both within individual enterprises and between enterprises, regions and foreign countries.

The high-performance operation of a modern enterprise is impossible without properly organized and reliably working means of transport. When processing large volumes of cargo, it is advisable to use continuous devices and machines.

The transport process is accompanied by at least two transshipment operations: loading of cargo into and unloading from the vehicle. For example, this most often happens on elevators.

Various modes of transport (road, water, rail, air, pipeline, conveyor, etc.) are involved in the transportation of goods. This increases the number of transshipment operations and requires warehouses for intermediate storage of goods in anticipation of vehicles.

Sometimes more than 10 loading and unloading operations are carried out along the route with the same load. The share of their, as well as warehouse operations in the total cost of labor, money and material resources of production is quite high. The railway freight industry employs more than 5% of railway workers, and costs account for about 3% of the total operating costs.

Reducing them on the basis of complex mechanization and automation of loading and unloading and storage operations is one of the most important tasks of the people's economy.

How to reduce operating and freight costs on elevators. In the new economic environment, it is necessary to ensure access to the advanced frontiers of scientific and technological progress, to high production efficiency using economic management methods based on full self-calculation, self-reliance and self-financing.

One of the main directions of re-equipment in the transportation of goods by the cargo industry is the full implementation of integrated mechanization and automation of loading and unloading operations, a reduction in the number of workers engaged in manual work, especially in auxiliary and auxiliary operations.

The issue of reducing and subsequently eliminating heavy physical labor is included in the Basic Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Government constantly takes care of improving working conditions and protecting labor, its scientific organization, replacing manual labor with a machine process based on scientific and technological progress.

The purpose of this thesis is to identify ways to increase the efficiency of transportation of bulk cargoes on the elevator, which serve to transport bulk materials (bucket elevators) and piece cargoes (cradle and stand elevators) in the vertical direction or at a large angle to the horizon (≥ 70 °). In the future, we will consider only a bucket elevator, in which the material moves in separate vessels - a bucket fixed on a traction element of a conveyor rubber-fabric belt or chains.

3.6 Preparation of goods for transport

The goods for carriage shall be prepared in such a way as to ensure the safety and security of their transport in transport. Rational use of rolling stock of mechanical means for full use of their carrying capacity and capacity.

The complex of preparation of goods for transportation includes such important operations as bringing products into the necessary quality condition (drying, sorting, pre-cooling, stabilization of goods subject to decomposition, etc.), proper packing with aggregation of cargo items into transport packages, bundles, compaction (compression of chips, straw, hay, sawdust, etc.), crushing (large parts of scrap metal) or partial disassembly of large-sized equipment, machines, application of transport markings on cargo places, inspection of goods by the relevant control and supervisory authorities (bread or quarantine inspection, veterinary and sanitary supervision).

The requirements for shipped products, as well as their packaging and labeling, are set by the standards for these products. A number of requirements are provided in the Regulations and Specifications.

3.7 Requirements for packagings and packing of goods

Packaging means a means or a set of means for protecting the product and the environment from damage and loss during transportation, storage and its implementation. At the same time, qualitative and quantitative preservation of products should be ensured.

The packaging is the product in which the finished product is placed. It is divided into consumer, additional and transport.

The cargo during loading, unloading, transportation and storage is influenced by three main groups of external influences: mechanical (shocks, tremors, vibration, load, friction), climatic (atmospheric precipitation, air humidity, solar radiation, temperature change, wind) and biological (microorganisms, insects, rodents). Due to these factors and the properties of the cargoes, certain requirements are imposed on the packagings. It must be strong enough to withstand dynamic and static loads when laid in several tiers; have inertia - do not react with the packed substance; be dense; prevent waking up and other losses of cargo; Maintain the presentation of the packed cargo.

3.8 Equipment

Elevators serve for transportation of bulk or piece loads along vertical or steeply inclined 60-82 ° to horizontal direction and are divided accordingly into vertical and inclined ones. According to the type of load-carrying element, elevators are bucket, shelf and cradle. Bucket elevators are divided into stationary and mobile, mainly used on continuous loading and unloading machines.

Tape and chain elevators are distinguished by the type of traction element.

3.8.1 Elements of bucket elevators

To transport loose materials in elevators, semicircular spaced (small and deep) and closed (sharp-angled and rounded trapezoidal) buckets are used.

The choice of ladle type is determined by the properties of the loose materials to be moved. Thus, wet, sticky, caking and poorly loose materials, i.e. low mobility materials (flotation colchedane, chalk powder, etc.), are suitably transported in small semi-circular buckets. Deep semicircular buckets are used for dry, well-loose powdered and small-piece materials (crushed pebbles, dry cucumbers, sand, etc.).

Deep and small buckets are characterized by good ironing during unloading (which, to a large extent, is facilitated by their cylindrical bottom). They are used only in elevators with placed buckets. In this case, the pitch of the buckets s - the distance between the buckets - is selected based on the condition of their unloading. The step should be such that the flight of the material during unloading does not interfere with the previous ladle. Typically, the step is taken equal to

Sharp-angle buckets are used in the transportation of medium and large pieces, abrasive (colchedane, phosphorite, etc.) or brittle mate rials (granular superphosphate, etc.). Rounded trapezoidal buckets are used to transport the same materials. However, they differ from sharp-angle buckets in their lateral attachment to the traction element and greater productivity. The last two types of buckets are mounted on the traction element close to each other. In their design, side guides are provided for material poured out during unloading, which rolls down the front wall in front of the located ladle. The rear wall of these buckets has a height equal to or multiple of the pitch of the chain traction element.

The main design parameter of the ladle is its linear capacity. Buckets are attached to traction element by rear walls, to belts - by bolts with secret heads, to chains - by angles on bolts or rivets.

Buckets are made welded or stamped from a sheet hundred-liter with a thickness of 2... 6 mm. The working edge of the ladle, which exhausts the material, is strengthened by welding a strip of hard wear-resistant steel. Buckets with a toothed front wall are used for sticking materials and materials with high drawing resistance.

Rubber-fabric tapes according to GOST 20-85 are used as a traction element in tape elevators, the width of which exceeds the width of the ladle by 25... 50 mm. Ends of belts are joined overlapping, in angular and simple joint. The number of gaskets in the belt is determined by the strength calculation and should usually be at least four. In small bucket elevators, rubber-fabric belts can be used as a traction organ .

Calculation of diameters of bucket elevator drums is similar to calculation of diameter of drums for belt conveyors.

In chain elevators, the function of the traction organ is performed by long-link chains with a pitch of 100... 630 mm, welded from round steel, as well as with stamped or cast links. If the buckets are less than 250 mm wide, then one chain is used. With a larger ladle width, two chains are used. Chain sizes are calculated. The number of teeth of sprockets is taken 6... 20. The type of traction element is selected depending on the physicochemical properties of the material, lifting height and productivity of the elevator. It is advisable to use the rubber-fabric tape for the movement of powdered and fine-lump weights with a temperature of up to 60 ° C, mainly in high-speed elevators. For materials with lump sizes greater than 50 mm, as well as at high temperature of the material to be moved, chains should be used. As a rule, chain elevators are characterized by high productivity (up to 160 m3/h) and a significant lifting height.

The elevator shoe is used to supply loose material to the buckets and to support the shaft of the lower tension drum (sprockets). The loading nozzle of the shoe can be high and low. At the same time, the high branch pipe has an inclined wall located at an angle of 60 ° to the horizon, and is used to load) wet, poorly loose materials. To load dry, well-loose materials, a low nozzle is used, the wall of which is inclined at an angle of 45 °. Bearings of lower drum shaft (sprockets) are made movable. This construction is caused by the need to periodically tighten the traction member by means of a lower drum.

There are screw and load tensioners. In belt and chain elevators, only screw tensioners are used, which are installed in the shoe. Tensioning devices have a stroke equal to 200... 500 mm, which corresponds to 1.0... 1.5 the pitch of the chain in the chain elevator and 0.01... 0.02 the length of the band elevator. Increasing the stroke above the recommended one complicates the loading of the elevator, since at the same time material is gradually accumulated in the shoe.

The tensioning force is taken to be minimal (about 2000 N). This is due to the vertical arrangement of the traction member and buckets, which by their own weight provide sufficient pressing of the tape to the upper water drum. Elevator buckets are filled either by drawing from a shoe or by feeding material directly into the bucket.

In elevators with closed arrangement of buckets when moving large-piece and abrasive materials, buckets are filled by forced direction of loose material in them. When such a loading scheme is implemented, the material jet fills several buckets simultaneously and only a small part of the material falls to the bottom of the shoe. In this case, a small amount of material accumulates inside the casing, as a result of which the chains are less contaminated and worn out. Loading buckets with filling is not suitable for high-speed elevators with placed buckets. This is due to the poor filling of the buckets, since part of the material will be discarded by fast moving buckets. Fast-moving buckets are fed mainly by drawing from the shoe. It is recommended that a mechanical feeder be installed between the elevator and the shoe to ensure that the elevators operate evenly with high productivity when transporting heavy or abrasive materials. Due to the use of feeders, drawing work is reduced, ladle filling is increased, and wear of chains and ladles is reduced.

Elevator head and unloading devices.

Elevator head consists of drive (electric motor, reduction gear, V-belt transmission), drive drum (sprockets) and branch pipe for moving material discharge. To keep the traction element with buckets from falling in case of a break and from reverse travel in case of accidental engine shutdown, reverse travel limiters are used - stops. Belt elevators use ratchet-type limiters mounted on the drive shaft of the drum. Roller stops and electromagnetic brake are also used as stops.

6.2 Collective Protective Equipment

The main objective of labor protection on production - minimizing of all dangerous and harmful production factors influencing workers for prevention of injuries, mutilations, occupational diseases.

When performing work in the area of routine repair, safety rules must be observed in accordance with GOST 12.3.017 - 79 SSBT. Repair and maintenance of vehicles. General safety requirements.

To clean car units and parts from oil film, rags are used, for collection of which there is a garbage box.

In a prominent place (on the column of the building) there is a medical first aid kit, which contains first aid products, as well as dermatological products (vaseline, creams, ointments) to protect the skin from oil, brake fluid, antifreeze.

Working clothes are periodically cleaned and washed, stored in special cabinets. To protect the hands, cotton gloves are issued to workers, if necessary.

In addition, in order to create healthy and safe working conditions on the site, the following requirements must be observed:

• Pay special attention to the strength of the clutches when working at the milestone;

• The tool used must be in good condition;

• To prevent electric current injury, use portable electric lamps with safety pins and grids, voltage (up to 42 V);

• electrical wires must not be left on the carriageways or in places where parts are folded;

• when repairing the car, the gearbox lever is set to a neutral position, the ignition is turned off, a plate is hung on the steering wheel of the car with the inscription: "Do not let the engine, people work!";

1. Moving machines and mechanisms:

• display warning signs about the presence of moving mechanisms;

• paint moving mechanisms in orange color;

• The equipment has braking systems (interlocking);

• pronounced hazardous area.

2. Increased air gas content:

• good room ventilation (local exhaust suction, exhaust slots, etc.).

3. Movable parts of production equipment:

• paint (mark) the moving parts of the equipment with orange paint;

• compliance with hazardous zone distance.

6. Increased noise level:

• installation of noise silencers, sound absorbers.

5. Increased voltage of electrical circuit:

• when the network is disconnected, its break must be clearly visible;

• signage of warning posters;

• No stress check;

• grounding overlay (potential equalization);

• protective shutdown.

6. Chemical (General toxic; annoying; carcinogenic; mutagenic; substances affecting reproductive function):

• ventilation;

• timely replacement and repair of ventilation equipment;

• compliance with hazardous zone distance.

The above measures help to minimize injuries during work, as they ensure health and safe working conditions.

Drawings content

icon 10камаз 54112.cdw

10камаз 54112.cdw

icon 10ковшовый конвейер(ВО).cdw

10ковшовый конвейер(ВО).cdw

icon 10маз.cdw


icon 10П21.cdw


icon 10схема управления.cdw

10схема управления.cdw

icon 10экономика.cdw

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