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Diploma 2-apartment 2-storey residential building


Diploma project "2-apartment 2-storey residential building."
Includes drawings in the autocade and an explanatory note.
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Project's Content

icon Задание каф СК.doc
icon Задание каф СП.doc
icon Отзыв руководителя.doc
icon Памятка Читать внимательно!.doc
icon Пример задания.doc
icon Рецензия.doc
icon Титульный лист каф СК.doc
icon Титульный лист каф СП.doc
icon Штамп.dwg
icon Штампы.doc
icon все чертежи.dwg
icon Задание каф СП.doc
icon Исправленная смета.xls
icon Отзыв руководителя.doc
icon ПЗ.doc
icon Рецензия.doc
icon Штамп.doc
icon Класс арматурной стали.doc
icon Класс бетона.doc
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icon Оформление текстовых документов.doc
icon Порядок оформления списка использованных источников.htm
icon Рекомендуемые дипломникам НТД.doc
icon Спецификации.doc

Additional information


1. Introduction

2. Architectural and construction section

2.1 Initial data

2.2 Space-planning solutions

2.3 Volume and planning parameters

2.4 Architectural and structural solutions

2.5 Heat Engineering Calculation

2.6 Engineering Equipment

2.7 Specification of prefabricated elements

2.8 Technical and economic indicators

3. Design section

3.1 Calculation of monolithic wall

3.2 Calculation of monolithic overlap

3.3 Calculation of wooden grating

3.3 Calculation of wooden rafter leg

4. Foundation Section and Foundations

4.1 Determination of physical and mechanical parameters of soils

and collecting loads on foundations

4.1.1 Assessment of geotechnical conditions

construction sites

4.1.2 Assessment of structural features of the building and collection of loads

on foundations

4.2 Small Foundation Design

4.2.1 Calculation of tape foundation on natural base

4.2.2 Calculation of foundation base deformation

5. Section of construction production technology

5.1 Job Instruction for Monolithic Device

foam concrete walls

5.2 Process karga for flexible roof arrangement

Ruflex tiles

5.3 Selection of mounting mechanism

6. Organization of construction

6.1 Schedule Design

6.2 Development of construction plot plan of the facility

6.2.1 On-site road design

6.2.2 Calculation of storage rooms and platforms

6.2.3 Calculation of temporary buildings

6.2.4 Power supply for construction

6.2.5 Calculation of Water Demand

6.2.6 Technical and economic indicators of the construction plan

7. Construction Economy Division


7.1 Determination of estimated construction cost

7.2 Consolidated cost estimate for construction

7.3 Object Estimate

7.4 Local estimate

8. Ecology and Safety Section


8.1 Safe organization of works and workplaces

8.2 Installation crane arrangement and crane hazardous area

8.3 Safety precautions during production of basic types

construction and installation works

8.4 Location of warehouses

8.5 Sanitary facilities for construction workers and

engineering and technical personnel

8.6 Fire safety at construction site

8.7 Life Safety Engineering Solutions

8.8 Environmental protection

List of used literature


The project provides for the construction of a 2-apartment 2-story residential building from monolithic foam concrete in a non-removable formwork.

For the construction of a 2-apartment residential building, foam concrete is an excellent material. Distinctive qualities of foam concrete: frost, durable, ecologically clean, steam-permeable ("breathes"), has good adhesion to structural layers, reinforcement, finishing materials, refractory .

Due to the high thermal resistance, buildings made of foam concrete are able to accumulate heat, which during operation allows reducing heating costs by 2030%. The use of monolithic foam concrete avoids "cold bridges" in the wall and significantly reduces the thickness of the inner and outer plaster. Foam concrete weight is less than 10% to 87% compared to standard heavy concrete. Significant weight reduction leads to significant savings on foundations.

The foam concrete house is warm, fast-moving, environmentally friendly and not expensive. Low labor input when working with foam concrete. As for residential buildings, developers not only benefit almost 3 times in price compared to the cost of erecting brick walls, but in the future they also have very significant savings on heating the dwelling .

Since a permanent formwork is used, there is no need for dismantling. The main features of permanent formwork systems include their light weight, structural features of elements and materials used. The entire system simultaneously performs not only "shaping," but also heat-protective, waterproofing functions - after all, the external walls of the permanent formwork, in the end, are the facade of the building. Due to the small weight of the formwork elements, their installation does not require the use of bulky equipment with a powerful load capacity. The use of moisture-resistant gypsum board as a permanent formwork makes it possible to obtain an internal surface of a wall of high quality, with mechanical strength much higher than that of plaster .

Low-rise blocked residential buildings have an improved layout of apartments, an isolated entrance to the apartment, the presence of a pre-apartment plot, an individual garage, the ability to achieve high density of development and level of improvement, the multivariability of planning solutions and types of section blocking, and the wide possibilities of achieving architectural expressiveness of residential development.

Architectural and construction section

2.1 Initial data

Construction area - Penza.

The relief of the site is calm.

The soils lying under the building are mainly clay.

Design depth of soil freezing: 1.5 m.

Estimated winter air temperature: - 29 ° С.

The building class is III.

Degree of fire resistance - III.

The construction site belongs to the III climatic area.

2.2 Volumetric - planning solutions

The building has a rectangular shape; designed two-story with basement.

According to the space-planning solution, the class of this building III, the degree of durability is I, the degree of fire resistance is III.

Floor height: 2.98 m - when overlapping from reinforced concrete slabs; 3.02 m - with a monolithic overlap of foam concrete.

The height of the entire building is 11.3 m.

Dimensions in axes are 19.58 m (1-5) and 13.22 m (A-D).

The residential building is blocked and is designed for two families consisting of 3-5 people.

Each apartment from the street has a separate entrance.

On the ground floor there is a tambour, kitchen, living room, bathroom, on the second floor - bedrooms, study, bathroom, loggia. On the basement there are pantries. The bathroom is equipped with water supply and sewerage. Communication between the main rooms is carried out through corridors.

Ventilation of rooms is natural, it is carried out through channels in walls. The size of the windows ensures the required illumination of the premises in daylight.

To ensure that the building meets its intended purpose, all the necessary operational qualities have been created to ensure the best conditions for living. The premises of apartments of appropriate sizes and shapes are located in a single complex, and are subject to the requirements of standards for ensuring fire safety, reliability, noise protection, environmental protection, microclimate parameters, as well as architectural, artistic and economic requirements.

In apartments, for comfort, homogeneous premises are combined into appropriate groups according to the community of their purpose - zones of night and day stay of residents. The area of ​ ​ daytime stay includes a kitchen, an office and a living room, united by an entrance hall, as well as a bathroom. The night stay area includes bedrooms, with a shared bathroom.

2.4 Architectural and structural solutions

The structural scheme of this residential building is arceless, the walls play the role of load-bearing and enclosing structures.

Longitudinal walls have reference to external longitudinal axes - 120 mm, to internal axis - central reference. Transverse walls have both central and zero reference to transverse axes.

All walls are structural, so slabs are supported along the contour (on four sides).

This entire set of main bearing elements constituting the linear spatial system forms the bearing frame of the building. It reliably provides the perception and transmission of all types of power influences.

Foundations and Basements

A monolithic tape foundation was designed in the building.

The monolithic foundation has a width for external walls - 600 mm; for internal - 800 mm. Concrete class B12.5 .

Concrete foundation blocks with dressing of seams in four rows are laid on the monolithic foundation, over which a horizontal waterproofing layer of two layers of waterproofing is arranged. The purpose of the waterproofing layer is to prevent migration of capillary soil and atmospheric moisture up the wall. The width of the foundation blocks for the external and internal walls is 400 mm.

During design the dimensions of foundation wall blocks are accepted according to GOST 1357978.

The basement is lined with cement sand mortar based on hydrophobic cement and decorative painting is performed, which gives the building artistic expressiveness.

The entire perimeter of the building is paved with a width of 1000 mm with a slope of i = 0.030. It is designed to protect the foundation from rain and meltwater penetrating into the ground near the walls of the building.


When erecting the walls of the building, monolithic foam concrete with a density of 500 kg/m3 is used in a non-removable formwork made of cement particle plates with a thickness of 32 mm and gypsum fiber GVL sheets with a thickness of 12.5 mm.

Thickness of external walls is determined on the basis of heat engineering calculation and is 400 mm.

Internal walls and partitions

Inner bearing walls are also made of monolithic foam concrete in non-detachable formwork with thickness of 320 mm, partitions have thickness of 120 mm and are made of gypsum slot-shaped plates resting on interstage floors.


The following is designed in this building:

a) Slab consisting of multi-pillar reinforced concrete slabs. Slabs are laid on the external and internal bearing walls from the internal edge of the wall by 100 mm.

b) Cast-in-situ covering with thickness of 180 mm from foam concrete with density of 1100 kg/m3 and permanent formwork from DSP sheets with thickness of 24mm. Slabs are supported along the contour, resting on walls is 120 mm. Monolithic plates have dimensions: MP1 - 9840 × 4830 mm; MP2 - 6000 × 6010 mm; MP3 - 3840 × 5730 mm; MP4 - 2500 × 2520 mm.

To support the floor slabs in the spans B-B and B-G, use the jumpers PB1 and PB2, with a section of 240 × 240 mm and a length of 2580 and 3470 mm, respectively .

For attic and basement floors separating heated rooms from non-heated rooms, heat protection requirements are imposed. Therefore, the attic floor has a layer of insulation with a thickness of 10 cm from monolithic foam concrete with a density of 300 kg/m3.

Slabs provide sound and thermal insulation, they also meet high requirements for rigidity and flexural strength.

Roof, roof

The roof is designed gable, attic, rafter.

Designed inclined rafters are supported by external load-bearing walls, on which a tuning bar (mauerlat) is fixed. Rafter legs are designed in the form of a wooden bar, which has dimensions of 100 × 150 in section. To reduce the amount of deflection of rafters under the influence of the weight of the roof structure in axes B-D, struts and vertical struts are provided, which, in turn, rest on the bed. In the upper part of the roof structure, the rafters are connected to each other by means of a double-sided wooden patch.

Since the wooden roof elements work in a moist and flammable (wiring passes in the attic) environment, they must be treated with antiseptics and flame retardants.

The roof is designed from flexible Ruflex tiles laid on 9 mm thick plywood sheets. Plywood sheets, in turn, are laid on a grill of boards with a cross section of 50x50 mm with a spacing of 250 mm.

The drain is unorganized, since the height of the building is small, and there will be no significant wetting of the walls.


The staircase is located in the hall and is designed as a single-floor corner with running steps. The staircase has a railing 900 mm high. The width of the steps (except for cross-country steps) is 250 mm, the height of all steps is 167 mm. The width of the march is 1200 mm, which is sufficient for its operation.

The staircase structure has metal cones, on which concrete steps rest.

Windows and doors

The building uses windows of 2 chamber double-glazed windows with triple glazing. The thickness of the window blocks is 140 mm. Window sizes: 2070 × 1460 mm; 1320 × 1460 mm; 870×1460 mm.

The doors in the building are designed single and double (in the living room and in the common room), glazed (in the kitchen, doors in the living room and in the common room) and deaf (non-glazed). Glazing of some doors is necessary, mainly in order to achieve more uniform lighting of the premises, but the interior of the house is also improved along the way. Door dimensions: height - 2100 mm, width: D1 - 970, D2 - 770, D3 - 1200 mm.

Exterior and interior finishes

The exterior of the building is mainly determined by the style of its exterior decoration. The design provides for the decoration of external walls in the form of decorative plaster with a thickness of 15 mm from cement sand mortar prepared on the basis of hydrophobic cement of grade 500 in proportions of 1:2, this makes it possible to resort less to re-plastering the facade of the building during operation, and allows to protect the walls from atmospheric effects and freezing capillary moisture in them. Decorative plaster is covered with a layer of colored whitewash.

The basement of the building is also plastered and expanded with an imitation of the type of masonry made of large stone. The seams may be colored white (or any other) if desired. The basement has a gray color and creates a sense of monumentality of the structure, gives the building some artistic expressiveness.

The finish of the surface of the inner walls and partitions consists in their patching and gluing with paper wallpaper or liquid wallpaper can be applied, decorative plastering (with various shapes) and colored whitening of the surfaces of the walls and partitions are also possible. In the bathroom, the surface of the walls, like the floors, is finished with ceramic tiles. It serves as a waterproofing of the walls required due to the high humidity in this room, and is easily washed, which allows you to observe the hygiene of the bathroom.

The rooms use suspended ceilings of various textures. Exceptions are the hall, corridors, vestibule and boiler room, where ceilings whiten.

Interior decoration determines the interior of the building and can be made in various styles, depending on the customer's desire. Moreover, it is possible to change it during the period of operation of a residential building.

2.6 Engineering Equipment

Power supply of the building is carried out from the general power grid. Wiring in the designed building is carried out before plastering the internal walls and partitions and is attached by means of special fasteners to the building structures. If necessary, holes for electric wire in walls and floors are drilled.

The sewerage system of the building is connected to the central city sewerage network.

Water supply is carried out from a common water supply. Water is supplied in the kitchen to the mixer and in the bathroom to the mixer and the drain tank.

Gas supply is provided from external gas network. It is led to a gas heating boiler located in a boiler room and gas columns located in the kitchen. Gas columns are designed to heat the water entering the bathroom and kitchen.

The heating system of the building is central from the district CHP. Heating batteries are located in all rooms and run along the exterior walls of the building.

Section of construction technology

Production 5.1 Process sheet for construction of cast-in-situ foam concrete walls

5.1.1 Scope of application

1.1 Process sheet developed for construction of cast-in-situ foam concrete walls 3.3 m high.

1.2 Process sheet provides for construction of monolithic foam concrete wall using non-removable formwork from sheets of DSP (fibrolite) and gypsum-fiber sheets of GVL.

1.3 In the Job Instruction the version of concrete mixture supply and laying is adopted: via concrete pipeline from foam concrete mixer PBS160M connected to compressor.

1.4 Installation Period - Summer

1.5 Concreting works are performed by 2 teams of concrete workers 4p.-1chel, 2p.-1 people. and a team of carpenters 4 p. - 1chel, 2p. - 1chel.

1.6 Works considered by the map include:

- auxiliary (unloading, storage, sorting of formwork sets and fittings, scaffolding);

- reinforcement;

- formwork;

- concrete.

2.1 Prior to the construction of the cast-in-situ foam concrete wall, the following works shall be performed:

access roads and roads are arranged;

movement paths of mechanisms, storage places are indicated, installation equipment and accessories are prepared;

delivered consumables (cement, sand, foaming agent, water) and formwork sets in an amount that ensures uninterrupted operation for at least two shifts;

Acceptance certificates were drawn up in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents;

geodetic breakdown of axes and marking of wall position in accordance with design; hairlines fixing the position of the working plane of the formwork panels are applied to the surface of the foundation blocks with paint.

2.2 The formwork panels shall be unloaded, sorted, laid out manually.

2.3 Works on construction of monolithic basement wall are performed in a certain sequence.

Lighthouse racks are laid along the entire perimeter of the wall, which are fixed with nails to wooden plugs laid in foundation blocks; the inner face of the rack shall coincide with the outer face of the concreted wall.

2.4 Installation of formwork panels of the first tier.

2.5 Panels are adjusted and fastening clamps are placed on opposite panels of the first tier with spacing of 500 mm to be fixed in the design position of the formwork panel.

2.6 Concreting 1 tier of the wall by height for this concrete mixture is laid in a layer of 50 cm.

2.7 Selection and assignment of concrete mix composition is carried out by construction laboratory.

2.8 Concreting of the wall is performed via concrete pipeline from foam concrete mixer PBS160M. Pressure for concrete mix supply is created by means of compressor connected to foam mixer.

2.9 The next tier can be filled with foam concrete no earlier than in 6 hours (at ambient temperature + 15 ° С). For this purpose, the second tier of formwork panels is installed, attaching them to mounting brackets installed along the top of the previous formwork tier

2.10 Panels are adjusted and fastening clamps are placed on opposite panels of the second tier with spacing of 500 mm to be fixed in design position of formwork panels.

2.11 Concreting of subsequent wall tiers shall be carried out similarly.

2.12 Concrete care measures during the period of strength gain, the procedure and timing of their implementation, control over the implementation of these measures must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.03.0187 *. Open surfaces of concrete shall be protected against moisture loss by watering with water or covering them with wet materials (tarpaulin). The construction laboratory assigns the duration and periodicity of watering.

5.2 Job Instruction for Ruflex Flexible Tile Roof Arrangement

5.2.1 Scope of application

1.1 The Job Instruction is based on the Ruflex flexible tiles roof arrangement, minimum roof slope 110.

1.2 Roofing works are performed by roofing team 4 p. – 1 persons, 3 rubles. - 1 person, 2 p. - 1 person and 2 teams of carpenters 4 p. - 1chel and 2p. – 1 persons.

1.3 Operations are performed in one shift.

1.4 The works considered by the map include:

base device for flexible plywood tiles 18 mm thick.

installation of metal cornice, front plates

installation of endcover carpet

installation of flexible tiles.

5.2.2 Construction Process Organization and Technology

2.1 Organizational and preparatory measures shall be performed in accordance with SNiP prior to the roofing. All installation and related works have been completed, concealed works certificates have been issued in accordance with SNiP 3.03.0187 * "Load-bearing and enclosing structures."

2.2 Preparatory works include:

- check of compliance with design slopes of roof slopes;

- sorting and quality check of the supplied roofing elements.

2.3 Before installation of the base under the roof, select the type of gutter attachment:

- metal long brackets are mounted on rolls and a solid grill;

- PVC brackets or short metal brackets are pre-attached to the frontal board.

2.4 The base for flexible tiles shall be flat, continuous, rigid, dry.

2.5 When making the roof base and to obtain quality surfaces, a sheet material (moisture resistant plywood) is used. Moisture-resistant plywood is fixed with galvanized nails with spacing of 300 mm.

2.6 Ruflex KEL 60/2200 lining carpet or Ruflex roll roof waterproofing carpet shall be placed on the base under the flexible tile. Roll material is laid in direction from lowered sections to increased parallel to cornice overhang with overlap in transverse direction 150 mm and 100 mm in longitudinal direction. To the base, the backing layer is fixed with roofing galvanized nails with wide caps (at least 8 mm) with a pitch of 200 mm. Overlapping seams are sealed with Katepal K36 glue. With roof slopes from 180 (1:3) to 900, it is allowed to lay a lining carpet on the base for flexible tiles only along the perimeter of the roof in the skate, cornice, endova, at the ends of the stingray and at the places of penetrations.

2.7 Metal cornice planks (drips) are installed on the roof eaves over the backing layer, and on the ends of the part front planks with overlapping 2 mm are installed. They are nailed with roofing nails with pitch of 100 mm, and in overlapping places with pitch of 30 mm.

2.8 To increase the water resistance of the roof, a layer of Ruflex Super Pintari roll material corresponding to the color of the roof tile is laid on top of the backing layer. Roll edges are fixed with galvanized nails placed with pitch of 100 mm. The overlap of the end carpet with each other (transverse overlap) with a width of 150 mm is sealed with Katepal K36 glue.

2.9 Self-adhesive cornice tiles (size 1 * 0.25 m) are laid along the cornice overhang, having previously removed the protective film from its lower surface. The tiles are laid close to each other, departing from the edge of 10-20 mm. Cornice tile is nailed near perforations with subsequent overlapping of fasteners with ordinary tile.

2.10 To avoid color deviations, use roof tiles interspersed with 4-5 packages. The laying of cornice and ordinary Ruflex tiles is started from the center of the cornice overhang in the direction of the end parts of the roof. The first row of shingles is laid so that its lower edge is located 10 mm above the lower edge of the cornice shingles, and the shingles of the shingles cover the joints of the cornice shingles. Roofing tile is laid, before removing protective film from its surface, and then nailed with four nails. Subsequent rows are laid so that ends of petals are on the same level or higher with cutouts of tiles of previous row.

2.11 On the end parts of the roof, the tile is cut with a roofing knife along the edge, and then glued with Katepal K36 glue, which is applied with a spatula in a thin layer on a metal plate.

2.12 In the endova, the tiles are trimmed so that the Ruflex Super Pintari strip 150-250 mm wide remains open at the border of the intersection of the slopes. The edges of the tiles are glued along the cut line for a width of 100 mm with Katepal K36 glue. During cutting, plywood is laid under the tile so as not to damage the lower layer.

2.13 The horse is laid out from a tile with a size of 250 × 333 mm, which is obtained from a cornice tile by dividing it into three parts in places of perforation.

2.14 Before removing the protective film from the bottom surface, the end tile is laid on the end with a short side (250 mm) parallel to the skate on a previously laid layer of ordinary tiles. The tile is fixed with 4 nails (2 on each side of the skate), placed so that they are under the overlap of 50 mm of the next tile. The last tile shall be glued with 100 mm overlapping with Katepal K36 glue.

2.15 Prior to installation of the roofing around the pipe, on the roof slab on the side of the skate, the pipe should be followed by a ramp, which directs the water flow to two sides of the pipe.

2.16 The roof adjoins the pipe in the following order. At the junction of the roof surface with the wall, a wooden rack of triangular section 50 × 50 mm is sewn. The lining layer and roofing tiles are placed on the rack, and the joints are washed with Katepal K36 glue. Along the wall, a strip of Ruflex Super Pintari roll material is glued with Katepal K36 glue. On the wall, this strip of Ruflex Super Pintari starts at least 300 mm, and on the stingray - at least 200 mm. The top of the Ruflex Super Pintari strip glued to the wall is protected by a metal abutment bar, which is mechanically attached to the wall, with sealing with a silicone sealant.

Organization of construction

6.1 Schedule Design

The work schedule is drawn up in the form of a schedule table based on the material and semi-finished requirements list and consists of two parts: calculation and graphic. The calculation part is filled on the basis of the demand list for materials and semi-finished products, after which the interchangeability of the CIW production is previously accepted. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that work using high-efficiency machines and leading work should be planned, as a rule, in 2-3 shifts. Manual processes can be performed, depending on the labor intensity, 1-2-3 shifts. The professional and quantitative composition of the team is adopted in accordance with the recommendations of the ENiR.

The duration of the work is determined by dividing the labor intensity (in people shifts) by the number of shifts and the number of workers performing this process, or dividing the costs of machine time (in machine shifts) by the number of shifts and the number of machines.

In the graphical part of the schedule, the duration of work is indicated by a vector line.

The development of the schedule begins with the identification of the leading activities on which the execution of subsequent processes depends. The associated work is then linked to them.

During the development of the schedule, it is necessary to comply with the condition of uniform use of workers, which can serve as a criterion for the optimality of the received model. For this purpose differential graph of workers movement is built.

6.2 Development of construction plot plan of the facility

6.2.1 On-site road design

When developing a construction plan, it is necessary to analyze the possibility of using existing permanent roads for the entire period of construction of the facility.

In the absence of permanent roads or the impossibility of their use, it is necessary to design temporary roads, which should be circular if possible.

When routing roads, the following distances are observed:

- between the road and the storage area - 1m;

- between the road and the protective fence of the construction site - not less than 1.5 m.

Temporary roads shall not be placed above or in close proximity to underground utility networks.

The width of the carriageway of the temporary road when moving in one direction should be equal to 3.5m, in two 6m, and when using cars with a carrying capacity of 2530t - up to 8m. In the area of unloading and storage of materials and structures, the road in one lane should be expanded to 6 m, the length of the widening section should be 1218 m.

Rounding radii in the plan should be taken depending on the maneuvering properties of the transport in the range from 12 to 30 m. In case of maximum rounding radius, the roadway width shall be increased to 5m.

6.2.6 Technical and economic parameters of the construction plan.

The building area is 3294 m2;

The area of ​ ​ the building under construction is 280.8 m2;

Area of temporary buildings and structures - 84.5 m2;

The area of ​ ​ warehouses is 183 m2;

The length of temporary roads is 184 m;

The length of temporary power networks is 135 m.

Section of economy stroitelstvavvedeny

The economic part of the project characterizes the final result of the project development.

Input data for the economic part of the project:

Designed building - 2-apartment 2-storey residential building;

Construction area - Penza;

Foundations - tape;

Walls - monolithic of foam concrete;

Floors - cast-in-situ foam concrete in non-removable formwork; railway

Roof - wooden rafter;

Roof - soft tile;


Basement - concrete;

Residential floors - plank, ceramic tiles;

The number of floors is 2;

The total area is 585.36 m2;

Building volume - 2996 m3;

When determining the cost of construction and installation works according to TERam (2001), the conversion index to prices of 2007 was applied. – 3,3

7.1 Determination of estimated construction cost.

The estimated cost (price) indicator is one of the important characteristics of the cost effectiveness of the project solution and determines the amount of funds (investments) for the implementation of the project. The construction price is the subject of contracting tenders (tenders), negotiations with the customer with the contractor, investment tenders, is the basis for the conclusion of the contract, financing, calculations, etc. Thus, the reliability of estimating the estimated cost becomes of paramount importance for all parties involved in construction. From the composition of the estimated documentation in the course work, the object estimate and the consolidated estimated cost of construction are carried out. Taking into account the design stage, the estimated cost is determined according to territorial unit rates for construction work as of 2007.

The object estimate is based on project materials for individual objects. It is based on local estimates and calculations for individual types of work, structural elements and limited costs. If the building has the main and servicing parts, their estimated costs are allocated separately. Separate lines in the object estimate show all types of work and costs carried out during the construction of the object, for which the corresponding local estimates and calculations are made. For example, general construction works (local estimate No. 1, HP - 1), heating (HP - 7), water supply (HP - 9), etc. on all complex of special construction works (engineering equipment of an object). Costs for process equipment and its installation are determined in% of the estimated cost of construction and installation. The cost estimates used to calculate the object estimate are based on the estimated cost estimates based on overhead and planned savings. In addition, object estimates accrue: funds for temporary buildings and structures (in% of the estimated cost of construction and construction); winter price increase (in% of the estimated cost of construction and construction); Provision for unforeseen work and costs (% of the total of previous calculations).

Drawings content

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