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Diploma project of ALPTSAP management system

  • Added: 14.04.2012
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Diploma project of the automatic line control system for the production of construction panels. All necessary drawings and documents.

Project's Content

icon 1.Цель и назначение разработки (1л.).doc
icon 10. Экономическая часть (15л.).doc
icon 11. Заключение (2л.).doc
icon 12.Приложение(1л.).doc
icon 2. Техническое задание (4л.).doc
icon 3.Состав и описание устройств АЛ ПП (9л.).doc
icon 4. Структурная схема (21л.).doc
icon 5.Циклограмма работы линии(6л.).doc
icon 6. Принципиальная схема СУ (16л.).doc
icon 7.Програмное обеспечение (9л.).doc
icon 8.Конструкция(2л.).doc
icon 9. Безопасность жизнедеятельности (10л.).doc
icon Введение (8л.).doc
icon Библиотека.lfr
icon Бланк тит. листа.doc
icon Принципиальная схема лист2.dwg
icon Принципиальная схема новая лист2.cdw
icon Принципиальная схема новая.cdw
icon Принципиальная схема.dwg
icon Программа.cdw
icon Структурная схема.cdw
icon Структурная схема.dwg
icon схема техпроцесса автомат.cdw
icon Циклограмма.cdw
icon Циклограмма.dwg
icon Шкаф.cdw
icon Шкаф.dwg
icon Литература.doc
icon Содержание.doc

Additional information



1. Purpose and purpose of development

2. Terms of Reference

3. Composition and description of automatic plate production line devices and principle of its operation

4. Electrical structural diagram

4.1 Composition and purpose of circuit elements

4.2 Principle of line operation in automatic mode

5. Cyclogram of automatic line devices operation

5.1 Calculation of duration of generation devices operation

spatial framework

5.2 Calculation of operation duration of devices for moving grids and slabs

5.3 Calculation of cut-off rack operation duration

5.4 Calculation of operation duration of plate loading devices

5.5 Calculation of one line cycle time

5.6 Conclusions under

6. Electrical schematic diagram of control system

6.1 General provisions

6.2 Controller Selection and Description

6.3 Description of electrical schematic diagram

6.4 Section inference

7. Software

7.1 Overview of Engineering Tools

7.2 Program fragment

8. Design

9. Safety of life

9.1 General provisions

9.2 Design Part

10. Economic part

10.1 New Product Design Documentation System

10.2 Feasibility Study

10.3 Description of the goods

10.4 Calculation of planned cost of product development

10.5 Calculation of cost and price of the control system

10.6 Project Effectiveness Assessment

10.7 Conclusions on Section

11. Conclusion

12. Application


Purpose and purpose of development

Purpose of development: development is intended for control of the automatic transfer line of production of plates heat-insulating the reinforced and quality providing the manufactured products, the high performance, high reliability and also for reduction of number of service staff.

The purpose of the development is to create a management system that provides the following capabilities:

line control from the operator console;

development of emergency situations on the line;

Ease of start-up and maintenance

Providing the price/quality - price/productivity criterion required for high line competitiveness;

achieving economic impact;

Compliance with environmental requirements .


The reason for the development of this diploma project was the situation in the Russian public sector related to the increased consumption of energy resources for heating premises. The technology described in the introduction section of this project makes it possible to produce construction material - heat-insulating reinforced plates with high heat-insulating ability.

In order to automate the production of plates, an automatic line was developed. The line is controlled by a control system, which is discussed in this diploma project.

Based on the analysis of sensors, actuators and the algorithm of the line, a structural diagram was developed. It showed the response of the actuators to the signals coming from the sensors, as well as the sequence of switching on the actuators within the device and the sequence of switching on the devices themselves.

Based on the data on the speed of the actuators and the algorithm of the line, a cyclogram of the line was developed, the time of one cycle of operation was calculated, corresponding to 100 mm of the manufactured product, which was 5.3 seconds. The performance of the automatic line was calculated. It amounted to 234580 m2 of manufactured products per year.

The SIEMENS SIMATIC S - 7,226 XM controller was selected to meet all requirements. On its basis, a schematic diagram was developed giving a detailed idea of ​ ​ the operation of the control system.

Based on the algorithm of the line, a program embedded in the controller was developed, a fragment of which is given in this diploma project. The program is written in the STL mnemonic code language in the STEP 7 MicroWin V3.2 programming environment for SIMENS SIMATIC S-7 controllers.

For installation of a control system the case with dimensions was chosen: 1800х1200х400 by which overall dimensions the location of the controller, converters of supply voltage and puskozashchitny devices was determined.

An automatic fire extinguishing system was developed and the necessary number of sprinklers was calculated to extinguish the fire with an area equal to the area occupied by the automatic line. To ensure page safety, 25 sprinklers were required.

The economic effect of using the management system developed in this diploma project was calculated. It amounted to 138602.85 rubles.

The control system of the automatic production line of heat insulation reinforced plates fully satisfies the technical assignment.

Drawings content

icon Принципиальная схема лист2.dwg

Принципиальная схема лист2.dwg

icon Принципиальная схема новая лист2.cdw

Принципиальная схема новая лист2.cdw

icon Принципиальная схема новая.cdw

Принципиальная схема новая.cdw

icon Принципиальная схема.dwg

Принципиальная схема.dwg

icon Программа.cdw


icon Структурная схема.cdw

Структурная схема.cdw

icon Структурная схема.dwg

Структурная схема.dwg

icon схема техпроцесса автомат.cdw

схема техпроцесса автомат.cdw

icon Циклограмма.cdw


icon Циклограмма.dwg


icon Шкаф.cdw


icon Шкаф.dwg


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